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Matt Par’s Tube Mastery and Monetization Review: What Are High CPM Faceless YouTube Channel Niches?

October 18, 2024

Tube Mastery and Monetization is a YouTube course by Matt Par. It teaches you to make money by creating viral niche videos for a faceless YouTube channel. The course provides all the training, coaching, and tools you will need to get started. Faceless YouTube channels, or cash cow channels, are niche channels. They use other people's content under fair use and outsource to automate the process.

Tube Mastery and Monetization reviews from students of the course are highly positive. Matt's website has many testimonial videos from students who finished the course. But, it has no success stories. I found no reviews with real-world examples of students' earnings after the course. It could take a few years for a YouTube channel to see success, so this could be the reason there have been none yet.

Growing a Facebook channel can be challenging. I've been running a YouTube channel alongside my blog and it took awhile to get off. But it is a useful channel to get traffic to my business. Can Tube Mastery and Monetization teach you to succeed in this tough industry? In this Tube Mastery and Monetization review, you will learn what's in the course, if students are successful, what other course Matt offers, who Matt Par is and what his claims are, and if a faceless YouTube channel is worth it.

Tube Mastery and Monetization Pros and Cons


Access to a private Facebook group.

Comprehensive up-to-date training.

Matt teaches various methods of monetization.


Faceless YouTube channel is a highly saturated industry.

Does not cover new AI technology for creating YouTube videos.

No verified success stories.


Tube Mastery and Monetization costs $997. There are often discounts available and is only $497 if you sign up from the webinar.

Refund Policy

Tube Mastery and Monetization has a 60-day refund policy




Tube Mastery and Monetization has a positive reputation. However, these are mostly from affiliates.

September 21, 2024

Matt knows his stuff but I think all this is a bit too hyped up. It’s way harder than you think.


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

What Are High CPM Niches?

High CPM niches refers to niches that pay more money per 1,000 views on AdSense. These are popular niches with the most viewers. Companies spend more on ads here, so channels earn more. Matt cites medical niches. Many viewers seek answers to specific problems. YouTube charges pharma companies a lot to run ads there. AdSense pays YouTube channels a share of the ad costs. So, a channel in this niche would earn more than those in less popular niches.

What Do You Get With Tube Mastery and Monetization?

Tube Mastery and Monetization has 18+ hours of step-by-step training in 10 modules. Members can access a private community for daily coaching from Matt and other coaches. There are also checklists, templates, and other bonuses provided.

Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0 Modules

  • Module 1: Welcome to Tube Mastery
    Matt Par welcomes you and sets your expectations for the course with an intro video. You will get an overview of what’s in the course and how to navigate it. You then get an invitation to the private mastermind group.
  • Module 2: The 3 Stages to YouTube
    Module 2 outlines Matt's 3-stage plan for a successful faceless YouTube channel. Matt presents several case studies. They will help you understand the process and the timeframe. They will also set your expectations. The module also comes with a step-by-step checklist as well.
  • Module 3: Choosing a Niche
    The 3rd module guides you on how to find the best high CPM niches to maximize your profitability. You will learn how to do proper market research in order to pick the profitable niche suitable for you. Module 3 also comes with a list of 100 profitable niches and a list of 239 examples of faceless channels.
  • Module 4: Setting up Your Channel for Success
    In this module, Matt teaches his 33-rule strategy on maximizing engagement. You will learn how to plan your content thoroughly and determine the best YouTube tools to use. Finally, Matt will teach you his secret SEO keyword process to boost your visibility.
  • Module 5: Generating Videos
    Module 5 is all about creating quality videos to attract and keep viewers. The module dissects the parts of a viral video and how you can systemize the production process. Matt teaches you how to find free content, write scripts, get voice-overs, and edit your videos for free. You will learn all about fair use and how you can leverage it to create free or low-cost content.
  • Module 6: Uploading and Optimizing Videos
    Optimization is vital to this business. It will determine how visible your videos are. The module provides video optimization training. You will learn to use effective tags, thumbnails, descriptions, and titles. It will teach you how the YouTube algorithm works and how to beat it. Matt also teaches you how to create a content calendar so you can schedule your video publishing.
  • Module 7: The Growth Module
    Module 7 goes deeper into the YouTube algorithm. It teaches you to use YouTube analytics to grow your channel. Matt will debunk common myths and misconceptions and teach you the facts of how to go viral on YouTube. The module also covers more tips, like the best time to upload your video.
  • Module 8: Monetization Module
    The module will tackle the several ways you can monetize your YouTube channel. You will learn how to maximize your earnings by doing more than just running ads. Matt shares his favorite ways of making money by utilizing his YouTube channel.
  • Module 9: Scaling and Outsourcing
    The video creation process has several parts. They are researching, conceptualizing, script writing, voiceover recording, and video editing. The usual method is to hire a specialist for each of the processes. However, Matt teaches you how to hire just 1 person to handle the entire process. You will learn how to find and hire this type of employee.
  • Module 10: Bonuses
    Module 10 is a set of bonuses on various topics. They include branding, business taxes, and running a business from a phone. You also get access to checklists and cheat sheets. The module shows you how to access these bonuses. It will include future updates and additions.

Are Students of Tube Mastery and Monetization Successful?

Matt Par's website has many student testimonials. They praise the course and Matt's active mentorship. Matt asks his students for a video testimonial after they finish his course. He wants to use it as proof that his course is legit. However, I couldn’t find any real-world examples of how much the students actually make.

tube mastery and monetization review

In this transcript of Abdullah's testimonial, he praised the course. He had just finished it. The other testimonials seem to all follow this trend. The testimonials seem to be from right after the course. They didn't test if they could make money with what they learned. I didn’t find any success stories anywhere, so it’s hard to say if students of this course have seen any success.

Scam Allegations

There have been some people calling Matt Par and his Tube Mastery and Monetization course a scam. The allegations say that Matt doesn't disclose his successful channels. This has led many to question his legitimacy. They also point out that Matt’s YouTube play button plaques appear fake. These scam allegations arose from a lack of transparency between Matt and his audience. Matt has since posted a video addressing these allegations.

A YouTuber named Savannah Marie did a review of these allegations on her channel. She noted that Matt defended his decision to hide his channel names to avoid people copying it. Matt also showed a video of him refreshing his YouTube analytics page, while blurring the channel name, to prove his earnings.

Some say Matt's YouTube play button awards are fake. They point to the names on the plaques, which aren't his channel's. Savannah points out that, per YouTube policy, you can customize the name on the plaque. Most YouTubers get the award with their channel name. She also mentioned critics say the course is too generic. It's too similar to other YouTube gurus linked to Matt. Savannah noted that these were his students and are on his testimonial page. Matt teaches a course on how to create and sell courses.

tube mastery and monetization review

What Is Quantum Courses?

Quantum Courses is a 6-module program by Matt Par. It teaches you, step-by-step, how to create and sell an online course. You will learn how to pick a niche, make and launch a course, and scale. You get access to a private group. Matt will review and give you feedback on your funnels, lessons, scripts, channels, and more. The Quantum Courses program costs $997 and comes with a 30-day refund guarantee.

Who Is Matt Par?

tube mastery and monetization review

Matt Par is an American YouTuber and entrepreneur. He runs 12 faceless YouTube channels, making over $1.3 million a year. He founded two training programs: Tube Mastery and Monetization, and Quantum Courses. Matt has 1 gold play and multiple silver play YouTube awards for several of his channels.

Matt began making YouTube videos in 2014. He then started a second channel for "Top 10" videos. At a time when there was not as much saturation in the market, his videos quickly went viral. After finding YouTube ads and making money, Matt went full-time. After 2 years of creating faceless videos, Matt was earning $9,000 a month from YouTube AdSense.

Today, he makes six figures a month from his channels and more from course sales. He started selling his course on Udemy. Then, he left the platform to create a better coaching program. Matt is featured in several publications, such as Forbes and Yahoo Finance.

8 Faceless YouTube Niches To Always Avoid According To Matt Par

  • Compilation Videos: Matt Par says compilation videos lack unique value and often cause copyright issues. He says it's hard to make money on those niches and YouTube doesn't pay for that type of content. 
  • Meditation or Relaxation Videos: Many YouTubers misuse this niche. They use generic, royalty-free music and visuals. YouTube does not monetize meditation videos created this way. He recommends using original content or human-voiced, guided meditations to make money in this niche. 
  • Motivational Content: Matt doesn't simply reuse clips of popular motivational speakers. Motivational videos should be original. Reusing content can get you flagged for copyright infringement. 
  • Kids Channels: He warns that videos for kids under 13 have strict rules due to the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This limits your targeted ads. 
  • Non-Advertiser-Safe Content: This includes swearing, violence, and other elements that advertisers avoid. This type of content is usually limited by YouTube.
  • AI Content: Matt warns that uploading AI-made content might be against YouTube's policies. They'll be less engaging to viewers. So, they'll likely get fewer views than human-made ones.
  • Music and Lyric Videos: Re-uploading music or creating lyric videos without owning the rights can lead to copyright claims. In this case, the income from the music and lyrics used in the video can go to the original owner. 
  • Gaming Content: Matt discourages gaming content despite its popularity. He said that gaming is highly saturated and it may be difficult to stand out. 

What's not mentioned in the video: Although it's easy to set up a YouTube channel, making money out of it is not. Of the 38 million active YouTube channels, only 2 million are in the YouTube Partnership Program (YPP). Only 8% of them monetize the channel, and roughly 5% make a decent living from their YouTube income.

What Is Matt Par’s Claim?

Matt Par claims that his course can teach you how to create a 6-figures faceless YouTube channel. However, he admits it is unlikely you will be as successful unless you work hard to grow your channel. Matt makes no claims about how much his students can make on average and has an earning disclaimer. 

Faceless YouTube Channel Market Saturation

Matt himself acknowledges that the faceless YouTube market is highly saturated. High CPM niches are very difficult for new channels to get into. Less popular niches will be easier for new channels to compete in. But, they will have few viewers, lower ad costs, and lower revenue. Without years of effort and high-quality videos, you won't make 6-figures on YouTube.

The rise in using AI has both negative and positive effects on faceless YouTube channels. Using AI tools has increased productivity and lowered costs. But it comes with the loss of quality and increased competition.

Is YouTube Automation Worth It?

YouTube automation is worth it, but there are major challenges and a high startup cost. It requires careful planning, significant investment, and ongoing effort from the channel owner. Success in YouTube automation also depends on choosing the right niche. 

Some niches have higher CPM (Cost Per Mille) rates, meaning more revenue per thousand views. Popular high-CPM niches include tech, personal finance, and online business. However, even with a high-CPM niche, it can take 6 months to 2 years to build a profitable channel. This long-term investment isn't ideal for those needing quick cash flow. Also, a reliable team is crucial. It must produce consistent, high-quality content. The videos' quality affects the channel's success. At $100 per video, you need at least 50 to monetize. Expect to spend thousands before seeing returns.

Breakdown Cost of Outsourcing Faceless YouTube Videos

This shows the cost of outsourcing video production for a Faceless YouTube channel. Price varies depending on the freelancer’s rate, skill level, and other variables. Note that some freelancers also include more than one process in their packages. There are also freelancers that do all the work for 1 fee, which is what Matt recommends. It does not include the 1-time channel fees or any tool costs, like for an AI art generator or voice-over.

  • Idea research - $3-$17
  • Thumbnail Creation - $5-$50
  • Script writing - $15-$200 for 1200 words
  • Voice over - $15-$570 for 1200 words or 8-9 minute video
  • Video editing - $50-$210
  • Video description - $4-$13

Create Sustainable Passive Income With Local Lead Generation

Local lead generation is a passive income business model. It is cheaper and more sustainable than a faceless YouTube channel business. You will spend up to $1,060 per video on a YouTube channel. Local lead generation costs up to $500 to start. A YouTube channel business can easily cost thousands a month, as you need to put out at least 1 video a week. With local lead generation, it only costs about $30 a week to maintain. You are the landlord of a digital real estate business. You create and rank a website on Google, then rent it to local businesses.


Don't worry about market saturation. There are hundreds of niches and thousands of local areas to choose from. You will only be competing to rank against a handful of websites. Scaling a faceless YouTube channel is costly. You must hire more freelancers to increase video production. Scaling a local lead generation is simple. Just create, rank, and rent out another website. There is no limit to how many sites you can scale. Each site can earn you $500-$2,000 a month in passive income. That's more predictable than earning from a YouTube channel. For these reasons, local lead generation is my top business to create time and financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. This really is an excellent course, I apply this business model in different niches, it is an innovative technique to build an online venture. : )

    Congrats for your website!

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