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How To Optimize Amazon Product Listing | 9 Steps To Increase Visibility & Sales

October 5, 2024

How to optimize Amazon product listing?

  1. Conduct Amazon keyword research
  2. Create an Amazon SEO optimized product title
  3. Use high-resolution product images and videos
  4. Write bullet points that showcase product features and benefits
  5. Write an Amazon SEO optimized product description
  6. Optimize the backend of the Amazon product listing
  7. Set competitive pricing
  8. Attract positive ratings and reviews
  9. Use Amazon PPC advertising to increase sales velocity

70% of Amazon customers say price is the most important factor in deciding to buy a product. Shipping cost is next at 60%, and product reviews at 57%, per Amazon tool SellerApp. These are just a few of the factors that influence the success of a product on the Amazon Marketplace. You increase your revenue potential on Amazon by using Amazon product listing optimization. 

Amazon product listing optimization is the process of improving a listing. The goal is to boost its visibility on Amazon and increase sales conversions. Amazon product listing optimization uses Amazon SEO and sales concepts. It looks to create a listing that ranks higher in Amazon SERPs and converts customers better. Key elements include competitive pricing. For example, Amazon YouTube influencer Dan Rodgers helped one of his subscribers increase their click-through rate (CTR) by 0.025% and conversion rate (CVR) by 0.07% by using the Amazon listing optimization service Amazon One Step. Improving the product listing—its copy, images, and videos—boosted sales by 7%.

One of my first online businesses was selling on Amazon FBA. This was over a decade ago, and I was able to make 6-figures. However, I stopped selling because the market got too saturated. It became too expensive and time consuming to compete. Sellers today face more issues. They now have to compete with manufacturers, and even Amazon themselves. FBA fees and ad costs are rising. Starting out this late will be very challenging.

1. Conduct Amazon Keyword Research

Amazon keyword research is about finding the right keywords for your product listing. This will help ensure that Amazon shows your listing to your target customers. Amazon keyword research shows which keywords to use in your product listing.

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO is the process of optimizing product listings. The goal is to rank higher in product searches on Amazon.

How to Do Amazon Keyword Research?

1. Use the Amazon Search Bar for Keyword Suggestions

You can use the Amazon search bar to do keyword research for free. Type in a variety of words and phrases related to your product and look at the drop-down suggestions. These are other keyword phrases that Amazon customers search for. They might be relevant and help your product listing's SEO.

amazon search bar suggestions

2. Analyze Competitor Product Listings

If competitors sell a similar product on Amazon, analyze their listing. Check what Amazon keywords they use related to the product. If a competitor ranks well for relevant search terms, their product listing keywords are likely important. You should include them in your listing, too. 

3. Leverage a Keyword Research Tool

Keyword research tools make the keyword research process much more efficient. For example, AMZScout is one of the keyword research tools available for Amazon. AMZScout's Keyword Search tool lets you input keyword ideas from Amazon's search suggestions and competitors. It then returns matching terms and their estimated monthly search volume on Amazon. Some Amazon keyword tools, like AMZScout, have a reverse ASIN lookup. Reverse ASIN lookup lets you check a competitor's product listing. It then shows all the keywords they rank for on Amazon. 

2. Create an Amazon SEO Optimized Product Title

Creating an Amazon SEO optimized product title is essential for a few reasons. It's the first thing potential customers read when searching for your product. It also affects Amazon SEO. Amazon’s A10 algorithm uses the title data for indexing. It helps decide if your product is relevant to a customer's search. So, optimizing your Amazon product title is crucial to your success.

For most product categories, Amazon limits product titles to 200 characters. Many people recommend using as many characters in the title as possible. A recent Amazon solutions provider, Amify, experiment tested three titles. It found that a shorter title performed better for 2 of the 3. 

It’s important to note that some Amazon categories have specific title requirements. Always refer to your category specific style guide to ensure compliance. 

How to Create an Amazon SEO Optimized Product Title?

  1. Use at least 80 characters, with an optimal range of 100 - 150
  2. Incorporate relevant keywords you're trying to rank for
  3. Include product descriptors, like: 
    • Important product features
    • Who or what the product is for
    • Size of product
    • Quantity of product included
    • Color, model number, and series
  4. Capitalize the first letter of each word
  5. Use numeric values instead of writing out numbers
  6. Spell out measurements (Ex: pounds, inch, etc.)

Here are some examples of successful products.

amazon title dog collar
  • Contains keywords: “Tactical Dog Collar” and "Military Dog Collar”
  • Product size: Adjustable
  • Key feature of the product: Nylon, Heavy Duty, Metal Buckle, Handle
  • For what: Dog Training
amazon title furnace filter
  • Contains keyword: “AC Furnace Air Filter”
  • Provides exact dimensions
  • Key features of the product: MPR 1000, Micro Allergen Defense
  • For what: Is contained in keyword phrase “AC Furnace”
  • Quantity: 4-Pack

Notice the furnace filter product title starts with the brand name, "Filtrete." This title format, with the brand name in front, is common. Amazon forcibly recommends it. If you haven't, Amazon's system will pull the info from your brand name field and place it there.

Big, well-known brands have indexed high-ranking keywords in search engines. Also, customers are likely to use the brand name in their search term to find the product. Amazon's title format, with the brand name in front, works for these brands. However, for new or small brands, it's better to put keywords at the beginning for better indexing. To stop Amazon from inputting your brand name, enter "generic" in the brand field.

How Should You Handle Amazon Title Optimization When the Product Has Size and Color Variations?

For products with size and color variations, omit that info from the main product title. Instead, include it in the child ASINs' titles. Selecting the child variation on the product page will show its extra details. That way, Amazon shoppers can be certain of which product they are preparing to buy. 

3. Use High-Resolution Product Images and Videos

High-res images and videos let you show the Amazon product to customers clearly. High-quality images can boost sales by over 10%, per Amazon's guidelines. Amazon also notes that including videos alongside product images can decrease product returns. 

The main image is very important as it must meet the buyers' needs and desires. It is the first test of your product for potential customers. It should be able to influence customers to click into the full product listing. Studies show, per Signalytics, that the main image gets 75% of clicks on a product listing. 

amazon product image phone case

What Are Amazon’s Requirement for the Main Product Image?

  • Show the product on a pure white background (RGB: 255, 255, 255). Use a professional quality, realistic image.
  • Show the product at 85% of the image size. It must be within the frame, with no text, logos, borders, color blocks, watermarks, or extra graphics.
  • Don't show accessories or props not included in the purchase. Don't feature packaging unless it's a key product feature, like a carrying case or gift basket.
  • Show only one unit of the product. For multi-piece products, keep the relative size. Exclude any mannequin parts or background elements.
  • For footwear, show a single shoe facing left at a 45-degree angle. 
  • Clothing accessories or multipacks should be displayed flat with no model.
  • If the product is adult-sized clothing, show it on a standing model. Avoid sitting, kneeling, leaning, or lying poses.
  • Encourage representation of various physical mobilities and models. Use assistive technology, such as wheelchairs and prosthetics.

The main image is the most important, but supporting images are also vital.

What supporting images should you include in an Amazon product listing? 

1. Lifestyle image with product in real life setting

2. Product benefit infographic

3. Product feature infographic

4. Size infographic

5. Easy assembly infographic

The best practice for Amazon product images is to have them professionally photographed or rendered. 

Amazon Product Photography

Both Amazon gurus and experts recommend investing in professional photography. They have the best camera gear, lighting, and backgrounds. They know how to use them to showcase your Amazon product in the best way. Photography services can help with post-editing. This can create infographics and show your product to Amazon shoppers. 

3D Rendered Images

3D digital images can show tiny product details that cameras struggle to capture.

3d rendered watch

3D rendering gives you more control in showcasing the product. The digital world has no physics, so you can do anything. Choose between traditional photography or modern digital image-making. Either way, ensure your images are excellent. They are key to driving conversions. 

What Types of Videos Can You Add to Your Amazon Product Listing?

  1. 1
    Product Highlighter video: This type of video exclusively showcases the product. Typically, it's a 360° video set against a plain, white background for a comprehensive view.
  2. 2
    Customer Experience video: This video, made by reviewers, provides an authentic experience. It offers valuable insights for potential buyers to better understand the product.
  3. 3
    Product Explanatory video: This video shows the product's benefits. It uses an engaging script that highlights its features.

4. Write Bullet Points That Showcase Product Features and Benefits

Product bullet points introduce your product's features and benefits to potential customers. Amazon allows up to five bullet points and a maximum character limit of 500 per bullet. However, the recommended length for bullets is 250 or less and under 1,000 in total. Amazon's algorithm often indexes bullets alongside titles and backend keywords, but not always. So, using relevant keywords boosts a product's search result chances. However, keywords should appear naturally. Readability and clear communication of product details are most important for driving conversions.

Start every bullet with a benefit to the customer. Then, explain how the product's features serve that benefit. Use keywords in natural language. This posture corrector listing shows this format in action.

amazon bullet points

For your fifth bullet, you can follow the same format as the first four. You can also include a risk-free guarantee, as shown above. A classic, proven sales tactic that Amazon FBA sellers must use. 

5. Write an Amazon SEO Optimized Product Description

To write an Amazon SEO-optimized product description, add relevant keywords. They should be ones potential customers are likely to search for. The standard product description is a text-only field. It lets you explain your product’s benefits and features, up to 5,000 characters. In this section, include relevant keywords not in the title or bullets. Also, highlight your product's best-use applications. 

It was once encouraged to use HTML tags in Amazon product descriptions to improve readability. However, Amazon banned this practice in 2021. This change seems aimed at pushing sellers to join the Amazon Brand Registry. EcomClips says that A+ content can boost sales by 3-10% for Amazon Brand Registry sellers. It's better than the standard product description. 

What is Amazon A+ content? 

Amazon A+ content is a tool for sellers in the Amazon Brand Registry. It allows an enhanced product description. This was previously known as Amazon Enhanced Brand Content until 2019. 

Amazon A content allows sellers access to: 

  • Access to unique image and text layouts
  • Product comparison charts
  • Additional bullets with a bulleted features list
  • Custom paragraph headers and images

Your Amazon product listing must give enough detail for a customer to decide to buy. A+ Content can boost conversion rates, sales, and traffic. It lets you better showcase your product online. Better-informed customers will have a better experience and be more satisfied. 

There is also Premium A+ Content too. However, it is by invite only, with a minimum annual fee of $250,000.

6. Optimize the Backend of the Amazon Product Listing

Optimizing the Amazon product listing's backend means adding hidden keywords. This will improve its rank in more search queries. From the Inventory tab in Amazon Seller Central, you can go to manage inventory and edit your listing to include backend keywords. This indexes your product for relevant keywords that couldn’t fit into the front end listing. 

amazon backend

There are two spots to input keywords that are of extreme importance to your product listing:

  • Subject Matter
  • Search Term

After your product title, the Subject Matter and Search Term fields are most important for Amazon SEO. They matter more than the product's bullet points or description for indexing. Of the two, the Subject Matter field carries the greatest weight. Therefore, input the highest volume, most relevant keywords that have not already been used in the product title in the Subject Matter field first. Subject Matter allows up to five lines of keywords with a maximum of 50 characters per line. 

Then, take any remaining high-volume keywords. Input them into the Search Term field, up to 249 bytes (1 byte usually equals 1 character). Don't repeat keywords already used on the front end. As long as a keyword is used once, the product will be indexed for that keyword. Commas are also unnecessary and waste your allowed bytes. 

What Type of Keywords Should You Include in the Search Term Field for Amazon Backend Optimization?

  • Benefit keywords - Ex: portable, cost effective
  • Problem keywords - Ex: stop wasting money on Starbucks
  • Solution keywords - Ex: control of coffee taste
  • Synonym keywords - Ex: coffee press, coffee plunger, press pot
  • Common misspellings - Ex: france press, french pressed
  • Use case keywords - Ex: travel coffee maker, personal coffee maker
  • Audience specific keywords - Ex: coffee maker for travelers

7. Set Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing on Amazon means setting your product's price to maximize sales. It helps attract customers and boost conversions. To set a competitive price, research your niche competitors and check their prices. When pricing an Amazon product, consider these factors:

  • Profit margin - Jungle Scout recommends a profit margin of 25% to 30% for private label products.
  • Product quality - Higher-quality products with better features may sell for more than competitors. 
  • Competitors' review counts - If they have high reviews, set your price lower to attract more customers.
  • Amazon's free shipping minimum - Non-Prime US members pay for shipping on orders under $25. They can choose to buy products that avoid the fee. 

You can also use Amazon's A/B tests and automated pricing to set competitive prices. A/B tests are enabled through Amazon’s Manage Your Experiments page. A/B testing lets you set your Amazon listing to show different prices to different users. You can then see which price sells better over time. Automated pricing is a tool for Amazon sellers. It lets you auto-adjust your SKU prices based on events, like the current Buy Box price. 

8. Attract Positive Ratings and Reviews

Attracting positive ratings and reviews increases your profit potential on Amazon. Data from JungleScout shows that high product ratings influence 79% of Amazon shoppers. Amazon shoppers value review counts as it shows a product's approval by others. Here are some strategies to gather reviews. They will improve your product page and boost amazon shoppers' confidence to buy. 

What Are Strategies to Attract Reviews on Amazon?

1. Use the “Request a Review” Feature

Select “Request a review” on the Order Detail page in your Amazon seller account. 

amazon request a review button

2. Amazon Vine

The Amazon Vine program sends reviewers your product to test for free. In return, they provide unbiased feedback. Amazon invites expert reviewers of helpful product reviews to join the Amazon Vine program. This program is for pre-release or new products. Sellers can expect up to 30 Amazon reviews if they join.

3. Product Inserts

Product inserts are common practice for branded sellers on Amazon. They can include info on product support, discount codes, and requests for a review. If requesting a review on a product insert, it is against Amazon policy to:

  • Offer an incentive to write a review
  • Divert negative reviews away from Amazon
  • Explicitly request a positive review

9. Use Amazon PPC Advertising to Increase Sales Velocity

Sustained sales velocity is key to rising in Amazon's rankings. Amazon PPC is a proven way to achieve that. So, use Amazon ads in your product listing strategy. The goal is to boost your product's visibility and increase sales. 

Amazon PPC advertising allows you to push your product listing to the top of the search results. This allows more Amazon shoppers to see your product listing page and press the buy box. However, this only works if you maintain an adequate inventory. If you often run out of products, your sales velocity will be hindered and cancel out this strategy. 

Which Factors Are Most Important for Amazon’s A10 Algorithm?

  • Category
  • Brand and manufacturer
  • Stock availability
  • Pricing
  • Sales velocity
  • Parent-child products
  • FBA
  • Amazon A+ content
  • Text-match relevance
  • High resolution images
  • Advertising
  • Promotions
  • Customer reviews

These are the most important factors for Amazon's A10 algorithm, according to SellerApp. 

How to Create a Product Listing on Amazon?

  1. 1
    Log in to your Amazon seller central account and navigate to dashboard
  2. 2
    Click "Inventory" on the main menu
  3. 3
    Click "Add a product"
  4. 4
    Click "I'm adding a new product not sold on Amazon"
  5. 5
    Select an appropriate category and sub-category for your product
  6. 6
    Complete the product listing. Include: title, description, images, variations, price, and backend keywords.

Can You Optimize Your Amazon Product Listing for Google?

Yes, you can optimize your Amazon product listing for Google. You can't directly promote your Amazon product listing through Google Shopping. Only Amazon can do that. However, Google SEO techniques may help your Amazon listing appear in Google's product search. Before using resources to optimize your Amazon listing for Google, verify if it can rank on Google. You can do this by verifying that:

  1. Your product listing ranks on the first page of Amazon for your target keyword.
  2. A competitor ranks on the first page of Google for the target keyword. Or, an Amazon search results page ranks on the first page of Google.

SEO expert Jacky Chou of Indexsy says that if there's no Amazon listing or Google's first-page results for your target keyword, your chance of ranking is low. 

After verifying that your Amazon product listing can rank on the first page of Google, you need to:

  1. Fix on-page SEO - For example, place the target keyword near the start of the title. Also, create unique product descriptions for different product variations. 
  2. Build backlinks - Reach out to relevant websites. Ask them to link to an Amazon product listing.

By completing these steps, you increase the probability that your product listing will show up on the first page of Google. 

Is Amazon Listing Optimization Worth It?

Amazon listing optimization is worth it as it boosts your chance for success on Amazon’s saturated platform. There are 350 million products on Amazon, per RepricerExpress. Without Amazon listing optimization, product listings will likely never be found by customers. It would be best to do listing optimization yourself or pay an agency or freelancer to do it for you. WebFX says listing optimization services cost $99 to $2,000 per product. However, listing optimization does not guarantee success in the Amazon marketplace. Most Amazon sellers now use listing optimization. So, it won't give you much of an edge over them. 

Consider local lead generation for a less competitive online business. Unlike Amazon, where you compete with global sellers, a local lead gen agency only competes with local businesses. This means there is less competition and a higher chance of success. Local lead generation means using local SEO to rank websites on Google. This attracts leads for local service businesses. You then partner with an actual local service business that provides the service. The local service business can pay you between $500 and $3,000 per month for the leads your website generates. 

You can earn passive income with local lead generation. Once you rank a website, you can automate its maintenance. Local business owners will stick with you if your site keeps generating leads. Making passive income gives you more time. You can focus on scaling your business with more local lead generation websites. With only a few local lead generation sites running, you can easily make a 5-figure monthly income. You can learn more about local lead generation through our lead gen program. 

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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