Eric Forner’s Passive Income Blueprints Review: What is its 5-Day Business Builder Challenge?

June 20, 2024

Passive Income Blueprint is a 5-day business builder challenge by Eric Forner that shows students how to get their affiliate marketing commission system ready in 5 days. You will receive live sessions and access to coaches that focus on unique personal branding, communicating with leads, avoiding common mistakes, using social media to boost engagement, and even automation. He has gained a reputation for his GOAT strategies in affiliate marketing, which is also the name of his automation system.

The Passive Income Blueprint reviews on Trustpilot are mostly positive with a rating of 4.9 out of 5.0 stars. They mention the wealth of support and motivation from Eric and his associates. However, some users also feel that everything is too fast and crammed. Apart from what Eric posts on the course’s Facebook or landing page, there are very few success stories available online. One reason for this could be that this program is still in its early stages. In addition, there are no other reviews available online about the course.

In this review, you will learn the content of the training, the difference between the $1 general admission and the VIP access, success stories and reviews of the 5-Day Business Builder program, Eric’s claim about his strategies, and other ways to earn more with minimal upkeep demands.

Passive Income Blueprints Review: Pros and Cons


Passive Income Blueprints has a cheap general admission.

Passive Income Blueprints conducts engaging and encouraging live sessions. It also has an excellent support system.

Passive Income Blueprints allows access to its private online community.

Eric Forner teaches you how to set up a business in 5 days.


The monthly earnings from Passive Income Blueprints vary unpredictably.

Passive Income Blueprints' business model demands a considerable amount of effort.

The bonuses in Passive Income Blueprint actually require extra pay.


The price for Passive Income Blueprint’s 5 Day Business Builder Challenge general admission is $1 only, but it can go higher when you want VIP access.

Refund Policy

Passive Income Blueprint does not offer a refund policy, based on the disclaimer found on the PIB website. Passive Income Blueprints do not provide any refund or chargeback to clients for any reason.


Passive Income Blueprint started in 2023.


The reputation of Passive Income Blueprints is good. However, Eric Forner’s experience is not as wealthy as other marketers. He has mentored over 900 students. In two TikTok Expert Summits, Eric shared his affiliate marketing strategies.

June 20, 2024

I just finished the 5-Day Builder Challenge and it was amazing! They walk you through everything step by step and answer all your questions. The team is really friendly. For just $1, I got a lot of useful information. Although there were upsells, I expected it since I only paid very little.

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

What is Passive Income Blueprint’s 5-Day Business Builder Challenge?

The Passive Income Blueprint’s (PIB) 5-Day Business Builder Challenge is a 5-day live training with marketing experts to set-up your business in 5 days. For only $1, you could get general admission, but VIP access is available for $97. The challenge aims to teach its participants how to build a long-lasting, highly profitable, and automated online business through personal story branding.

Eric Forner’s 5-Day Business Builder Challenge includes in-depth training sessions, business builder workbook, hands-on projects, questions and answers, and feedback sessions. After each session, you need to complete some tasks or assignments before the next day's session.

Lucky individuals taking part in the training will receive prizes worth over $5000. Other bonuses include:

  • A Highly Engaging Content Framework you can duplicate for your online business regardless of your chosen niche
  • A breakdown of 1 out of 5 of Eric Forner’s High Converting Sales Strategy to Hit $10,000 monthly

If you miss the live training, you can watch the replays of the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge for up to 7 days from recording. The organizers will post it in their private Facebook group called 5 Day Business Builder Challenge.

What is the Difference Between the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge General Admission and the VIP Access?

The 5-Day Business Builder Challenge general admission provides you with access to Eric Forner's live streaming on his page, but limits your opportunity to ask more in-depth questions.

The VIP access allows you to join the live Zoom call with Eric and his associates where you can have a more intimate dialogue about your business plans and goals.

If you upgrade to VIP for $97, you will get: 

  • Private Zoom with Marketing Experts: Eric Forner and Anthony Arfine (Value = $997)
  • Private Group Chat with Marketing Experts ( Value = $497)
  • Bonus #1: Behind the Scene Look Into the PIB Community and Strategies (Value = $497)
  • Bonus #2: Personal Hot Seats to Get Expert Advice on What to Improve in your Business (Value = $397)
  • Bonus #3: 7-Day VIP Live Replays of the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge (Value = $497)
  • Bonus #4: 6-Figure Assets That Will Make Your Close Sales Faster Than 70% of Marketers (Value = $997)

However, you can get the VIP treatment for free if you lock in your 14-day free trial to PIB’s G.O.A.T system. This is an in house funnel building software with 24/7 chat support. This system also allows you to manage your text, Facebook messages, and Google messages in a single inbox.

What Can You Learn From Passive Income Blueprints 5-day Business Builder Challenge?

Day 0: Building the Belief, Mindset, and Strategy to Have Your Business Set Up and Running in 5 Days

This live session gives you an idea of how to have the most success in the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge. You will also learn some tools, strategies, and frameworks you need for your business. It gives you an idea of what to expect for the next 5 days of the challenge.

Day 1: Transform Your Business And Bank Account by Avoiding the #1 Mistake Of Closing High Ticket Sales

On the first day, you will learn how to use new and improved marketing strategies that make conversion faster and easier without spending an hour on social media sites.

Day 2: Learn To Leverage Your Existing Skillset To Create Cash Flow Online Through Story Branding

The second day will teach you about using your unique skill set and story to create your brand and grow your followers by working for just three hours a day.

Day 3: Learn To Use Systems and Automation To Create Passive Income Each Month

Three days into the challenge, you will learn the step-by-step process of setting up a fully automated online business that creates passive income. This includes mastering different tools that are needed for successful digital marketing.

Day 4: Learn To Sell and Build An Audience You Are Excited To Serve Through Story Selling

On the fourth day, you will learn how to strategize your business so you can attract more customers by using top platforms in the affiliate marketing business.

Day 5: Learn The Sales Secrets To Creating Consistent Income Online

The last day of the challenge is bringing everything together to generate consistent passive income online.

How Long Does it Take to Make Money With Passive Income Blueprint?

As stated in the PIB website, it only takes 5 days to have your business ready for commissions and earn your first commission in less than 90 days. Most of the success stories also stated that they got their high-ticket sale within one month.

Who is the Passive Income Blueprint For?

This is for online entrepreneurs, coaches, course creators, affiliate marketers, and beginners. This challenge is for everyone interested in learning about affiliate marketing, regardless of skill level. You are welcome to join whether you are just starting as an affiliate marketer or already have experience.

Passive Income Blueprints accept any type of business. It offers lessons on building sales funnels, email marketing, how to videos, lead capture page, auto responder, websites, email lists, and more.

Passive Income Blueprints Success Stories

The success stories about Passive Income Blueprints are mainly posted on their Facebook page and website. One of the most recent testimonials was about Derek, a camera-shy beginner who admitted that he does not know how to market online. He found Eric Forner’s videos on YouTube and TikTok and learned about Eric’s coaching sessions.

After learning the tools and implementing affiliate marketing strategies discussed in the Passive Income Blueprints challenge, Derek grew his following to a thousand in two weeks. It took him a week to get his first commission. After a month, he got his first and second high ticket sale on the same day.

Another success story came from a woman named Ryder. Unlike Derek , she had some experience with other marketing companies before joining Passive Income Blueprints. Less than two weeks after joining the training, she got her first high ticket commission. In October 2023, she reached 30k in her business.

In addition, another student, Danelle, also shared how she got her funnels and email going in just 12 days from joining the masterclass. She set up her Facebook Group and her TikTok and her followers jumped from 300 to over a thousand in just a few days. Prior to joining Passive Income Blueprints, she had talked to a lot of mentors and researched about different programs.

Passive Income Blueprints Reviews Online

Passive Income Blueprints Review on Trustpilot

Customers on Trustpilot gave a rating of 4.9 out of 5.0 stars to the Passive Income Blueprints by Eric Fortner, which offers internet marketing service to online entrepreneurs. Out of the 190 reviews, 93% gave it 5 stars and 6% gave 4 stars.

Most reviews are on the positive side, highlighting the incredible support and guidance from the founders themselves and the excellent community they have built. Most of these reviews from Trustpilot also recommended Passive Income Blueprints 5 Day Business Builder Challenge. 

Some of the training participants heard about the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge from friends and colleagues who have tried it. From most of their point of view, this challenge is unique since it actually requires you to have an actual output each day.

Several reviews from Trustpilot, like the one from Merianne Gardner and Kathy Anne Bales from the US, mentioned that they had tried other training programs and courses before trying the one from Passive Income Blueprint.

Passive Income Blueprints Review on TikTok

Aside from Trustpilot and its Facebook page, you can also find some of the Passive Income Blueprints reviews from TikTok. One good example is the reviews from @digitalmarketingwithbill where he also shared some snippet videos of the actual training. He had shared how he learned so much in the 5-day training and how he implemented the things he learned.

Another review comes from @johngarlock, a beginner in affiliate marketing. He also shared that aside from his exceptional experience with the course, he also learned a lot of relevant takeaways.

Can You Set Up an Affiliate Marketing in 5 Days With Passive Income Blueprints?

Yes, you can set up an affiliate marketing in 5 days. As Eric mentioned in one of his free live sessions on his Facebook page, he designed the 5-day Business Builder Challenge so that his students can get a commission ready affiliate marketing business in just 5 days. Provided that they will take part in all the sessions and perform all assigned tasks. 

Although having experience in digital marketing, understanding of affiliate programs, and knowledge of the niche you want to target helps, Eric also highlighted that the course is designed for beginners as well. He further explained that each student can get access to a business builder workbook containing a step-by-step guide to the process.

How can I win the $5000 Passive Income Blueprint Scholarship?

To win the $5000 worth Passive Income Blueprint scholarship, you need to:

become an official participant of the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge

complete daily assignments or action tasks that help you set up your business in 5 days

earn the highest points after 5 days

Examples of action tasks include a video introducing yourself to the community. The person with the most points in the leaderboard at the end of 5 days will win a VIP day with Eric and other exciting bonuses.

Are there any other courses from Passive Income Blueprints aside from the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge?

Yes, Passive Income Builder also offers:


one-on-one or group coaching

free live sessions,

and mentorship from Eric Forner and his colleagues.

Most of the events are available on PIB's Facebook Page and private group. Eric also has a GOAT show where he interviews successful marketers like Dave Sharp. He also posts regularly on his TikTok page.

What kind of support do I get from Passive Income Blueprints?

Most of the reviews about this program talks about the incredible support they got from the mentors. Aside from the Zoom meetings, the students can also get support from the official and private Facebook group called 5 Day Business Builder Challenge.

The organizers will add the verified participants of the training to this group, which they created on August 26, 2023. As of writing, it has 512 members with 6 admins, including the founder of Passive Income Blueprint, Eric Forner, and his associates.

From within the group, you will get exclusive access to action tasks and business builder workbook that helps you get started with your business.

Aside from the Facebook group, you can also follow PIB’s YouTube Channel and TikTok page to be updated with the latest sessions and some of his past videos on high ticket affiliate marketing, passive income strategies, and many more.

Who is Eric Forner?

Eric Forner is a 43-year-old owner and founder of the Passive Income Blueprints. He was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Eric worked in the construction industry pretty much his whole life. He started doing online business at 40 years old.

His story of success differs from most marketers you have encountered. In his interview with Benjamin Zuniga in 2022, he admitted that he struggled with substance abuse for several years and ended up in jail several times.

Aside from working in the construction industry, he also tried traditional marketing (posting yard signages and sending mail) in 2016 by promoting car reassurance for MCA Motors Club of America. Eric also ventured into door-to-door marketing selling vacuum cleaners and magazines. In 2019, fresh out of jail, he tried his luck with a multi-level marketing (MLM) selling knives and vitamins.

However, the pandemic prevented him from doing his door-to-door pitch, so he started making sales pitches through Zoom calls. Around this time, he came across a free webinar that taught him about affiliate marketing and the rest is history.

He presented his affiliate marketing framework twice at the TikTok Expert Summit. In addition, he came up with the G.O.A.T method of affiliate marketing and constructed an online system that enables him to generate $1,600,000 in under 24 months. He has worked and mentored over 900 clients. Eric also gives free mentoring sessions online for those wanting to learn his methods.

What is G.O.A.T  by Eric Forner?

G.O.A.T. by Eric Forner means: 

  • Grow your audience

  • Optimize your content

  • Attract an audience of buyers

  • Turn your audience into raging fans

In one of his live videos, he mentioned that in order to be the greatest of all time in affiliate marketing, you only need to use his G.O.A.T strategies

What is Eric Forner’s claim of his 5-Day Business Builder Challenge?

Eric Forner’s claim is turning your following into a 6-figure income per month, without going posting or going live all the time, posting clickbait, or being a marketing expert.

He mentioned in his private Facebook Group that after the 5-day live training, you will:

  • Get the most effective principles for crafting interesting narratives that set your business apart.
  • Boost your sales and establish yourself as an authority without appearing overbearing.
  • Explore the success stories of others, whether achieved through Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, or selling their products.
  • Grasp the significance of social selling and master the art of targeting your ideal customers.
  • Identify common mistakes that contribute to business failures.
  • Gain insights into a simple formula for building a robust brand authority that transforms strangers into your most enthusiastic supporters.

Eric Forner's Claims Debunked

Eric Forner claimed that the 5-Day Business Builder Challenge helps its students build a profitable business in just 5 days. However, in the 900 plus students he claimed to have mentored, only a small fraction came out as successful. This is evident from the very limited success stories posted on his page and elsewhere.

He also claimed that one of their edges, compared to other companies offering the same service, is the type of support they offer to everyone. However, in a video he posted on his Facebook page, he revealed that only those who paid for the VIP access will have a more personalized session.

Despite the positive comments from Trustpilot, some reviews mentioned some negative feedback, like the lack of communication about enrolment, payment, and schedule. Earl Jones mentioned in his Trustpilot review that it limited communication solely to social media platforms. He also mentioned freezing during live sessions through Zoom calls. 

Other participants, such as Nancy Boothman, also mentioned that the training slandered other programs, and some contents were ‌ too much and too fast.

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It in 2024?

Yes, affiliate marketing is worth it in 2024. It is still considered a profitable business venture as many businesses worldwide continue building a more robust online presence. According to AffiliateWP, affiliate marketing is estimated to reach $27.78 billion by 2027, and an average affiliate marketer is expected to earn over $8,038 per month on average.

However, while affiliate marketing will be profitable in 2024, it takes a lot of effort to establish a highly profitable system online. To succeed, you need a good understanding of how this model works, a solid digital marketing and analytical background, exceptional content creation skills that turn views and reads to commission, and flexibility to adapt to the dynamic market demand.

Before you decide whether affiliate marketing is for you, try to research comprehensively how to start affiliate marketing for beginners in 2024 and the free tools you can use to start and succeed.

Why is Local Lead Generation more sustainable than affiliate marketing?

Local lead generation is still the most sustainable source of passive income compared to other models, like affiliate marketing. This is because, in local lead generation, there is stability and predictability.

Unlike other passive income streams that face challenges such as adapting to market demands, saturation, continuous strategy research, and client acquisition struggles, local lead generation provides a stable and scalable source of cash flow. Local lead generation requires minimal upkeep than other business models do.

The model simply involves creating websites that rank high in local search results, generating leads for your client’s local business. You can rent out as many websites as you can for $500-$3000 per month each, generating you a truly passive income.

So, if you are looking for a passive income that gives you more control over your revenue with minimal risk, try local lead generation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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