24 Ways To Promote Your Business on Social Media (PLUS 5 Tips To Optimize Your Online Profile)

June 17, 2024

The best ways to promote your business on social media:

  1. Add branded hashtags.
  2. Tag your products in your post.
  3. Work with influencers.
  4. Run a contest for your followers or subscribers.
  5. Go live on social media.
  6. Run Reddit ads.
  7. Use the right digital marketing tools.
  8. Encourage social media engagement.

You can use social media to promote your business by understanding your target audience and selecting the right platforms for posting content. Social media helps increase brand awareness, boost engagement, and drive sales. According to Sprout Social, 41% of small business owners rely on social media promotions to drive revenue. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter let you implement different strategies to improve your online presence. 

Successful brands like Nike use influencer partnerships across multiple social media accounts for their brand awareness strategy. 532k of the brand's mentions come from social media while only 46k from non-social sources, as per Brand24. Small businesses have also thrived by leveraging social media. Local coffee shops, for instance, often use Instagram to showcase their products and connect with the community. It can be an effective method for building a loyal customer base and increasing foot traffic.

Social media marketing agency (SMMA) owner Greg Hickman shares that effective social media content should show your expertise and provide proof of success. You can do this by sharing client results, testimonials, and personal stories to build trust with your audience. Your content should align with your business's strategic objectives like getting leads or converting sales. Greg shares that he was able to convert viewers into clients through his organic content on YouTube.

Not all businesses need to be on social media according to Klaudia Joanna Amelia Żyłka. She is a marketing specialist at Sotrender, social media analysis and moderation tool based in Warsaw, Poland. She shares that it's ok if business owners don't know how to run social media channels. They can instead hire an agency or freelancer to manage it for them. However, you'll need to have enough budget to spend on hiring an SMMA. There's also the cost for paid tools and running ads.

In this article, we’ll go over 24 ways to promote your business on social media. We’ll also give you 5 tips to optimize your social media profile to help drive engagement.

1. Get Press Coverage

Getting press coverage expands your reach and credibility. LinkedIn reports that PR is 90% more effective than advertising in influencing consumers. When your business is featured in reputable publications, you share your message, story, or expertise with a larger audience. You can attract new customers, followers, and supporters. Press coverage also improves your social media presence because feature articles are shared on Facebook or other platforms. 

To gain press coverage, you can create press releases. Pitch your story to journalists who can mention your brand on their publication. You can also use PR tools like HARO (Help a Reporter Out) to connect with media professionals interested in your niche. Most journalists give backlinks to your website, which also helps with SEO.

2. Tag Your Products in Your Post

Tagging your products in your social media posts means adding a clickable link to the items featured in your content. This makes it easier for users to find and purchase your products. The Verge reports that 1.6 million people on Instagram tag at least one product each week. According to Hootsuite, product tagging boosts sales by 37%. Instagram businesses that tag products in their posts typically see higher sales.

When you tag products, highlight them. This streamlines the shopping process for users. On Instagram, for example, you can tag products by selecting "Tag Products" when creating a post. You can then choose the items from your catalog. This direct link between content and product enhances user experience and drives sales.

3. Work With Influencers

Influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals who have a significant following on social media channels to promote your business. Working with influencers lets you leverage their reach to enhance your brand’s visibility. According to BigCommerce, 82% of consumers are very likely to trust and follow a recommendation from a micro-influencer.

Creating innovative content that aligns with the influencer's style can appeal to their audience. You can use platforms like Boostinsider and Octoly to connect with influencers within your niche. Depending on your business model, you can hire influencers as brand ambassadors who will promote your offers on a long-term and consistent basis. You can expect them to build a thorough understanding of your brand’s products, values, and mission.

Another option is to launch an influencer takeover. Your partner influencer will create and share content directly on your social media accounts. They will also engage with your audience from their perspective. The takeover aims to provide authentic and relatable content for your brand based on the influencer's style.

Pricing strategies for influencers vary based on their follower count, engagement rates, and the type of content they create. Micro-influencers typically charge less but can offer high engagement. You can charge fixed rates for each post or campaign. You can also do performance-based payments tied to metrics like clicks and sales. Some people do product exchanges for promotion.

4. Run a Contest for Your Followers or Subscribers

Running a contest can boost your business's promotion on social media. By running a contest, you can create excitement and increase brand awareness. Contests engage your current followers and attract new customers. Constant Contact reports that nearly 65% of survey respondents find social media giveaways and contests effective. They experienced an increase in followers. They also add that 34% of new customers are gained through these contests.

To ensure the contest is beneficial, offer attractive prizes that align with your brand. Be sure to set clear rules and entry requirements. Promote the contest across all your social media channels. Encourage participants to share the contest to maximize visibility and engagement. 

5. Go Live on Social Media

Going live on social media means broadcasting video content in real time to your audience. Going live allows you to share experiences or thoughts about your products or services. You can also interact with your audience in real-time. You can answer questions and engage with viewers instantly. According to Constant Contact, livestream marketing can increase sales intent among your target audience by 97% and enhance brand association by 139%.

When going live, it's important to prepare FAQs in advance. This helps you address common questions. Showcase your product or service by using good lighting, clear visuals, and demonstrating key features. Promote your live session ahead of time to build anticipation. Make sure you have a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions and maintain a professional presentation throughout the live broadcast.

6. Run Reddit Ads

Running Reddit ads can help you target niche communities. You can also engage with highly specific audiences. Reddit offers a unique advertising platform where you can reach users based on their interests, hobbies, and the subreddits they follow. According to Agora Pulse, Duracell got 250 million impressions through their Reddit ads. This led to a 16.3% increase in brand awareness and a 13.8% rise in consideration.

To maximize the effectiveness of Reddit ads, create compelling and relevant ad content that resonates with the targeted community. Use Reddit's ad tools to track performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. Engage with the community by responding to comments and feedback.

7. Use the Right Digital Marketing Tools

Using the right digital marketing tools can enhance your business promotion on social media. Tools for SEO, social media management (SMM), content creation, and email marketing streamline your marketing strategy. Wordstream says that digital ads can increase brand awareness by 80%. 

Hootsuite helps schedule posts and track performance. Followerwonk analyzes Twitter followers. Sprout Social offers comprehensive social media management. These tools help in optimizing your digital marketing efforts. They ensure consistent and engaging content. You can also manage multiple social media channels.

8. Encourage Social Media Engagement

Encouraging social media engagement can help you build relationships with your audience. It also helps increase your visibility. According to Foundation Inc., 80% of social marketers prioritize increasing engagement across social channels. Engagement is done through likes, comments, direct messages, and replies. Being respectful, fun, and enthusiastic in your interactions helps create a positive community around your brand.

To engage your audience, create compelling and relevant content that invites interaction. Ask questions, create polls, and respond to comments. It helps to interact with your followers' content first before you post, so they notice your brand. Kat Sullivan of Marketing Solved recommends waiting 20 minutes after posting before responding to comments to improve your post's lifespan in the feed.

9. Track and Refine Your Performance

Tracking and refining performance helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. This allows you to adjust your strategies based on what works and what doesn’t. Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track include reach, engagement, click-through rate, conversions, and shares. Tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social provide insights into these metrics. 

The best way to measure the success of your social media promotion is to monitor KPIs such as engagement rates, website traffic from social media, and conversion rates. Review these analytics to understand your audience's preferences. It's more practical to measure your reach instead of impressions, as per Delaware Shoutout. Reach is the number of unique people who see posts, while impressions only count how many times posts are viewed.

10. Build Your Own Online Community

A brand or social media community is a group of potential customers and existing customers. They interact with your business and each other through your social media platforms. Building your own community creates loyalty and encourages word-of-mouth marketing.

According to Statheap, 66% of branded communities say community helped customer retention. You can build a community around your brand by defining your target audience. Create content that resonates with them. Encourage interaction by asking questions, hosting events, and responding to comments. Consistently provide value through informative and entertaining posts. Use platforms like Facebook Groups or Discord to create a dedicated space for your community.

11. Run Facebook Ads

Running Facebook ads can enhance your business promotion on social media. Facebook advertising operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model. It’s also known as cost-per-click (CPC). This means you pay the network every time a Facebook user clicks on your ad. Facebook ads allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This ensures your advertisements reach the right audience. In HubSpot's 2021 marketing report, 40% of businesses saw the highest ROI from Facebook ads. 70% of businesses also reported their best ROI from using the Facebook advertising platform.

12. Share Videos

Well-crafted video content can showcase your products or services. It can also engage your audience with visuals and storytelling. For Facebook, create longer, informative videos that can be shared and discussed. On Instagram, focus on short, visually appealing clips that highlight key features. TikTok is ideal for creative, bite-sized videos that capture attention quickly. Tailoring your video content to each platform can help improve your social advertising strategy. According to Triton Commerce, 54% of marketers state that using video content is the most valuable way to achieve social media marketing goals. 

13. Address Problems Quickly

Addressing problems quickly on social media shows your responsiveness and customer care. It also improves your social proof, since positive experiences from satisfied customers can influence potential buyers' decisions. According to Help Scout, 70% of unhappy customers are willing to shop with a business again if their issues are resolved. You want to avoid getting negative customer reviews on your social profiles because it will affect your brand reputation.

Tracking brand mentions allows you to address any negative comments quickly. Common issues include customer complaints or negative reviews. Responding promptly and professionally can turn a negative situation into a positive one. Show that you value customer feedback and that you are committed to resolving issues. If a customer complains about a product, acknowledge their concern. Apologize, and offer a solution or compensation to mitigate the problem.

14. Invest in Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising involves using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google to promote your business. Investing in social media advertising helps reach a broader audience. It can increase brand awareness and drive conversions. Spinklr reports that 26.8% of internet users aged 16 to 64 discover brands, products, and services through social media ads.

For Facebook ads, target specific demographics and interests to reach your ideal customers. Instagram ads should be visually appealing and leverage Stories and Reels for maximum engagement. With Google Ads, use keyword targeting to appear in relevant searches. Each platform requires a tailored approach to maximize the effectiveness of your social media advertising strategy. This ensures you connect with your target audience.

15. Pay Attention to Social Media Trends

Paying attention to social media trends can help you make better business decisions. By staying aware of market trends, you can create relevant social media content that resonates with your audience. Participating in trending topics and creating content related to what's popular online can increase your brand's visibility. According to Shopify, the success of Instagram and TikTok shows that 62% of millennials prefer visual search. Google is also adapting, showing more images and videos in search results.

To ride the waves of trends, monitor social media platforms regularly. Use trend-tracking tools.

Google Trends shows the popularity of search queries over time. BuzzSumo identifies trending content across social media platforms. Sprout Social offers insights into social media trends. Engage with trending hashtags, challenges, and discussions to keep your brand relevant and engaging.

16. Run Social-Specific Discounts or Giveaways

Running social-specific discounts or giveaways can entice current and new customers to engage with your brand. Constant Contact found that 65% of marketers believe social media giveaways and contests can increase followers. They add that around 34% of new customers are gained through these contests.

To maximize benefits and avoid losses, set clear rules for participation. Require actions such as following your account or sharing your post. Then track the promotion's impact depending on your goal. You can offer discounts on specific products to boost sales. Or provide giveaways that align with your brand to attract the right audience.

17. Sell Products on Social Media

Selling products on social media increases brand awareness, generates leads, and drives sales. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow you to create posts about your products. You can also set up dedicated shops. By establishing relationships with potential customers through social media interactions, you build trust and loyalty. According to Haiilo, businesses that excel in social selling generate 45% more sales opportunities than those with a low social selling index.

To sell effectively on social media, ensure your posts are visually appealing. Include clear calls-to-action and utilize features like Instagram Shopping and Facebook Marketplace. Tools like LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator and Sales Insights can support your social selling strategy. They can identify prospects and provide valuable insights.

18. Set Up a Facebook and Instagram Shop

Setting up a Facebook and Instagram shop provides a space to showcase your products or services. Customers can browse, check reviews, and make purchases directly from your social media profiles. This enhances convenience and boosts sales. According to Gitnux, 50% of users are more interested in brands after seeing their products in shopping posts.

To set up a shop, start by linking your business accounts to Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook, go to "Commerce Manager" and follow the prompts to create your shop. On Instagram, ensure your account is set up as a business profile. You can then use the "Shopping" settings to connect to your catalog. Add products, descriptions, and pricing to complete your shop setup.

19. Use Content Creation Tools

Content creation tools help you produce, edit, and format various types of content. This includes text, images, videos, podcasts, or ebooks. Using these tools ensures your content is high-quality and engaging.

There are different categories of content creation tools. There are content research tools, content writing tools, image tools, and video tools. Examples include Canva for creating stunning images and Grammarly for writing assistance. There is also Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing. These tools streamline the content creation process. It makes it easier to maintain a consistent and appealing social media presence.

20. Add Your Branded Hashtags

A branded hashtag is a unique tag created specifically for your business. It can include the name of your company, products, campaigns, or slogans. These hashtags help increase visibility, track engagement, and build a community around your brand. The #ShareACoke campaign launched in 2013. According to The Guardian, this campaign achieved over 18.3 million media impressions. It increased Coke's Facebook page traffic by 870% and grew page likes by 39%.

To create a branded hashtag, incorporate key elements of your brand identity. Encourage your audience to use it in their posts related to your campaigns. Tools like HASHTAGS FOR LIKES, KICKSTA, and BigBangram can help you create and optimize your branded hashtags. It can ensure they are effective and engaging for boosting your social media presence.

21. Don't Overpromote

Not overpromoting on social media helps you keep a positive brand image. While ads can expand your reach, excessive promotion might turn off potential customers. HubSpot reports that 68% of users prefer brands to post only once or twice a day on Facebook. Balance is key to maintaining a strong social media presence and reaching a wider audience. 

Mix your ads with valuable, engaging content to avoid being overly promotional. Share informative posts, user-generated content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. Use analytics to determine the optimal frequency of ads. Ensure they are relevant and appealing to your audience. This balanced approach keeps your audience interested and engaged without overwhelming them.

22. Use a Content Calendar

Using a content calendar can help you organize and schedule your posts. This tool ensures a balanced mix of promotional and engaging content. It can also prevent over-promotion. The Sprout Social Index reveals that 74% of consumers believe brands should post 1-2 times per day.

A content calendar allows you to plan posts in advance. It ensures consistency and timely updates. Schedule posts during peak times for higher engagement. Monitor performance so you can adjust your strategy. Use analytics to identify the best times to post and plan a variety of content types to keep your audience interested.

23. Use Social Media as a Form of Customer Service

Using social media for customer service involves providing support. You do this through social media posts, direct messages, and online reviews. This approach can help promote your business by demonstrating responsiveness and care. It can also enhance your brand's reputation. According to Shopify, 77% of consumers believe that a positive customer service experience is essential for earning their brand loyalty.

Tools like Facebook’s in-built Away Messaging feature allow you to send automated responses when your team is offline. So, you can make sure that your customers feel acknowledged. Utilizing such tools can streamline your customer service. You’ll also be able to maintain high engagement on your social media platforms.

24. Focus on Unique or Compelling Visuals

Focusing on unique or compelling visuals attracts potential customers and increases engagement. Eye-catching visuals capture attention. It makes your content more memorable. So, you can encourage shares and interactions.

To create compelling content, use high-quality images and videos. Incorporate your brand's color scheme. Ensure visuals are relevant to your message. Use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to design engaging graphics. Keep your visuals consistent with your brand identity. Experiment with different formats, such as infographics, GIFs, and short videos, to keep your audience interested.

Memes can be especially useful in increasing engagement and brand awareness. It's best to use memes while they are still fresh and trending to maximize audience reach. This type of content is meant to be fun and entertaining, so keep the tone light-hearted and enjoyable. However, it still depends on the interests and demographics of your target audience. Always stay clear of memes that could be interpreted as offensive or controversial.

5 Tips to Optimize Your Social Media Profile

A well-optimized profile ensures that your brand appears professional and trustworthy. It also makes it easier for potential customers to find and engage with you. It also enhances your visibility on social media platform. 

1. Match Branding on All Social Media Platforms

Consistent visual and verbal elements help build recognition and trust with your audience. When your brand looks and sounds the same everywhere, it becomes more recognizable and reliable.

Use a consistent logo and color scheme on all platforms. Maintain a uniform tone of voice. Standardize profile pictures and bios. Create templates for posts and stories to ensure a cohesive look and feel across all your social media channels.

2. Use Your Bio to Share Your Value

Clearly explaining what your business does and stands for in your social media bio attracts the right audience. Your bio should convey your unique value proposition. It should highlight what sets you apart from competitors. 

To achieve this, be clear and concise. State what your business offers in a few words. Include relevant keywords to improve searchability. Reflect your brand’s personality to connect with your audience. Include a call to action, such as a link to your website. Regularly update your bio to keep it current with any new information or changes.

3. Update Social Media Profiles With Fresh Content

Regularly posting new, interesting content helps keep your audience engaged and interested in your brand. Fresh content ensures that your profiles remain active and relevant. It encourages followers to interact with your posts and stay connected with your updates. By consistently sharing valuable information and updates, you maintain a dynamic presence. 

4. Pin Key Messages

Highlighting important announcements or offers at the top of your profile ensures they get seen by your audience. Pinning key messages like special promotions, new product launches, or important updates keeps these posts easily accessible.

To make the most of pinned posts, choose high-impact announcements that are crucial for your audience to see. Use eye-catching layouts with engaging visuals and clear calls to action. Regularly update pinned posts to reflect the most current and relevant information, ensuring your audience stays informed about the latest offerings and news.

5. Add Keywords for Searchability

Using relevant keywords improves your visibility in search results. It makes it easier for potential customers to find your business. Keywords should be specific to your industry, products, or services to attract the right audience.

To select the right keywords, research your audience to understand the terms they are searching for. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush to identify popular keywords. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content without overstuffing, and regularly monitor performance to adjust as needed for optimal results.

What are the Most Effective Social Media Platforms for Promoting Different Types of Businesses? 

The most effective social media platforms for promoting different types of businesses vary based on industry needs:

  • LinkedIn is best for B2B companies due to its professional networking focus.
  • Instagram and Pinterest are ideal for visual-based businesses. This includes fashion and beauty-based businesses.
  • Facebook is versatile for both B2B and B2C. It offers targeted ads and community building.
  • Twitter (X) is effective for real-time engagement and customer service.
  • TikTok excels for businesses targeting younger audiences with creative, short-form videos.

Is Social Media a Sustainable Way to Promote Your Business in 2024

Yes, social media is a sustainable way to promote your business in 2024. Social media has a vast reach. It’s also cost-effective. You can also foster direct engagement with customers. Businesses can adapt their strategies and stay relevant as social media platforms introduce new features and tools. As user numbers grow, so does the potential audience for businesses. The data-driven nature of social media advertising allows for precise targeting and measurable results.

According to Tom Fontana, a marketing guru, social media is an eeffective way to promote a business. He says that it can build trust and familiarity through engagement. It’s also more cost-effective compared to traditional marketing, and immediate. It strengthens brand identity and facilitates lead generation through strategic content and engagement. 

Marley Jaxx, filmmaker and expert in video creation, social media is an excellent way to promote a business. It supports all sales funnel stages, from lead generation to conversion. It also enhances brand identity through consistent content. Social media is cost-effective. It offers higher ROI with targeted advertising and direct customer interaction. It also allows businesses to receive immediate feedback and quickly adapt strategies based on customer responses and analytics.

Why Local Lead Generation Is a Better Way to Promote a Business Online

Local lead generation is a better way to promote a business online. Using social media to promote a business comes with several challenges. Standing out in a crowded market is difficult. It requires constant content creation and engagement to maintain visibility. Algorithm changes can also affect how often your posts are seen. It makes it hard to reach your audience consistently. The effort required to monitor and respond to comments, messages, and feedback can be overwhelming, especially for small businesses.

Local lead generation focuses on attracting potential customers within a specific geographic area. This method targets individuals who are more likely to convert into actual customers. It provides a more efficient use of resources. By utilizing local SEO, online directories, and targeted advertisements, businesses can attract nearby customers actively seeking their products or services. Unlike social media, local lead generation is less affected by algorithm changes and doesn’t require constant content updates. This makes it a more stable and effective way to promote a business online.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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