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Rich Schefren – Business Growth System 2.0 (Online Marketing Course)

April 20, 2023

business growth system header

Rich Schefren has been universally hailed by the greatest minds of Internet Marketing as on of the great pioneers of the trade.

He is the founder of one of the first and most successful viral free business reports: Strategic Profits Daily, which has been around for years and it's still crushing it.

He is the person who popularized online business coaching back in 2005:

The real OG.

And in 2009 he invented the automated webinar, which is making so many coaches and entrepreneurs rich even today.

The guy is a living legend, and, when he talks, we all better listen and take notes..

kennedy and tracy quotes

Rich founded Strategic Profits in 2005 and since then, the company has been on a mission to turn struggling opportunity seekers into profitable entrepreneurs.

Since then, he's also had the chance to coach the top business gurus and help them make millions..

He really is the “guru to the gurus” has personally added over 15 Billion dollars of additional revenue to his clients over the course of many years.

He’s been featured on media outlets like The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, The Discovery Channel, The Daily News, The New York Post… and many others.

To this day, Rich runs 3 companies that are all in the 7 figures of revenue yearly, and there is no telling what he's going to achieve next.

rich schefren quote shop

Things have always come natural for Rich:

After graduating from Case Western Reserve University as an accounting major, Rich was recruited by Arthur Anderson’s Strategic Planning Division.

After a short while he left this high-paying position to take over his family’s struggling clothing business.

When Rich turned that business into Soho’s hottest eclectic clothing boutique, with loyal customers like Prince and Uma Thurman, he was hooked on being an entrepreneur.

Through his unique marketing ideas, the business had revenue growth from $1.5 to over $7.5 million in just three years.

Rich parlayed his offline successes and marketing prowess into an information product business.

Over the next 2 years he established joint ventures with the major online marketing players that generated in excess of $4 million in revenue.

jay abraham and rich schefren pic

Most of these online marketing players have secretly been turning to Rich for advice on how to make their business thrive, and that gave Rich an idea.

Why not turn his advising sessions into a proper course?

That's how his acclaimed 11-week program, Business Growth System, was born.

The course really goes through all the nitty gritty of online entrepreneurship with an amazing amount of detail.

There is no way you personally wouldn't benefit going through the 11 stages with Rich's help.

Your online business is bound to explode.

business growth system pic

A pretty cool thing is that the trainings are compatible with your smartphone, so you can take them with you and go through them as you do other things during the day

And you’ll have access to everything for life.

So you can go through the course at your pace. If you need to stop for a few weeks for any reason, you can pick up right where you left off.

The course, though, is always in high demand, and Rich routinely closes the gates for a while when things get too crowded.

That's why you should get in the waiting list if you are serious about joining.

how to get started graph

After having gone through the course myself, I thought it would be neat to make a review of it and give my readers a verry honest opinion.

As you will see, I don't have an affiliate link to Rich's course.

If you end up buying it, or at least applying to it, I will not be making a dime, but since the reviews out there are either extremely positive or extremely negative, I thought I'd try and be more balanced than others.

So in the following review, I'm going to go into details and be answering the questions that you really want to know the answer to.

No messing around.

  • Is this course better than other Business Building Courses out there? 
  • Does the course deliver what it promises?
  • Is Rich Schefren a scam?
  • Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

But before I start this in-depth review that will cover every module, a little bit about your host..

A lil bit about me... My name is Ippei...

Until 2014, just like Rich did after graduating, I was working in a corporate job from 9 to 5, putting in the hours.

Not only was it soul-crushing, but it didn't give me any time to pursue my bigger goals.

That was until I discovered a method to rank sites organically, generating free leads for my clients.

That website you see above, for the tree care company, I created that site in 2015, and since then I haven't had to touch or update it:

It has gained me a passive income of $2000 a month.

That's more than $100,000 for one site, in 5 years.

That's the magic of the Lead Generation business, it's by far the best model to generate passive income.

If you want to know more, just hop over here!

But enough about me: time for an in-depth review of the Business Growth System 2.0!

Business Growth System 2.0

The BGS 2.0 is an 11 week intensive course, where you will literally learn every thing:

From why most internet marketers struggle, to how to exploit the internet, to how to create an internet marketing powerhouse!

You will be handed an incredible amount of slides for each lesson, and your brain will literally explode from all the goodness that is packed in each module.

If this is something you think you could be into, carry on reading!

What You'll Be Getting

  • 11 lessons with slides going from 90 minutes to 2 hours in length.
  • PDF files of the slides, that you can print out and study at your own pace.
  • Mp3 versions of the lessons, that you can listen to on the run.
  • A copy of Rich's crazy important Internet Business Manifesto, which literally opened the floodgates of IM when published.
makepeace and abraham quotes

Module 1: The Big Dang Secrets 

In this opening module, Rich goes through the 'secrets' to making it big on the internet that most entrepreneurs don't know or skip over.

It's the ABC of the whole program, and it starts delivering immediately.

According to Rich, most people don't ever really get clear about what it is to be an entrepreneur.

And because of that, they make mistake after mistake.

This module is really all about making it clear what it is to be an entrepreneur, and what it really takes to be a successful one.

confused sign post pic

The most important aspect for any business and for any entrepreneur's livelihood is quickly achieving clarity about how your business works and why it works the way it does.

According to Rich:

  • Clarity is a choice, not an accident or a gift.
  • Clarity doesn't come to you -- you have to go to it.
  • Each day you spend working without a sense of clarity is a step in the wrong direction for achieving your vision.
  • Without conscious and directed action on your part, your business will stagnate and just drift along..

Rich says that clarity means taking full responsibility of what you do.

If you’re going to blame the challenges in your life or business on everyone else, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Once you take responsibility, you are able to do so much more:

When you take responsibility for everything in your business you can hold people accountable for their deliverables, as you should be doing.

Always have a clear image of your goals!

success generic pic

There are some key traits that you should be cultivating if you want to be an entrepreneur.

Rich lists 11:

  • Action Orientation
  • Resilience
  • Provide Value
  • Character & Competence
  • Seeing Things As They Really Are
  • Committed Yet Flexible
  • Always On The Prowl For Talent
  • Financial Discipline
  • Good Time Management
  • Make Tough Decisions
  • Autonomous

If you manage to get better at any of these traits, you will be on your way to becoming a better entrepreneur.

Your business will benefit from this hugely, and both you and your clients are going to be happier as a result.

fourfold tier graph

Another fundamental in the first module is the four-fold division of roles in a business.

You really want to be in the right one, doing the right things.

As you can see in the slide above, the Employee is the lowest position.

He is just interested in getting his job done.

The manager is more interested in efficiency and puts his focus on systems and structure.

He usually gets work done through others and knows who does what best.

The president, or business builder, is responsible for the vision and the direction of the business.

He keeps everyone focused on the goal and his overall job is to steer the business in the right direction.

Finally, the business owner views the business in itself as the product.

He sees how it compares to other businesses and how much it is worth.

He thinks macro.

This division is fundamental, because if you're a business owner, you wouldn't want to be doing the job of the employee.

Everyone has his own place in a well oiled business.

As time goes by, this should be your focus on the 4 areas of expertise:

time and mansions graph

Module 2: Isolating, Developing, & Profiting

This module is all about winning in your business.

Just what does winning mean in your business?

You can't please everyone, so you need to go ahead and forge your own goals and stick to them.

What works for you might not necessarily work for another entrepreneur, and you want to be divisive, and create a strong feeling for your brand.

Nobody likes lukewarm brands that try to appeal to everyone.

You end up appealing to no one.

In this graph Rich shows how to divide your career as an entrepreneur with success in mind:

stage way graph

The trick about getting ahead in business is finding out your competitive advantage.

Rich says a competitive advantage is 'an advantage that your company has relative to your competitors.

The source of the advantage is something your business does that is distinctive and difficult to replicate (core competency)'.

This comes from providing unique value by drawing on special areas of talent and strengths.

Of course, in the start up and initial growth phases you are the source for your core competencies.

Core competencies are the unique set of capabilities that a company develops in key areas:

  • Superior quality 
  • Customer service
  • Responsiveness
  • Innovation
  • Team building
  • Flexibility

If you can create an advantage in some of these core competencies, you have a good head-start with the competition.

core competency red man pic

Core competencies are made up of skills and expertise that enable your company to deliver exceptional value to your customers.

hey often involve an integrated system of capabilities that cannot easily be imitated by your competitors.

That's why management guru Peter Drucker came up with the mantra

'Do what you do best and outsource the rest'.

Focus on your core competencies and the rest, as they say, will come.

That's the way to make yourself unique from all other businesses around you.

Outsource the process that are not unique to your competitive advantage.

Do this because you wouldn't do a good job of it anyway, so why not hire the best.

Possibly the greatest knowledge bomb dropped by Rich in this module is that:

'A company must be viewed not only as a portfolio of products or services, but a portfolio of competencies as well.

peter drucker quote

Module 3: Generating Immediate Momentum

Brace yourself, cos the rubber is hitting the road in this module.

For gaining momentum Rich has gone really basic, so that everyone can understand.

It's all about the 3 circles and the BHAG.

It doesn't sound that basic put down like this, but let me explain:

Imagine three intersecting circles like in a Venn diagram.

The three circles represent

  • What you are passionate about.
  • What you think you could be the best in the world in.
  • The Economic engine that drives your business.

What about the BHAG then??

three circles graph

This BHAG boi is the intersection of the three circles we just discussed.

It is a concept Rich borrowed from Jim Collins' classic book Good to be Great.

BHAG stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

It's the combination of the three core circles and it should be so exciting that you're getting out of bed 15 minutes before the alarm rings in the morning.

The BHAG should give you core values and beliefs that will permeate your business for years to come.

Not only, it will transmit these core values and beliefs to all those working in your company.

Working for your company will be worn like a badge of honor, much like Microsoft, Apple or Google employees brag about their job and position.

google wall of praise pic

Module 4: Your Mafia Offer

Cue Godfather music.

In this module, you're basically going to be taught how to create an offer so good that it can't be refused.

You won't even need to send in your goons to shoot anyone.

Rich goes through great detail to get it into your head that marketing and selling are two different beasts altogether.

Like Peter Drucker liked to say:

"The Aim Of Marketing Is To Make Selling Superfluous".

And he's right, you know.

godfather quote pic

Marketing, is in all effects, bringing the market to desire your product or service.

In order to do great marketing, then, you need to gather all the intelligence possible about your product or offer, and that of the competition.

No matter what niche you are in, you are always going to have competition.

And if you don't have competition, the niche is dead, so go back to Module 2.

He who has most intelligence gathered about the niche and uses it strategically will win.

That's why Sun Tsu's The Art of War is a favorite among entrepreneurs.

It teaches you how to win battles before the fighting even starts.

Remember: the intelligence you will need to collect is both on you and your enemy.

you and the enemy graph

Once you study your enemies' tactics, do the following:

  • Understand their strategies so you can out-strategize them.
  • Understand their tactics so you can out-maneuver them.
  • Understand their value propositions so you can out-value them.

This is the only secure strategy to victory.

With competitive understanding, you are able to craft more appealing offers than the competition.

Identifying the value elements that are currently the basis for competition in your marketplace
will give you a deeper understanding of your marketplace than any of your competitors.

You will then value your offer against these three concepts:

  • First is the ability to identify product opportunities. These products do not just solve existing problems, they also create possibilities for new experiences.
  • The second is a heightened understanding of customer needs translated into actionable insights that define the product’s form and features. In order for products to be successful, they must have features and forms that consumers quickly recognize as useful, usable, and desirable.
  • Third is a true integration of content, service, design, and marketing.

If your offer satisfies all these three categories and you are confident you can outplay competition, then you have yourself a winner.

And an offer they won't be able to refuse!

competitive edge pic

Module 5: The Most Powerful Strategies

Module 5 is all about business growth and finding the right business model for your business.

Rich lists only 2 factors as being fundamental to the growth of your business:

  • Cost per acquisition.
  • Lifetime customer value.

These are really the only two metrics you should be looking at, and if your lifetime customer value exceeds the cost per acquisition, then you'll always profit with your biz.

Sounds simple enough, right?

The problem comes when you have to acquire clients.

How is that done? What strategies should you employ?

Rich again lists three intersecting circles that form the core of client acquisition:

profit zone graph

If you have these three basics down, you are going to profit:

  • Always come up with new products and promotions.
  • Increase conversion rate.
  • Grow your average customer value.

In order to get into the profit zone, though, you need a good business model.

Rich follows Chesbrough and Rosenbloom's six way definition to explain business models:

  1. Articulate the value proposition – the value created to users by using the product.
  2. Identify the market segment – to whom and for what purpose is the product useful.
  3. Define the value chain – the sequence of activities and information required to allow a company to design, produce, market, deliver and support its product or service.
  4. Estimate the cost structure and profit potential – using the value chain and value proposition identified.
  5. Describe the position of the firm with the value network – link suppliers, customers, complementors and competitors.
  6. Formulate the competitive strategy – how will you gain and hold your competitive advantage over competitors or potential new entrants.

These six points are all you need to create a compelling business model that is going to put you ahead of the competition.

And the way Rich explains it all is crystal clear and really wants to make you start a business!

six components of business model graph

There are two main problems that you will have to face once your business model is up.

According to economist Joan Magretta,

"Business models need to pass two critical tests: the narrative test (the story doesn't make sense) or the numbers test (the profit & loss doesn't add up)."

You need to find a solid story that resonates with your potential clients, and you need to do it in a profitable way.

Ultimately, Rich sees 3 ways to increase profits while still addressing your clients in an engaging way:

  • Continue To Provide More Benefits For Your Customers.
  • Continue To Make It Easier And Easier To Start Doing Business With You.
  • Continue To Develop New Distribution Channels.

By doing this, you'll be creating a great vehicle to convey your product to the right customers.

google's business model graph

Module 6: Blasting Through Every Obstacle

If it all sounds so easy, why aren't more people entrepreneurs, you might be asking?

That's a good question that Rich tackles in module 6.

Here he goes through the various obstacles that you may find on your way.

But he also teaches you how to blast through them and carry on growing!

In this module, Rich asks very simple, but very important questions:

  • What skills will your business need to reach your vision?
  • What incentive do you have to achieve your vision?
  • What resources will you need to achieve your vision?
  • What steps must you take to achieve your vision?

To answer these legit questions that every biz owner has, he refers to Alan Larson's six tiered graph of what's missing in your business:

alan larson what's missing graph

Once you figure out what is missing in your personal equation, you're going to be able to find a solution pretty quickly!

On top of this, Rich goes through the 7 ways you can help smash through your objectives.

  • Planning.
  • Necessary Elements For Success.
  • The Importance Of Planning.
  • Operating Plan.
  • Marketing Plan.
  • Product Plan.
  • Financial Plan.

Planning requires systematically thinking through your entire business

This process equips your mind with tools necessary to handle obstacles that prevent you from achieving success.

So by planning you know what has not gone as planned.

Pretty smart, huh?

business plan generic pic

The way to success is having a clear mind in front of any obstacle you may find:

  • Identify and decide how to overcome the obstacles to implementation.
  • Layout an effective step-by-step plan for execution, including accountabilities and measures of success.
  • Act with determination and perseverance to execute the plan.

Module 7: Metrics

As Bill Gates once said,

'How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or lose'.

It doesn't really matter how much money you're making:

If you don't have your numbers in check, there is no way you'll be able to sustain growth.

There is no way to know your business the way you need to, unless you know the numbers.

You really want to have your numbers at the tip of your fingers, because the world of business changes fast.

You'll have to get used to making decisions even faster.

This is what this module is all about: Keeping good metrics of your business.

fast decision making slide

This slide from Rich's course is exactly what I mean.

The data is from Rich's hypnosis center and this is the sort of calculation he had to make fast, to decide whether he could run an ad or not, for example.

You can clearly see he had all the numbers right where he needed them, when he needed them.

The average revenue, the closing rate, the booking/turn up ratio, the calls needed.

You want to know these numbers off by heart if you want your business to be successful.

The most common objection to getting your metrics in order is a lack of time.

If you're out hustling, who's got time to crunch the numbers, right?


Rich says that fewer things have a greater impact on achieving your business goals than measuring performance and knowing how you are doing in relation to your goals.

And he's obviously right.

best metrics graph

It's pretty clear that lack of metrics is one of the chief obstacle to getting control of your business and releasing control to others.

Many entrepreneurs struggle have difficulties stepping away from aspects of their business because they have no external measurement other than gross sales to measure the performance of the business.

Therefore you should be using metrics that are:

  • Easily measurable.
  • Robust.
  • Generally accepted.
  • Linked to desired business outcomes.

In this way, it will be easier to find where the problem in your business is when it arises, and you'll be more able to make snap decisions.

Because you will know everything about your biz.

Module 8: Systemization

This module is all about creating systems that will make life easier for you in running your business.

It teaches how to fully understand the importance of systems in your business.

It also gives a great hand in identifying the areas of your business to systematize.

Here Rich is all about being able to develop and document the systems your business needs.

By the end of it you will have a system to fix the current problems in your business in a way that prevents them resurfacing in the future.

This is the golden module of the course, even if your business isn't raking in millions.

So what is a system anyway?

business and system slide graph

When you start your business all the systems reside in you.

You will be doing all the work, all the processes and taking on more responsibilities.

As your business grows you’ll begin to hand off more and more of the responsibilities.

You need to make sure that the entire system made up of people, processes, policies, key metrics, assets and strategies work together to meet the promise made to the customers, employees, and owners in a repeatable and predictable fashion.

But starting off with the system residing in you is not a bad thing at all!

As economist W Edwards Deming once said:

'If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you are doing'.

You need to know your business like clockwork before starting systemization.

process and people graph

When you think systematically you are able to correct business problems by creating a system that provides a solution.

By thinking systematically you deal with problems in a way that prevents them from resurfacing.

You own the overall system which is where your primary focus should be.

Every process you own in your business is another responsibility that ties you into working inside the business instead of on it.

Module 9: Project Management

In this module you will have all the tools at your disposal to better understand project management.

You will understand why project management is your business.

And you'll be able to manage multiple projects, balance workloads, and create an environment where things get done.

Rich teaches you how to recognize a great project manager and how to increase the effectiveness and output of your staff and vendors.

This is basically where all the previous 8 modules come together and you learn how to apply all that Rich has taught you so far:

business development slide

So, if you want to be a good project manager, surely you have to know what a project is first, right?

A project is:

  • Temporary (as opposed to ongoing) Goal-directed.
  •  Beginning, End.
  •  Unique, One Time.
  • Performed by People.
  • Constrained by Resources.

A project consists of a specified amount of small jobs and ends with an output or
end product(s).

Of course, there will be a documented execution schedule of the project’s task.

And of course you will have to keep track of the metrics that your process gives you.

And in case you still have no clue, this chart will help you see if your project is successful or not.

how project success is measured graph

In this module, Rich gives out the three commandments of project managing:

Three Commandments Of Project Management:

  1. Thou shall not exceed scope of work!
  2. Thou shall not miss deadlines! 
  3. Thou shall not blow budgets!

Follow these, and you should be alright, even if going through the whole module yourself would definitely help!

Rich also gives the traits of a solid project manager:

How many of these traits do you have?

  • Must be able to make decisions with insufficient info.
  • Must be willing to seek acceptable solutions rather than perfect ones.
  • Think like a generalist -think about the big picture and pay attention to everything and everybody.
  • Be known as doing what you say you’ll do.
  • Process oriented.

Module 10: Assembling Your Business

This module is all about assembling your perfect work team.

There will come a time in which you will have to delegate.

You won't be able to do all by yourself.

That's where Rich comes in, teaching you how to:

  • Learn to recognize your company’s resource needs.
  • Learn how to decide whether to hire internally or whether to outsource.
  • How to assemble and manage a virtual team Learn the rules to guide your team.
  • Recruiting techniques - where to find great employees, vendors and partner.
  • Pinpoint where to start and what positions to fill.
  • How to manage and motivate your team.

Building a profitable biz on your own will sooner or later become unsustainable.

You will have to recruit specialists who you trust to do their own thing and maximize their area of expertise in your business.

Where are you on that journey right now?

chart of employees graph

As Rich says, even online... no man, woman, or business is an island to themselves..

To quote Margaret Mead:

'Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the World. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has'.

Surrounding yourself with a group of talented and hungry people is the best way for you to make your business go to the moon.

So, how should you go about this?

Again, Rich has pages and pages of incredible suggestions for you:

You need to identify your company’s core competencies.

  • Hire internally for your core competencies- any job that needs to be done in-house.
  • Outsource jobs that make you money, or free you up to make more than you would doing it in-house. Leverage.
  • Outsource to make your company stronger and better at what it does.
josh kaufman quote

Of course, before you can go out and find you’re the people you need to know which job responsibilities you will be delegating.

Knowing this information will help you evaluate potential clients better and increase the chances of finding the ideal candidate.

Remember the better job you do here the more likely it will be you’ll be successful.

So you need to make sure you don’t rush into anything.

Keep in mind it's not easy to find and hire good people, but it's always worth the time and effort that it takes.

Module 11:Your Well Oiled Machine

The final module is one I really loved.

In it, Rich tries to bring all together and turn your business into the well-oiled machine of the title.

We all know that the biggest constraint for many people is what they choose to ignore (because they are in denial or they rationalize by saying they are too busy).

That's why you should always try to face the facts of your situation.

Being honest with yourself is not only the best policy, but it can save you big bucks down the line.

The ultimate choice you will have to face is:

'Would you rather have the results you want in life, or the reason you haven’t gotten them?'

  • Be More True To Yourself In Your Business. Don’t Try To Be Something You Are Not.
  • Find a mirror and take a long, hard look at yourself.
  • You have to work hard to see and hear the truth about yourself.
vegeta look in the mirror pic

You should learn how to do more by doing less and using time better:

Entrepreneurs who do less but do more of the right things are more effective.

Have you been lying to yourself?

"If only I get to the end of this project, this campaign, this week, this month, (or whatever else you tell yourself), then I’ll..."

  • Spend more time with my family
  • Have more time to think
  • Leave the office earlier
  • Be less busy
  • Enjoy myself

Rich suggests you try and answer these questions and be really honest about it all:

questions to think about pic

Finally Rich reminds us that among the characteristics you need to succeed, nothing is more important than endurance.

Getting to the top - succeeding at the highest level possible - means undergoing pain.

That's why you should look at your own situation and:

  • think of what you have done and what you have failed to do - ask yourself why?
  • review your life goals - ask yourself honestly what pain you fear.
  • start today by picking something important that you are not getting around to doing.

There are so much more quality concepts and ideas that Rich develops in this module, it's crazy.

It really forces you to give a hard look at yourself and to take action.

Only in this way will your biz turn into a well oiled machine and perform at the top level!

The Verdict: The Good & The Bad

Before I go on and look at the pros and cons of Rich's course, I want to reply to those early questions I'd set down, and that anyone reading a review wants to know immediately.

  • Is this course better than other Business Building Courses out there? 
  • Does the course deliver what it promises?
  • Is Rich Schefren a scam?
  • Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

The course in itself doesn't really help you build a business, but it takes you by the hand as soon as you have one.

It seriously guides you through all the growth stages of your business, from when it's just you and your basement to when you're a pro.

It covers all the details you should be paying attention to in such painstaking detail that you'll have to go through the course more than a couple of times through your career.

That's not a bad thing though:

This course is PACKED with incredible advice which has made people like Tony Robbins and Jay Abraham more money than they can count.

So if you want to start a traditional online business and you want it to thrive, heck yes this course delivers all it really has promised.

It overdelivers in my opinion, and it's something I don't say often in these reviews.

Rich Schefren is so legit, you should be fined for even thinking he's a scam.

This guy is so OG he basically taught today's gurus how to become gurus.

He was doing sales funnels successfully before Richard Brunson even thought of ClickFunnels.

This guy is a bona fide genius, and he is sharp, clear and no bullcrap in his exposition.

No lambos, no fluff, no snazzy pics with supermodels:

Just substance.

As I mentioned before in the review, the course is often closed to applicants and there is a long waiting list to get in, but once you do get accepted, expect to pay $395 per month and to have the content being drip-fed to you.

You're not going to get all the 11 modules immediately.

disobey big tech rich pic


  • Rich Schefren has been hailed by many as the guru of the gurus: everything he says is pure gold, and you will have to go back and listen to the lectures over and over again: there is that much to take in and you don't want to miss any part of it.
  • The course really covers all the grounds: from the start, when Rich defines what an entrepreneur is and what it isn't, to the final module, where he tells you precisely how to delegate and automate, making your business even more solid than before.
  • You get Rich's lectures in mp3 form too, so you can listen to them on the go, and also get a transcript of the same lectures and a pdf with all the slides. There is nowhere you are left uncovered, and Rich really overdelivers in trying to make you learn in the best way you see fit.
  • The slides are a goldmine: Rich goes so fast from one topic to another that you will be thankful for having slides with all the graphs, charts and definitions to help you follow his flow. Every slide pdf is long, and by long I mean from 40 to over 100 slides of goodness.


  • The course is old, and it shows. The lectures are recorded calls that Rich made to his first batch of students, and the slides have got that early 00's retro look, and not intentionally. Even the 2.0 version could do with a reahaul. It's not that the money's tight.
  • The topics covered are so vast, and Rich's knowledge so huge, that you will experience overwhelm at times. Rich goes through a lesson in 60 to 90 minutes non-stop. I applaud the passion, but sometimes he gets through 100 slides in 100 minutes, most of them dense with ideas.
  • The content is 15+ years old: it's normal that some of it will be outdated. The talk about funnels, for example, should be completely rewritten since Russell Brunson created ClickFunnels and revolutionized the scene. A couple of other things sound pretty dated too.
  • In 2021 you don't really need to have all these entrepreneurial skills: there are models, such as the local lead generation one that I have been following for almost 7 years, that really sell and run themselves. Carry on reading for more!

If you want to start an online business and learn all the bases from scratch, Rich's course could be the right one for you.

However, these days I don't really recommend going down the path of learning all the things that Rich has to teach.

In 2021, Local Lead Generation, where you rank your own website, is a far superior model to monetize your skills.

Let me explain, keep reading...

Why I Didn't Have To Learn A Million Concepts On Entrepreneurship... Lead Generation Proved to be a Much Better Biz Model, Here's Why...

I run a $50K per month lead generation business but all of my leads are created through free traffic or SEO, not through the old school methods taught by Rich.

So it's pretty much passive income, I don’t have to worry about the performance of the many factors taught in the .

The website I create ranks on the first page of Google, in the so-called map pack, and the leads just start coming in.

So, you see, it's passive income, I don’t have to worry about the performance of my ads or anything.

Once my site ranks it generally keeps its rank with very little to no maintenance.

Don’t get me wrong you can still make a living creating a course and selling it via webinars, but it's a hard route very challenging to do so.

The problem with going the old school route is that you constantly have to monitor your average client lifetime value and your cost per acquisition.

How many people are clicking on your ad, and out of those people, how many actually end up watching the webinar and buying the product?

If things go wrong, it's back to tweaking, spending more money, trying a different approach.

This is why I still recommend people look into doing lead generation with free traffic


Rich Schefren's Business Growth System 2.0 course is well executed, everything is there to learn how to become a successful entrepreneur.

Let me tell you, there are niches that work with this kind of method, but the problem is there are many niches that really struggle too.

Unlike creating a business and starting from scratch in creating a product, if you know how to generate leads with free traffic, you can go into any niche and create an incredible level of results for clients.

That’s how 90% of my multiple 6 figure income is generated. And I should add that it's passive income: see free traffic never stops.

In 2021, even during Covid-19, I continue to build more lead gen sites and I write at least 1 blog post a day for this site, because I’ve come to realize that these are the high-income producing activities, because it directly increases my free traffic every month.

So click here if you want to know more about my Lead Gen method!

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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