Key Method To Setting Appointments That Show: Strategic Alignment and How It Works

September 19, 2024

Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment is the key method to setting appointments that show through personalization. This technique involves customizing your approach and appointment scripts with what works best for the client. Appointment setters using strategic alignment take note of the prospect’s industry, challenges and goals beforehand. According to Forbes, 78% of customers will buy from a business if they receive customized services. A personalized strategy will help set appointments that show. 

An appointment setter specializes in arranging meetings or calls between sales representatives and potential clients in the sales funnel. It requires communication and strategic planning to convert prospects. The role entails handling objections and repeated rejections. According to Hubspot, customers reject an offer 4 times before they say yes. It takes repeated reach out to set a successful appointment.

This article will explain strategic alignment and how it works for appointment setting. I will also share 10 techniques to schedule a sales meeting with qualified leads. I've been earning money online for the part 10 years and appointment setting is vital for specific industries like coaching and healthcare. That said, I'll share creative ways to get people committed to the appointments you booked. And lastly, introduce an appointment setting alternative with a potential for passive income.

How Does Strategic Alignment Work?

Strategic alignment works by matching each interaction during the appointment setting process with a potential client's specific needs. It starts with research to understand the prospect's industry and buyer personas. Strategic alignment focuses on presenting customized solutions, instead of a generic sales pitch. Reducing operational costs in manufacturing or rescheduling appointments in healthcare are some examples.

The term strategic alignment is commonly used in project management and business development. According to Transparent Choice, projects that align with a client acquisition strategy are 57% more likely to deliver positive results. Aligning your offers to your client’s objectives increases your chances of scheduling meetings. 

Lead scoring is a method that ensures the quality of the appointments you set. It’s used to appoint a number on the prospect based on attributes like number of engagement or location. It allows you to focus and reach out fast to prospects with the highest potential to buy. According to Service Bell,  8 out of 10 customers expect a response within 10 minutes.

How Can You Get Better at Strategic Alignment in Appointment Setting?

You can get better at strategic alignment in appointment setting by prioritizing the prospect’s needs and practicing active listening. A report from Gitnux shares that a good listener makes 42% more sales than a rep who has poor listening skills. Joining training sessions on consultative selling and appointment setter best practices helps. You’ll learn customer feedback loop that captures insights from successful appointments. 

It takes an integration of CRM systems, data analytics, and targeted communication strategies to develop a predictable appointment setting process. Creating buyer personas based on industry pain points is also useful. Tools like Salesforce for CRM and Google Analytics for data interpretation are invaluable. Email automation platforms can also help set up a system that aligns with prospect needs.

How to Reduce No-Show Appointments

  • Two-Text Message Strategy: Send the first text message the evening before. It is to confirm the prospect’s presence in the appointment. Include the meeting link and details in their time zone. Send a second text message on the day of the appointment as a final reminder. Adjust your response based on the recipient's interaction with the first text.
  • Establish Sender Identity: Use specific punctuation and phrasing in text messages. "Hi [Name], it's [Your Name]." to help the recipient's smartphone recognize the sender's name. A study by Epsilon confirms that 80% of prospects are more likely to make a purchase from B2B appointment setters using personalized messaging.
  • Use Assumptive Language: Assumptive language assumes the recipient is attending the appointment. For example, "Just confirming you have your Zoom link for our call tomorrow at [time]." Don’t ask questions that give the prospect an easy way to opt-out. For example, “Are you still available tomorrow at [time] for the meeting?”
  • Strategic Response Time: Do not respond immediately to the recipient's reply. Wait until the next day or when it’s closer to the appointment time to send a follow-up response. This keeps the appointment fresh in their mind.
  • Appointment Confirmation as a Reminder: In the follow-up communication, use different responses.. Send a brief confirmation message the next morning if the client confirms receipt. If the recipient does not respond, send the meeting details or a prompt. You can send a question mark prompt the next morning to re-engage and confirm their attendance.

Provide compelling value propositions and maintain consistent, personalized reminders to get people to show up to an appointment. You can use CRM tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho CRM to track your leads and set appointments. Top Flight's study showed automated appointment reminders reduces no-show clients up to 60%. Add exclusive benefits to your sales outreach. According to Select Software Study, 67% of people want compensation for their time. Added benefits for showing up will increase their commitment to the meeting. This sales strategy keeps the appointment top of mind and adds extra motivation.

10 Appointment Setting Techniques to Book More Calls

The 10 appointment setting techniques to book more calls are: 

  1. Personalize your emails
  2. Compliment a prospect on their content
  3. Send personalized LinkedIn messages
  4. Use CRM data effectively
  5. Call at strategic times
  6. Be brief and clear in voicemails
  7. Leverage social proof
  8. Follow up with valuable content
  9. Use the prospect's preferred communication method
  10. Ask open-ended questions

Strong communication skills, experience in customer service, and proficiency in CRM software are the essential qualifications for an appointment setter. Effective communication is important for engaging prospects and conveying your value proposition. A background in customer service or sales helps in spotting a sales opportunity and objection handling. Knowledge in CRM software is crucial for managing client information. You'll also be able to track interactions and schedule appointments with it.

What Are Creative Ways to Get Appointments?

Sending customized gifts and offering rewards are creative ways to get appointments. This shows the prospect that you value your potential relationship. It also signals them you've taken the time to understand their individual preferences. You can also try using different closing strategies during initial interactions. It will boost appointment rates in your sales pipeline. For example, a 'soft close' technique involves proposing a hypothetical scenario. It'll encourage your prospect's engagement.

What 3 Items Must Be Considered When Scheduling Appointments?

The 3 items that must be considered when scheduling appointments are:

  • Availability of Both Parties: Choosing a time that works for you and your prospect is vital. It signals your respect to their schedule and makes it more likely they'll be able to join the meeting. Appointment scheduling tools like Calendly and Acuity Scheduling allow access to time availability. It also prevents conflict schedules. 
  • Prospect's Preferences: Always consider the prospect's preferred timing. Some may prefer early morning meetings, while others are available in the afternoon. Respecting their preferences can increase the likelihood of booking qualified appointments. In the healthcare industry, 1.1 million of canceled appointments turned into online consultations as per the US Veterans Affairs. This data suggests aligning communications in time and channel on the prospect’s preference is effective.
  • Purpose and Length of the Meeting: Define what needs to be discussed and estimate how long it will take. This helps in maintaining focus and ensures that meetings are productive and concise. Long meetings can lead to disengagement, so it's important to stick to the points.

Is There A Better Way To Earn Money From Lead Generation Than Appointment Setting?

Local lead generation is the better way to earn money from lead generation than appointment setting because it provides passive income. With appointment setting, you’ll have to actively reach out to prospects. And once you successfully set an appointment, the success of the sale still depends on the sales rep. Appointment setting will also subject you to constant handling of objections and rejections.

With local lead generation, you’re creating websites for local businesses. You use local SEO strategies and rank on search results. Once the websites are ranking and gaining traffic, you can rent it to local business owners. The income becomes passive then. You’re not handling customers and you’re not nurturing leads. It’s a predictable income with less effort.


Local lead gen is also highly scalable. The process is repeatable and there are 50+ niches to choose from. The tree care site I created in 2015 took me 15 hours maximum. And it earns me a steady $2,000 every month since then. All the local lead gen sites I own today earn me $52k per month. With little maintenance and a 95% profit margin. So, when you’re ready to try a different income source, check out local lead generation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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