Strategic Alignment: The Key Method To Setting Appointments That Show (PLUS 28 Tips)

April 14, 2024

Strategic alignment is the key method to setting appointments that show. This technique involves matching your plan for setting up meetings with what works best for the client. Appointment setters who apply strategic alignment ensure that every interaction is tailored to the client's industry, challenges, and goals. However, strategic alignment doesn’t always guarantee a successful appointment. Only 23% of buyers agree that brands always put their needs first. So you need to adjust your sales approach to show the prospect you’re genuinely interested in their needs. 

An appointment setter is a professional specializing in arranging meetings or calls between a company’s sales team and a potential client. They play a key role in the lead generation process by using tools like CRM software and telemarketing strategies to identify and engage prospects. Appointment setting requires a combination of communication skills and strategic planning to convert prospects into leads within the sales funnel. 

This article will explain how strategic alignment works and why it’s the key method to setting appointments that show. It will also share 28 tips to schedule a sales meeting with a qualified lead. I’ll also introduce a different business model that will make you more money than setting appointments.

How Does Strategic Alignment Work?

Strategic alignment works by matching each interaction during the appointment setting process with a potential client's specific needs. It starts with research to understand the prospect's industry, pain points, and buyer personas. Strategic alignment in appointment setting focuses on presenting customized solutions to your target audience, instead of a generic sales pitch. 

The term strategic alignment is commonly used in project management and business development. According to Transparent Choice, projects that align with an overall client acquisition strategy are 57% more likely to deliver positive results. Aligning your offers to your client’s objectives increases your chances of scheduling meetings.

Using lead scoring to find qualified leads ensures the quality of appointments set. You focus on prospects with the highest potential to buy.

How Can You Get Better at Strategic Alignment?

You can get better at strategic alignment by prioritizing the prospect’s needs and practicing active listening. A report from Gitnux shares that a good listener makes 42% more sales than a sales rep who has poor listening skills. Joining training sessions on consultative selling and appointment setter best practices helps. You’ll learn to implement a customer feedback loop that captures insights from both successful and unsuccessful appointments. 

It takes an integration of CRM systems, data analytics, and targeted communication strategies to develop a predictable appointment setting process. Tools like Salesforce for CRM, Google Analytics for data interpretation, and email automation platforms for communication create a system that consistently aligns with prospect needs.

What 3 Items Must Be Considered When Scheduling Appointments?

The 3 items that must be considered when scheduling appointments are:

  • Availability of Both Parties: Choosing a time that works for both you and your prospect is important because it respects their schedule and makes it more likely they'll be able to join the meeting. Using appointment scheduling tools like Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and Google Calendar allows for easy viewing of available slots and can prevent conflicts. 
  • Prospect's Preferences: Always consider the prospect's preferred timing. Some may prefer early morning meetings, while others might be more available in the afternoon. Respecting their preferences can increase the likelihood booking qualified appointments.
  • Purpose and Length of the Meeting: Define what needs to be discussed and estimate how long it will take. This helps in maintaining focus and ensures that meetings are productive and concise. Overlong meetings can lead to disengagement, so it's important to stick to the necessary points.

How to Reduce No-Show Appointments

You can reduce no-show appointments by using these strategies:

  • Two-Text Message Strategy: Send the first text message the evening before the scheduled meeting to confirm the prospect’s appointment. Include the meeting link and details in their time zone. Send a second text message on the day of the appointment as a final reminder. Adjust your response based on the recipient's interaction with the first text.
  • Establish Sender Identity: Use specific punctuation and phrasing in the text messages "Hi [Name], it's [Your Name]." to help the recipient's smartphone recognize the sender's name. A study by Epsilon confirms that 80% of prospects are more likely to make a purchase from B2B appointment setters who use personalized messaging.
  • Use Assumptive Language: Assumptive language assumes the recipient is planning to attend the appointment. For example, "Just confirming you have your Zoom link for our call tomorrow at [time]." Don’t ask questions that give the prospect an easy way to opt-out like “Are you still available tomorrow at [time] for the meeting?”
  • Strategic Response Time: Do not respond immediately to the recipient's reply to the first text. Wait until the next day or when it’s closer to the appointment time to send a follow-up response. This keeps the appointment fresh in their mind.
  • Appointment Confirmation as a Reminder: In the follow-up communication, use different responses based on the scenario. Send a brief confirmation message the next morning if the client confirms receipt of the link. If the recipient does not respond, send the meeting details or a prompt like a question mark the next morning to re-engage and confirm their attendance.

How do you get people to show up to an appointment?

Provide compelling value propositions and maintain consistent, personalized reminders to get people to show up to an appointment. You can use CRM tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho CRM to track your leads and appointment setting campaign. Sending automated appointment reminders also reduces the chances of no-show clients by up to 60%, according to Top Flight. Include exclusive benefits in your sales cadence or outreach sequence to increase their commitment to the meeting. This sales strategy keeps the appointment top of mind and adds extra motivation for the prospect.

28 Appointment Setting Tips to Book More Calls

The 28 appointment setting tips to book more calls are: 

  1. Personalize your emails
  2. Compliment a prospect on their content
  3. Send personalized LinkedIn messages
  4. Use CRM data effectively
  5. Call at strategic times
  6. Be brief and clear in voicemails
  7. Leverage social proof
  8. Follow up with valuable content
  9. Use the prospect's preferred communication method
  10. Ask open-ended questions
  11. Offer a quick demo or preview
  12. Acknowledge their time constraints
  13. Use humor wisely
  14. Show genuine interest in their business
  15. Give a clear call to action
  16. Highlight unique selling points (USPs)
  17. Send a follow-up email after a phone call
  18. Be consultative, not salesy
  19. Use personalized video messages
  20. Acknowledge and address objections
  21. Provide a calendar link for easy scheduling
  22. Celebrate their successes
  23. Offer exclusive information or access
  24. Use storytelling
  25. Be consistent in follow-up
  26. Ask for referrals
  27. Leverage industry insights
  28. Be clear about the benefits of the appointment

Strong communication skills, experience in customer service or sales, and proficiency in CRM software are the essential qualifications for an appointment setter. Effective communication is important for engaging prospects and conveying your value proposition. A background in customer service or sales helps in spotting a sales opportunity and objection handling. Knowledge in CRM software is crucial for managing client information, tracking interactions, and scheduling appointments.

What Are Creative Ways to Get Sales Appointments?

Sending customized gifts, offering a rewards program, and upselling and cross-selling are creative ways to get sales appointments. This shows the prospect that you value your potential relationship and have taken the time to understand their individual preferences. You can also try using different closing strategies during initial interactions to boost appointment rates in your sales pipeline. For example, a 'soft close' technique involves proposing a hypothetical scenario or a minor commitment to encourage prospect engagement.

Example Script for Scheduling Appointments

Strategic Alignment Script

Subject: Let's Discuss Tailored Solutions for [Their Company]

Hi [Name],

I've been closely examining [Their Company]'s growth in [Industry], and it's clear you're on the rise. Our services at [Your Company] are designed to complement your trajectory by addressing [specific company challenge].

I believe a strategic partnership could be mutually beneficial. Are you available for a discussion this coming week to explore possibilities?

B2B Email Script

Subject: Opportunity for [Their Company] to Explore [Your Solution]

Hi [Name],

I've been following [Their Company] and noticed [specific company need]. Our [Your Solution] has helped similar businesses in [Industry]. Can we schedule a call next week to discuss this?

Cold Call Script

Hello [Name], 

I'm [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We specialize in [Service/Product]. I've noticed that your company might benefit from what we offer. 

Do you have time for a brief meeting to discuss this?

Social Media DM Script

Hey [Name]! 

I stumbled upon your profile and liked your take on [specific reference]. I've got some thoughts that could work well for [Their Company]. Are you ok with a quick chat to explore these ideas?

Referral Email Script

Subject: [Mutual Contact] Recommended We Connect

Hi [Name],

[Mutual Contact] mentioned your company might be interested in [Your Service/Product]. They've found it valuable and thought it might suit your needs too. Could we set up a time to talk about this?

Creative Mailer Script

Hey [Name],

Hope you're doing great! I'm [Your Name], and we're excited about our new [Product/Service] over here at [Your Company]. It's something that could make a difference for [Their Company], and I'm keen to show you what it can do. How about we grab a virtual coffee next week and chat about it? Let me know a time that works for you!

Local Lead Generation is a Better Way to Make Money from Leads Than Appointment Setting

Local lead generation is a better way to make money from leads than appointment setting because it doesn’t rely on manually contacting or cold calling prospects. Appointment setting involves high-pressure sales tactics and a constant grind to find new leads. Meanwhile, local lead generation leverages SEO and digital assets to attract a steady flow of leads passively. This method is less intrusive and more sustainable in the long run.

Appointment setting can fail because of issues like misleading income expectations, lack of a secure salary, and high turnover rates. In contrast, local lead generation offers more control and stability. You can build a scalable business with sustainable income while avoiding the pitfalls of appointment setting roles. Local lead generation is a better option for those seeking a reliable and profitable business model.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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