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Tai Lopez Affiliate eCommerce Store Review: 3 Facts About Tai’s NEW Ultimate Upsell

March 21, 2024

Tai Lopez's Affiliate eCommerce Store is his newest BETA project. Tai promises to give people a chance to leverage his years of experience. All you need to do is become a partner in his program. And Tai and his team will build you an online business that he says can bring you "$2,500 - $25,000 every month like clockwork." But is his offer legit or the ultimate upsell?

In this article, we take a closer look at what you get in the Tai Lopez affiliate program. What are the pros and cons of signing up? And what other programs Tai offers. We also discuss the issues with ecommerce. Like some of the challenges online retailers face. And why local lead generation is a better way to make money online. 

Tai Lopez Affiliate eCommerce Program Pros & Cons


Beat the curve and jump on this trend before it becomes saturated.

The price tag is reasonable.

Learn from an entrepreneurial legend and get access to ongoing training and support.


This is a new venture, so there are no reviews or testimonials.

Driving traffic to an ecommerce store is difficult and can be expensive.

There's no refund policy.


$97 (get a second site built for an additional $27

Refund Policy

No refunds


3 months of coaching and education from Tai and his team on topics like influencer marketing, how to run paid ads, marketing strategies, and building brand awareness.


The Affiliate eCommerce Store is a BETA project that Tai just rolled out. But Tai is clear that he will accept a limited number of students and that this partnership isn't for everyone.

Net Worth

Tai Lopez net worth is over $60 million 


Tai Lopez has a reputation for using some pretty questionable marketing strategies. He's also been accused of 'get rich quick scams' and has a 2.2 star on Trust Pilot. But he does have his share of positive reviews and success stories from students.

Tai Lopez Affiliate eCommerce Store Review: 3 Facts About Tai's NEW Ultimate Upsell

There's a significant lack of transparency with Tai's new offer. Tai and his team will build you an eCommerce store on Shopify. But you also get hundreds of unorganized videos full of information that doesn't pertain to the business model. Tai's offer also includes products from Pier 1 or DressBarn.

But there appears to be a disconnect (at least around the actual training from Tai and his team) on how to be successful or generate the $2500/day cash flow Tai's promoting with this offer. Ultimately, you need to understand that the eCommerce business model takes time and money. (More than most other online business models). And you need to know how to drive a steady stream of consumers to your store.

Tai is offering a 'partnership' for $97. But reviews on BBB suggest that this is his onramp to upsells for his other programs. Tai Lopez is a marketing master. Plus, he's proficient in social media marketing. And you need both if you want to make money with eCommerce. But you also need an online store that will attract purchase-ready buyers. So you need to have the right systems in place. Or you will fail. But the idea behind purchasing training (or a partnership) is to have an expert guide you through the process. However, it would appear that Tai is more interested in driving you to his next offer or latest upsell than showing you how to own a successful online store.

Tai tells people that 'selling physical products is hard.' And he's right. eCommerce is one of the most competitive online business models in 2024. And why starting a lead generation business is a better option. With lead gen, you build digital real estate and rent your assets to local business owners. Learn to rank websites with a proven concept to get to the top of the SERPs. Then you own prime real estate. So not only do you lead with value and have small business owners desperate to do business with you. But natural barriers minimize the competition and market saturation. 

With eCommerce, on the other hand, you need to deal with supply chain issues and shipping delays. Plus, customer service issues, returns, and fraud. (Negative reviews can shut down your store). In addition, you need to deal with payment gateways and security threats. Plus, you need a marketing strategy. And a way to build brand awareness. The goal is to stand out from the competition. So you need to know how to be the better marketer. And what tactics to use to create a buzz and make sales. It typically takes more than $97 to own a successful eCommerce store. So that might be the ultimate upsell. 

Review by John - "Have a budget & take massive action"

  • Verified Student

"Hi, this is John. I bought Tai Lopez's Affiliate e-commerce Store program but wanted to share a couple of things. First. The course cost is $97. And you can get in on their upsell and have Ty's team build you a second site for $27. What isn't publicly broadcast is that you're asked to jump on a call as a consultant. 

Cool. Until they try to pitch you a $3,000 upsell for a totally different course. And they don't like taking no for an answer. They offer a payment plan. And they’re a  little bit pushy. But you don't need to buy into that upsell. 

I went with the one-store build, which I had in less than a week. And going through the training, there's some pretty sweet hacks on how to drive traffic as an affiliate marketer. There's other stuff, too, on social media marketing, which is super helpful. And honestly, that alone is worth the $97 if my store flops. You do need a budget going in.

Affiliate marketing is based pretty heavily on paid ads. So I would suggest a couple of thousand dollars if you want to really have a crack at promoting your stuff. But you get products from Pier One. Well, that's the store build I picked. But Tai offers builds for Dress Barn, and I think Radio Shack too. 

Their customer service hasn't been great. But there's a private Facebook group that's been helpful. If you want to give affiliate marketing a try, or you want to learn some cutting-edge info on e-commerce and how to get more sales, then this course is worth But if you think you're going to make big money on the coattails of Tai Lopez. Or you're not prepared to take massive action and spend some money. You should probably take a hard pass this time around."

Review by Amy-"Not what I expected"

  • Verified Student

"Hi. My name is Amy. I purchased the Tai Lopez Affiliate e-Commerce store. And I was super excited because he promised to show you how to set up a store. Give you the products and help you attract customers. And e-Commerce is such a tough business model to break into because it's expensive. And you need a physical product, and you need to build a brand and brand awareness. So I figured who better than Tai Lopez. 

So I get an email. And it has the videos. I'm expecting kind of a business in a box on how to set up and run my store. And instead, I get like 300 emails on the frameworks of wealth. It's not at all what I expected it to be. I sent them an email requesting a refund. They told me I needed to get on a call. 

And I got on a call, and the guy tries to sell me a different course altogether. And then they said that they had to look into my refund and someone will get back to me. A week later, I sent another email and asked for a refund. And I'm still waiting. I am so disappointed. I would never recommend this program. 

I've taken training that Tai has offered in the past. And some of them have been really great, but for me, this one was an epic fail. If you're looking to break into the e-Commerce sector, you need to find someone else to help you because Tai Lopez Affiliate e-Commerce Program clearly isn't the place".   

Review by Randy - "I think I probably would've preferred a more general E-Commerce course"

  • Verified Student

Hey guys, this is Randy. Today I'm going to give my experience with the Tai Lopez affiliate E-Commerce course. I bought the course for $97 and spent about four months going through all the modules in there. At the end of the course, I ended up paying $29.99 for them to build two custom stores for me, one for Pier One and one for Dress Barn. Just so y'all know, both of those are Tai Lopez companies. 

I received my first Shopify store for Pier One after about one week of buying it, and I received the Dress Barn store two weeks after that. The great part is that the stores were completely packed with hundreds of products to start selling already, but what I really didn't care for was what I was selling in those stores. Dress barn is mostly women's clothing and Pier One is a lot of home good stuff. I'm really not interested in either of those things, to be honest, but that's what I was selling.

One thing I didn't realize was that once you get those stores, you're paying that $29/month Basic Shopify fee. If you don't start making money right away, you are just letting the Shopify fees eat into your business. You really need to start advertising right away. You should have a little bit of money for advertising if you want to start selling because that is how you start making money with these stores, through paid advertisements.

All in all, I thought the course was a good value for someone looking for a custom-built store and who doesn’t mind what products they're selling. But for me personally, after going through it, I think I probably would've preferred a more general E-Commerce course so that I can sell products I'm more interested in and maybe be more committed to running these stores.

Review by Sarah - "Things kind of went downhill for me"

  • Verified Student

"Hello, this is Sarah. I bought Tai Lopez's Affiliate E-commerce course in September of 2022. I will say, you get a lot with this course besides just the course itself, which I really liked. They build your own store for you on Shopify with either Dress Barn or Pier One products. They also fill that store with the best selling products from either of those brands. And you get access to some of Ty Lopez's recordings for his funnel building workshop, you get invited to the private Facebook group, and a lot more. 

Once you get access to the course and go through the modules of the main course, then you schedule a call with Tai’s team to get your custom store built. For me, after paying the $97 fee, they provided me with a Dress Barn store and even offered me a discount to build me a second store. I declined because I just wanted to see how well the first store turned out before I was trying to run two stores as a new person getting into e-commerce.

It took them about two weeks to send me the store, and I was actually really happy once I received it when I saw that the store was already filled with hundreds of Dress Barn products and didn't have to go through and manually add all those. However, I quickly realized that just having the store wasn't going to make me any money at all and I had to start running advertisements to the store if I wanted to get people to buy from me. 

That's where things really kind of went downhill for me. To be honest, I'm really not much of an analytical person, and you kind of need to be if you want to have success running paid advertisements because it's really a numbers game and a matter of making minor adjustments to get the advertisements just barely profitable so you can start making money and scaling your advertising. 

So far, I've probably spent around $1,700 on Facebook advertisements but only made $500 or so in sales from the store. I'm not sure if I wanna keep putting money into paid advertisements or if I look into an alternative business model not related to Tai’s program, maybe like SEO or copywriting to make money online in a way that better suits me."

Who Is Tai Lopez?

Tai Lopez is a serial entrepreneur, multimillionaire, digital marketer, and influencer extraordinaire. Born Taino Adrian Lopez in Long Beach, California, Tai was raised by his mother and grandmother. (His father allegedly spent a lot of in prison).

Tai Lopez is a college dropout who has made millions. And while he might be best known for his viral 'In My Garage' videos, Tai's journey started long before he became a YouTube sensation.

Tai's entrepreneurial adventure started at six, selling lemonade (after failing to sell his mother's tomatoes). After that, Tai spent some time at a leper colony and lived with the Amish before working at GE in Wealth Management.

image of tai lopez

Tai became a Certified Financial Manager, leading to his ownership of LLG Financial Inc. and the start of his growth equity. (he left in 2007). But Lopez has continued to attract attention. His popularity has led to affiliate opportunities, business mentorships, ecommerce ventures, and inner circles. In 2008 Tai began leveraging Facebook. And in 2015, his 'In My Garage' video hit virality on YouTube.

Tai has continued to rise to the top and has published numerous courses. He's taught thousands of students and coached/mentored countless others. In addition, he hosts a podcast (The Grand Theory of Everything) and a blog. He also shares a ton of value on YouTube and has over 1,309,830 followers.

Tai's social media following also includes:

  • Facebook (6,008,985 followers)
  • Instagram (2,872,920 followers)
  • Twitter (673,126 followers)
  • Tai's numerous endeavors have resulted in over a $60 million fortune. In addition, he has been published in multiple articles, including:

    image of tai lopez

    Tai is the owner of one of the world's largest book clubs. And his "Book-Of-The-Day" free email newsletter reaches 1.4 million people in 40 countries. Now Tai Lopez is offering people a chance to become his partner. And make money with sales from any product you choose. 

    Is Tai Lopez's Business Failing? 

    Tai Lopez's businesses might be failing. Speculations on social media rose after Tai took a break from Twitter in mid 2023, which his followers found very unusual. Tai was loud and outgoing. Going MIA is completely out of the ordinary. During this period, his partner Alex Mehr also deactivated his Instagram and hasn't been active on Facebook for a while. This made many people question the real status of their businesses. 

    A few months later, Tai broke his silence and said his best friend died, and he had to take a break. A reasonable explanation. 

    Despite this, the Wall Street Journal released a report that Retail Ecommerce Ventures, LLC, a company owned by Tai, consulted Kirkland and Ellis' law firm on bankruptcy concerns. This made people curious about the real status of Tai's wealth. 

    And, it did not stop there.

    An article on Protos went out which called RadioShack "another one of Tai Lopez' scheme". It pointed out how Tai quickly jumps from one business to another, which makes him less credible and believable as an entrepreneur.

    Most of his ventures end up as failures. For example, Pier1 Imports, which used to be a home and furniture specialty store, now only sells fragrances. The article said that just two weeks after the FTX collapsed, RadioShack's once active Twitter account stopped posting updates. 

    Tai Lopez eCommerce: Is He A Guru Now?

    If Tai Lopez is nothing, he is, first and foremost, the master of sales and persuasion. And like him or hate him, there's no denying that he has been incredibly successful as an entrepreneur. Tai continues to reinvent himself and is always looking for the newest way to make money.

    A lot of his riches have been made with his online courses. Some are great. Others-not so much. And the title Tai Lopez eCommerce King is a new one. However, over the last year or so, Lopez has been on an acquisition mission to buy distressed companies like:

    • Pier 1

    • Dressbarn

    • RadioShack

    But his most recent acquisition is (In his defense, his father was a renowned bodybuilder). So is the same guy from the 'In My Garage' videos now an eCommerce expert?  And can he teach eCommerce? Or is his new program just a way to get people to sell his products? Let's check it out:

    What Is The Affiliate eCommerce Store?

    The Affiliate eCommerce Store is a BETA program Tai refers to as his 'masterclass ecom incubator.' Tai's program will connect you with the right person (Tai Lopez), so you can establish an online presence and make money.

    So here’s the deal: Tai and his team will create a clone of one of their websites (like Pier 1 or Dressbarn). Then you just follow their 'cut and paste' formula. You operate the site and make sales. Tai's team takes care of the behind-the-scenes stuff (like fulfillment and storing inventory). And you split the profits on the stuff you sell. 

    "Those who catch a new trend early are rewarded handsomely" - Tai Lopez

    Tai calls the Affiliate eCommerce Store "the wealth formula for 2022." But this offer is not an MLM or a dropshipping store. Instead, students can use Tai's experience to create an online presence, set themselves up for success, and secure a long-term income stream. 

    You could make $2500-$25,000/month) and the price of admission is only $97. So what’s the catch? There doesn't appear to be one. Tai says he likes helping people (which he has done historically). He does feel that most will fail. But that the 1% of go-getters will 'move the needle' and increase sales and earnings for his new retail acquisitions.

    What Is eCommerce?

    eCommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services via the internet. 91% of the USA population will be shopping online by 2023. And eCommerce is transforming how brands interact with their consumers. (Global sales from e-commerce are expected to reach $5 trillion in 2024). But to be successful with eCommerce, you need to find opportunities in the marketplace: 

    • Where can you leverage a customer base?
    • How will you convince them to purchase your products?

    You're also in charge of manufacturing and storing inventory, order fulfillment, and customer service. eCommerce business owners are competing with existing brands. So you have to stand out from the competition and build a consumer base interested in your products. 

    Tai Lopez Affiliate eCommerce Store Review

    The global e-Commerce retail market is projected to grow 50% by 2025. There will be a shift from brick and mortar to online shopping-no question. The unknown variable is when.

    Tai's offer could be a game changer if you're prepared to lean in and do the hard work. It's a chance to work with an e-commerce expert. And get ongoing support from a digital marketing genius. So what's included in the Affiliate eCommerce Store Program?

    Affiliate eCommerce Store Program Includes:

    • ECS 2.0 Course ($497)

    • Ecommerce private training library recordings ($997)

    • Funnel building workshop recordings ($997)

    • Done For You Customer Service ($5,000)

    • Done-for-you Customer Fulfillment ($5,000)

    • Traffic Mastery ($197)

    • Proven Best Selling Products List ($1997)

    • Viral Video Influencer Agency ($497)

    • 300 Frameworks (1 Year access) ($97)

    • Timeless Marketer ($497)

    • The Business Mindset ($497)

    • Timeless Marketer ($497)

    image of tai lopez

    Tai's everyday price is $20,267. But he's priced this opportunity at $97 (just enough to cover his hard costs). But you get an actual store. (Not a dropshipping business). One on a simple Shopify platform with thousands of products.

    If you take advantage of the upsell, you get a second store for $29.99. So you gain experience in two different markets-two different niches. And can cement your online presence before the crowd.

    Tai also promises to teach students his S+I=M formula (service+internet=money). He also includes three months of training on creating a 'moat' around your ecommerce business. 

    Tai will also teach you: 

    • How to secure recurring customers

    • Email marketing strategies

    • Tips on virality

    • The logistics of fulfillment

    • Why diversification is important

    Lopez and his team will also educate you on things like:

    • How to create persuasive marketing campaigns (so people can't help but buy from you)
    • Free and paid advertising methods
    • How to build an army of influencers to sell your products for you
    • Brand awareness
    • His 12 P's of business system

    Is Tai Lopez Affiliate eCommerce Store A Scam?

    Tai's partnership with his program doesn't appear to be a scam. But it is a new opportunity. So it doesn't have an established reputation. Instead, Tai is giving people a chance to catch the trend early. And he's teaching students how to invest their time, effort, and money aggressively. But there have been some rumblings that the sales call with Tai's team includes upsells. And not just to build the second store. But to other courses he offers. (Like his eCommerce Specialist Certification).

    Or the latest test group for Tai's 'mastering sales and persuasion' training. However, testimonials from students who have taken other training courses Tai sells are relatively positive. But there are also a ton of negative reviews online. So it's a bit of a buyer-beware situation. But if you pay for one of Tai's courses. He does deliver the content as promised. If Affiliate eCommerce Store doesn't fit for you, Enopoly Automation is an option.

    So can the Affiliate eCommerce Store program make you $2500-$25,000 a month? That depends on: 

    • How hard you're willing to work
    • How good you are at sales
    • If you treat your ecomm agency like a real business

    But if you're willing to follow Tai's '2022 wealth formula'. Become a partner and treat this venture like a real business. Then, you might make some serious money with this program.

    Does Tai Lopez Offer Any Other Courses?

    Yes, Tai Lopez offers several free and paid training courses. Tai's paid courses include:

    1. 300 Frameworks Of Wealth
    2. SMMA 3.0
    3. 5 Minute Mentor
    4. 67 Steps

    He also sells coaching, business consulting, and partnerships like his Advanced Immersion Mentorship Program, which includes:

    • Coaching
    • Mastermind
    • Shadowing
    • Partnership

    Tai is an affiliate of numerous brands. He also owns multiple ecommerce stores, including:

    Tai's other online entrepreneurial ventures include his company REV which he co-founded with his partner Alex Mehr. Together they transform 'famous but distressed retail brands' (like Pier 1, RadioShack, and Ralph & Russo) to capitalize on the ecom boom.

    The Issues With eCommerce

    The biggest issue with e-Commerce is getting consistent traffic to your online store. e-Commerce is based on attraction marketing. Building trust with your target audience. So if you want to win, you need to: 

    • Engage with your customers
    • Provide stellar customer service
    • Sell high-quality merchandise

    You need to create a buzz around your stock. Know how to leverage Google and social media platforms so people can find your online business fast. Or use paid advertising like Google shopping ads, influencer marketing, and Facebook or YouTube ads to drive traffic to your store. 

    But ad costs are rising (Facebook advertising costs are expected to see a 15.5% YoY increase in 2022). In addition, ads burn out, so you need to be constantly tweaking and fine-tuning (and that takes money).

    And eCommerce is competitive. So you need to pick a niche you can tell a long story about (one that resonates with your target market). First, understand how to tap into customer psychology and hone in on a person's pain points. Then, showcase how your products provide the best solution.

    You can succeed with e-Commerce. But it takes a ton of hard work before you can secure a passive income. And it might not be the best online business to start in 2024.


    Tai Lopez Affiliate eCommerce Store isn't affiliate marketing in the traditional 'how-to-start affiliate marketing business' sense. (You don't use an affiliate link). Instead, this is about running an ecommerce agency. Tai is proposing a partnership. One where he and his team share advice on how to run a thriving online store. Each party has specified responsibilities, and you split the profit from all sales.

    Tai says his deal isn't for you if you're 'aimlessly looking to get rich quick.' Or always jumping from shiny object to shiny object. But if you want to learn the ropes and get guidance from an ecommerce expert. Then this is a chance to make real money online.

    Of course, there are a ton of unknowns, (and possible upsells). Plus, there's always a risk. But it's always about your timing. You can jump in now and beat the crowd. Or take a pass and invest in an online business model with a proven concept like lead generation.

    An Alternate Business Model:

    Tai’s offer has too many variables. Especially around how hard it is to get traffic to your online business. Mentor or not. Part of this deal is that you're responsible for generating sales, and sales take getting eyes on your store.

    People with purchase intent who want to buy what you're selling. Tai says he'll show you 'how to build an army of influencers.' But guess what? Influencers cost money. So do YouTube and Instagram ads. 

    grand rapids tree service website

    That's why my number one online business recommendation is lead generation. A business model focused on a local market that drives free online traffic to websites like this one.

    I built this site in 2015 (in about 10 hours), and it's been making me $2000/month since. So if you're interested in learning more, check out this local lead generation program.

    Follow Me
    Ippei Kanehara

    $52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

    His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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