TruPro Elites Review: Can Their Done-For-You Services Help You Make Money On Amazon?

March 29, 2024

TruPro Elites is an ecommerce consultancy agency that offers done-for-you and placement services in addition to helping you choose which products to promote and sell. The company is based in Atlanta and was founded in 2021 by Anthony Wilson and Jenssy Hernandez. They have educated and skilled managers who assist in the creation and management of an Amazon business, TruPro Elites helps investors and business owners gain financial freedom and generate passive income streams. 

For TruPro Elites, Amazon is one of the best platforms offering fulfillment and logistics when it comes to global ecommerce with 89% of sellers earning from it. This makes it a viable start to build a passive income stream using their services at TruPro Elites. Members of TruPro Elites gave the company praises for helping them create and grow their business, and having great customer service. Despite this good position, TruPro Elites have also received negative reviews on Reddit which impacts how people view its legitimacy and reliability.

This TruPro Elites review investigates the services they offer, the pros and cons of signing up on their program, and who Anthony Wilson and Jenssy Hernandez are. I will discuss the claims of TruPro Elites founders and some of the reviews it received. It also explores if TruPro Elites’ done-for-you services can help you make money on Amazon or if there is a better business model out there.

TruPro Elites Review: Pros and Cons


Offers done-for-you services covering product selection, promotion, and managing your Amazon store.

Chance to build a passive income stream with the help of investment experts.

Requires only 15 minutes per month of participation.


Does not reveal the exact program cost upfront.

There is not much information revealed about the founders of the company. 


TruPro Elites does not reveal program price upfront.


TruPro Elites have a public Facebook page.

Refund Policy

TruPro Elites does not have a refund policy.


TruPro Elites was established in 2021.


TruPro Elites have a combined 4.7k followers/subscribers on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Facebook page followers are unknown.

Can TruPro Elites’ Done-For-You Services Help You Make Money On Amazon?

Yes, TruPro Elites’ done-for-you services can help you make money on Amazon since it provides their investors with unconventional cash flow assets that can help them achieve financial freedom. They aim to equip their clients with sustainable assets as part of their cash flow and make their money work for them. TruPro Elites offers done-for-you services including finding the right product, sourcing, listing optimization and campaign management to scale their clients’ Amazon business.

According to their website, they have successfully created over 118 Amazon stores. Their website also features they have more than 118 active clients and manages over $410k of assets. TruPro Elites members also expressed their gratitude for helping them create and grow their business. Others mentioned that they have growing orders, thanks to TruPro Elites.

What is TruPro Elites?

TruPro Elites LLC is an ecommerce consulting company that offers done-for-you services to individuals who want to create a passive income stream on Amazon. The company was founded by Anthony Wilson and Jenssy Hernandez. TruPro Elites promises individuals that they can help generate thousands of dollars a month from your Amazon store. Best of all, they claim that this is possible with you spending just 15 minutes a month as an investor. TruPro Elites offers done-for-you services including finding the right product, sourcing, listing optimization and campaign management to scale their clients’ Amazon business.

Who is TruPro Elites for?

TruPro Elites is for people who want to have a passive income through Amazon. The program creates a way for interested individuals to earn money while experts at TruPro Elites do everything on their behalf. TruPro Elites suggests that members can sit back while their money works for them. 

TruPro Elites’ services are ideal for people looking to scale their Amazon business quickly. Their “done-for-you” model appeals to those lacking the time, skills, or desire to handle product research, listing optimization, and advertising campaigns themselves. For hands-off sellers, TruPro Elites’ full-service approach reduces the learning curve and hours required to find success on Amazon.

TruPro Elites’ done-for-you model is also best suited for individuals unfamiliar with ecommerce and selling on Amazon. Learning about how ecommerce works can make beginners feel overwhelmed by the fast pace and amount of information. With TruPro Elites, they can skip the time spent learning the fundamentals of selling on Amazon.

TruPro Elites also appeal to individuals who can tolerate risky investments. These people are the ones with a substantial amount of dollars that they can give up as an investment and wait for returns within 1-2 years.

Who is TruPro Elites not for?

TruPro Elites is not for individuals who want full control of their Amazon business. This program is not for those who want to be hands-on with the entire process that goes about their Amazon store. The TruPro Elites program is also not appealing to individuals who are not interested in learning anything related to Amazon FBA or selling on Amazon since the program pushes for their done-for-you services.

TruPro Elites is also not suitable for people who are not willing to risk an investment of $500 to $1,000 to cover the start-up cost. An estimated 40% of individuals that launched their Amazon businesses spend $1,000 or or less. Unless a person can risk that much amount or more as an investment, then the TruPro Elites might not be the best option for them.

What's Included in TruPro Elites? 

TruPro Elites include done-for-you services from product research and testing, listing optimization, and overall store management. This service is suited for individuals that want to create a passive income stream or make money on Amazon. 

TruPro Elites conducts extensive research to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. They evaluate market trends, search volume, and competition to determine products with high potential for sales and rankings success.

TruPro Elites will optimize product listings by enhancing titles, bullet points, descriptions and images. They aim to make listings as compelling and clickable as possible to drive more traffic and increase conversion rates.

Overall, TruPro Elites aims to handle many of the time-consuming tasks required to start and manage a successful business on Amazon. Their goal is to allow sellers to earn passively while TruPro Elites manages essential day-to-day operations.

Who Is Anthony Wilson?

Anthony Wilson is the co-founder and current CEO of TruPro Elites. He claims he is also an entrepreneur that encounters stressful situations in terms of growing his business and understands the complexity of running and scaling a business which eats up most of a person’s time. This is where TruPro Elites come in. According to Wilson, the goal of TruPro Elites is to assist small and medium-sized business owners and entrepreneurs in growing faster and removing obstacles to the business growth. 

Before making it big, Wilson said that he was originally from Petersburg, Florida where he considers it as not the best neighborhood to grow up in. At the age of 12, he discovered his entrepreneurial spirit by selling Pokemon cards. He said that he may have got the mindset from his dad, who became an entrepreneur at the age of 16. Wilson also went into flipping electronic gadgets like iPhones, Xboxes, and PlayStations. By the time he was 18, he ventured into selling Square card readers. Wilson was able to consistently sell 20 Square accounts on Amazon for $9. His orders grew to 40 then 60 accounts every night, making this phase what he calls his progressive journey.

Ironically, this was also the time when Wilson faced personal challenges. He encountered a misunderstanding with his landlord that cost him his entire $10,000 earnings from his business to pay off rental fees and damages. Wilson said that it was a humbling experience for him that he had to go through. Experiencing homelessness and other life challenges did not dampen Wilson's spirit and faith. Today, aside from running TruPro Elites, Wilson decided to expand his reach to help and provide Amazon FBA training for interested learners in the Philippines. He also has a pool of talents from the Philippines that provide excellent VA services to his clients.

How much is Anthony Wilson's net worth?

Anthony Wilson’s net worth is not known since there is limited information about him other than being figured as the co-founder of TruPro Elites.

Who Is Jenssy Hernandez?

Jenssy Hernandez is the co-founder of TruPro Elites, a company he and Anthony Wilson established in 2021. He is a graduate of Stockton University and is an active investor in real estate and various other financial assets. He mentions that as an active investor, he is familiar with sentiments like unstable ROI, high risk with little returns, slow growth with limited cash flow, and more. For this reason, Hernandez and Wilson established TruPro Elites LLC.

How much is Jenssy Hernandez's net worth?

Jenssy Hernandez’s net worth is unknown since there are no other further details found about him other than being the co-founder of TruPro Elites.

TruPro Elites Reddit Reviews

TruPro Elites has received negative reviews on Reddit with reviewers pointing out that the company and their services have many red flags which may impact its reliability. One review shared her experience that after signing up for TruPro Elites’ done-for-you services, she had to wait for 4 months for TruPro Elites to complete product research and testing. The reviewer also said that she has yet to profit from her Amazon business and is still waiting for TruPro Elites to deliver what they promised.

Anthony Wilson and Jenssy Hernandez's Claims

Anthony Wilson and Jennsy Hernandez claim that TruPro Elites can help individuals make money on Amazon through their done-for-you services. They claim that they can provide sustainable cash flow assets to their clients to achieve that financial freedom they have been wanting. 

For a few thousand dollars, they promise to have their expert store managers take over your Amazon business for you, so you can earn passively and become a profit-collector. They also guarantee their clients an earning of $5K/month or more on Amazon within 12 months, otherwise they will work for you free of charge until you profit from your business.

Anthony Wilson and Jenssy Hernandez's Claims Debunked

Anthony Wilson and Jenssy Hernandez, the co-founders of TruPro Elites, claim their done-for-you services can help the average person make money on Amazon. But many reviewers argue their inflated price points and overpromised results suggest their program is more scam than substance.

For one, the ecommerce landscape is a fierce and competitive business. It requires great time, effort, and attention to ensure success. Also, entrusting your hard-earned money to someone has great risk and limits your control with how your money is spent. 

Rather than providing real value, TruPro Elites profits by preying on people’s hopes of achieving financial freedom and passive income streams. While the idea of passive income from an Amazon business is appealing, TruPro Elites fails to deliver on their lofty promises as per most online reviews about the company. There are better and more affordable ways to learn how to make money on Amazon that don’t involve empty hype, inflated expectations, or exorbitant costs.

Conclusion: Is TruPro Elites "Virtual Commercial Real Estate" Worth It?

TruPro Elites “Virtual Commercial Real Estate” is not worth it in my personal opinion if you are not willing to tolerate the risk that comes in with this type of business model. 

Among these risks is giving someone else access to manage your money. It will be a huge gamble to hand your money over to people who make claims and promises that are hard to achieve in the first place. 

There is also a known risk of being in a tight competition with other Amazon sellers. Studies reveal that there are an estimated 8.6 million active sellers on Amazon globally. This scenario shows how difficult it can be for new sellers to enter the business. 

One more critical risk to consider is the amount of money you will spending to build the business and how long it will take to earn profits. On average, it takes 1-2 months for production process alone. It will take a few more additional weeks for shipping and customs clearance. Overall, it takes 3-6 months to see a return of profit on your investment. TruPro Elites’ done-for-you services can be a huge help but takes time to see real and tangible results.

A Different Kinda of Digital Real Estate: Local Lead Generation

Success on Amazon, like any business, requires realistic expectations. While TruPro Elites aims for $5,000 monthly passive income for clients, there is no guarantee. Clients must understand the potential risks and that it can take 3-6 months of working with TruPro Elites to build a profitable Amazon brand. 

Venturing in Amazon FBA comes with risks as there are many unpredictable factors that affect it. Also, signing up for TruPro Elites’ done-for-you services makes the risk higher since you will be entrusting your money to someone else. This leads to having limited control of what happens to your money and ending up worrying if your investment will become successful and generate profit. Instead of using the TruPro Elites business model, there could be something better.

The local lead generation business model is a different kind of investment that saves you from all the risks and worries from investing in an online business venture. Local lead generation allows you to have full control of your finances unlike other business models. It also allows you to take advantage of free traffic online and obtain leads for local businesses. The process is as simple as creating a site and ranking it to top Google searches. You can sell these sites to local contractors and become a digital landlord. Owning these sites and the leads gives you full control of your assets and the passive income it generates. Take control of your passive income now with local lead generation.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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