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Importance of Video Marketing (8 Attractive Ways Video Improves Your Business)

June 17, 2024

The importances of video marketing are:

  1. Video marketing boosts sales.
  2. Video attract new customers and build engagement.
  3. Video marketing can build trust in your brand.
  4. Videos are better on social media.
  5. Video encourages social shares.
  6. Videos help you explain your offerings.
  7. Video marketing is great for SEO.
  8. Videos do great things for your email marketing & landing pages.

Video marketing helps businesses reach a wider audience and increase engagement online. According to G2, 86% of businesses use videos as a marketing tool. Small Business Trends also reveals that videos on social media get 12 times more shares than text and images combined. This increased visibility and engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and more revenue. For example, adding a video to a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. Additionally, videos with music can boost engagement by 81%.

Also, video marketing educates viewers about products. It increases brand awareness and customer understanding. A study by The Brand Shop found that 98% of viewers watch videos to learn about products or services. 84% of people have bought a product after watching a video. Video content also helps build trust between brands and customers, with 52% of marketers stating that video is a key tool for this. Overall, incorporating video content into a marketing strategy can significantly boost ROI.

This article will present the 8 importance of video marketing for your business. It will also provide statistics and expert insights to support these points. We will offer tips on creating engaging video marketing to keep your clients coming back. Finally, we will introduce a business model that can generate $500 - $3,000 in passive monthly income.

1. Video Marketing Boosts Sales

Video marketing is a powerful tool that boosts sales. According to Wyzowl, 91% of companies use videos in their marketing. Videos are more engaging than text. It captures attention and holding it longer. When customers watch a video about a product, they are more likely to understand its benefits and make a purchase. This visual and auditory engagement helps businesses communicate their value better, leading to more sales.

Video marketing is more important than some traditional strategies. Aayushi Sanghavi of G2 notes that 30% of marketers say video marketing is more crucial than their website. This shows that consumers prefer video content and respond to it more positively. By using videos, your business can enhance customer engagement, build stronger brand loyalty, and increase sales.

The video shows that Superside has seen enormous benefits from using video in their marketing. They found that video ads almost always did better than static ads. Adding a human face and narration increased the click-through rate by 48% and decreased the cost by 62%. Their video ads also converted 30% more than non-video ads.

Superside tied their video content to over 2,500 demo requests and millions of dollars in potential sales. They found that 50% of their new business opportunities came from using video in their marketing. Compared to messages without video, they saw an 8x increase in click-through rate and a 4x increase in reply rate.

2. Video Attract New Customers and Build Engagement

Video content can attract new customers and build engagement. Research by Insivia shows that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading text. Videos humanize your brand by showcasing the people behind your company. Behind-the-scenes or testimonial videos show authenticity and build trust with potential customers. This trust helps turn prospects into loyal customers.

Product demos and explainer videos are also very effective. They educate customers about your products and address their pain points. Wyzowl found that 84% of people have been convinced to buy a product after watching a brand video. Additionally, 87% of marketers can attribute sales to their video marketing efforts.

You don’t need to be a marketing whiz to know that more exposure = more traffic.

And more traffic = potential customers.

Potential customers that are looking for a solid, legit brand.

Benjamin Jaksch emphasizes the importance of video marketing in attracting new customers and building engagement. He explains that successful video marketing relies on creating emotionally resonant content. This helps form a connection with viewers. Jaksch highlights that most of his clients, including major companies like Siemens and Ikea, discovered him through his videos on social media. This shows how effective videos can be in gaining new customers.

He encourages practicing public speaking and on-camera presence to enhance this connection. The true power of video marketing is its ability to engage and resonate with the audience. By doing this, businesses can attract more customers and build stronger relationships with them.

The undisputed King of YouTube with 283 million subscribers with videos that regularly get Superbowl views. Here's some of his main tips.

  • Hook viewers within the first 10 seconds by telling them exactly what they're gonna watch
  • Plots & storylines - sometimes multiple stories that run concurrent to the major story (Hey whoever keeps their hands on this million dollars till the end, keeps it! Also every time Karl (his friend) says "you know" his mom gets $1000)
  • Introduce something new, entertaining or educational every 10-15 seconds (keep the content moving)
  • Create a pay-off at the end (people want to watch Mr. Beast's videos till the end because they want to know who won the ultimate prize)

Ultimately what he keeps saying over and over again is to just focus on making the best video possible. Go the extra mile to put in the extra care because people can sense effort. As simple as it sounds, it comes down to the fact that people will click on your videos if they enjoyed your last video. Don't just pump out content to get clicks, but rather focus on creating the best possible experience for your audience.

3. Video Marketing Can Build Trust in Your Brand

Building trust is one of the most powerful benefits of video marketing. BrightCove found that 93% of B2B buyers say video is important for building trust in a brand. G2 adds that 52% of marketers use video to build trust with customers. Videos can show your company's authenticity, expertise, and transparency. This makes it easier for potential customers to trust your brand, leading to loyal customers and long-term relationships.

Video marketing also boosts brand visibility. Wyzowl reports that 90% of video marketers say video has helped them increase brand awareness. When customers see and engage with your videos, they are more likely to remember your brand. This increased recognition can lead to higher customer retention and more referrals. By using video marketing, businesses can build credibility, improve customer relationships, and enhance their market presence.

Financial Potion emphasizes building trust through video marketing by creating and sharing Search and Subject Matter Expert (SSME) videos. Share these videos on all social media channels and include them on your website's FAQ page. By explaining industry terms and processes, these videos position you as an expert.

Despite concerns about sharing too much information, these videos show your expertise and build trust. Most viewers prefer hiring an expert over doing it themselves. Posting at least one SSME video weekly and optimizing it for search engines can greatly enhance your credibility and visibility.

4. Videos are Better on Social Media

Videos are very effective in social media platforms. Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook videos get over 8 billion views daily. This huge number shows that Facebook is great for reaching a large audience and driving engagement. Videos grab attention quickly and are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on than other content. This helps businesses connect with their audience and expand their reach.

People also prefer watching videos over reading updates on social media. RankingBySEO reports that 82% of users watch live videos from brands rather than reading text updates. In 2023, about 4.9 billion people use social media worldwide. Branded video content views have increased by 258% on Facebook and 99% on YouTube, according to Tubular Insights. Using videos on your social media helps your business boost visibility, engage with their audience, and drive more conversions.

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Alex B. Sheridan explains that making engaging social media videos has three key steps. They are: grabbing attention, keeping viewer retention, and inspiring action. He introduces the GEMS framework. It stands for Get clear on your audience and message, Engage with a strong hook, Map out key points, and Sum up with a call to action.

Sheridan emphasizes capturing curiosity within the first few seconds. He advises using dynamic visuals and storytelling techniques. Varying the delivery of content keeps it fresh and interesting. This ensures the video resonates emotionally with the audience. By following these steps, you can effectively engage viewers and motivate them to take action.

5. Videos Encourages Social Shares

Videos are highly effective in encouraging social shares. According to Responsive Inbound Marketing, social videos get 1200% more shares than text and images. This means that video content spreads quickly and reaches a larger audience. When people share your videos, it boosts your brand's visibility and attracts new customers. The viral nature of videos can lead to rapid growth in audience engagement and brand awareness.

Increased social shares positively impact your business in several ways. More shares mean more people see your content. It leads to higher website traffic and more chances for conversions. Shared videos boost your brand's credibility. People trust content recommended by friends and followers. Video marketing lets businesses create content that resonates with audiences. It encourages them to share and spread the word. This ultimately drives growth and success.

The Google News Initiative emphasizes increasing traffic through social sharing. You can also use tools like News Consumer Insights (NCI) to track social media traffic. Some kkey strategies include putting social sharing buttons in articles. It should be based on audience preferences. Also, we should limit the number of buttons to avoid overwhelming readers. It's important to keep the original colors of social network icons. These practices make sharing easier and more appealing. that boost engagement and attract new readers or prospects.

6. Videos Help You Explain Your Offerings

Videos are great for explaining your products or services. According to Animoto, 73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching videos that explain a product or service. According to Wyzowl, watching a video has convinced 84% of consumers to make a purchase. These statistics show that videos help people understand what you offer, leading to more sales.

Explainer videos are especially effective. Wyzowl found that 98% of users watch explainer videos to learn more about a product or service. This is why 45% of businesses with video marketing have an explainer video on their homepage. Of these businesses, 83% said their homepage explainer video worked well. By using videos to explain your offerings, you can attract and educate customers. This makes them more likely to choose your products or services. 

Motion Array Tutorials provides tips for creating successful explainer videos. They emphasize the importance of clarity, brevity, and engagement. They recommend keeping videos under two minutes, focusing on core messages, and using animation to maintain viewer interest.

The GEMS framework is a guide for effective content creation. It stands for Get clear on your audience and message, Engage with a strong hook, Map out key points, and Sum up with a call to action. They also stress the importance of using a friendly, authoritative narrator. Finally, ensure the video ends with a clear display of the business name and logo.

7. Video Marketing Is Great For SEO

Video marketing significantly boosts your SEO. According to Perficient, 88% of videos that rank on Google also rank on YouTube. This increases your content's visibility and attracts more organic traffic. Casey Henry of Moz found that blog posts with videos get three times more inbound links than those without. These links improve your website’s authority and search engine ranking.

Including videos on your website helps you rank higher on Google. Rahul Bhatia on LinkedIn says websites with video content are 30 times more likely to rank on Google. Yans Media reports that brands with video content get 41% more web traffic from search than those without. This increased traffic leads to more engagement, more leads, and more sales. By using video marketing, your business can achieve better search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic. 

SEO Video Show highlights that video marketing is crucial for SEO. They note that 96% of marketers use it because it keeps customer attention and boosts engagement. Customers keep 95% of a message in a video, compared to just 10% when reading text. This shows video’s power to convert viewers into engaged audiences and potential customers. According to SEO Video Show, video content also boosts SEO and dominates Google search results. With YouTube as the second-largest search engine, creating video content is a must for anyone wanting to make an impact online.

8. Videos Do Great Things For Your Email Marketing & Landing Pages

Videos can greatly improve your email marketing. The beehiiv Blog says that video email marketing has a 300% higher return on investment (ROI) than regular email campaigns. Additionally, 55% of video email marketers see higher click-through rates. This means more people engage with your emails and click through to your website, leading to more sales and better results.

Videos also make landing pages more effective. HubSpot reports that 30% of the top landing pages use video. Adding relevant videos can increase conversions by up to 86%. This means more visitors take the action you want, like making a purchase or signing up. You can use videos on your landing pages. It's going to make the user experience better, increase conversion rates, and drive more sales. This helps your business grow and succeed.

Jake from ClickBank highlights the importance of videos in email marketing and landing pages. Jake says that video marketing can boost conversions. It does this by providing a more engaging and interactive experience. This is especially effective for landing pages, where an interesting video can encourage visitors to take action. Videos grab attention and keep viewers engaged longer. This leads to higher engagement rates and more conversions.

Also, Jake added that video marketing also allows you to target specific audiences and demographics. This ensures that your email marketing and landing pages reach the right people. Using videos makes your landing pages more effective by driving curiosity and prompting viewers to take action. 

Conclusion: Why Local Lead Generation Is The Best Business Model?

Local lead generation is the best business model to start in 2024 because it offers incredibly high-profit margins, often up to 90%, by using free traffic. Unlike other models, local lead generation websites compete primarily with small business owners in specific geographic locations. This makes local lead gen biz easier to achieve online visibility through local SEO. This model focuses on forming long-term partnerships with business owners who pay a fixed monthly fee for website leads. It provides you a consistent and predictable income.

Additionally, local lead generation websites can generate passive income for extended periods. Once a local business owner rents your website that ranks on Google, it requires minimal oversight to maintain it. This means you can earn $500 to $3,000 per month from each website with very little ongoing effort. By leveraging local SEO, you create valuable digital real estate that serves local service businesses. It ensures high-quality customer leads and a steady revenue stream.


We use video marketing on our landing page to collect emails. We also use longer videos, like recorded webinars, to explain our coaching program and the business model of local lead generation. I believe this is one of the best online businesses to get into. We constantly make new videos. It includes student testimonials and interviews.

We use the videos to teach our audience about our program. We have lots of great video content that explains our program well. As a result, many students come to the sales call sold and ready to buy. Great video marketing content provides excellent leverage and ROI because it acts like a sales team working for you 24/7 at virtually no cost.

There are many ways to create video marketing content. You can check out our local lead gen coaching program and see how significantly we use different videos.

Tap below to learn more.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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