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X3 Bar Review – 10 Reasons Why I am a Firm Believer

November 18, 2021

I've owned the X3 Bar for 3 years now and I can honestly say that this is a true life hack.

Let me give you 10 reasons why I really love this exercise equipment by Dr. John Jaquish

1. Saves A LOT of time, you're done after 10-15 min

I think this is the craziest aspect of this equipment. You only do 1 set per body part and you're done.

And so any given day, you only do 5 seperate exercises to exhaustion and you're done.

Its pretty incredible.

So you either do...

> Chest, Tricep, Overhead Shoulder Press, Squats, Flys


> Deadlift, Back/Rows, Bicep curls, Calves

and you just alternate

I continue to get stronger and these exercises are no joke, you're really fatiguing your muslces to the max but the fact that I don't have to drive 30 min to a gym and do an hour work-out is life-changing

2. Faster Results 

What Dr. Jaquish says has been true in my experience that with the X3 bar, I'm getting size, definition and strength much faster than the days when I would go to the gym 3-4 times per week.

With the X3 Bar I can work out 6 days out of the week.

And sometimes when I'm partying too much or too busy with work and I miss like 4-5 days in a row.

I start feeling like I'm losing bit of mass and feeling bit weaker

I start doing X3 again and BAM it feels like my muscles and that feeling of strength comes flying back

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. I can second your sentiments on x3. Been using it for the last 18months. I can cook dinner between sets and be done with cooking and working out in 3O minutes that I would have taken to cook anyway. I’ve tried a lot of things to gain mass ad a little guy and I’m now getting questions and compliments about my physique. People don’t really believe me when I say 10-15 minutes a day but it’s the truth. Until something better comes around, I’ll be a lifelong user. If you want to stay in shape, it’s gonna take work and be difficult. I’ll choose the sprint (x3) over a going to a gym to grind it out. Just added some maces to my tool belt to play with at the beach and add some different movements. Thanks for the post and spreading the good word or variable resistance training!

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