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2 Hour Agency Review – Is there a catch with Rohan Sheth’s book? (Huge Mistake Agency Owners Make!)

January 13, 2023

In the 2 Hour Agency digital book by Rohan Sheth, you learn how to create your digital agency in a way that will allow you to work minimal hours per week. Rohan teaches you to charge less than the full price of a service and build systems that are repeatable so that you can close deals at a higher rate than if you were to charge higher prices upfront. In this 2 Hour Agency review, we'll talk about who Rohan Sheth is, how he got started with digital marketing, what you get when you pay $2.97 for the 2 Hour Agency digital book, if starting a digital agency is worth it in 2024 even if you automate everything, and how creating a digital agency compares to the popular local lead generation business model that offers passive income by ranking and renting your own digital properties.


Rohan Sheth has made millions as a digital agency owner and his agency is making over 8-figures in revenue

Rohan has helped some of the largest brands in the world scale their business

Creating a digital agency that is automated is possibly the best path to passive income for a social media marketing agency


Creating a digital marketing agency isn't as passive as Rohan makes it seem.

The income you earn from a digital marketing agency will not be a predicable one and your clients can drop you at any time, 

The digital book is simply an entry point to hook you into buying the higher-ticket training, which costs thousands of dollars.


The 2 Hour Agency digital book costs $2.97.

Refund Policy:

1 year money-back guarantee


168 page digital book


Private Facebook group (Over 2000 students)


Rohan has an excellent reputation because his company, GrowRev, has helped people like Dean Graziozi, Anthony Morrison, and more exponentially grow their businesses.

Huge Mistake Agency Owners Make

Charging Way Too Much For Their Services Upfront

According to Rohan, the #1 mistake agency owners make is that they charge way too much upfront for their services. The reason for this is that they are always trying to lineup the next deal and want money fast. Also, many agency owners don't have a team of employees to help them get everything done, which means they're doing it all themselves. Because of that, they won't accept less pay since they don't know where their next deal will come from. 

There are also many agency owners that charge way too much for their services because they don't have a clue on how to price their services. They see other entrepreneurs closing deals for many thousands of dollars and believe they should charge their clients the same without knowing why they can or if they should charge that much. 

It's also possible that some people don't know the different ways you can structure different deals. They simply don't know you can do either flat rate deals, percentage deals, or even hybrid deals. Their negotiation skills aren't developed yet, which makes them panic and charge way too much upfront.

In Rohan Sheth's digital book, he encourages you to charge 65% less than full price for your services. This way, a prospect will sign on with you with less push-back. Once they're your client, it will take less effort to close them on other services.

Who is Rohan Sheth?

Rohan was born in India, and his family moved to Vancouver, Canada when he was 10 years old. Towards the end of his sophomore year in high school, he started selling pocket bikes. Rohan only sold a few at a time, but eventually started selling entire pallets of pocket bikes. In under one year, Rohan had already hit $100,000 in sales as a junior in high school.

When the pocket bike sales stopped, Rohan went to work as a store manager at Canadian Tire and even at McDonalds. He always had the goal of becoming an airplane pilot. This dream started because his dad and uncle owned Raj Airlines. Rohan eventually got his pilot's license, but gave up that dream when he started making money closing deals for a sales company that was selling education packages for kids. Per year, he was making over $250K. On May 27th, 2012, the sales company failed and his income went to zero.

Reluctantly, Rohan started working at an insurance company to make money. In 2011, he came across the world of digital marketing through different blogs, and bought several online courses to figure out what lane he wanted to be in. Soon after, he started his own digital agency, which was geared towards marketing and lead generation services for businesses in Vancouver. Though he had no marketing skills, he loved how he didn't need to have all the skills to be successful with his new agency. What he did was find clients and hire freelancers to do all the work.

The first 3 years of business for Rohan required him to put in 60-80 hours a week, even though he had a team working with fulfillment. Rohan was chasing existing clients, prospecting, setting up meetings, and creating proposals. According to Rohan, his agency owned him and knew he had to make a change. What he did was automate his traffic generation, offer low to medium packages that were also automated and if any client wanted to upgrade to a higher package, he delegated that work to a project manager. Now, he doesn't have to be as involved in his agency and can spend 2 hours per week on the agency and do whatever he wants the rest of the time. 

Today, Rohan is the CEO and founder of GrowRev which helps companies grow their revenue online. His company handles over $100 million in ad spend, which has generated an ROI of over $600 million in sales. They have also invited him to speak on stages all around the world with people like Gary Vee and The Hip Hop Preacher Eric Thomas.

On his Instagram profile, which has over 191K followers, he often posts content related to online marketing.

What do you learn in the 2 Hour Agency?

In this 168 page book, Rohan lays out the 6 steps to creating a digital agency.

The are...

1) Choose an In-Demand Agency Niche

Rohan shares his list of 40 in demand niches to get you started.

2) Create an Amazing Offer

Creating an excellent offer is essential because it's the first thing people are going to see when they come across your products or services. As Rohan puts it, "it's your front facing product people will buy on your agency site".

3) Get your First Client

You learn how to tap into multiple channels of distribution to help land your first client.

4) Automate Your Client Acquisition Process

The 4th step Rohan talks about is automating your client acquisition process, and it starts with setting up your website.

5) Run Traffic

Rohan touches on how you can leverage multiple traffic channels to scale your agency. You can use Facebook, Google, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and more.

6) Free Yourself From Your Agency

In the 6th step, you learn to put systems in place for a project manager to manage for you. This is key to removing yourself from your agency where you only work for 2 hours per week. 


You also discover...

  1. How to quickly find in-demand niches people are already looking for
  2. Tapping into traffic networks to get new clients
  3. Creating a website that turns visitors into clients
  4. How to scale by redirecting traffic to your website
  5. Free Ticket to Virtual One-Day Event
  6. 7-Day Mini Video Series
  7. 6000 Profitable Niche List

This book is simply a starting point for Rohan Sheth to get your contact information so that he can upsell you on other services.

2 Hour Agency Alternatives

AltAgency by Greg Hickman helps you grow and scale your business by helping you package your products or services into one offering instead of offering several products/services. The AltAgency Foundations program is where you'll start your journey with Greg's team. It's a 6-week training that helps you package and deliver your services easily, attractively promote your products, build your authority on social media, turn prospects into paying clients, and automate your business. Once you've completed the Foundations course and are making $10K per month, the next program is the AltAgency Academy. This is a year-long coaching program that helps you scale your business past 6 and 7 figures. There are live coaching calls on Zoom for support, three 2-day live workshops, and an entire training library with the latest strategies, frameworks on everything you need to succeed.

Price: AltAgency Foundations offers their service as a subscription according to their Terms & Conditions page, but the price isn't clear until you call to sign up. Most likely thousands of dollars.

More Info: AltAgency Review.

The Copy Paste Agency by Iman Gadzhi is another program that helps you grow your business in under a year by implementing Iman's procedures that systematize everything for you. In this course, there are 9 modules that come with extra training materials, a private Facebook group for support, pre-recorded training calls and a bonus, 5-week course that teaches you how to create ad copy that converts.

Price: Copy Paste Agency costs $5000

More Info: Copy Paste Agency review.

Is a 2 Hour agency worth starting in 2024?

Of all the online business models, a 2 hour agency is worth it if you're tired of working a 9-5 job and are looking for a way to make money online. The idea of working a couple of hours a week is possible, but there are many things that need to happen before you can even get there.

The entire digital agency model isn't all that bad. My problem with the 2 hour agency model is that you need to put a team together to run certain aspects of a digital agency like running paid traffic. Finding a skilled, dependable team you can outsource takes time. 

Paid traffic is an expensive hassle because you can lose hundreds or thousands of dollars overnight with no ROI if your ads don't have excellent copy, a high-quality image or clear calls to action. Split testing ads will also cost you more money until you find an ad that works. 

The main issue with a digital agency is that your clients can stop working with you whenever they want. You're expendable to a business owner and they can easily leave you and go on to the next agency owner, who offers them a better price. Even if you are providing them with results.

There is too much income instability and not enough control as an agency owner, even if you get to automate your business.

I'd much rather go with the local lead generation business model that allows me to be in control of all aspects of my business and has more benefits.


With local lead generation, you are afforded the opportunity to choose how you're going to run your business. 

It's on you to decide what niche you want to get into, how you're going to rank your lead generation website, and which local small business you're going to forward your leads. You even get to dictate how much money you're going to rent your ranked lead generation sites for each month. 

That's called control and the beginning of financial freedom.

This tree care website I built over 7 years ago has been generating leads each month for a local business.

Local lead generation

Like clockwork, it's paid me $2000 every month ever since I ranked it on Google. 

Having control in your business is a luxury in the world of business. Mainly when the income you earn is residual and passive as long as you properly rank and rent your sites.

The original rank and rent coaching program that teaches these skills has over 7400 students who are all building out their own digital real estate to rent them out to local small business owners in need of more work.

Most of the business owners we work with don't know how to market themselves or generate more leads. They know leads are the lifeline of businesses, which is why when we provide them with leads on a consistent, monthly basis, they keep throwing money at us to continue working with them. 

If your goal is to become financially free by controlling how you run your business, and not overworking yourself, check out the local lead generation training program.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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