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6-Figure Dropshipping Mastery 2.0 by Justin Painter. A work of art, or a paint-by-numbers course? (Full 2024 review)

December 4, 2021

Dropshipping Mastery 2.0 by Justin Painter.
Justin Painter's course was created when he was only 19 years old. Having made some money with dropshipping and gaining a substantial following on YouTube, it was a natural progression for Justin to create a course. 

Dropshipping Mastery Course Overview

Ranked #10 out of 8 dropship courses (See my Best Dropshipping Courses of 2020 here)
 5 hours 22 minutes
Very basic. Only suggested for die-hard fans of Justin Painter. There are some highlights though... Read on to see why it didn't make my Top 8 Dropshipping Courses List.
$597 (January 2020)

Introduction to Justin

Justin Painter is another YouTube dropshipper with a big following.

He has almost 67,700 YT Subscribers with over 1.7m views, and 14,000 Instagram followers. 

Based on Justin's claims, he seems to enjoy some success at dropshipping. At only 18 (in 2018), he claims to have made $117,000 selling generic AirPods. 

His biggest dropshipping success story was turning $43 into $150k. 

If you watch his YouTube videos, you'll see that Justin talks a lot but doesn't show much in terms of practical examples of what he did. 

The hope is that he shares his secrets in this course. 

Before I get to the review of 6-Figure Dropshipping Mastery, there's something important you need to know:
I am in no way affiliated to any of the courses that I review. 
What you get, as a result, is a completely honest and unbiased review.

What to Expect in this Course

Based on his own dropshipping successes (like the one below), Justin created his own course where he shares his trade secrets with you. (That's the premise anyway). 

Justin promises to guide you through the process of creating your own store using his own tried and tested blueprint. 

He also claims to show you his method for finding products that will make you a "guaranteed" $10k per month.

Sounds great! If, he is able to deliver.

​This is what Dropshipping Mastery 2.0 claims to offer you:
"Inside of this program, you are going to be taken step-by-step through the exact blueprint that I use to build every single one of my stores,"
- First Promise: you will get a step-by-step blueprint to build dropshipping store(s).

" I find products that I know will make me a minimum of $10K/MONTH,"
- you will learn how to find products that bring in more than $10k a month

" to market those products successfully,"
- you will learn how to successfully market these winning products

"...& how to maintain and scale every single store."
- once you have a successful store, Justin will show you how to maintain and scale your store(s)

"...Also once you get inside the program you will be able to watch me build a brand new store from complete scratch and take the store from $0 to $70,000 in 30 days."
- Justin will show you exactly how he builds a store from $0 to $70k in 30 days.

"No information will be held back, everything that I know about dropshipping will be revealed to you inside this program.

Some very lofty promises. Let's see if he actually delivers.

The Dropshipping Mastery Course Breakdown

This course contains different video lessons, with a total of 5 hours and 21 minutes viewing time. 
The course is broken up into 9 different modules. They are:

Module 1: Introduction

Module video length: 04:46 
​Justin starts the course off by offering some course expectations.

To me, it sounds like the highlights are:
- He will teach you four different product research methods as opposed to other courses that offer one or two. 
- A big selling point is that he builds a store from scratch.
- Justin mentions the other modules in the course and states that few other courses offer this content.

MOST courses, in fact, offer the exact same content, so don't let that claim fool you.

What's offered here is the bare basics for starting a dropshipping business. 

Justin closes the info module off with a suggestion to implement what he teaches, along with his legal disclaimer. 

Module 2: Essentials of Dropshipping
Length: 37:37
This module deals with the basics of dropshipping. 

Justin starts off by stating that he does not pick a niche, but rather builds his store around the product he chooses.

Justin then shares his four methods of finding "guaranteed" products that will sell. It's a huge promise, but something that has worked for him in the past. 

Justin shows you where to find trending products and where to find the right suppliers of these products. 

Finding suppliers on AliExpress is no secret, but Justin's methods for finding the products are somewhat original. How effective they are, I don't know...

Most of the tips and advice can be found for free on YouTube though. 
Module 3: Building Your Store
Length: 01:26:11
Justin shows you how to set up your own Shopify store from scratch. 

He starts the module by showing you how to install the FB Pixel on your store. 

If you need more detailed help, check out my free Dropshipping Guide here.

Justin's go-to app is the free Oberlo Starter Plan, which makes it easy for you to import products into your store. All the info relating to Products can be found online for free, so nothing new here.

Justin does however, offer some very good app suggestions, which won't break the bank. 
Justin also shows you how to add reviews to your product pages and setup your shipping. 
Module 4: Instagram / Marketing
Length: 59:27
This module consists of 15 videos wherein Justin covers the following:
- Setting up Instagram, how to find the right influencers, approach and negotiate with them. 
- How to set up your sales funnel, including what and when to post, and how to scale.

Standout lesson: Justin telling you when the best time of the day is to post an ad. 
Module 5: YouTube Influencers
Justin covers the following in this module:
- How to find YouTube influencers for your niche.
- Which YouTube Channels are actually good for advertising?
- YouTube Channels you should avoid placing ads on. 
- Contacting YT influencers effectively.
- How to run YT influencer ads effectivele, and
- Scaling with YT influencers. 
Module 6: Facebook Ads
Length: 47:10 
In Module Six, Justin has his FB Marketer, Nick offer advice from his college dorm room. From under a bunk bed, no less...

I have to be critical here. If you charge almost $600 for a course, at least try to make it look a little professionally.
This applies to Justin swearing like a trooper as well...
Nick covers different campaigns, how to structure an ad set, the tools you need, how to test, scale, re-target, etc. 
Module highlight: Nick giving you an over-the-shoulder lesson on How to Correctly Structure Your Adsets.

Some of the training is very basic though, and you can find it on YouTube.
Module 7: Issues You'll Run Into & How To Solve Them
Length: 30:38
Justin covers topics such as dealing with taxes, order fulfillment, LLC's, when and how to get a VA and automating your ads through an ad agency.  
Module 8: Selling Your Store
Length: 34:26
This module won't be applicable to new dropshippers, nor dropshippers in it to build a long-term brand. 

However, this is another way to make some money from dropshipping - store flipping. 

Justin shows you what to do once you've built your store up to a point and you're looking to sell it.

He covers:
- when and where to sell your store,  
- how to make a good store listing,
- how to determine your selling price,
- what happens after you listed,
- final flipping stores advice. 
Module 9: 0-$70,000 Series
Length: 26:24
This module is basically a summary of how Justin took his new store from $0 on day 1, up to $70k. 

Lesson Two does not deliver on the lesson title. It reads "Setting up our first shoutouts" but he doesn't show you how it is set up. ​
There's no setup, Justin starts off showing screenshots of conversations with influencers who will be doing posts for you.

He tells you to copy and use the content... 
But, you won't have the same product. Why use his wording then? It doesn't make much sense. 
The remaining videos all cover the store progress over Days 1, 3, 7, 20 and 31. Day 21 had total sales to date of almost $35k, but no sales figures are given for Day 31.

Oh, and just to be clear. This is not my idea of "proof". I don't see the store name, it's very easy to do some editing in Photoshop and I don't see PROFIT anywhere...

Justin also doesn't show you step-by-step how he built the store (as was promised). 

The last video covers how Justin goes about selling the store.

Is it a worthwhile course?

If you compare Dropship Mastery to some of the stalwart dropshipping courses, it's priced well.

But, do you get value for your $597?

If you follow Justin on YouTube and you're an avid fan, then I would say this course is for you. But even then you might be disappointed

If you haven't heard of Justin Painter before, then you can really spend your money better elsewhere. 

So, is it a worthwhile course?

No. I was actually disappointed in Justin's course. I expected much more insight than he offered.

He made some lofty claims and didn't deliver as expected on most of them.

You can find most of the content covered in the course on his YouTube channel - for FREE!

I was really excited seeing him build a new store from scratch to $70k, yet he never delivered on this. I guess, technically speaking, he did show screenshots of revenue, but this can easily be faked.

I was expecting an over the shoulder insider experience that shows you exactly how he built the store, found his product, how he marketed it, etc. 

Instead, Justin mainly talked. And talked. So if you're a fan, go for it. But even you might be disappointed at the quality of tuition. 

He has better lesson videos for his YouTube channel!

One such an example is "Creating a $50,000/month Shopify Dropshipping Store Live". It's much more informative than any of his course videos. You can check it out here

Justin even tells you what font to use in this YT lesson. This kind of detail is absent in his course.

Why you would skimp on your course, I don't know...

As it is, dropshiping has had its run. 

If you want something more substantial & with more potential than dropshiping, then consider Lead Generation. It's my Number One recommendation for an online business.

If you want to know more, click the green link below.

Review Conclusion

Justin dangled some very enticing carrots on his course landing page. Let's see if Dropshipping Mastery delivered:

Did Justin show you how he built a store from scratch to $70k?

- No. He talked about it, but there was no physical walkthrough to show students how to do it.

Did Justin share anything worthwhile in the course?

There were some highlights such as how to find winning products, but not enough to warrant the price tag. 

Will you be able to launch a successful $10k per month store with this course?

- Maybe. It's definitely not guaranteed. 

Conclusion about 6-figure Dropshipping Mastery: I've done better FREE courses with more content and practical examples. 


What I like:

  • Great for beginner dropshippers who are fans of Justin Painter..
  • Contains FB Bidding strategy.

What I didn't like:

  • Very theory based. Justin does not show many practical examples. He mostly talks about what you should do... 
  • It's the first course I've come across where the course instructor swears. Might appeal to some, but for most this is a sign of unprofessionalism (immaturity?). 
  • Questionable claims & promises.
  • Not the best online business model in 2020

Why is dropshipping still popular in 2020?

(BUT why it's not so great anymore)

A lot of it has to do with the hype created on YouTube about dropshipping.

Look at some of these examples:
"$100,000/month Dropshipping THIS Product on Shopify. (FULL REVEAL)."
- Scott Hilse with 47k views in 4 days.

"People are Becoming Millionaires from Shopify Dropshipping...THIS is How."

- J Rich, 62k views in 1 month

"How I Made $20k in a Day Dropshipping At 16 Years Old."

- Tanner Planes, 874k views in 2 years. 

There are thousands of videos like these on YouTube telling you how easy it is to make money with dropshipping. Some of them have over a million views! It all sounds great, but they never tell you what their profit is. And claims like these are never repeated. These people are more YouTubers than dropshippers...

Justin Painter is no exception. His YouTube channel has enjoyed over 1.7 million views. 

The idea of making easy money appeals to everyone, right?

However, here's the catch:
The dropshipping hype is created by a bunch of clever entrepreneurs creating sales funnels for their dropshipping courses.

I'll let that sink in. Read that line again. 

The FREE advice given on YouTube is nothing more than part of their sales funnel. 

A couple of years ago, it was possible to still make a lot of money from dropshipping without too much effort. I had a $48k month with a single product as well! But, I only made $3k in PROFIT...

The game has changed:
  • Thanks to Amaz​on, people are not willing to wait weeks for their orders anymore.
  • Shipping is more expensive. Especially since you are now forced to use suppliers that have US warehouses. They charge more for the faster shipping times...
  • There's also more competition.
  • Advertising expenses are up, and
  • Doing social media marketing successfully, has become a skill.
Don't believe me? Think about this for a second: All the so-called gurus have courses.

Here's a quick list of well-known YouTube Dropshippers that have courses (that I have reviewed):
Franklin Hatchett, Kevin David, Jared Goetz, Adrian Morrison, Anton Kraly, Scott Hilse, Dan Vas, Biaheza, Nick Peroni, Wholseale Ted/Sarah Chrisp, Harry Coleman, James Beattie and Fred Lam.
Logos of the best dropshipping courses of 2019. Includes Drop Sjip Lifestyle, Ecom Success Academy, Ecom Elites, Ecom Hacks, Oberlo 101, Zero Up
YouTube Dropshippers that I haven't reviewed yet, but DO HAVE COURSES: 

Dan Dasilva, Gabriel St-Germain, Tobia Wilson, Rory Ganon, Jordan Welch, King Komm. The list goes on...

Are there any pro-dropshippers left on YouTube that don't offer a course?  

It's a very clever marketing ploy. You make a few videos showing how awesome dropshipping is, without revealing exactly HOW you made your money.

Then if someone wants to know your formula for dropshipping success, they have to buy your course. 

It's all talk and no real proof of how much profit they've made.
Even the amazing Gretta van Riel only manages 10% profit margins...

It's also very easy to make (fake) screenshots of revenue generated by a supposed dropshipping store. I'm not saying there are people who do this.

The whole idea is to get you interested so that you can buy their course. And then they make some money on the side from YouTube as well...
How to make money with youtube ads
Think about it for a second. Why would they be sharing their "secrets" with you? Secrets that have made them so much money...

Why would you want thousands of people entering the market using the exact same methods that you are using..?

(Unless of course, they don't work anymore...)  

Don't get me wrong. You can still make money through dropshipping. It's even possible to do dropshipping full-time and quit your day job. (But don't do it just yet. There is a better alternative to dropshipping). 

To be a successful dropshipper however, you need to be very committed and willing to put in long hours, often for very little reward.

Dropshippers that continue to be successful, have built a brand. And that takes time and skill...

Lead Gen Leads the Way into 2020 and beyond!

As an online entrepreneur, you have several options available to you. 

I have experience in Affiliate Marketing, Amazon FBA, and Dropshipping. 

I've been fortunate enough to make money on all of them. However, there's only one business model that stands out for me. Local lead generation.

Here's an example of a site I created years ago, and it still brings in a passive income of $2k per month...

Lead gen offers some major advantages above dropshipping:
  • With local lead gen, you work more in the short-term, but it keeps paying long-term dividends. Lead gen creates passive income streams.
  • Dropshipping has a very low barrier to entry. Thus, every Tom, Dick and Jane can start dropshipping within a few hours. Lead gen has a specific skill set you have to learn and master. This means only a select few can do it. 
  • Other dropshippers can copy and clone your store, products and even ads within a few short hours and become direct competition. There are no such issues with lead gen. 
  • You don't need a marketing budget for lead gen. You rank your sites organically on Google for FREE. 
Lead generation makes me $50k per month on a consistent basis, whereas dropshipping only made me $10k a month for a couple of months.

Unfortunately, dropshipping is very inconsistent and it actually takes a great deal of effort to keep making money with it.

Local lead generation is my hands-down number one business choice for 2020 and beyond. 
Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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