How To Get Into High Ticket Digital Marketing | 3 Methods For Getting High Ticket Offers

September 19, 2024

High Ticket Digital Marketing

To get into high-ticket digital marketing, you must:  

  1. Study digital marketing courses, newsletters, and more
  2. Focus on one high-ticket niche 
  3. Use social media channels
  4. Distribute content
  5. Find high-ticket offers
  6. Promote high ticket offers 
  7. Interact with clients

High-ticket digital marketing is promoting and selling expensive products or services. It focuses on products like luxury jets, real estate, watches, or high-end software. This means targeting businesses or individuals with larger disposable incomes or investment capabilities. 

Digital marketing is one of the most rapidly growing and sought-after job skills for 2024. WordStream says digital marketing positions will increase by 6% by 2032. It surpasses the average job growth rate in the United States. This trend only shows at least two possibilities for high-ticket digital marketing. First, there will be more opportunities for digital marketers. Second, more players in digital marketing means more competitors to attract customers. 

Successful high-ticket digital marketers include Lucas Crumb, Matt Diggity, and Simeon Miglic. Lucas is the co-founder and managing director of Lux Jets. Matt is the creator of Affiliate Lab. while Simeon is an entrepreneur from Slovenia. Matt shared that one of his high-ticket affiliate programs pays up to $2,000 per sale.

In this article, we'll cover the 7 steps to get into high-ticket digital marketing. We will also discuss the 3 methods to get high ticket offers. Additionally, we will look at whether high-ticket digital marketing is legit. This includes the simplest method for doing high-ticket digital marketing. In the conclusion, you'll learn the best method for doing high-ticket digital marketing. 

1. Study Digital Marketing Courses, Newsletters, and More.

Study digital marketing courses, newsletters, and other materials from marketers. Industry leaders like Neil Patel and Harry Dry can give you insights, updates, and real-world experiences. You can check the latest trends by reading their blogs and other free resources.

Hootsuite Blog and Sprout Social Blog also provide free information on digital marketing. If you have extra cash around, you may enroll in high-ticket digital marketing courses. Popular platforms are Coursera, edX, and Udemy. Some industry experts also have their own courses. 

Ahrefs says this gives you better understanding of marketing strategies, tools, and trends. Studying diverse materials helps marketers stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Lessons from courses and newsletters help aspiring digital marketers build a solid foundation. This enables them to specialize and excel in specific areas. This includes SEO, content marketing, or PPC advertising.

2. Focus On One High-Ticket Niche. 

Focusing on a specific niche helps you specialize and establish expertise. It allows you to master and learn as much as you can with the said industry. You may choose particular industry like vintage items, cosmetics, entertainment, food, or technology.

Additionally, you must choose a specific digital marketing category. This can include things like SEO, social media, email, or affiliate marketing. For example, ad management is in high-demand and can be lucrative niche. However, it can be quite competitive.

In recent years, 63% of businesses have increased their digital marketing budgets. According to WordStream, 94% of small businesses plan to do so in 2024. From 2023 to 2024, digital marketing budget spending grew by 10%. Over 72% of total marketing budgets are now focused on digital channels. In addition, digital ads boost brand awareness by 80%, making online advertising crucial. This is especially true for high-ticket items which requires longer sales process. 

3. Use Social Media Channels Effectively. 

Social media plays a crucial role in today's marketing landscape. With millions of users on each platform, using them enhances visibility and credibility. This is crucial when selling a high-ticket product where it takes longer to engage in sales. Saleslion said that 81% of consumers find information about products or services online. This is done before making a purchase. Recognizing these very specific consumption habits is key to attracting potential clients.

To reach your target audience, you can blog, upload YouTube videos, and post on social media. DemandSage reported that YouTube has over 2.70 billion monthly active users as of 2024. It has a 51% monthly share of all internet users, showcasing the potential reach of video content. Also, 95% of customers read online reviews before buying, as reported by Luisa Zhou. So, it is important to build a connection with a diverse audience on each social media platform. Online visibility helps potential high-ticket clients discover you. 

Here are some key tips for using social media channels effectively to get into high-ticket digital marketing:

  • Choose your social media channels strategically. Based it on where your target high-ticket clients are most active. For example, if you are selling luxury vehicles, you can combine Instagram and YouTube. Focus on 1-2 channels rather than spreading yourself thin across many platforms. This also minimizes your ad spending and allows you to focus on smaller campaigns. Sprout Social said that 76% of local businesses use social media for marketing. Of these, 41% rely on it to drive revenue.
  • Create a consistent brand presence and narrative across your social channels. Use eye-catching visuals, videos, and content that address your niche. High-ticket items need a significant investment. Your potential clients need to trust the brand before making such a purchase. Consistency in branding helps establish and maintain this trust. Using logos, colors, fonts, and messaging helps in creating a recognizable brand. Global Banking and Finance said that 71% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they recognize.
  • Engage with your audience. Respond to messages and comments, and share user-generated content in your post. This allows you to gather feedback directly from them. Additionally, it helps you understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. From these, you can tailor your offerings and marketing strategies accordingly. Active engagement shows that you value your customers and will listen to them. HubSpot said that 65% of consumers use social media messaging apps to contact a company. Your next sale may be right in your inbox. 
  • Implement a sales funnel strategy on social media. High-ticket items often have a longer sales cycle. It also requires more touchpoints before a purchase decision is made. A sales funnel guides potential customers through each stage of the buying journey. Starting from awareness to consideration to decision. Use awareness ads to create an initial buzz. Consideration ads will also help you showcase testimonials and previews. Then, use conversion ads with clear calls to action to drive ticket sales. According to HubSpot, companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost. 
  • Leverage influencer partnerships strategically to expand your reach. Micro-influencers with modest but highly engaged followings can be very effective. When they endorse a high-ticket product, it lends credibility to the brand. This can significantly influence purchasing decisions. According to Business News Daily, consumers trust recommendations from individuals over brands. Additionally, influencers often have niche audiences that align with specific demographics or interests. This also helps you reach a broader audience. 
  • Use social media analytics to understand your audience. This includes their demographics, interests, and online behavior. By understanding the different segments within your audience, you can create personalized content. Knowing what type of content they engage with helps refine your content strategy. Sprout Social posted that 87% of marketers say video marketing has increased sales. Short-form videos offer the highest ROI. 
  • Craft buyer personas to guide your social media content. Aim your language at a specific ideal client rather than a broad audience. Buyer personas help you understand your target audience. Cintell said companies that exceed lead and revenue goals are 2.3 times more likely to use personas. Additionally, HubSpot found that personalized content can increase conversion rates by 202%. 

4. Distribute Content Across Different Platforms. 

Maximizing social media platforms helps marketers distribute content effectively. Statista said that 78% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn’s global reach to connect with clients. In 2019, 64% of 529 small business owners used social media. This is according to the Manifest’s State of Small Business Advertising report. But, 34% still turn to face-to-face interactions at industry events for valuable connections.

Social media is the most preferred medium small businesses use to advertise. A wide network helps high-ticket digital marketers find lucrative collaborations. Use tracking software to track, engage, and build a relationship with potential clients. Some examples of such software are Bigin by Zoho CRM, Hiver, and LiveAgent. 

5. Find High-Ticket Offers. 

Finding high-ticket offers to promote means looking for expensive products or services. A high-ticket item's price point is relative to its market. One good example is the sports equipment industry. Professional-grade and commercial exercise bikes can cost $1,995 to $12,540. Partnering with fitness equipment companies could be a great high-ticket opportunity. 

Here are some methods for getting high-ticket offers you can try: 

Find high-ticket affiliate marketing products. 

High-ticket affiliate marketing is the most simple method of doing high-ticket digital marketing. You don't need to create a product or offer a service. To start, join affiliate networks to explore different high-paying programs. Read reviews and understand the features and benefits of that product or service. You all need a good understanding of your target audience. Consider the affiliate program’s reputation by the support it gives to affiliates.

Each program also has its specific affiliate commission structure. Check the commission rate, cookie duration, and payment terms. Look at this offer from an independent site dealing with luxury watches. It's got an affiliate program that offers a 5% commission for items with a cap of $1,000 and an order amount of $19,999. The cookie duration for this offer is 1 day. 

Offer high-ticket agency services. 

To offer high-ticket agency services, identify a specific niche where you have expertise. You can offer high-ticket digital marketing packages to businesses. This includes social media marketing, SEO service, content marketing service, or web design. You need to understand what your client needs. Using a sales pipeline will help you see how your clients move through each stage of the sales process.

Aaron Martinez of the Remote Closing Academy, says companies may pay $20,000-$100,000 for high-ticket marketing agency services. Below is the cost of different digital marketing services in 2024 compiled by WebFX. The table shows that the average cost of website design is anywhere between $2,500 and $100K. Meanwhile, website copywriting also costs $25 to $25,000.

Create and sell your own high ticket product. 

You must identify the market needs to create and sell your high-ticket products. Conduct market research and analyze the existing high-ticket products and identify unmet needs. The best option for beginners is to start with digital products, like online courses.

Success in this business lies in staying adaptable and updated with market feedback. Conduct surveys to validate your product idea or gauge potential interest from users. Next, develop your high-ticket digital product. Define its core features and determine what makes it unique compared to alternatives.

Aaron Martinez suggested that you help clients understand the long-term consequences. Dealing with the problem is more costly than the investment needed now. Focus on the value of your product and offer guarantees to mitigate the risk. This will also build the client’s confidence in you. 

6. Promote High-Ticket Offers. 

You can promote high-ticket offers through online channels. It is more effective if you consider the client's specific demands. Search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing can help build credibility. Create informative blog posts to establish yourself as an authority.

Optimizing your landing pages is also crucial. Consider paid advertising platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. These channels allow you to focus your message on specific demographics. Smart Insights said Facebook Stories have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 0.79%. The Instagram feed has 0.22% CTR, while Instagram Stories has 0.33%. The CTR for social feeds is around 1.1-1.3%.

DataBox suggests that the travel and leisure industry had an 8.87% click-through rate in 2023. Google Ads is a powerful tool for promoting high-ticket exclusive travel packages. SproutSocial also highlighted the increase in influencer marketing ad spend. These highlight the vast opportunity for promoting high-ticket offers online. 

7. Interact and Engage With Clients.  

Interaction with clients helps improve brand awareness. Expand your online footprint and engage with your audience constantly. Create valuable content and engage in social media conversations. Be active online, answer customer queries, and personalize your outreach. This helps potential clients feel valued by catering to their individual needs.

Salameh et al. conducted on the impact of an online advertisement on customer satisfaction. The findings suggest that consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they recognize. Consider Samsung, which has over 107 million fans on Facebook alone. Its active online presence fosters a sense of familiarity and trustworthiness. By engaging and educating potential customers, the more likely they'll become loyal patrons.

3 High Ticket Digital Marketing Case Studies

Lucas Crumb is the co-founder of Lux Jets. He also serves as the managing director of the private jet charter company. He is from Stansted, England, United Kingdom. Lucas, who's also a solicitor, had a passion for aviation and marketing skills. The luxury jet service cost is between $2,719 to $19,583 (€2,500-€18,000) per hour. This can be very light jets to top-of-the-range heavy jets.

A Samuel Jagger for Website Builder Expert interview revealed Lucas's marketing strategies. He builds relationships with high-ticket clients by reaching out via email or a call. However, he said they've experienced having their emails ignored. Lucas added that having a website is important for businesses in generating leads. 

Ryan Levacyfrom Austin, Texas, is an affiliate marketing and e-commerce consultant. Ryan shared on a 2019 Quora post that he earns as high as 23% with some partners, with some cookie windows set at 180 days. Some of his merchants also pay fixed amounts, like $250 per sale. He said that some affiliate sites sell highly targeted high-ticket items. They usually get away with less traffic and pay higher commissions. However, he added that you can earn a lot on affiliate sites with lower commissions but have much traffic.

Simeon Miglic is an entrepreneur from Slovenia who focuses on affiliate marketing. In a YouTube video last August 14, 2023, Simeon shared that he earns $4,400 in one day in one company where he is an affiliate. In another campaign he showed on the video, he got $15,998.40 with 43 signups and 22 sales. He said to target high-ticket affiliate products with $1,000-$2,000 commissions per sale. Also, he recommends pre-framing potential customers and increasing conversion rates. 

What Skills are Essential For High Ticket Digital Marketing? 

  • Marketing strategy development. Marketing strategy involves strategic thinking applied in marketing. Bill Phillips, expert and creator of Future-basing®, said it helps increase market share. With this, you can analyze client needs and assess market trends. It also helps to develop long-term marketing plans. One helpful strategy is using conversion rate optimization tools. You can track traffic patterns, examine user flow, and identify opportunities for improvement. Digital marketing is a competitive industry. So, cultivating strategic thinking helps your business stay in the game for the long term.
  • Persuasive copywriting. Persuasive copywriting uses writing techniques that persuade potential buyers to take action. This is according to the American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI). In high-ticket digital marketing, you vie for the buyer’s attention. Without an effective copy, you can lose your audience to other high-ticket marketers. HubSpot’s study of over 330,000 CTAs in 6 months finds that personalized CTAs boost conversion by 202%.
  • Sales and negotiations. You need to show buyers the value of your high-ticket product. Most sellers experience buyers reacting emotionally to price. This is from the RAIN Group’s Top Performance in Sales Negotiation Benchmark Report. But, top performers in sales negotiations are 2.2X more prepared to manage emotions. The same report revealed that 62% of buyers will pay more if the seller can show why the product is worth its price.

  • Customer lifetime value. HubSpot says customer lifetime value (CLV/CLTV) is the total revenue from one account. CLV helps you understand the value of each client throughout your engagement. With CLV/CLTV, you can enhance loyalty, improve decision-making, and decrease attrition. KISSmetrics has reported that a lost customer costs a business $243 on average. Thus, it’s important to know how to avoid losing customers. 
  • Sales funnel optimization. Sales funnel optimization involves refining a sales funnel and its stages. The goal is to increase client acquisition rate and conversion. Gitnux Market Data Report said around 570K sites use sales funnel creation tools. It helps keep prospective clients, which is crucial in high-ticket digital marketing. Gitnux’s report also revealed that 80% of sales would need 5 follow-up calls. Mastering sales funnel optimization helps nurture a lead and put up a clear CTA.

Is High Ticket Digital Marketing Legit?

Yes, high ticket digital marketing is legit. It’s a business model that involves digital marketing of high-priced products. This can include high-end coaching programs, premium software, or advanced training courses. The payment structure for high-ticket digital marketing services typically involves several components. This depends on the service and the agreement with the client. This typically involves upfront payments, installment plans, or monthly retainers. Some services might also use commission-based payments or milestone payments.

A digital marketer in the US, according to ZipRecruiter, earns an annual average pay of $77,381 yearly or $37 per hour. A high-ticket digital marketer can earn more with commissions. If the commission is 10% per sale, and a high-ticket product costs at least $1,000, you can earn $100 per sale. Brian Jung, founder of Jung Media from Washington DC, earned $42,000 with one affiliate sale. 

Despite being legit, this space can attract unethical practices. Some individuals may use misleading tactics to gain a client. This can include over-promising and under-delivering. Some providers pressure clients into making large financial commitments. 

What is the Best Method for Doing High Ticket Digital Marketing? 

Local lead generation is the best method for doing high-ticket digital marketing. It has a high passive income potential and scalability. In typical high-ticket digital marketing, you need to hustle to sell at least one product. Also, if you're into affiliate marketing, there are unpredictable returns. You also lack control over the quality of the product or service.

Local lead generation involves making websites for service businesses. You use Google's free organic traffic to rank it and leveraging local SEO to drive traffic. It requires minimal ongoing marketing efforts after the initial setup. The website is your digital asset over which you get full control. Meaning, you are the business owner.

Once the website is up, you have control over the pricing structure. You can select potential clients who can rent the website. A single client in local lead generation can pay you $500 to $3,000 monthly. With 5 websites rented to 5 small businesses, that's $2,500 to $15,000 each month or $30,000 to $180,000 a year. 

Local lead generation is inherently high-ticket because of the demand for leads. Ruler Analytics said 91% of marketers said lead generation is their most important goal. A single high-quality lead is equal to potential earnings for businesses. It is a scalable online business that provides stable and predictable passive income. Learn more about the local lead generation business model through our program.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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