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B.O.S.S. Builder eCommerce by Blue Ocean E-Commerce: FULL Course Review. A course to build your dropshipping dreams with?

December 4, 2021

The Blue Ocean Shopify Success Builder Program (B.O.S.S. Builder) by Nate Schmidt
With so many gurus offering the laptop lifestyle and making the dropshipping dream seem easily attainable, it's difficult to choose a course to get you started on the right path.

Yes, setting up a Shopify store is a simple process, but it gets more complicated as soon as you have to find winning products, reliable suppliers and create killer marketing campaigns. 

What if there was an easier way to get started? 

What if you could get an expert to guide you through the entire process, while you learn about dropshipping?

That's the premise behind B.O.S.S. Builder.  

What is the B.O.S.S. Builder program?

It's slated as eCommerce for beginners, on steroids. 

The Blue Ocean Shopify Success Builder Program (B.O.S.S. Builder for short) is a program where 6-figure eCommerce experts work with you 1-on-1 to create your very own unique Shopify success formula. They give you step-by-step instructions for taking your store from zero to profitable in as little as 30 days, and work with you every step of the way to ensure your success.

Sounds like a winner, right?

Well, let's not be too hasty just yet. The price tag of $2,987 warrants a deeper look...

The B.O.S.S. Builder Course Overview

Ranked #1 out of 2 dropship programs. #12 as a dropship course (See full list here)
6 weeks
Good program for the money, but the content is lacking in certain areas.
$2,987 (March 2020)

Introduction to Nate

The B.O.S.S Builder Program was created by Nate Schmidt and his team at Blue Ocean E-Commerce.

The idea for the program came about when Nate was travelling around Southeast Asia with two other e-commerce friends.

Another friend, jealous of their ability to travel the world, wanted in on their business success. So, he asked Nate and Co. to help him get started as a complete newcomer.
Instead of trying to teach the friend everything from scratch, the three friends got to work and handed over a "done-for-you" solution. It took away all the traditional choke points of dropshipping:
- picking a good niche,
- finding winning products
- a unique marketing angle, and

- finding the best way to market them. 

Nate says that he and his buddies took it for granted how easy it was for them to put the “build” together for their friend.

They realized that for most entrepreneurs starting out, the problem is figuring out which niche to sell in, which products to sell, and exactly how to sell them. This process can take weeks, even months to figure out. (In many cases, it sadly never happens at all. Dropshipping has a huge failure rate.)

Yet, Nate and Co. did it all for their friend in just a couple of hours. Nate tweeted about their achievement and the comments started flooding in asking for the same dropshipping blueprint to success.

That's when they realized they could make a business from their expertise. 

And so B.O.S.S. Builder was born. 

Nate says that "...the best way to be successful with e-commerce is simply to already be successful with e-commerce. There’s just nothing else that can compare with having that valuable experience."

Apart from being a co-founder of Blue Ocean E-commerce, Nate also has a decent YouTube Channel with 23,4k subscribers and total views of over 595k. 

I AM NOT AN AFFILIATE. This means that all my reviews are unbiased and my personal opinion.
I do not get  paid for my reviews.

What to Expect in this Course

As mentioned earlier, B.O.S.S. Builder is a program that offers your very own unique Shopify success formula. You receive step-by-step instructions every step of the way to ensure your success.

Be warned, though, the program is pricey. And according to the program landing page, spots are limited. I'm not sure how many students they take in at the moment, but the first intake was only 10 students. 

Once you join the program, you gain exclusive access to:
The B.O.S.S. Library
A private and constantly updated archive of over 50 unique B.O.S.S. Builds you can choose from, use and profit from.

Enrollment in the b.o.s.s. school of business
Lifetime access to the step-by-step blueprint for bringing your B.O.S.S. Build from zero to profitable in as little as 30 days.

1-on-1 access to your B.O.S.S. Builder Coach 

The program offers a 6-figure e-commerce expert who's there to help you via Zoom call every step of the way.

Exclusive access to the b.O.s.s. community
- This includes access to bi-monthly Blue Ocean live calls with Nate and his business partner Scotty. 
- You get access to the B.O.S.S. Slack channel, a private community of e-commerce entrepreneurs. It is a 24/7 resource for getting help with all things e-commerce. 
- Access to all the perks inside the Blue Ocean Exclusive (discounts, special sales, private launches, etc.)
- 24/7 email support from a team of USA-based support professionals with less than 24 hours response time.

This is what BOSS Builder claims to offer you

According to the program's landing page; "Students of the B.O.S.S Builder program have a higher rate of success than any other e-Commerce course, program or mastermind ever created."

Nate says that the secret to their success is not marketing, but focusing on the product. If a competitor has a better product than you, then you will lose to them in the long-term. 

So, this is not a course in the traditional sense of the word, but rather a program you work through that teaches and helps you with ready-made components for your first e-commerce business.
The program offers you a step-by-step blueprint for taking your specific B.O.S.S. Build, and turning it into a profitable e-commerce business that puts money in your bank account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and doing so as quickly and cheaply as possible. - That's the claim, anyway. 

Unlike other D4U programs (such as Drop Ship Lifestyle's Ultimate Package) where you pay an amount and they setup the whole store with products for you, B.O.S.S. Build does it a little different.

They offer you a blueprint to follow and makes you accountable for the process, thereby ensuring that you work through the program and apply the practical components.

The BOSS Builder Program Breakdown

In this module, you learn the rules and principles of making the sale by learning about direct response marketing.  

Nate teaches you about the art of copywriting. In this module you will learn how to optimize your copy for ads and product descriptions. 

Nate also uses the 80/20 rule that most dropshippers subscribe to. He maintains that there are only a few key things that matter, and focusing your time only on them will ensure you get the highest Return On Investment. 

This module gets to the meat of the course and shows you what their true "winning formulas" look like in action. It also contains exclusive footage of Nate's actual Shopify store, which according to him, is 100% uncensored. 

This module explains the importance of the correct mindset, as your mentality creates your reality. As Nate says: "If you want to be somewhere different, somewhere better, first you must become the person that can you get there."

Once you've completed the first five modules of the B.O.S.S. School of Business, you're are then deemed ready to start on your Build. They give you a list of available Builds, you choose the one you want, and they deliver it to you the same day.

Here's what differentiates the course:  
You complete the first 6 Modules, take detailed notes, and then send in your notes via email. This step is required, and only once your notes are verified can you move on to Module 7. 

Market research is a very important aspect that enables you to sell your products more effectively. In this module, Nate teaches you how to know your market, so that you can put the right product, with the right message, in front of the right person, at the right time.

Nate rightly states that there are amny different aspects that determines whether your store converts or not. These include domains, shipping, product listings, themes, product descriptions, apps, etc.

Rather than give you a ready-made store, Nate and the guys from B.O.S.S. Builder, show you how you can build it, using their “tried-and-tested” blueprint. You can have your store set up in just a few hours, and without any coding or technical experience.

None of this module's content however, is ground-breaking. All of this (and more) has been covered in just about every single dropshipping course I've reviewed thus far. You get most of the info for free on YouTube. It has to form part of the course though, even if some of it seems arbitrary.

What stands out in the module, is how B.O.S.S. Builder sets up product pages, and their D4U email marketing templates, which does save you time and effort.

As a beginner, you might think that order fulfillment is difficult, but Nate shows you how easy it is to place orders and work with suppliers.

He also touches on how important customer service is and how to keep customers happy. 

This isn't a very long module as Nate shows you the very basic process of setting up your FB Ads account and Shopify dashboard.

You can lose a lot of money very quickly of you don't know how FB Ads work. This is an important module, and Nate deals with the theory about how FB Ads work, and then shows you the common beginner mistakes that you can avoid.

You can lose a lot of money very quickly of you don't know how FB Ads work. This is an important module, and Nate deals with the theory about how FB Ads work, and then shows you the common beginner mistakes that you can avoid.

B.O.S.S. Builder offers you an exact blueprint of a tested FB Ad Campaign that took a new store from $0 to $30k in two months. It includes the exact campaign, ad set, and ad set up for you to duplicate.

Nate introduces you to The Ecom Sharks, who are their resident FB Ads experts. They teach you about FB Ads Strategy in this module, which includes lessons on reading ads data and how to interpret it. Based on this data, you learn when to scale, when to shut things off, and when to keep them running.

The Ecom Sharks are back and they introduce you to "The Scaling Manifesto". This is a “rule book” for scaling your Facebook Ads in the most profitable way.

They claim to have proven this method on dozens of different stores. So, if you follow the instructions to the letter, you should get results. The B.O.S.S. Builder program suggests that you NOT use free traffic methods, as they feel it is not worth the time and effort.

I disagree and know that free traffic has its merits and is very worthwhile. My lead generation sites are prime examples of how you can use free organic traffic without ever bothering with costly marketing campaigns. (More on this later). I make $50k a month from free traffic without spending a dime on marketing... You can read more about it later on in the post.

This is not a long module as it takes you through the basics of finding and hiring your Virtual Assistants. VAs will fulfill your orders, reply to customer emails, and give you more time to do what you want.

It can be difficult finding the most suitable candidate, so Nate shows you where to find them, how to get their applications, how to filter through them, and how to pick the best ones.

The most successful entrepreneurs constantly seek ways to improve their profit margins. Getting $1 revenue per day from your store doesn't add up to much if you only have a 5% profit margin.

5% might seem impossible to you, but I have had friends stuck on 5% profit for some of their stores for weeks at a time. It's a reality, so this module is extremely important.

The module offers insider tips and tricks like conversion rate optimization, average order value optimization, lifetime customer value optimization, and more.

Module 18 is the conclusion of the course, but it's not the end of program or your dropshipping journey. The true hustler will be motivated to open more stores using the knowledge you gained from this program.

Since you have lifetime access to the B.O.S.S Library, Business School, and B.O.S.S. Community, you always have access to updates and new methods and strategies which will help you in the long term.

Is it a worthwhile program?

B.O.S.S. Builder is part D4U program and part course.

The program actually has a very good balance of theory and practical components that you have to implement. The course itself has good content, but it is by no means comprehensive.

Most of the content can be found on YouTube for free.However, in combination with the practical components, it is a good program overall. Is it worth the price tag though? Let's compare B.O.S.S. Builder with another Dropshipping course that offers Done-For-You components, the Drop Ship Lifestyle Ultimate Package.

If you compare the two courses, both have their pros and cons. 

The biggest negative of the Ultimate Drop Ship Lifestyle Package is the price. The negatives are that you don't learn how to build your own store and populate it with products you had to find. Having it done for you, denies you gaining much needed dropshipping experience.

Nate's course is better in terms of value-for-money (when compared to Anton Kraly's DSL), and giving you a good combination of theory and practical experience as you go on. 

Drop ship lifestyle

by Anton Kraly



  • 1 year of 1-on-1 coaching
  • Done-For-You Shopify Store with products
  • Done-For-You Social Media Pages
  • 21 Day Launch Plan
  • Access to the full DSL Premium 8.0 course

Nate and Co. though, feel that the best form of marketing for eCommerce is through FB Ads. This is because they get a lot of consistent sales through predictable, reliable, and scalable traffic methods. They don't even look at other platforms like Google Ads, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.  

Nate only believes in FB Ads, as it generated $80k from over 99k visitors to one of his stores on Cyber Monday 2018. Those are crazy numbers for a single day and Nate says they only advertised on FB... 

He agrees that free traffic and marketing on other platforms can work, but not as efficiently as Facebook.

To me, it all comes down to who your target audience is, and FB is not the one-stop-shop of marketing. 

Nate states that once you're making consistent sales and good profit on a month-to-month basis, then you need to think of the long-term. ​

I agree 100%, which is why I have several online businesses based on different business models. I'm building an online empire that will keep producing results even during economic downturns. The secret to being successful long-term, is finding a business model that creates a consistent passive income. Dropshipping is one of those business models, but it does not yield the same results (it's not even close) to local lead generation. 

Click below to learn more. 

Review Conclusion

If you see it as both a program, then the B.O.S.S. Builder compares favourably with other dropshipping programs with Done-4-You elements. It's also great value for money if you compare it to Drop Ship Lifestyle Ultimate. 

However, as a standalone course, it does have its shortcomings. The amount of content is good and it covers everything a new dropshipper needs to get started. But, most of the info can be found on YouTube for free. 

There are highlights though, such as the step-by-step FB Advertising Campaign and the good support. Nate & Scotty go live on Zoom twice per month to help students share insights, diagnose problems, and ultimately take you to the next level. 

You also get a personal 1-on-1 coach for the duration of the program. That's a real winner!

In conclusion, if you have the money to invest in a dropshipping program that teaches you the basics and gives you a head-start in terms of D4U elements, then this is one of the better options out there.  


What I like:

  • You learn the theory and put it into practice.
  • Not everything is D4U, so you get to learn and implement certain elements of the business model for yourself.
  • Contains a good FB Bidding strategy.
  • Good support.

What I didn't like:

  • Only FB Ads are covered.
  • Most of the content can be found on YouTube (for free).
  • Not the best online business model in 2020

Dropshipping vs Local Lead Gen in 2020? Which is better?

Dropshipping requires a lot of effort to make some money. Nate proves that in one of his YouTube videos that you can check out, here. By Day 12, he had only had 4 days that made a profit. And this is after daily tweaking to his Ad Campaigns (and this is a pro...).

This is one of the biggest issues with dropshipping – your marketing needs to be spot on. Even then, you have no guarantee that your product will sell.
The overall results of Nate's 16 day campaign were as follows:
Nate spent $1,308.56, has 80 sales and made $1,749.61 with a Net Profit of $441.05. This means you only put $26.56 in your pocket every day. If you're lucky enough to have 4 of these products, you'll end up with $100 per day for all your hard work.

Sometimes you'll have better products. Sometimes you'll have worse products making no money (or even a loss after your marketing). 
But this is the reality of dropshipping. People don't become millionaires (or even quit their jobs) overnight.

It takes skill, dedication, and perseverance to succeed with dropshipping. And you always need to have money in the bank for those ad campaigns. They cost money to run.

What's worse, is that they sometimes don't convert either...
Posts like these are common, highlighting the complexities of FB Ads and other issues.

With lead generation however, you don't have to worry about profit margins, thousands of competitors or marketing:
  • With lead gen, you don't have to worry about marketing. Thus, no marketing budget. No staying on top of marketing trends, algorithm updates, new strategies or methods.
  • There's no need to be creative and create images and video ads according to the platform guidelines.
  • You don't have to be a master at FB Ads bidding - and you have to be. Auto bidding doesn't work as your ROI is much lower than if you knew what you're doing.
Setting FB Ad bidding on auto is bad for ROI
  • You also don't need to worry about the following potential FB problems: Audience Targeting, monitoring of Ad Campaigns, Ads Data Analysis, tweaking of ads, ad sets and ad campaigns, there's no scaling or killing of ads and no re-targeting.
With lead generation, you don't spend this much time on tasks that don't yield a good ROI. 

Your time is precious. You shouldn't be wasting it on a product that only makes $26.56 a day!

Lead generation offers you the potential to earn a monthly passive income. This means you do the work upfront and as soon as you have your clients, your lead gen sites run on auto-pilot.

Just like this lead gen site of mine, which has been earning me $2k per month for the last couple of years. 

It's a no-brainer for me. There really is no competition when it comes to online business opportunities. 

Local Lead Generation is King! Scroll down if you want to learn more about this exciting business model that allows you to earn a passive income. 
Follow Me
Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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