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Andrew Tate’s The Real World Copywriting Campus Review–Top 5 Copywriting Challenges

July 26, 2024

the real world copywriting

The Real World Copywriting Academy is an online program designed to teach copywriting. This equips individuals with the skills needed to create interesting and persuasive content. Participants in the course typically gain access to varied resources. This includes video lessons, written materials, and interactive assignments. The goal is to enable individuals to start a career in copywriting. Or to enhance their existing skills. This course includes 14 key lessons with several training videos in each one.

Reviews of The Real World Copywriting Campus are mixed. Dean Alma appreciates the course's structure, content, and practical applications. But he notes that effort is necessary to master it and warns of market saturation. Tyson 4D initially found success, earning $20,000 a month. However, he later criticized the course, saying there was a decline in quality. On Reddit, some users found it a good starting point. Others criticized it for ineffective teachings and lack of valuable content.

Copywriting had its setbacks over the years. Your income is not stable long-term unless you land several copywriting projects.  Although it can be highly rewarding, still it depends on your goals, skills, and market demands. However, the field is competitive. Securing a steady stream of clients can be challenging, especially for beginners. The industry grows rapidly, requiring continuous learning and adaptation. Managing client expectations and feedback can also be demanding. You need good communication and negotiation skills. Copywriting offers the potential for high earnings, creative satisfaction, and flexible work arrangements. But it requires dedication and persistence to navigate the challenges.

This The Real World Copywriting Campus review discusses the 5 challenges copywriters face and their pros and cons. We will also look at the lessons within the campus and if it is worth to start copywriting in 2024. Finally, we'll touch on how you can use copywriting for your benefit from the local lead generation business model.

The Real World Copywriting Campus Review: Pros and Cons


Andrew has actual life experience of making millions from various ventures.

The Real World Copywriting Campus is cheaper compared to other courses available in the market.

Purchasing the course offers access to exclusive group chat, unlimited resources, and step-by-step guides. 

It also offers daily live sessions. 


The information from the course is available for free on other platforms, such as YouTube.

Andrew Tate changed the name of his program too many times.

Some students' reports getting more motivational speech than actionable guide.


The Real World Copywriting Campus cost $49.99 per month. 


In 2023, the platform received an update to feature training videos that integrate with YouTube and Vimeo. 


The private community is on Telegram and has over 240,000 students.

Refund Policy

The Real World Copywriting Campus has no refund policy. 


The Real World Crypto Campus started in 2022. However, it is a rebranding of Hustler University which started in 2021. 


Andrew Tate's reputation is marked by his kickboxing achievements and provocative public comments. It also includes notable legal issues and business ventures. Despite facing criticism, his influence remains robust.

September 5, 2024

Well its my first time to have a course about copywriting

Aron Migbaru
July 26, 2024

I’ve been in the program for about a month. As an intermediate copywriter, I can honestly say it teaches valuable tips and tricks for beginners. It can help you make money and improve your everyday life. Besides teaching copywriting, it encourages a healthier lifestyle. There’s no direct scamming involved, although you might use what you learn to scam people. I have not earned anything yet, but I will try using these methods soon.

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)

Top 5 Copywriting Challenges

1. High Competition

High competition is an enormous challenge for copywriters. This is what you face when there are thousands of copywriters worldwide. Look at freelance websites like Upwork or Freelancer. From here, you'll see how much competition you're up against. This can make it difficult for you to land copywriting gigs. If you're patient enough and stay consistent in applying, you'll eventually land clients. Over time, you can grow your portfolio, which will help you close more deals. 

2. Writer's Block

Another challenge you may deal with is writer's block. There will be times when words just don't come to you and you can't find inspiration from anything. A reason for this can be that you simply aren't familiar with a certain topic or niche. This can cause you to not reach deadlines and eventually lose clients.

To avoid this, do your research on specific topics before you take on a new client and write for them. If you do, your writing will sound like it's coming from an educated, authoritative source. As a result, your clients will be happy because your copy is providing them with results. They will want to continue giving you more work. 

3. Difficult Clients

With making money online, not all clients are easy to work with. You'll face many who are difficult. They want you to write a certain way even though they are hiring you to write their ads, website content, or more. Creative differences can be highly frustrating. You always need to rewrite the content you wrote because your client wants things a certain way.

This makes you lose out on time that you can invest in working on other projects, which can be frustrating. Find the time to make any changes your clients want as soon as they request them. You want to keep them happy and actually like working with them.

4. Payment Issues

Sometimes, payment issues can occur. Especially if clients take their time paying you after you've sent an invoice. This can set you back if you don't have your finances in order. Even if you are fine financially, it can annoy you to get paid later than expected. Therefore, it's important to make payment terms clear from the beginning.

If you can automate payments, do so to save yourself from unnecessary frustration. Professor Andrew from the Real World recommends you agree on 50% of the payment upfront. The rest can be upon completion of the project, even if there are changes that need to be made.

5. Staying Disciplined

Staying disciplined can be an enormous challenge for copywriters. You're mostly working by yourself in your own home or office. If you're in your own space, you need to make sure you stay disciplined with your time. If you get lazy and start waking up later in the day, you can't accomplish anything on time.

You'll be working into the evening, which won't leave you any time to yourself. This can affect how productive you are. Also, it can affect the quality of the work you're getting done for your clients. To avoid not being productive, create a schedule that works for you and stick to it.

What is the Copywriting Campus Curriculum? 

Stage 1 Lessons: The Foundation

1. What is Copywriting?

In the first video lesson of Stage 1, Professor Andrew talks about copywriting. He also covers what your role as a copywriter is and gives you an overview of what you can expect to learn on this campus. 

2. Copywriting Campus Core Values

In this lesson, Andrew explains what core values you should instill in yourself. He talks about how you need to pay the price for the success you want, which takes a lot of self-reflection.

Andrew also highlights the OODA Loop. It's a concept developed by Colonel John Boyd that he used to defeat any fighter pilot in under 42 seconds. 

OODA stands for:

  1. Observe

  2. Orient

  3. Decide 

  4. Act

The Colonel said that if you go through this process faster than your opponent, you'll always win. This process will help you always adjust your work as a copywriter to become the best you can be. Andrew says that whenever you face a problem, come up with an idea. Then, act on it and make changes based on the feedback to improve.

Another core value he shares is to hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else. 

The last core value is the "Top G Work Ethic", "When I am awake, I am working."

This means that you need to outwork everyone else so that you can achieve the life you want to live. According to Andrew, successful students are the ones who apply all 4 core values.

3. How to Accelerate Your Ability to Learn & Work

Andrews' key to speeding up your ability to learn and work is to simply put your phone away to not be distracted. He says to do it for 15 minutes per day. The goal is to reach 90 minutes away from your phone to avoid distractions.

Andrew calls it G-Work Sessions. The more you stay focused the more money you'll make.

4. How to Ask Questions

Andrew encourages you to solve the problem yourself first before you ask questions. If you've exhausted all your options, then you can go into the program and ask a smart question. This includes context about what you've already done and what you think the answer is.

5. Why You Should Do More Pushups

Andrew literally says that the more pushups you do, the more money you make as a copywriter. He says to mix in a few pushups (100 per day) in your work routine throughout the day to keep your mind fresh.

Other Resources Andrew Shares

  1. Daily Power Up Calls for motivation on the Rumble video platform
  2. Link to binaural beats you can listen to on the Rumble platform
  3. Free PDF guide: 10 Tips to Become a $10K Copywriter As Fast as Possible

Your First Mission

The first task that Andrew has you do is to set a timer for 15 minutes and read a sales page. He wants you to see how the writer is trying to influence the reader.

Stage 2 Lessons: How People Work

1. Understand How People Work

This first video is a short intro of what you're going to learn in this stage.

2. Target Markets & Avatars

Here, Andrew says the first step is understanding people and preparing yourself. Pick who you're reaching out to and who you're helping. This lesson helps you think about who your target market is before you make any money online.

3. Human Motivators

In lesson 3, Andrew talks about what human motivators are. He emphasizes the importance of using them for good instead of evil. He mentions two things that copywriters need to understand why people take action.

  1. They're running away from pain.

  2. They're running towards pleasure.

By understanding these, you'll know how to propel people forward. For them to a better life through your copywriting.

4. The Path to Change

In this lesson, you learn how to direct a motivated person to change. 

Bonus: Time Management 101

The last lesson is a bonus. Andrew calls it a crash course on how to invest in time the right way for maximum returns. He talks about a simple way of taking control of your time so that you can be highly productive.

To determine what it is you need to do each day, he recommends you implement the "Eisenhower Matrix".

Stage 3 Lessons: How Businesses Work

1. Business 101

In the first lesson of Stage 3, Andrew talks about why people will give you their hard-earned money. He gets you to think about why you give your money to someone else. 

You'll realize that although you want money, you also have to help your prospects. Also, you must provide them with something valuable. The more value you can give to another business, the more money you'll make.

2. The Value Equation

In lesson 2, Andrew talks about how people perceive value. He also explains the concept of The Value Equation by Alex Hormozi. Hormozi came up with a formula that is useful for copywriters. It helps you understand which emotional lever to pull to help increase the value someone perceives in your product or service. It's up to you to change how someone perceives what you're offering.

3. Know, Like, and Trust

This lesson is all about getting your ideal customers or clients to know, like, and trust you. If you can accomplish this, you'll ensure that you're always going to be in business.

4. LTV and Scale

Andrews talks about two levers of success which are LTV (Lifetime Value) and Scale. These two factors will determine how much money a business will make. LTV is determined by how much money a customer will make you. And the number of customers you have determines how much you scale your business.

5. The Value Ladder

In the last lesson of Stage 3, Andrew talks about what you can do to maximize the LTV of your customers. 

Stage 4 Lessons: Research

1. Research

This entire section is all about research. Andrew says that this is an important skill that will set you apart from every other copywriter. He says that research is the mark of a professional copywriter. This is because if you don't do it, your writing won't be effective. When you do your research, you're then able to intelligently write to your customers.

He mentions some things to look for when doing research...

  1. Determine who your target market is

  2. Create your avatar and find out who you're writing

  3. Understanding the current state of your avatar

  4. Understand their dream state

  5. What are their roadblocks?

  6. What action do they need to take to overcome the key roadblock

  7. You need to understand how your product helps them reach their solution

Andrew also shares a few places you can go to find out all the above points such as...

  • Clients

  • Social Media

  • Reddit

  • Quora

  • Google etc.

2. Research Walkthrough

In this 31 minute video, you watch Andrew do an actual walkthrough of him doing research. 

Stage 5 Lessons: The Super Power of Mystery

1. Weaponizing Attention & Curiosity

They geared the first lesson in Stage 5 towards teaching you actionable steps. You can take them to grab your audience's attention. It increases their curiosity about what you write.

2. How to Write Fascinations 

Andrew talks about what fascinations are and how to write them. Some formulas he mentions you can use to write winning fascinations that attract people's attention are... 

  1. How to...
  2. What never...
  3. Why...
  4. Numbers...
  5. Gimmick...
  6. Warning...
  7. Are you?...

You can use these in email subject lines, blog titles, Facebook ads, and more.

3. The Creative Thinking Process

This lesson teaches you how to come up with ideas that disrupt entire markets by what you write.

4. How to Evaluate & Improve Your Writing

In this lesson, Andrew shows you the process he goes through to help you improve your writing. 

The steps he goes through to see if he needs to make any adjustments in his copy are...

  1. Read your copy out loud
  2. Imagine how the avatar will perceive the writing
  3. Grammar and spelling check

If you want to make good money online, these steps are necessary.

Stage 6 Lessons: Short Form Copy

1. What is Short Form Copy?

In this short video, Andrew explains what short form copy is. Its purpose is to "sell the click". This copy gets the reader to go to the place where they will be sold like a sales page. 

2. DIC Framework

In this video, you're shown what DIC framework is, and its purpose in copywriting. 

He then gives examples of what DIC copy looks like.

3. PAS Framework

Andrew says that the PAS framework is all about triggering mass emotional motivation to take action. 

Andrew also gives examples of PAS copy. 

4. HSO Framwork

In lesson 4, Andrew speaks on how the HSO framework is all about shifting belief and inspiring desire through the use of a story.

HSO stands for:

  1. Hook
  2. Story
  3. Offer

Andrew then shares examples of HSO copy.

5. Short Form Copy Best Practices

In the last lesson of Stage 6, Andrew touches on some things you should keep in mind when writing short-form copy. This ensures your readers can enjoy and find your words valuable.

Stage 7 Lessons: Landing Page

1. How to Model Successful Copy

In the first lesson of Stage 7, Andrew talks about why and how you should model your copywriting with what's already working on the market. 

2. What are Opt-In Pages?

Andrew explains what opt-in pages ar. He shows several examples of what good opt-in pages look like. Something with good headlines and copy to help get you thinking on how to craft your own opt-in pages.

Stage 8 Lessons: Email Sequences

1. How to Write Email Sequences

Andrew now talks about how you can write email sequences to help make money for a company. These strategies can even be used on other communication platforms. Including social media, website, email, SMS, etc.

Stage 9 Lessons: Long Form Copy

1. What is Long Form Copy?

Andrew gives you an introduction to what long form copy is and why it's important.

2. Long Form Copy Outline

In this video, Andrew gives you an outline of what long form copy looks like on a sales page. 

Stage 10 Lessons: Finding Potential Clients

1. The Goal of Prospecting

The first video is just an introduction to what you're going to learn in this stage.

2. What Makes a Good Prospect?

Andrew talks about what makes a business a good prospect for you to turn into a client. 

A few things he mentions are that they: 

  1. Have to have money
  2. Have to be in pain
  3. Have to sell high margin products/services online
  4. Must have an audience

3. The Buying Window

Andrew talks about the idea of "The Buying Window". This means that 5-10% of your prospects are looking to improve their online marketing. Your job is to put yourself in front of those business owners. Do not waste your time with people who aren't in the buying window. 

4. Niches & Finding Prospects

Andrew now shares the top niches to look for clients.

  1. Health

  2. Relationships

  3. Wealth

He then recommends that you narrow down those categories. Look for sub-niches you can write for. 

Bonus: Good Local Business Clients

Andrew gives advice on which local businesses you can also go after. For instance, dentists, chiropractors, and gyms. You can set up Facebook ad campaigns and improve their websites and social media accounts. 

Stage 11 Lessons: Collecting Prospects

1. The Hunting Mindset

To start of Stage 11, Andrew wants you to implement this type of mindset, which will help you close deals with business owners.

2. Setting Up Your Spreadsheet

This lesson is all about staying organized in your prospecting process using Google Sheets. Andrew also shares a Google Sheet you can use to help you when prospecting.

3-8. Finding Prospects

Over several training videos, Andrew shows you how to find prospects on platforms like:

  1. YouTube
  2. Instagram
  3. Facebook
  4. Twitter
  5. TikTok
  6. Yelp
  7. Google Maps

9. Finding Email Addresses

Andrew shares tips on where you can find business owner email addresses.

Some things you can use or places you can go are...

  1. Business website contact page
  3. Facebook business page 
  4. YouTube About page
  5. Instagram page

10. How to Prospect Much Faster

This last lesson is where Andrew talks about what you can do to prospect at a faster rate to increase the number of deals you close.

Stage 12 Lessons: Cold Email

1. What they should FEEL

The highlight of this section is that your audience should feel as if you are peers with them. Especially when you are sending cold emails instead of sounding like a marketer.

2. Different Cold Outreach Email Strategies

In this lesson, Andrew shows you several cold outreach email strategies and recommends you stick with one strategy for some time before switching to a different one. 

3. The Importance of Making your Outreach Unique to You

Although Andrew gave you a few templates for you to use, you still need to personalize them. For you, your client, the niche, and the market. He emphasizes the importance of being unique.

4. Testing Plan

Your first email template may not work. Therefore, you must test different aspects of the email. This includes the subject line, body, call to action, and more. If you don't do any testing, you won't find the formula for success.

5. How to Create Winning Subject Lines

In lesson 5, Andrew shows you how you can create subject lines that are going to convert prospects into paying clients.

6. How to Create Winning Email Body Messages

This lesson is where you learn how to create the body of an email in a way that is going to provide positive results.

7. Compliments

The last lesson in stage 12 is where you learn about the importance and effect of leaving compliments for your prospects. Andrew talks about how you can best compliment them. To capture their attention and not make them immediately classify you as a spammer.

Stage 13 Lessons: Sending Emails w/Streak

Streak CRM

Andrew shows you how to get setup with Streak CRM so to that you can send cold email campaigns and also shows you how to send emails.

You'll then learn how to follow-up with your email list, why doing so is vital to your success, and how to set up a call if they reply back.

Stage 14 Lessons: Sales Calls

1. Trust, Belief, and Desperation

Now, Andrew talks about how to run sales calls. He also shares how to turn them into clients who pay you thousands of dollars each month. In this video lesson, Andrew touches on how you need to build trust and belief in your prospect's mind. This is accomplished by first getting to know each other. This means having a normal conversation for the first few minutes of the sales call. Talk without sounding desperate.

2. The "Doctor" Frame for Sales

Andrew says that you need to appear a doctor. Someone who is coming in to access your prospects' situation to see how you're going to help them. He says to never give a solution you think they need. Unless you've accessed the situation like an actual doctor does. 

3. Using SPIN Questions

In lesson 3, Andrew shows you how to use questions to diagnose your prospects' problems. 

4. Discovery Projects

After you've gone through your series of questions, Andrew tells you to pitch them on a discovery project. This is just a small part of the bigger solution you have for them. The goal is to build some trust with them. 

5. How to Price your Services & Collect Money

Not everyone knows how to price their services or even how to collect money. That's why Andrew talks about how to go about doing so. He doesn't share a specific guide on how to price your services. But, he recommends you charge by the value of what you're providing. Never charge hourly, since that's for employees.

6. How to Practice & Get Good at Sales

Andrew shares some tips on what you can do to practice your sales skills. He shares some resources that will help you in this process.

BONUS: Discovery Call Breakdown & Review

This bonus lesson is a live coaching call Andrew did with some HU3 students. He does a discovery call breakdown of one student's sales call. They go over what he did and how he could have improved it.

What People are Saying About The Real World Copywriting Campus?

The Real World Copywriting Campus Reviews From YouTube

Dean Alma spends seven days exploring the course. He commends its structure, content, and practical applications. He notes that the course has evolved from its previous version. The offering is new, and the materials improved. Dean said it provides valuable skills in client acquisition, sales funnels, and AI use. However, it requires significant effort to master and is not a quick path to wealth. He acknowledges the course's community support and real-world applicability. But warns about its challenging nature and market saturation. Dean concludes that the course is worth it for those willing to put in the effort.

Mr. Money appreciates its focus on practical money-making skills like copywriting. The copywriting course ensures accountability and practical application through mandatory quizzes and assignments. Mr. Money praises the platform’s efficiency and potential for significant earnings. He also likes its comprehensive approach over sifting through free, disorganized online content.

Tyson 4D said he earned $20,000 a month through copywriting after joining the course. Tyson highlights the initial benefits, including a supportive community and affordability. However, he criticizes the program for its reliance on inexperienced members. He also finds the outreach teachings ineffective and the communication policies restrictive. Over time, he found the quality of the course diminished, leading to a dwindling community. Despite gaining initial skills from the course, the community banned Tyson without explanation. He said that free resources offer better community support for aspiring copywriters.

The Real World Copywriting Campus Reviews From Reddit

The Real World Copywriting Campus reviews from Reddit expressed mixed sentiments. One Redditor said that it is a good starting point to learn a lot if you are new to copywriting. He added that he made tons of friends and connections. In the end he made around $20K after joining the course. Wild_League_6574 said that copywriting is the best skill in the Real World courses. Dzbanson added that the course is amazing and that they made thousands from it.  

Suspicious-Card-5718 said that people hating on the course haven't seen the discord chat. He added that he has been on it for a month. The course teaches tips and tricks that you can use to make money and drives you to live a healthier lifestyle. He added that there is no scamming involved, but you can use what you learned to scam. 

In contrast, a deleted comment mentioned that he learned nothing while on the course and in the group chat. 

Who is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate was born on December 1, 1986, in Washington, DC. He grew up in Chicago before moving to Luton, England, after his parents' divorce. His father, Emory Tate, was an international chess champion. He entered the world of combat sports in 2005. Tate won the ISKA Full Contact Cruiserweight Championship in England (2009, 2013). He earned a reputation for his fighting skills and aggressive style. 

In August 2022, he faced bans from multiple social media platforms. This is because of his polarizing views on women. Also, because of accusations of physically abusing his ex-girlfriend. Although she defended him publicly. Despite his ban, he continued sharing his views through interviews and podcasts.

In 2023, authorities arrested Tate for alleged involvement in a human trafficking ring. But they released him to house arrest in August. Tate has an estimated net worth of over $15 million, including a Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport valued at over $3.6 million. He co-founded a webcam modeling business with his brother. He also created Hustler's University in 2021. It is an online academy teaching various money-making methods. These ventures reportedly generated significant income, contributing to his claimed net worth. 

Is the Real World Copywriting Campus Worth It?

The Real World Copywriting Campus is worth it if you'd like to get an introduction to copywriting. This helps you make money online. Professor Andrew dives into the foundation and mindset of writing. He also shows you several examples of what he's talking about in each lesson.

The Crypto Campus is one of the top courses in The Real World. But the Copywriting Campus is another in-depth course that is still worth your time. But only if copywriting is something you want to get into.

After you complete the 14 lessons, they will place you in a "legion" or copywriting group. This group isn't some kind of pyramid scheme and it has nothing to do with Andrew Tate's War Room.

It's where you'll learn advanced writing techniques to fine-tune your skills. You also get extra help after you've taken the online course. 

The Real World Copywriting Alternatives

Writing Your Way to Freedom by Sarah Turner is an online course that teaches you how to start a freelance copywriting business within 3 months. She touches on topics such as what mindset to have when getting started, how to write copy, how to land clients, how to onboard them, and more. There is SEO training and after joining, you get access to a private FB group.

Price: Writing Your Way to Freedom costs $1,999.

More Info: Writing Your Way to Freedom Review

Filthy Rich Writer by Nicki Krawczyk is an online resource ideal for new and aspiring copywriters. A professional copywriter for over 20 years, Nicki and her team teach copywriting fundamentals to their students through the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. They also have a student-only Facebook community and regular calls for expert coaches. 

Price: Filthy Rich Writer costs $697 (onetime payment) or $257 (3-month payment plan). Contact them for updated details on costs and payment options.

More Info: Filthy Rich Writer review

Is Copywriting Worth It in 2024?

Copywriting is worth it in 2024 because we live in the digital age. Everywhere you look, you need copywriting. Copywriters write paid ads, website copy, email marketing campaigns, SMS campaigns, and more. The way to make money online with copywriting is to know your avatar. Use your words to convince them to do what you want them to do. 

The problem with copywriting is that you will not earn a predictable income. You may take on several clients, but you don't know how long they will have work for you. Plus, they can stop working with you whenever they choose to. Therefore, you'll need to put a system in place where you're always prospecting for new clients. Stay in contact with past ones you've done work for in case they have more work for you.

Copywriting clients can also demand a lot because they will want things a certain way. Even though they hired you to do the job. Of all the online business models you can choose from, copywriting can make you decent money. According to PayScale, the average copywriter makes $54,935 per year. Some copywriters are even making 6-figures.

Copywriting, like Amazon FBA, dropshipping, and affiliate marketing, is good. But it doesn't provide you with all the benefits that the local lead generation business model does.

Why Local Lead Generation is Better Than Copywriting Business?

Local lead generation is better than a copywriting business for several reasons. Local businesses always need a steady flow of leads to sustain their operations. This makes lead generation a consistent and stable market. Copywriting, while essential, can be more volatile. It depends on specific projects and client needs. When the project ends, so does the income, resulting in irregular cash flow.

Compared to copywriting, lead generation has more scalability. This allows you to serve more clients. In contrast, copywriting requires a significant amount of time and effort. This limits the number of clients you can handle at once.  Businesses typically view leads as directly contributing to their bottom line. As a result, businesses may pay more for lead generation services. Business owners might see copywriting as less directly tied to immediate sales.

With lead generation, you can build long-term relationships. As long as continuously provides value through ongoing lead flow. This opens opportunities for upselling additional services. This can include things like SEO, website optimization, and paid advertising management. After completing the initial projects, copywriting clients may have less frequent needs.


Copywriting played a role in building out and ranking my site. But I'm using my copywriting skills for my benefit. After you've done your part in building and ranking your sites, your job is practically done. If your lead gen sites rank at the top of the search results on Google for your local market, it will generate leads. All you need to do is some light maintenance to make sure everything is up and running well.

Consistently sending business owners leads month after month blows them away, which is why they're happy to pay you on autopilot. To learn how you can join the over 7400 students who are currently building out their digital real estate to continue earning a passive income, check out the local lead generation

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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