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Ryan Wegner Lead Generation Blueprint Review: 5 Major Challenges with Facebook Ads

July 17, 2024

Lead Generation Blueprint is a Facebook ads course by Ryan Wegner. You learn how to generate leads for local businesses by paying for traffic on Facebook. His goal is to get you to start a 6-figure marketing agency in under 90 days. You learn the basics of creating Facebook ads, and even learn about email marketing. Ryan also teaches you how to get clients, setup meetings, and close deals. He even shows you how automation can play a role in your business.

Lead Generation Blueprint reviews are hard to find. Students have praised the comprehensive training and responsive support. They also criticize the limited sales training and limited platform coverage. Students also highlight the challenging business model. Facebook ads are risky and expensive.

In this article, I'll uncover what you learn in each module of Ryan's course and if the course is worth it. I'll also discuss if running Facebook ads is worth doing in 2024 and what other methods are available.

Lead Generation Blueprint Pros and Cons


Ryan teaches the basic skills of running ads on Facebook

Email marketing training; client outreach

He teaches how to get clients on Upwork (profile optimization tips & scripts)


Not enough sales training; (Ex. dealing with objections, negotiating etc.)

No training on how to advertise on other platforms (Google, YouTube etc.)

Facebook training is only under an hour of video content and there are 6 modules before you even get to the Facebook ads training module


Lead Generation Blueprint costs $497

Refund Policy

30-day money-back guarantee as long as you have completed less than 20% of the course


41 videos; 5 DFY funnels and templates


No private Facebook group


Ryan started the course in 2018


Ryan has many students he's helped achieve financial freedom. Not really any negative reviews on Reddit or Quora

July 16, 2024

The course is okay but a bit pricey for the content imo. My problem is with Facebook ads. They’re just not worth doing.


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

5 Major Challenges With Facebook Ads

  • 1. Ad Fatigue
    Ad fatigue happens when people see the same Facebook ad too many times, causing them to lose interest. This leads to the ad being less effective. According to AdEspresso, ad fatigue can set in after an ad has been seen by the same user more than three times. Regularly updating ads can keep the audience engaged.
  • 2. Audience Targeting
    Targeting the right audience is crucial but challenging. If your targeting is too broad, you may reach uninterested people. If it's too narrow, you might miss potential customers. Finding the right balance is key. Hootsuite found that businesses using audience targeting on Facebook saw a 25% increase in conversion rates.
  • 3. Ad Costs
    Ad Costs Running Facebook ads can be expensive, especially for small businesses. Facebook uses a bidding system, and as competition increases, so do the costs. According to WordStream, the average cost per click for Facebook ads across all industries is $1.72. This can vary widely depending on the niche. Monitoring your spending is important to stay within budget.
  • 4. Ad Approval Process
    Ad Approval Process Facebook has strict guidelines for ads, and getting an ad approved can be hard. Ads that don't meet standards can be rejected, causing delays. Common reasons for ad rejection include misleading content and inappropriate images. Following these guidelines ensures your ads run on schedule.
  • 5. Changing Algorithms
    Changing Algorithms Facebook often updates its algorithms, affecting how ads are displayed. These changes can impact ad performance. A 2020 update to Facebook's algorithm prioritized content from friends and family over business pages. This led to a 52% decrease in organic reach for many businesses, as reported by Social Media Examiner. Staying updated with these changes and adjusting strategies is necessary to keep ads effective.

Lead Generation Blueprint Course Overview

1) Introduction

Ryan gives you an introduction to his course and the Facebook ads business module. He also emphasizes the importance of not being a slacker.

2) Things You Need To Know

In module 2, Ryan talks about following up with prospects. He shows how to use retainers, put packages together, create proposals, and how to price your services.

3) Prospecting

In module 3, Ryan shares the best niches for you to run Facebook ads. You will learn where to find and qualify potential clients and how to speed up your prospecting. 

4) Contacting The Prospects

This module is all about the different ways you can contact your prospects. Ryan teaches cold calling, email marketing and Facebook and Instagram direct messaging.

5) The Meeting

Ryan teaches you how to close deals during your meeting with potential clients.

6) Building Your Funnel

In module 6, you learn how to build out your funnel. He shows you what your funnels need to have and how to send leads to your clients automatically. Ryan also gives reasons your landing page might not convert.

7) Facebook Ads

Module 7 is the module where you learn all about how to get started with Facebook ads. You'll learn the following:

  • Figure out your marketing objective
  • Set up targeting
  • Create custom audiences
  • Optimize your ads
  • Scale campaigns
  • Get access to your clients ad accounts

8) Wrapping Things Up

In the last module, Ryan breaks down how you can scale your business, and shares 5 DFY (Done-For-You) funnels. He also shows you how you can earn 40% commissions by becoming an affiliate for this course.

Bonus - The Ultimate Cold Email Strategy

In this bonus module, Ryan shares content on how to implement email marketing. He also shares proven cold email templates you can use immediately.

For your Facebook ads to be successful, these are important things you must pay attention to and implement.

Should You Invest in the Lead Generation Blueprint?

You should invest in the Lead Generation Blueprint if you’re looking for a cheap Facebook ads course. Just know that you're only going to learn the very basics of running FB ads. It takes lots of trial and error to become an expert. Also, Ryan teaches you how to contact your ideal clients as well as how to price your services. You’ll even have direct access to Ryan through Facebook messenger. You also learn the basics of email marketing. In essence, you get two courses in one.

Lead Generation Blueprint Alternatives

6 Figure Ads Agency by Billy Willson will also teach you how to start a Facebook ads agency just like Ryan does, but his course is more in-depth. He takes the time to show you how to get clients, set up meetings, close deals, and provide results with Facebook ads. Billy trains you on how to scale your business with the help of automation software. You'll even get access to the tools and software he uses in his business. There is also training on how to set up your LLC.

Price: 6 Figure Ads Agency costs $500

More Info: 6 Figure Ads Agency Review

kevin david

Facebook Ad Ninja Masterclass by Kevin David is another popular Facebook ad course. This course teaches you Facebook ads more in depth than Ryan Wegner and Billy Willson do. You'll learn all you need to learn about getting started with FB ads and then some. Kevin's course is one of the more complete courses available. Kevin teaches you with real-life examples and is a high-energy instructor. 

Price: Facebook Ad Ninja Masterclass costs $1,997

More info: Facebook Ad Ninja Masterclass Review

To learn about other alternatives to the Lead Generation Blueprint, such as Paid Traffic Mastery, check out my article listing the best Facebook ads courses.

Who Is Ryan Wegner?

Ryan was born and raised just outside of London, England. He dropped out of school at 16 and joined the army two years later. When he got back, he worked 15-hour days as a truck driver. The average truck driver in the UK works around 48 hours a week and Ryan's 15-hour days far exceeded this. Living the dreaded "rat race" routine is something he and his girlfriend hated.

They started looking for opportunities that could give him the flexibility to travel the world and make passive income. Ryan tried social media marketing, Amazon FBA and even a health and wellness blog. None took off because he didn't give it his all, although he learned some skills. He eventually took on social media marketing to generate leads for small businesses.

In time, he became successful at generating leads for them and has now earned over 6-figures. The number one method of generating leads he teaches in this course is by creating paid ads on Facebook. Facebook's advertising platform is used by over 7 million advertisers, making it a powerful tool for lead generation.

Today, his YouTube channel has over 9.7K subscribers where he teaches all things lead generation and digital marketing. Most of his students are marketers looking to take on coaches and consultants as clients.

Are Facebook Ads Worth It in 2024?

Facebook ads are worth it in 2024 as Facebook has a massive user base, providing access to a vast audience. This means you can reach a lot of people who might be interested in your product or service. Facebook offers advanced targeting options, which helps aim your ads at specific groups. You can target based on age, location, interests, and more, making your ads more effective. Facebook ads come with detailed analytics, helping you track their performance. This helps you make necessary adjustments to improve results. Many businesses have seen a good return on investment from their Facebook ads. Facebook ads remain effective in certain niches and industries.

However, there are also reasons why Facebook ads might not be worth it. The cost of running these ads can be high, especially with increasing competition.. Ad fatigue can also be a problem, where users get tired of seeing the same ads repeatedly. The ad approval process is strict. Any ad that doesn't meet Facebook's guidelines are rejected. Facebook's changing algorithms also affect how and when your ads are shown. This requires you to make constant adjustments to your strategy. These challenges can make Facebook ads less appealing to some businesses.

What Is the Average Cost Per Lead of Facebook Ads?

The average cost per lead of Facebook ads is $5. The average cost per lead for Facebook ads. According to WordStream, the finance and insurance sector saw an average CPL of $43.52. On the other hand, the education sector averages around $7.85 per lead. The CPL is also affected by the competitiveness of the niche or industry. Increase in competition will increase the ad bid.

Ways to Generate Leads for Small Businesses?

There are many ways to generate leads for small businesses. There are paid methods like Facebook ads, and free methods like SEO. The most common paid methods are PPC ads, with Googled and social media ads being the most popular. A report by WordStream indicates that the average small business using Google Ads spends between $9,000 and $10,000 per month on PPC campaigns. Other paid methods include email marketing and cold calling. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing has an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.

SEO is used to increase visibility of web pages on search results. This is done through the combination of keyword optimization and copywriting. A study by BrightEdge found that organic search drives 53.3% of all website traffic. You can use SEO with lead generation strategies like content marketing, social media marketing, rank and rent. A case study by Backlinko showed that businesses that blog consistently generate 67% more leads per month.

My Best Method for Generating Leads for Small Businesses

Local lead generation is my best method of generating leads for small businesses. You use SEO to rank your own website on Google. You then rent out your site to local businesses who benefit from the flowing traffic. Since you do not run any paid ads or marketing campaigns, the costs are kept low. It can cost as low as $500 in initial investment to start and $30 a month to maintain. You do not need to worry about constantly creating and optimizing marketing campaigns. As long as your site is ranked and rented, you earn a predictable passive income every month.

Local lead generation social media marketing agency

With a Facebook ads agency, you need to compete with hundreds of other older and more established agencies. With local lead generation, you only need to outrank a handful of sites. Scaling an ads agency means finding more clients and increasing ad spend. You will need to use automation tools and outsource work to handle the new clients. To scale a local lead generation business, you simply repeat the rank and rent process. There is no limit to how much you can scale. Each site can earn you $500 to $3,000 a month. This gives local lead generation a high potential to create financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. I have realized that online degree is getting favorite because accomplishing your degree online has become a popular solution for many people. Many people have definitely not had a possibility to attend a conventional college or university however seek the elevated earning potential and a better job that a Bachelor’s Degree provides. Still others might have a college degree in one field but would like to pursue anything they already have an interest in.

    1. Getting skills online is proving to be, with time, more profitable that the old academic route.
      Let’s see how this pans out in future years!

  2. Hi Ippei,

    Great article! And I agree with you about staying away from Facebook ads.
    What is the Official name of your course? I am looking for reviews and info on how much the costs are but as you can imagine, lead generation course brings up tons of results, but I don't see yours.



  3. I am from the uk ,would this give me any disadvantages of executing whatevers in your lead gen methods? also you have given some really convincing reasons about your course than ryans, although ryan wegners course is what i was initially looking at(hence why im here haha)

  4. Hi Ippei,

    Very informative review for Ryan’s course. I am more convinced to generate free traffic over paid one. However your program is very expensive. Not pushing anything just giving my reason for holding back on your program. Wish you only the best.

    Best Regards,

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