Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System Review: How Can the Course Help You Make Money Online?

September 12, 2024

Justin Welsh's LinkedIn Operating System is an online course for LinkedIn marketing. It teaches strategies for building a personal brand and increasing followers. Additionally, it covers how to generate leads and monetize your LinkedIn. It also teaches how to define your niche and create engaging content. Other topics are on how to optimize your profile and use analytics to refine strategies. This course is for those interested in using LinkedIn for professional growth.

The LinkedIn Operating System has received many positive reviews. Trevor Standridge praises its accessible content and practical strategies. Ryan Musselman says it helped him build a 6-figure content agency. Rebecca Roberts called it a worthwhile investment. However, some claim that Justin recycled content. Others accuse him of making unrealistic promises and question his earnings.

Statista revealed that in the US, 18% of social media users like LinkedIn. It has 875 million members and 700 million active subscribers. Still, Justin Welsh’s claim that it's easy to build a huge LinkedIn brand is not as easy as he portrays. First, you have to identify your brand. Next, you have to contribute and engage. Then, you have to ask for testimonials and recommendations. Like established profiles, you need more than a token page with adequate information.

This LinkedIn Operating System review explores the components of the course. It covers its pros and cons, reviews, and testimonials. We also introduce you to the inclusions of the program and whether the course is for you. We look at the importance of building an audience and its challenges. Lastly, we discuss a business model offering more passive and immediate results.

LinkedIn Operating System Review: Pros and Cons


It has no fluff, self-paced course that can be finished in two hours or less.

LinkedIn Operating System features an excellent content creation strategy.

It gives a walkthrough on how to establish lasting relationships with your audience.

The course comes with foundational elements of copywriting and building a profile funnel. These can help you get discovered.


The course could have produced more plug-and-play templates.

The course doesn’t come with a transcription for hearing-impaired learners.

The course also doesn’t feature strategies on no-code automation.


LinkedIn Operating System costs $150.


The training for the LinkedIn Operating System is self-paced.


The LinkedIn Operating System doesn’t have Facebook or Instagram groups. 

Refund Policy

The LinkedIn Operating System refund policy isn't disclosed.


Justin Welsh already has an established presence on LinkedIn. He has hundreds of thousands of followers and many connections. Justin Welsh has over 466K followers and 500+ connections on LinkedIn. He also has over 25.6k followers on Instagram. 

August 11, 2024

I find his advice on building an audience on LinkedIn valuable. But, I think there are better courses on content creation. I also don’t like that he always humbles brags about his achievements, even the silly ones. I mean, come on, being on the front row of a comedy show is not something to brag about. I also think his declared income from LinkedIn is not real.

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

How Can the Course Help You Make Money Online?

The LinkedIn Operating System helps you make money online by growing and monetizing your LinkedIn profile. It comes with the tools to identify a profitable niche and create engaging content. Also, it covers how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to capture high-quality leads. For example, if you have an online course, you can use your LinkedIn profile to drive students to your course. This means that LinkedIn is part of your lead generation strategy. The system follows a proven framework that helped Justin grow. He went from 2,000 to 600,000 followers and generated $8.3 million in revenue.

You'll also learn how to build a loyal audience and automate income generation. Also, it covers how to sell without being pushy. The course offers actionable strategies designed to help you grow. However, your effectiveness depends on how you execute the strategies.  

What is LinkedIn Operating System?

The LinkedIn Operating System is a course by Justin Welsh. It teaches you how to grow and make money off your personal LinkedIn brands. At the core of the program is using a profitable sub-niche, one that is also easy to stand out in the competition. The 3 important traits a solopreneur must have to grow a large audience are also revealed by Justin.

Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System also teaches you strategies for content creation. You’ll learn how to crush “writer’s block”. He also shared how to address the critical parts when producing content. Also, you can find samples of excellent content that can be employed and reused to your advantage.

The course’s other key inclusions are the ways to capture leads. It introduced ways in which the right audience will find you, with more leads than ever in your inbox. Finally, the program has its prized business design included. You’ll be acquainted with two critical prospecting approaches. This can help you generate income through LinkedIn by driving leads to your business. 

Who is LinkedIn Operating System for?

The LinkedIn Operating System is for individuals who want to monetize content. This can also be for bloggers, vloggers, and YouTubers. The LinkedIn Operating System is also for people who intend to polish their skills. Especially on the LinkedIn B2B lead generation.

It is for small business owners who want to establish a name on the platform. The program can also be beneficial to marketing agency owners. Those who plan to use tried and tested strategies for their current clients. This is not for those who have little to no experience with the LinkedIn platform. Also, it is not very beneficial if you're already an established content creator in your field.

What is Inside the LinkedIn Operating System?

  • 1. Introduction: In the first part of the program, you’ll learn about Justin Welsh's journey. He shares his experiences on how he grew his LinkedIn profile. 
  • 2. The Foundation: Welsh lays out the structure of the program. This includes ways on how to define your sub-niche and build your persona. Three vital traits that are aligned with the course's foundations are also explained. This includes backstory, polarization, and short stories. 
  • 3. Content Creation: This is the most important section of the course. Subscribers will learn the three necessary paths to building an audience. Some of these include leading them to your content and how you can discover for them. There’s also the program's "content matrix". It is a newer and more improved content creation framework you can use. Participants are also introduced to rapid content iteration and the basics of copywriting. Using analytics when repurposing is also included.
  • 4. Building Your Audience: This covers the importance of audience interaction. Participants also learn how to find and filter only the most relevant people as their leads. You will be taught how to interact with top performers. 
  • 5. LinkedIn Lead Capture: The section introduces how to use information from profile visitors. The importance of closing with the use of social proof and Call to Action (CTA) is also stressed.  Your headline, profile picture, and banner should immediately convey who you are. 
  • 6. Business Workflow: In here, the core business behind the operating system is disclosed. Subscribers will be taught how inbound and outbound prospecting strategies work. Finally, the profitable ways of selling on the platform are shared.  

How to Make Money on LinkedIn in 2024?

  • Use results-driven content strategy.
  • Curate contents that are about your customers.
  • Build a brand that your customers' trust and can rely on.

  • Use long-form content.

  • Use Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

  • Build rapport with your connections.

  • Use analytics and statistics-driven content strategies.

  • Leverage LinkedIn ads and groups.

LinkedIn Operating System Reviews and Success Stories

Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Operating System has success stories. The program has accumulated testimonials that mirror the effectiveness of the course. This includes increased followers on the platform and improved brand visibility. The cost-effectiveness of its price is also a highlight.

Trevor Standridge said that he completed the course, and it exceeded his expectations. He finds the content accessible, even for beginners. He added that the strategies are practical and can be implemented right away. Trevor also said that in two hours, the course delivers valuable insights. Justin's clear, realistic approach helped him with his own LinkedIn success. He recommends this course to anyone serious about growing their LinkedIn presence.

Ryan Musselman said that by using Justin's method, he had built his own 6-figure content agency. Rebecca Roberts said that it is worth the investment. These positive reviews are echoed by the testimonials on his platforms and websites.

However, some people have negative opinions about Justin and his course. For example, livin_someones_dreams said that his advice is some recycled ChatGPT responses. SerJorahM said that Justin encourages people to quit. He added that desperate people are the ones who shell out $200 for a course that promises the moon. But not everyone achieved success with the course. A search on Reddit reveals that there are those who believed he is just scamming people. Others believed that he was not truthful with his actual earnings. 

Is LinkedIn Operating System Course Worth It?

Yes, LinkedIn Operating System course is worth it. This can help professionals who plan to grow or widen their reach through their brands. It also teaches you how to generate income from the LinkedIn platform. It has a contemporary approach to building a foundation and create engaging content. 

Who is Justin Welsh?

Justin Welsh is the founder of the LinkedIn Operating System course. The “diversified solopreneur,” graduated from the Ohio State University, with a marketing degree. After graduating, he worked as a sales representative in Bioavail. Then, as a senior sales associate in GlaxoSmithKline. For two years, Welsh was employed in Stryker Endoscopy as a surgical sales rep.

From 2009 to 2014, Welsh was an employer for ZocDoc. It is an application that allows doctors to reach patients they want to serve. He also worked as an account executive and regional sales manager. Then, he later become the director of strategic sales.

He founded the LinkedIn Operating System, and he is also the founder and the CEO of The Official Justin. He is also an executive mentor, a revenue operator, and SMB SaaS advisor. With experience on revenue leadership, he advises founders with strategies that drive growth. Welsh now lives in a house with his wife in the Catskill Mountains in New York, United States.

Justin Welsh makes money through his courses and digital products. Welsh currently has two courses he’s making money from: the LinkedIn OS and Content OS. For both courses, it is estimated that he’s earning above $1 million. Apart from these courses, he also has other sources of income. These include coaching, sponsorship, and subscriptions. Welsh also sources out his income from affiliate marketing. 

Justin Welsh claims that with his course, you’ll be able to increase your followers from 0 to 450K+. The LinkedIn Operating System enables you to earn almost $5 million dollars. Welsh also guarantees that you’ll be generating over 8 billion impressions in no time.

Why is Audience Building on LinkedIn Important?

Audience building on LinkedIn is important. This is because as it allows you to expose yourself to like-minded people. Having a vast audience can be beneficial to your business. Apart from promoting your business, having a strong LinkedIn profile enhances credibility. And as a respected expert in your specific area, acquiring more potential clients or leads is effortless.

LinkedIn Operating System Alternatives

How To Generate Leads On LinkedIn?

To generate leads on LinkedIn, you must capitalize on the platform’s unique features. First, optimizing your LinkedIn profile is essential. It acts as your digital business card and helps make a strong first impression. This includes having a professional profile picture and a concise headline. You also need an About section that tells your story and highlights your expertise.

Second, building your network is also crucial. Connect with relevant professionals, join groups, and engage with content. This can increase your visibility and create opportunities for meaningful interactions. Design a content strategy that mixes organic posts with articles, videos, and events. This helps establish you as an authority in your field. Additionally, it helps attract more potential leads.

Beyond organic methods, leverage LinkedIn’s tools and paid ads. This can further enhance your lead generation efforts. Examples of these tools are Sales Navigator and automation software. They help simplify finding and engaging with qualified leads. Moreover, investing in paid LinkedIn ads allows you to target specific users. It can lead to higher conversion rates. By combining these methods, you can use LinkedIn to grow your network and drive success.

What are the Challenges With Making Money Through LinkedIn?

  • Building an audience: Growing a large and engaged follower base takes time and consistent effort. Without a large or targeted audience, monetizing your presence becomes difficult.
  • Content creation: LinkedIn favors high-quality, engaging content. Producing valuable content that resonates with your audience can be challenging. Standing out in a crowded space is also difficult.
  • Lead generation: LinkedIn is great for professional networking. But converting connections into paying customers requires a well-thought-out strategy. This includes optimizing your profile and crafting effective messages. You must nurture leads without being overly sales-focused.
  • Competition: LinkedIn is filled with professionals and businesses vying for attention. Standing out, especially in popular niches, requires creativity and strategic positioning.
  • Time investment: Success on LinkedIn doesn’t happen overnight. It requires a significant investment of time to engage with your audience. You must also spent a huge amount of time in creating content and following up with leads.
  • Algorithm changes: LinkedIn’s algorithm frequently changes, affecting content visibility and engagement. Keeping up with these changes and adjusting your strategy accordingly can be challenging.
  • Balancing professionalism and promotion: LinkedIn is a professional platform. Striking the right balance between promoting your services and maintaining professionalism is crucial. Being too promotional can turn off potential clients or connections.
  • Monetization strategy: Monetizing your LinkedIn presence can be challenging. Whether its through direct sales, consulting, and speaking engagements. It requires a clear understanding of your audience’s needs. 
  • Measurement and Analytics: Tracking the effectiveness of your LinkedIn efforts is complex. Understanding which strategies are driving results can be especially difficult. Especially if you’re not familiar with LinkedIn analytics tools.

Why is Local Lead Generation Better Than Building a Personal Brand on LinkedIn?

Local lead generation is better than building a personal brand on LinkedIn for many reasons. First, it targets an immediate, specific audience within a geographic area. This leads to faster conversions with prospects who are already seeking local services. The competition is often lower in local markets. This allows your efforts to have a greater impact and making it easier to dominate your niche. Local leads also have higher conversion rates since they are more qualified and ready to buy.


Monetizing your brand on LinkedIn needs not only a single approach to make it profitable. Sponsored content, coaching, and affiliate marketing are also a must. LinkedIn account owners would also do speaking engagements, brand partnerships, and even writing. It also takes a longer time to build an audience with the platform. 

The results of local lead generation are often more tangible and measurable. This allows for quicker adjustments and improvements to your strategy. LinkedIn is valuable for long-term brand recognition and global reach. The platform also now boasts 875 million members, only behind Facebook and Instagram. But if you are looking for passive and cost-effective business, try local lead generation

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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