Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint Review | 5 Benefits of MRR to Your Business

August 28, 2023

The MRR Blueprint is a one-month online workshop created by Jordan Mederich. This course teaches you how to create a business model that earns monthly recurring revenue. In this course, Jordan will share with you his exact business model. He will teach you how to customize a payment model, make offers, solidify your sales strategies based on your specific goals and much more. Let’s find out if this program can really help propel business growth.

In most MRR business models, vendors or service providers charge subsrcription fees for their products or services. They usually charge these fees monthly or quarterly, depending on the type of service, contract or agreement. Unlike traditional off-sales, MRR ensures predictable cash flow and may provide a sustainable profit margin for the business. This usually works with subscription business models, software-as-a-service (SaaS companies) and membership-based platforms.

While the MMR business model can be profitable, this can also be a challenging venture as well. Some challenges you may encounter with MMR include customer acquisition, churn and retention. Developing SaaS products can also be expensive. This can cost around $50,000 to $500,000, depending on the project requirements. 

Local lead generation is a better alternative than MMR businesses because it only requires minimal capital investment. For only a few hundred bucks, you can start your local lead generation business. This business model works like digital real estate, where you rank and rent websites for local businesses. The main goal is to generate leads for your clients through results-driven service sites. Scalability and profitability are other advantages of local lead generation over MRR businesses. You can maximize your profits by building multiple service sites. Each website can earn a passive income of up to $2,500 monthly. This is one reason many online entrepreneurs today are investing in local lead generation. 

MRR Blueprint Pros and Cons


It's relatively inexpensive compared to other business development courses.

The program has wide coverage to help you start or improve your business model.  

It offers a reasonable refund policy. 

You can get a 50% off discount on their best-selling SEO Masterclass course upon enrollment in the MRR Blueprint program.


It’s hard to find genuine reviews about the program from other reliable sources.

The program seems to be over-promising.

Jordan Mederich, the program creator, has few followers on his social media platforms




1-hour session daily for 30 days

Program Objectives:

- To help you boost sales 
- To help you apply MRR metrics based on your specific requirements and goals
- To help you automate some operational tasks to reduce workload 
- To help you improve or maintain healthy cash flow
- To help you build a stable business and gain financial independence 

Refund Policy: 

30 day refund guarantee minus a 5% credit card processing fee

What is Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint 

The MRR Blueprint is a comprehensive online workshop that will show you how to develop an online business that earns monthly recurring revenue. It’s a 1-hour per day training course (30 days) where you will learn Jordan's “proven and tested” methodologies that can earn up to $1,000 daily MRR. According to Jordan, this business model also aims to quit your 9 to 5 job! 

What Do You Get From Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint? 

I. Introduction to MRR Business Model

Jordan Mederich introduces the “most valuable” revenue in businesses. He also shares his insights on the basic principles of MRR. This includes the importance of generating monthly recurring revenue and what are the challenges you may encounter along the way.

II. MRR Blueprint Summary

The program will walk you through the processes of implementing MRR in your new or existing business.

III. Improving your Sales and Marketing Strategies

Learn how to to develop and launch the right campaigns for your specific requirements and goals.


IV. Sales Funnels

The program also covers the basic principles of building sales funnels. This will help improve your sales process for further business growth.

V. MRR Metrics

Determine the right metrics for every business model. This will help you measure the success of your campaigns and find areas you need to improve. 


VI. How to Pitch Product Offers

Learn how to pitch product offers effectively by creating powerful messages to attract leads and persuade them into purchasing decision. 


VII. Choosing a Profitable Payment Method

Learn how to select the most ideal payment platform to prevent discrepancies and ensure a smooth customer journey. In this program, Jordan shares his most preferred payment gateway for easy access and convenient transactions.  


VIII. Upselling Strategies

The MRR Blueprint program covers some strategies you can apply to upsell your products and services.  Your main goal is to showcase your unique selling points, so you can attract more potential clients. 

IX: Fulfillment Strategies & Customer Satisfaction

Learn how to complete all your deliverables on time, including how to outsource some operational tasks to free up your time.


Who is Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint for? 

Jordan's MRR Blueprint training program is for business owners who are looking for ways to improve their cash flow and profitability. The course will also benefit new business owners or anyone who wants to start a business. 

Are the Students of MRR Blueprint Successful?

Yes, there are some students who shared their success after completing Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint training program. However, I cannot find other reviews or feedback about Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint training course from different reputable sources. 

Lauren Mattison  

Lauren Mattison is a new business owner who shared a video testimonial vouching for the MRR Blueprint training program. According to her, the course helped her improve the profitability of her new business. After applying what she learned, she landed her first client for $300 monthly recurring revenue

Yon Aguillar  

Yon was the other student who shared a video testimonial for the MRR Blueprint program. He mentioned that connecting with Drop Funnels and the MRR Blueprint has helped him generate more income for his business. After applying what he learned from the program, Yon landed some recurring revenue deals from different clients. The first deal is $500 monthly, and the client paid him $10,000 in recurring revenue. The other deal he got from a client is $250 monthly.

Who is Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint for? 

This course is for business owners who are looking for ways to improve their cash flow and profitability. The course will also benefit new business owners or anyone who wants to start a business. 

Is Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint Worth it? 

Yes, Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint can be worth it, but it still depends on your goals and the nature of your business. Keep in mind that the program will require you to dedicate at least 1 hour of your time every day for a month. So, if you have the time and you’re willing to spend about $97, this program might be for you. 

However, it is vital to do your due diligence before enrolling in this course. As mentioned, I didn’t find any reviews about the program from other reliable sources. There are no outside perspectives so, it’s difficult to quantify the success of this program. But checking the coverage of the program, Jordan Mederich’s MRR Blueprint is worth a try. 

Who is Jordan Mederich? 




FB - 3.6k Followers | IG - 785 Followers | YT - 876 Subscribers | TikTok - 243



Sales funnel, digital marketing, SEO and online business

Jordan Mederich, the creator of MRR Blueprint, is an online entrepreneur who specializes in digital marketing, specifically sales funnels and search engine optimization (SEO). He is the CEO and founder of, an all-in-one-marketing platform that allows you to build sales funnels, online courses, websites and much more. 

Jordan is also an award-winning filmmaker. You can see his content on popular media platforms, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, NBC, CBS, ABC and much more. In one of his interviews, he mentioned that he has always been passionate about innovative online marketing solutions. 

Jordo now focuses on helping other entrepreneurs and marketers through his Drop Funnels platform and creating online coaching programs. He also shares valuable insights on entrepreneurship and online marketing through his podcasts, The Jordo Show. And just recently, Jordan has been active on YouTube and TikTok.

5 Benefits of MRR to Your Business

  • Predictable Income or Revenue: One reason many businesses today are looking for ways to add a new MRR metric is because of income predictability. With this strategy, you can maximize the profitability of your business. It also allows you to forecast and develop revenue streams more accurately. By tracking the MRR, you can make more informed decisions about resource allocation, investments and growth strategies.  
  • Performance Tracker: Use MRR as a performance indicator to help you measure the success of your marketing campaigns, pricing strategies and customer retention efforts. You can also monitor MRR trends to make necessary adjustments to your strategies and optimize your operations.
  • Business Valuation: MRR plays a vital role in business valuation, especially during acquisitions, mergers or fundraising activities. Potential investors or buyers usually examine the MRR to gauge the stability, growth potential and profitability of the business.
  • Churn Analysis: MRR allows you to monitor and analyze customer churn. It can provide data that will help you identify patterns, address customer dissatisfaction and implement strategies to improve customer retention. 
  • Monitor Growth:MRR is also a key metric for assessing the scalability and growth potential of your business. Positive MRR growth simply means your business is acquiring new customers or keeping existing customers. It may also show you’re successfully upselling or cross-selling your products and services. 

Related Articles on MRR Blueprint Review 

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  • 4 Online Businesses You Can Start Without Money - Find out the best online businesses you can start without money. This guide also provides detailed pros and cons so you can easily gauge the best online business model for you. 

Local Lead Generation: Still the Most Profitable Online Business Model 

If you’re looking for a profitable business model, local lead generation is till my top recommendation. Unlike most online businesses, local lead generation is a low-risk-high-return-investment, with a profit margin of 85% to 90%. With this business model, you can create multiple revenue streams by building and ranking more service sites. 

The local lead generation business is easy to maintain and execute. You can use free digital marketing solutions like SEO and basic web design to rent and rank lead generation sites. Once you hit the right metrics, this business model is a sure-fire passive income stream.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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