Peter Valley Zen Arbitrage Review: Earn Full-Time Income with Amazon Book Arbitrage?

August 16, 2024

Zen Arbitrage is an Amazon book arbitrage tool by Peter Valley. It helps you resell books on Amazon FBA by searching a large database where you can find cheap and used books. You can buy them on Amazon’s Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN), and profit by reselling them at a higher price via FBA. The tool was created by 

Earning a full-time income with Amazon book arbitrage in 2024 is hard. Book arbitrage has low-profit margins and inconsistent returns. The market is also getting increasingly competitive. This is especially true when selling during textbook seasons (around January and August). Amazon also takes 10-15% of your revenue, further reducing your book profits. To maximize profits, Peter Valley created The tool automatically adjusts the prices in your listing to maximize profitability.

Zen Arbitrage reviews are mixed with a 2.8/5 Trustpilot rating. Users praise it for it's extensive database and user-friendly interface. They also highlight the profit calculator, sales data, and price alerts. The training program and webinar is also appreciated. The private Facebook community is also highly regarded by users. Complaints are directed towards the time-consuming nature of the business. Users reported that the seasonal demand for books makes income inconsistent. They also highlight the discrepancies in sales rankings between Zen Arbitrage and Amazon. Amazon restrictions are also a big concern among users as Zen Arbitrage does not take this into account.

In this article, you will find out if you can earn a full-time income with Amazon book arbitrage. You will discover all about Zen Arbitrage and what users say about it. You will also learn about Peter Valley and his new tool,

Zen Arbitrage Pros and Cons


Web-Based and Easy to Use: Accessible from any device with an internet connection, with a user-friendly dashboard.

No Inventory Management: Amazon handles inventory once books are sent.

Free Trial and Training Program: Offers a 14-day free trial with comprehensive training, ideal for beginners.

Large Database and Price Monitoring: Over 21 million books available, with tools for monitoring price drops.

Support and Community: Access to a private Facebook group, live monthly webinars, and direct support from the founder.


Time-Consuming: Requires continuous searching for profitable books.

Seasonality and Low-Profit Margins: Textbook demand fluctuates seasonally, and average net profits per book are low.

Amazon Restrictions and Inaccurate Rankings: Subject to Amazon's selling restrictions, and occasional discrepancies in sales rankings may require further research.

Financial Risk: Accumulating book purchase costs increase financial risk without guaranteed returns.


Zen Arbitrage costs $97/month or $799/year.

Refund Policy

Zen Arbitrage comes has a 30-day refund policy.




Zen Arbitrage has a mixed reputation.

July 28, 2024

The info it gives is not synced or updated


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Can You Earn Full-Time Income with Amazon Book Arbitrage?

Making a full-time income with online book arbitrage using Zen Arbitrage is challenging. This business model is more suitable as a side hustle or part-time project for extra cash. While any book can be resold on Amazon, textbooks are favored due to their higher profit margins. However, this popularity leads to a crowded market with lots of competition for the same titles.

The seasonal nature of textbook sales means income can be inconsistent. There are fewer selling opportunities outside peak times. Profit margins are generally low because book prices are highly competitive. Additional costs like shipping, FBA fees, and prep services can reduce net profits. To earn a significant income, you need to sell a large number of books.

How Much Money Can You Make with Zen Arbitrage?

You can make $500 to $2,000 per month within 3 to 6 months of using Zen Arbitrage. The money you make will depend on the difference between your books’ buying price and selling price. The key is to find books with higher markups to generate more profit. You should aim for 50-75% returns when you’re looking for books to resell.

According to Peter Valley, you can start with only $50 and grow your business because of the cash-compounding effect. This is assuming that you get a 50% return on every book you have purchased, which isn’t a guarantee. You won’t always get consistent returns, nor be able to resell all the books in your inventory. As your business grows and you buy more books, the risk of unsold inventory also goes higher.

What Do You Get With Zen Arbitrage?

  • Complete Software Access: Access to all Zen Arbitrage features. This includes their massive database, transparent pricing, FBA Automator, and more.
  • Complete Training Course: Comprehensive training through a tutorial library with over 50 videos. Access to recorded webinars covering all aspects of selling on Amazon.
  • Private Facebook Group: Access to the Private Facebook Group. The community has over 1,000 Zen Arbitrage members.
  • Monthly Live Webinars: Monthly live webinars with Peter Valley and the community. This allows for real-time learning and interaction.
  • Peter Valley’s Phone Number: You’ll receive support directly from the creator.
  • Prep Service Partner: For an additional fee of $1.50 per book, you can use Zen Arbitrage’s prep service partner for streamlined book preparation.
  • Customer Support: You can ask their team to give you an analysis of the books you’re thinking of buying. They will determine whether they’re profitable arbitrage opportunities
  • Free eBook: Receive a free digital copy of Peter Valley’s “Online Book Arbitrage: Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Money Selling Books in Your Pajamas.”

What Are the Features of Zen Arbitrage?

Zen Arbitrage offers access to a massive database of over 21 million books. It provides transparent pricing, including shipping costs, to ensure accurate profitability calculations. The FBA Automator lets you view FBA offers for all books. Historical sales rank data and a 12-month average rank feature help you assess a book’s market viability. The platform includes a textbook database with over 300,000 titles. There is also a built-in profit calculator, and information on Amazon trade-in values.

You can earn extra through lead liquidation by selling book leads. The search circumvention feature allows you to pay other sellers for profitable leads. Laser-precise search options, a price drop monitor, and export capabilities enhance your efficiency. Built-in analytics tools, automated profit tracking, and the save search feature streamline the process. Zen Arbitrage also performs automated scans of 40+ bookselling sites. This helps identify restricted books to avoid complications.

How to Use Zen Arbitrage (7 Simple Steps)

  • Set Your Parameters: Customize your search parameters to suit your preferences and needs. Set your price range for used books, choose the desired sales ranking, and decide whether you want to focus on textbooks. You can control the number of competing Amazon FBA offers. You can also use specific search criteria like title, ISBN, or publisher, and save your preferred search settings for future use.
  • Go Over the Results: Try to look for books where the difference between the FBA price and the used price is triple. Use the built-in calculator for faster calculations. Ignore the search results in blue because they’re restricted books.
  • Search for the Book on Amazon: Click on the ISBN and it’ll take you to the Amazon page. Pick a seller and add the product to your cart. You’ll need an Amazon account for this.
  • Buy the Book: When you buy a book, you can choose to get it delivered to you or to Zen Arbitrage’s prep service partner. It usually takes 5-7 days for the books to arrive.
  • Ship the Book to an Amazon Warehouse: You're responsible for listing on Amazon and shipping to an Amazon warehouse. If your book was shipped to Zen Arbitrage’s prep service partner, they’ll do all the work for you for $1.50 per book. Shipping to Amazon takes 3-7 days.
  • Go Live: Once your book gets to an Amazon warehouse, they’ll process your book and make it available for sale. Processing will take 3-7 days. After that, your book is ready for purchase.
  • Repeat the Process: You can repeat this process as many times as you want as long as you have the money to fund it.

Who Is Zen Arbitrage For?

Zen Arbitrage is for people who understand how online book arbitrage works. The tool will cut down the time and effort needed to search for products. You also need to have the capital to purchase books and understand that in your first month.

Moreover, if you have what Peter Valley calls a “flipper mindset,” Zen Arbitrage is not for you. Peter took a stance against “book flippers” in 2021. He defines them as people who:

  • Have a get-rich-quick mindset
  • Fixate on how fast their inventory sells
  • Fixate on one profitable book
  • Don’t care about the process, only the results
  • Are not willing to learn

What Are the Zen Arbitrage Reviews?

Zen Arbitrage has mixed reviews from its subscribers. Their website has a lot of testimonials showing that students have made money in their first month. However, external reviews reported having lost money.

Sarah claimed that she lost hundreds of dollars while using Zen Arbitrage. This is because Amazon had restricted them from selling the books they bought. They also realized that the rankings from the software are far from the rankings on Amazon.

Have Subscribers Made Money from Zen Arbitrage?

Yes, subscribers have made money from Zen Arbitrage. Members from Zen Arbitrage’s Facebook group have reported varying amounts of profit. For their first week, the earnings of some subscribers ranged from $75 to $1300. For their first month, some of them have reported earnings ranging from $595 to $1267.

What Is is an automated repricing tool designed specifically for Amazon book arbitrage. It optimizes the pricing of your listings to maximize profits. It adjusts prices based on market conditions and competition. automates the process to ensure your listings remain competitive and profitable.

Zen Arbitrage VS

Zen Arbitrage

Purpose: Comprehensive tool for book arbitrage.

Database Access: 21 million books

Key Tools:

  • Historical sales data, 12-month average rank
  • Built-in profit calculator
  • Textbook database (300,000+ textbooks)
  • Automated profit tracking
  • Lead liquidation, arbitrage marketplace
  • Price drop alerts
  • Advanced search filters

Purpose: AI-powered pricing optimization

Database Access: All books listed on Amazon

Key Tools:

  • AI-driven market analysis
  • Dynamic pricing adjustments

Who Is Peter Valley?

Peter Valley is the creator of Zen Arbitrage and an online business entrepreneur based in Boulder, Colorado. He began his career as an Amazon seller in 2007 and has sold tens of thousands of books since then. In 2015, he pioneered the online book arbitrage business model. Peter has written several books, including "Online Book Arbitrage," "Feedback Mastery," and "Outsourcing Amazon." He teaches Amazon FBA on his website, FBA Mastery. Besides Zen Arbitrage, Peter has launched other products like PriceHack, RepriceAlytics, and TruRank.

Is Book Arbitrage Allowed on Amazon?

Book arbitrage is allowed on Amazon, although Amazon's stance on it is mixed. Amazon allows it but does not favor it. Primarily because it can lead to customer satisfaction issues. Amazon's focus is on maintaining a customer-centric model. This includes policies like free returns that can negatively impact arbitrage sellers.

Is Amazon Book Arbitrage Profitable in 2024?

Amazon book arbitrage is profitable in 2024, but it’s not a consistent source of income. According to SaasAnt, most Amazon sellers typically see profit margins of about 15% to 20%. It is also one of the least profitable Amazon business models. Amazon also maintains control over product listings and prices. This means they can adjust prices to stay competitive. This sometimes reduces the profitability of arbitrage sellers. Some sellers make a few hundred dollars a month, while others can earn thousands depending on their scale and strategy.

If you want to succeed in book arbitrage, do thorough product research. Also, learn how to create effective marketing campaigns. Maintaining a steady supply of profitable products can be difficult, and the process requires constant sourcing, researching, and listing of products. You need to have patience and perseverance if you want to profit from Amazon book arbitrage.

Earn Predictable Passive Income With Local Lead Generation

Local lead generation is a digital real estate business model that creates predictable passive income. You use SEO tactics to rank your website on Google. You then rent it out to local business who will benefit from the organic traffic. As long as your site is ranked and rented, you can earn $500 to $3,000 a month completely hands-free.

Since you won't be selling any products or doing any marketing, the starting and operating costs remain low. You also have full control of your business and keep 100% of the profits. You also don't have to worry about competing with other sellers for price. As long as your site is ranked, you will keep earning predictably every month.


Scaling an Amazon book arbitrage business means outsourcing the work and increasing spending. As you are limited by your time, you will need to hire a team to increase productivity. Then you need to increase your budget for more products and marketing. Scaling a local lead generation simply means repeating the rank and rent process. You are not limited to how much you can scale. With multiple sites earning passive income, you can create time and financial freedom. Check out local lead generation for a sustainable and scalable passive income business.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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