Lincoln Edwards’ Austin Flipsters Review: Is Austin, Texas a Profitable Real Estate Market?

August 13, 2024

Austin Flipsters is a real estate investment company that offers a course, partnerships, a YouTube channel that shows their real estate flipping journey in Austin, Texas, in HGTV style, and an educational blog. It was founded in 2018 by two Texas A&M University best friends, Lincoln Edwards and Lauren (Pauls) Ahrens. They have flipped over 100 homes, built a community of over 300 real estate flippers, and partnered directly with 15+ investors.

A flip in real estate is when you buy a distressed property for a low price, rehab it, and then sell it for a profit. Flipping is a popular strategy for low capital investors. Flipping houses is challenging because you need a lot of capital to purchase the property, pay for the material and labor costs of renovation, and pay for property taxes and insurance. Finding sellers that would sell at a very low price and then buyers that would agree to your asking price is not as easy as you may think. You may also need to have built a business relationship with contractors, lenders, and realtors.

Local lead generation is a type of digital real estate business that creates passive income at low costs. Using a rank and rent method, you rank sites on Google and rent them out to local businesses using free tactics such as SEO. This creates complete passive income, as you don't need to constantly look for deals, deal with multiple parties, or deal with other hassles that come with real estate investment. Check out local lead generation for a low-cost, low-risk, high-return business.

Lincoln Edwards’s Austin Flipsters Review: Pros and Cons


Course is available for beginners.

They have a turnkey partnership offer for investors who want to passively invest.

Their YouTube channel has high value content that delivers useful content.


While you can use what you learn in any market, the training and examples given are specific to Austin's market.

No reviews or real world success of their offers.

Their content appears flashy and makes flipping look too easy.


$497 or 2 payments of $275 for the Austin Flipsters course. $30/month for Flipsters Fam Discord community. $20,000 for the turnkey solution partnership.

Refund Policy

No refund policy listed.



August 13, 2024

Used to watch them and they’re great!


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Is Flipping in Austin, Texas Profitable?

Austin, Texas, measures up to be one of the most challenging house flipping markets. Because of the high housing demand, it is very difficult to find properties to buy below their value. Austin, Texas, is so popular because of its growing job market and lower cost of living compared to other major tech centers like New York City and San Francisco. Austin is a good place to live even considered the best place to live in Texas. There are a lot of great job and business opportunities in Austin, and the quality of life is increasing. You need to have a salary of at least $59,000 a year to live comfortably in Austin as a single adult. This figure is assuming you spend 30% of your monthly income on rent. This means flipping in Austin can prove highly profitable but also highly risky.

Housing in Austin, Texas, is expensive due to the influx of people into the city, which increases the demand for housing and reduces the available supply. This has also led to high prices for other necessities such as food and transportation. Austin is more expensive to live in, with a cost 9% higher than the state average and 1% higher than the national average. Housing in Austin is 16% more expensive than the U.S. average. The median price of a house in Austin, Texas is $530,000. This is substantially higher than the national median price of $359,000. The prices of housing in Austin, Texas, have been dropping in the past few years. It has dropped about 15% from 2022 to 2023.

Competition in Austin is very high, as it usually is in growing and emerging markets. Not only do you have to compete with citizens who have capital, but foreigners are also buying property in Austin. Foreigners can buy property in Austin, Texas, or anywhere in the U.S., for that matter. There are no restrictions, although a recent proposed bill seeks to ban citizens from China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia from purchasing land in Texas.

Who Is Lincoln Edwards’s Austin Flipsters For?

  • Beginners who want to learn how to flip houses. While the training can work in any market, it is specially helpful for the Austin market.
  • Real estate investors who want to access Austin Flipsters network of investors, realtors, and contractors, especially in the Austin market.
  • Investors with capital who want to passively invest in the Austin market through turn-key flip deals.

What Do You Get With Lincoln Edwards’s Austin Flipsters Course?

With the Austin Flipsters course, you get lifetime access to over 20 hours of training in 51 lessons, where you will learn how to analyze your local market, secure funding, find properties, determine the scope of renovation, manage a team of contractors, market your listing to get top dollar, and how to repeat and scale.

Welcome to the Course

  • Getting Started
  • Introduction & Course Outline (4 min.)

House Flipping Foundations

  • Learning Objectives (10 min.)
  • Course Tips (9 min.)
  • Flipster Principles - Part One (18 min.)
  • Flipster Principles - Part Two (20 min.)
  • Why Flipping Works & What's In It for You (12 min.)
  • Flipping vs. Other Real Estate Investments (16 min.)
  • Building Wealth & Financial Freedom (14 min.)
  • Creative Side of Flipping (6 min.)

Preparing Yourself to Flip

  • Profile of a Successful Flipper (13 min.)
  • Education (22 min.)
  • Getting Support: Mentors and Tribes (29 min.)
  • Should I Get a Real Estate License? (34 min.)

Financial Principles

  • Principals of Capital (29 min.)
  • Compound Interest Example (9 min.)
  • Debt & Credit (24 min.)
  • Get Serious About Saving Money (18 min.)

Funding Your Flip

  • Funding Your Flip with Debt (17 min.)
  • Banks and Hard Money Loans (16 min.)
  • Alternative Sources for Funding (21 min.)
  • Where to Start If You Have No Money (53 min.)
  • Live in Flips (38 min.)
  • Starting with Money (34 min.)

Finding Your Team

  • Analyzing Your Market (12 min.)
  • Analyzing Your Market Hands On (57 min.)
  • Your Team: What to Look For (7 min.)
  • Team Members (17 min.)
  • Finding Your Team (12 min.)

Analyzing Deals

  • Identifying Your Ideal Project (26 min.)
  • How to Develop a Scope of Work (8 min.)
  • Scope of Work Example (52 min.)

Find It!

  • Finding Deals on the MLS (41 min.)
  • Finding Deals from Wholesalers (26 min.)
  • Finding Deals Alternative Methods (11 min.)
  • Offer, Offer, Offer (17 min.)

Buy It!

  • It's Under Contract, Now What? (24 min.)
  • Planning Your Flip (18 min.)

Flip It!

  • Kicking off Your Flip (5 min.)
  • Design (14 min.)
  • Design Example (15 min.)
  • Managing Contractors (25 min.)
  • Flipping Tips & Best Practices (48 min.)
  • When to DIY, When to Hire (6 min.)

Sell It!

  • Getting Your Property Ready For Sale (10 min.)
  • Marketing Your Property (6 min.)
  • Exit Strategies (19 min.)
  • Don't Forget about Taxes (10 min.)

Rinse & Repeat!

  • Congratulations (2 min.)

Downloadable Tools & Resources

  • Flipster Financial Calculator & Deal Analyzer

Project & Flip Catalog

  • Full Flipster Project Catalogue

What Do You Get With Flipsters Fam?

With your monthly membership with the Flipsters Fam, you get access to the community discord, where you'll be able to access the network of investors, realtors, and contractors. This is also where you'll be able to receive hands-on guidance via private live-stream interactive sessions.

What Do You Get With Austin Flipster Partnership?

With the partnership with Austin Flipsters, you basically bring the capital while they do the work. Austin Flipsters will take care of finding the properties, securing the funding, managing the renovations, and selling the property. After your first successful deal, you can continue the partnership with a lower per-project fee. There is no profit split; there is only an upfront and consultation fee.

What Do People Say About Lincoln Edwards’s Austin Flipsters?

Unfortunately I haven't found any reviews of Austin Flipsters programs. There haven't been any posted on their official site neither. Although they do have a substantial social media following that can attest to their credibility. Austin Flipsters has 48.2K followers on Instagram, 1.5K followers on Facebook, and 271K subscribers on YouTube. Their YouTube channel, which has less than 50 videos and over 16 million views, is quite impressive. The channel follows Lauren and Lincoln as they buy, rehab, and sell properties throughout Austin, Texas, with HGTV-style videos.

Who is Lincoln Edwards?

austin flipsters review

Lincoln Edwards is a real estate investor, licensed broker, and co-founder of Austin Flipsters from Austin, Texas. He has over a decade of real estate experience and has a master's degree in business from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's in business administration from Texas A&M University. Lincoln co-founded and is the CEO of the venture-backed, house-flipping proptech business, Homemade.

Who is Lauren (Pauls) Ahrens?

austin flipsters review

Lauren (Pauls) Ahrens is a real estate investor and co-founder of Austin Flipsters from Austin, Texas. Like Lincoln, she is also the co-founder and chief creative officer of Homemade and holds a bachelor’s in business administration from Texas A&M University.

Is Real Estate Flipping Worth It in 2024?

Real estate flipping is worth it in 2024 if you know what you're doing. To get started flipping houses, you need to learn how to find properties, negotiate a good offer, have contractor contacts for renovations, estimate the cost of the rehab in both time and money, and how to market your property to find buyers.
You start flipping houses by searching for distressed properties and convincing the owners to sell. You need to have the capital or a lender to cover the cost of the purchase. Next, you need to hire contractors to renovate the house. Finally, you need to find a buyer so you can sell the house for a profit.

You need a substantial amount of money to flip houses. It’ll cost you hundreds of thousands in capital or credit to cover the various fees of flipping, such as the buying price, closing costs, and renovation costs. You can make as much as 20%–30% of the after-repair price by flipping a house. This does not include various expenses like rehab and closing costs. According to CBS, flippers make an average of $70,000 in net profit. An example of flipping a house is when you purchase a house for $235K and spend $48K to fix and renovate it, then list it for $349K. With a closing cost of $17K, you take a profit of $49K. On average, it takes 6 months to flip a house. How long it takes depends on several factors, such as the fluctuation of the market, the asking price, the condition of the property, etc. 

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Flipping Houses?


Fast returns - Compared to other traditional real estate investment strategies, flipping houses can deliver fast returns to your investments. It is possible to fix and flip multiple houses in one month.

Increasing demands - Real estate will always be in demand, and there will always be distressed property owners who will be willing to sell. There is virtually an unlimited supply of properties to flip.


High costs - Real estate flipping needs a lot of capital. You either need the cash or the credit to fund the purchase, rehab, and other various fees.

High risks - Flipping houses can be a risky venture. Miscalculating the costs and profits can lead to you buying an unprofitable property. Unforeseen repairs can significantly hurt your profit or even cost you money. Holding the property for too long if you are unable to find a buyer can also add to the costs.

You do not need to go to school, get a degree, or even have a real estate license to flip houses. And yet, it will help a lot to learn as much as you can about flipping houses before entering the business. Finding a mentor or taking a course can save you time and money by preventing costly mistakes.

Related Articles on Real Estate Investment

  • Jake Leicht’s The Flip Secrets - Teaches how to flip houses using other people's money (OPM). The Flip Secrets focuses on preventing costly mistakes with flipping using OPM to minimize risks.
  • Jamil Damji's Astroflipping - A real estate course that teaches not only house flipping, but wholesaling and long term holding. You will also learn how to flip houses without having capital.
  • Dan And Ron Apke’s Land Investing Online - Land investing online teaches you how to flip land as opposed to flipping houses. Land flipping comes with its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

My Top Online Business Recommendation for 2024

Local lead generation is my top online business recommendation for 2024. It works by creating a website and ranking it on Google. You will then rent out this website to local businesses in exchange for the organic leads it generates. With as little as an initial investment of $500, you can earn up to $2,000 of predictable and passive income per website.

There are hundreds of niches and thousands of areas to choose from, so you don't have to worry about competition. A site can also stay ranked on Google for years, making maintenance practically hands-off. To scale, all you have to do is repeat the process of ranking and renting. You can scale as much as you want. This makes local lead generation the best passive income online business to create time and financial freedom with.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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