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19 Best Passive Income Books-Read Your Way To Wealth

December 3, 2021

Passive income.

"A source of income that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain"-Wikipedia.

An attractive way of making money.

But it's not as easy as clicking your heels three times.

There's a lot of misconception around passive income.

I mean think about it.

If it were easy to attain everyone would be in on the action.

Who doesn't want to make money while they sleep?

But to actually achieve results you need to put in the hard work at some point.

Set yourself up to be successful at earning a passive income.

But how?

The million-dollar question. 

And these authors attempt to answer it by providing blueprints to help guide you through the process.

Here are the 19 best passive income books.

Written to help people like you.

Individuals willing to do the work.

Invest in themselves and a system to earn a passive income.

But before we get after it-let me give you the quick lowdown on my story.

Allow me to reintroduce myself... My name is Ippei...

Hi, my name is Ippei.

I was willing to do the hard work to generate a passive income.

Figuring out what that looked like was the problem.

I did the dead-end job.

I worked the 9-5 grind.

Stuck in a job I hated.

Making no money.

I'd heard of passive income.

But had no idea how to achieve it.

And then, in 2014, I found this course.

A business model geared to making a passive income.

I invested.

I put in the time.

Followed this business model that taught me everything I needed to work from home.

Building & ranking websites that generate leads for small businesses.

That tree service site above has been making me $2000 per month since 2015.

IMO this biz model is one of the best opportunities on the internet.

And I'm going to show you why.

Quick Navigation

1. The 4-Hour Work Week Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich: Tim Ferriss

"The timing is never right. For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks"-Tim Ferriss.

Educational activist, podcaster and entrepreneur, Tim Ferriss has more than a few tricks to generating a passive income.

In his book The 4-Hour Work Week, Tim renounces the traditional 'deferred' life plan of working exhausting hours with minimal vacations in an attempt to save cash for your golden years.

Having spent four years on the NYT Best Sellers List with over 2.1 million copies sold, Tim shares valuable insight on working less and earning more.

Key takeaways from this self-help book include things found in this article like:

Overview of The 4-Hour Work Week
  • Set A List of Clear Priorities Before You Sit In Front Of Your Computer

  • Ending Meetings On Time

  • Outsource Mundane Tasks To Overseas Virtual Assistants

  • Swap 'Long Haul' Careers For Short Work Bursts & Frequent' Mini Retirements'

  • Automated Cash Flow 'Muses'

Tim also shares information through his highly revered podcast.

And offers strategies and solutions on his website's blog, which you can read more about here.

So what do people who have purchased and read the book have to say?

With an overall 4.5/5 star review, the general consensus is nearly unanimous.

Tim offers mindset-altering suggestions like working smarter, not harder, as per these reviews.

If you're looking for actionable strategies.

Techniques that will save you time and make you money-then this best passive income book is worth the hardcover ticket price of $13.49.

You can purchase the book with this link.

2. KaChing: Joel Comm

"Content is not only King, it's Ka-Ching"-Joel Comm.

American author-'crypto evangelist'-speaker and entrepreneur-Joel Comm covers five specific ways to earn money online in his bestseller KaChing.

With over fifteen years of successful revenue-generating online business ventures, Joel teaches readers first hand exactly how to make money online-on your own time.

Broken down into detailed steps-chapters cover topics outlined in this article like:

  • Internet Opportunities & Uniqueness of Your Niche

  • Content is 'Ka-Ching'

  • Selling Your Knowledge

  • Affiliate Programs & Membership Sites

  • Coaching Programs & Case Studies

Joel also shares information on his popular podcast, The Bad Crypto Podcast, Facebook, and his website blog.

KaChing has earned Joel a 4.3/5 star review.

And his book is available in hard and softcover-audible and podcast versions.

3. Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love: Scott Fox

Money is not the destination on your life’s road trip; it’s just the gas to help you enjoy the journey”-Scott Fox.

Self-help author-serial internet entrepreneur-and angel investor.

American startup company advisor Scott Fox has helped people generate passive income via the internet for over a decade.

Host of the MasterMinds Forum-Scott dispenses invaluable suggestions on how to be successful with online businesses.

In his book Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love-Scott discusses how to 'stop dreaming of a better life and start living one.'

Highlights from this self-help book outlined in this book review include things like:

Become The Expert & Don't Try To Solve A Problem That Is 'Too Big.'

Deciding On A Passive Income Idea

Selling Information Products (Digital Publishing)

Write It Down

Scott has a podcast where he shares accelerated coaching techniques for people interested in starting their own online business.

He also offers private coaching and group workshops in addition to a blog and forum that you can find on his website.

Not everyone is as impressed by his style, however, as per this review.

But despite the 'gimmicky' title, this best passive income book shares some valuable information-especially for beginners.

Well written and insightful-Scott delivers value.

Looking for a comprehensive blueprint on how to decide on a niche?

Want to learn the exact steps you need to take to generate a passive income with that niche?

Then this book is worth the investment.

4. The Six-Figure Second Income: How To Start and Grow A Successful Online Business Without Quitting Your Day Job: David Lindahl and Jonathan Rozek

"The same is true for $500-per-hour attorneys and even sports stars who get paid ridiculous sums. You don't show up to work, you don't get paid"-The Six-Figure Second Income: How To Start and Grow A Successful Online Business Without Quitting Your Day Job: David Lindahl and Jonathan Rozek.

This dynamic duo coined the phrase the 'infopreneur'.

David Lindahl became a multimillionaire in 3.5 years through real estate investments.

He took it one step further and added info products to his arsenal of endeavors to 'supplement' his income.

Author of four books all focusing on making money (mostly through real estate investments) you may have heard his name associated with the likes of Donald Trump and Grant Cardone.

In this bestseller, David teams up with Jonathan Rozek, who is no stranger to making money through investment opportunities.

With a background in corporate analysis and marketing combined with the political savviness required to provide investment-related assistance to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, Rozek is a world wide best seller.

These two have been accused of scams.

More because of their poor title choice than due to any basis for the false claims.

But this best passive income book is far from 'scammy' or 'spammy'.

Outlining solid advice and time-saving strategies to minimize workload and maximize profits, the book covers fundamental concepts found in this review, including:

Finding Your First Product To Sell Online

How To Make A Good Websites (for next to no money)

How To Create A Relationship With Your Customers So They Pay You Again & Again

Awarded a 4.1/5 star review, Dave and John offer hope to people who didn't start saving for retirement at 22.

Providing a game plan for anyone be successful with their methods.

Current and historical obstacles are irrelevant which makes for a refreshing read as per this detailed summary.

Filled with 232 pages of straight-shooting language and proven tools to make money online-you can purchase the book with this link.

5. The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future: Chris Guillebeau

"Think more about what people really want than about what you think they need" Chris Guillebeau.

Best selling author and 'modern-day explorer' Chris is no stranger to the lifestyle of an entrepreneur.

A lifetime of self-employment has taught him a thing or two about being successful in business.

Concrete techniques that he shares in his book The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future.

The definition of a non-conformist-Chris is well known for his blog and book The Art of Non-Conformity, which you can read more about here in addition to his podcast Side Hustle School.

Anything but traditional, Chris shares actionable methods and clear examples of how to launch your own business without the restrictions of a 'normal work setting'.

Templates and step by step instructions included in the book as per this review encompass things like:


Creating A 'Lean' Start Up & Identifying What You Can Already Offer


Crucial Steps Before Your Launch


High Converting Offers & Self Promotion


Increasing Your Income & Self Cloning

Unlike other best passive income books we've listed, this one is less of a detailed 'how-to' but more like an inspirational rendition.

Case study after case study shared on how people are creating financial freedom.

Chris uses templates that help cue readers on how to design their unique business.

And his exceptional style has earned him 4.5/5 star reviews.

All about taking action Chris also shares strategies on YouTube, his blog, and podcast, which you can read more about here.

Interested in embracing non conformity?

Want to learn a different way to being a successful entrepreneur and earning a passive income?

This book will take you there and can be purchased through this link.

6. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Robert Kiyosaki

"It's not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it's what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!" Robert Kiyosaki

Robert appears to have a polarizing effect on people.

You either love him or you hate him.

But this American businessman and author shares invaluable insight in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Especially for those in the beginning stages of their entrepreneurial journey.

Or people who struggle with the concept of reinvesting in your business.

Robert offers an alternate perspective to both the world and becoming successful in business endeavors.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of 26 books Robert has published and covers topics conveyed in this book review like:

  • The Rich Don't Work For $$$-They Invent $$$

  • The Importance Of Financial Literacy & Achieving Financial Freedom

  • Work To Learn Not For $$$

Robert offers free content on his YouTube channel in addition to coaching and a blog, which can be found on his website.

Founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company, Robert offers financial education and solutions to people committed to altering their financial literacy and harnessing financial freedom.

With 4.7/5 reviews and celebrating 23 years since the initial publication, Rich Dad, Poor Dad appears to have withstood the sands of time.

But it's a summary rather than a 'to-do' list of actionable techniques.

One thing's for certain.

If you are interested in becoming more educated in finances and the entrepreneurial lifestyle then this best passive income book has what you're looking for. 

Robert's book and his style intrigued us so much we wrote a detailed review of his book to commemorate its 23rd anniversary that you can check out here.

His insight and methods to creating a passive income resonate with us.

Maybe because they're so similar to the lead gen model.

Ranking virtual property in the SERPs-generating leads for local business owners-and taking a 'sliver to deliver.

Like Robert advises-you need to put in the initial elbow grease.

But if you set up your lead gen sites following the steps outlined in this program.

Trust the process and complete your due diligence.

Those sites will bring in monthly checks like clockwork with little to no maintenance.

That is the idea around building a passive income.

Want other ideas for a system that generates passive income?

Looking for a book to build a foundation to understand the process?

Then this book is worth the investment.

Found on Amazon you can use this link to purchase.

7. Passive Income Freedom: 23 Passive Income Blueprints: Go Step-by-Step from Complete Beginner to $5,000-10,000/mo in the next 6 Months!: Gundi Gabrielle 

They first find a need, a void to fill, something people really need and/or want. Then they validate and make sure it is really needed and also not oversaturated”-Gundi Gabrielle.

Conductor-concert pianist/organist-and music company owner turned digital nomad Gundi Gabrielle is crystal clear.

If you're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme-you will need to look elsewhere.

No inflated promises.

Instead you get a read that's easy to comprehend.

Proven methods that take work-but actually work in creating a passive income.

You have to be willing to put in the effort.

No cutting corners here.

And Gundi warns there is a learning curve.

But in her book Passive Income Freedom, she provides 23 blueprints.

Interesting and unique methods to generate cash flow.

Things found in this review like:


'Empire' Examples


Out Of The Box Ideas


The 3 'Pillars' of Passive Income

Her insights are referenced as 'auspicious.'

And this guide is an excellent resource for people looking to supplement their current income.

Gundi also shares information on her YouTube channel and her SassyZenGirl website that you can read more about here.

Value-action plans-and good advice.

If you're interested in purchasing this best passive income book, you can do so through this link.

8. The Power of Passive Income: Don't Work For Money, Make Your Money Work for You: Nightingale-Conant & Staff of Entrepreneur Media

"Maximize your income, minimize your stress level, and get the absolute most from every moment"-The Power of Passive Income.

What happens when you combine the talents of a world leader in personal-spiritual-mind and wellness development with the wisdom of leadership-entrepreneur-inspiration and growth strategies?

You get the unmistakable knowledge of Nightingale Conant and Entrepreneur Media Inc.

Two highly respected companies dedicated to helping people change the trajectory of their lives.

As evidenced in their publication The Power of Passive Income: Don't Work For Money, Make Your Money Work for You.

Here they show you how to shake off the rat race for good.

Get out of the 9-5 grind and generate passive income and a cash flow that will see you living your best life.

So what exactly can you expect to learn from their combined efforts?

Things outlined in this book overview like:

Book Overview

  • Evaluate Personal Strengths & Lifestyle Choices

  • Pay Off Debt & Build Savings

  • Realistic Expectations About Income & Success

  • Find Your Perfect Wealth Strategy

Readers have awarded this book a 4.5/5 star review

People report enjoying how the content is presented and it's easy to read style.

Those less than impressed appear to be looking for a passive income where you don't have to do much to make money.

If you are looking for solutions to get out of debt and are ready to take action, this best passive income book is worth purchasing.

If you're ready to make real change use this link to connect with Amazon and buy it today.

9. The Unemployed Millionaire: Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss and Live Life on YOUR Terms: Matt Morris

"Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny"-Matt Morris.

 Ten-time best-selling author Matt Morris has hit rock bottom and climbed back to the top not once-not twice-but three times in his life.

With over 24 years of experience as a top marketing trainer and leader-Matt is legendary at delivering to people exactly what they need to build the skills that result in tangible results.

And that is what readers can expect to uncover in his book The Unemployed Millionaire: Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss and Live Life on YOUR Terms.

Read about things outlined in this overview like:

Step By Step Formulas To Take Your Great Idea & Make It A Million-Dollar Business

Specific Principles Followed By Millionaires

Global Trade & The Power Of The Internet

Matt also offers information on his website's blog, newsletter, YouTube channel, live paid events, and a free five-day training series.

Injecting humor with a down-to-earth-no-bs style, Matt's writings are informative and laced with banter, making for an enjoyable and entertaining read.

And with a 3.73/5 star review, readers are generally impressed by the content and actionable steps he shares.

A blueprint for recreating your financial situation and uncovering the path to attaining passive income.

Packed with value and real solutions you can implement immediately, this book is one of our top contenders.

If this sounds like it's up your alley, you can purchase it here.

10. Minimalist Business: Everett Bogue

"Show up every day. Be honest. Ask permission to contact people who are interested in your work"-Everett Bogue.

From a 9-5r to a 'cybernetic yogi'.

Everett Bogue marches to the beat of his own drum.

But he does have first-hand knowledge of what it takes to be successful in the minimalist business space.

With a down to earth style and direct approach to getting his point across-Everett's verbiage is as minimalist as his lifestyle.

But it works.

And in his book, Minimalist Business, he covers topics outlined in this book review, including:

Minimalist Business Synopsis
  • Time Management & Automation

  • Opt-Out of Physical Media & 'Gatekeepers'

  • Start On Online Business With Zero Overhead

  • Separate Income From Location & Live Anywhere

Earning him a 3.88/5 star review-Ev also shares information through his blog and newsletter.

If you're serious about living a minimalist lifestyle.

Or are looking for the tools to build a business.

One that is both minimalistic and offers a passive income, then this suggestion is worth the read.

Ideal for those in the beginning stages of their journey-especially bloggers as per this review-you can save yourself a lot of headaches trying to figure it out.

Interested in making money online?

Curious about how to create a minimalist business?

Then this book is a great place to start.

Check out this link for a downloadable eBook copy.

11. Rich Habits: Thomas C. Corley

"Unsuccessful people have bad habits"-Tom Corley.

Author-speaker-athlete and founder of the Rich Habits personal development and research company, Tom, has been studying the habits of 'the rich and the poor' since 2004.

With a background in taxation, Tom clearly understands what hinders people from being financially prosperous.

His book Rich Habits has reached over 100 million people around the world.

Here he shares insider tips backed by years of research outlining the habits of individuals who have achieved wealth.

So what habits do 'rich people' adopt that sets them apart?

What insight does Tim share in his book?

Things outlined in this description like:

  • Live Within Your Means

  • More Time Reading-Less Time Surfing The Web & Watching Tube

  • Set Goals-Not Wishes & Get A Mentor

  • Volunteer & Network

  • Talk Less-Listen More & Avoid Toxic People

Adopting ten habits of wealthy people can change your life.

Easy to understand-apply and see real change-Tom's program is clear and concise.

Tom also shares info on his YouTube channel, podcast, and articles found on his website, in addition to numerous publications and media appearances.

This book review is dated 2016 but offers an excellent synopsis of what readers can expect to take away from this book.

If you're looking for an option that offers real-life solutions and actionable strategies you can adopt to alter your financial situation, then Rich Habits is well worth the read.

Available in hard and soft cover-Kindle and audio, you can purchase Tom's book here.

12. Job Escape Plan: The 7 Steps to Build a Home Business, Quit your Job and Enjoy the Freedom: Jyotsna Ramachandran

"Establish your authority in your industry. Self-publishing is the easiest way around"-Jyotsna Ramachandran.

Like many mothers trying to find an ideal work-life balance-Jyotsna vowed after her child's birth to never again to be an employee.

After a few false startup endeavors-Jyotsna has found her niche as critically acclaimed author success coach-founder of Author Success Academy and Happy Self Publishing-and publisher.

International bestseller-her book Job Escape Plan-provides an alternative to the 'quit your job and start a business' mantra.

Instead, she focuses on launching a home-based business-achieve a passive income and then say ciao to that 9-5 grind.

What else does Jyotsna share?

A 7-step guide to quitting the 'rat race' for good that includes things found in this outline like:


Develop An Entrepreneurial Mindset


The Perfect Niche For Your Home-Based Business


The Best Online Platform For Your Capitalist Venture


How To Grow In 6-Months So You Can Quit Your J-O-B

Readers are genuinely impressed by her actionable and practical advice.

Earning Jyotsna 3.77/5 reviews she shares the answer around the common question.

What's the difference between being a freelancer and actually being a home-based entrepreneur?

The short answer?

Passive income.

Sharing information on her vlog, podcast, and webinar found on her website.

She also has a YouTube channel, IG, and Facebook accounts and is available for speaking engagements and media events.

If you are looking for an instruction manual to achieve a passive income, this book is well worth investing in and can be purchased with this link.

13. The Ultimate Passive Income Guide:  Analysis of the 10 Most Reliable & Profitable Online Business Ideas Including Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping, Ecommerce, Amazon FBA, Self Publishing: Multiple Streams of Income Secrets: Michael Carter

Michael Carter's disclaimer at the front of his book says it all.

He does not offer "get rich quick solutions."

The reality is that 'easy money' doesn't exist-especially at the beginning.

At some point you need to put in the hard work.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again.

Passive income is attainable.

But you need to put in the effort just like Michael lays out in this best passive income book.

The Ultimate Passive Income Guide by Michael Carter is the ideal place to start.

Perfect for beginners, Michael is all about research.

Studying materials and applying a plan to make money online.

Investing time and money.

Avoiding costly errors right through the gate.

Using proven techniques and methods adopted by successful online business endeavors, Michael shares with his readers' things outlined here like:

The Truth About Earning A Passive Income

Instruction Guide & 10 Best Online Business Ideas

Investing-Amazon FBA-Drop Shipping-Etc.

Tools To Be Successful

Sharing step-by-step tutorials with nuggets of practical advice it's all about understanding your potential business venture, as discussed in this book review.

Michael is also the founder of BizEquity, where he heads a team of entrepreneurs dedicated to business value and helping business owners figure out what that looks like.

Achieve a better understanding of their business faster and in a more cost-effective manner.

He also shares info on his blog and through email updates.

If you're looking for a leg up in grasping a better understanding of what it takes to generate a passive income.

Want actionable strategies that can help you achieve that goal.

Then this book is worth reading.

To the point with easy to understand verbiage, check out this link if you're looking to buy.

14.Passive Income Ideas:50 Ways to Make Money Online Analyzed (Blogging, Dropshipping, Shopify, Photography, Affiliate Marketing, Amazon FBA, Ebay, YouTube Etc.) (Business & Money Series Book 2): Michael Ezeanaka

"You must keep note that REITs are mandated by law to pay 90% of their yearly earnings to shareholders"-Michael Ezeanaka.

Retired at the age of 28, this UK resident now focuses on building his business without worrying about the 9-5 grind.

Bestselling author-investor and mastermind of realizing your entrepreneurial potential Michael is the real deal.

In his book, Passive Income Ideas: 50 Ways to Make Money Online Analyzed, Michael 'debunks' myths that people believe hold them back from achieving financial freedom.

He gives a step by step process for 50 business models.

All with the potential to earn readers a passive income stream.

So what exactly is Michael talking about in his book?

Things outlined in this overview like:

  • Simplifying Business Models & How To Make Them More Passive

  • Scale Your Earnings

  • Informative Q&A

Clear-concise-and filled with inspirational yet actionable methods to secure a passive income.

Michael focuses on each business model's simplicity-passivity-scalability-and competitiveness.

With bonus material and real-life examples, his book has earned him a 4/5 star review.

Michael also shares free information through YouTube Videos-his business blog-and the opportunity to join his 'inner circle'.

All of which can be found on his website.

If you're looking for value for money-this book delivers.

Want a copy for yourself?

You can buy one here.

15. The Passive Income Playbook: The Simple, Proven, Step-by-Step System You Can Use to Make $500 to $2500 per Month of Passive Income - in the Next 30 Days: Raza lmam

"Be sure to write "how to" and "ultimate guide" posts that reference other influencers, bloggers, companies, and organizations in your niche"-Raza Imam.

Writer-fitness enthusiast-digital marketer coach-and entrepreneur-Raza Imam treats publishing a book like a tech startup.

Creator of a unique process that leverages Amazon and LinkedIn to generate leads and grow influence, it's all in the techniques utilized to deploy your systems.

His book The Passive Income Playbook-Raza reveals his system to make a passive income on 'autopilot.'

Covering topics outlined in this overview like:


The Most Overrated Ways To Build A Passive Income System


How To Earn A Passive Income In The Next 30 Days


The Fastest Way To Get Started

A 3.9/5 star review suggests that this book holds value.

But this article offers a different interpretation of his work.

If you are a beginner.

Or unsure how or what niche to explore to fulfill your passive income aspirations, you may benefit from exploring his methods.

Raza is also the founder of AuthorPrenuerELITE-a service that provides ghostwriting, online marketing, and PR strategies for entrepreneurs looking to build their brand and increase their influence.

He also offers a free video case study and the opportunity to apply for his program.

If you're looking for a different way to generate a passive income.

Want to steer clear of oversaturated and 'done to death' ideas.

Then this book is worth the read and can be purchased for $13.37 with this link.

16. The Millionaire Fastlane: MJ DeMarco

"Many people want to change their life, but they are not willing to change their choices, and ultimately this changes nothing"-MJ DeMarco.

Entrepreneur-author-'get rich slow' anti-authority-this American mover and shaker will give your mindset a swift kick in the gluteus maximus.

In his book The Millionaire Fastlane-MJ talks about moving fast-finding your personal 'explosive growth accelerator.'

DeMarco encourages readers to demand more.

Get out of the 'slow lane' and crack the code to wealth.

Also covered in this bestseller are things like those in this review like:


  • Five Money-Tree Seedlings

  • Get Rich Fast-But Not Easily
  • Mindset-Mindset-Mindset

Practical and realistic advice.

No bs.

Just challenging the norms and shifting your predisposed psychology around making money.

MJ challenges readers to put the pedal to the metal and make money fast, as evidenced in this post.

He also shares content on his YouTube channel and website.

One of our top choices-this best passive income book over-delivers.

And will challenge both your entrepreneurial goals and current thought process.

If you're looking for a book that will ignite a fire.

Make real changes to your mindset and how to achieve a passive income.

Then you need to read this book.

17. Zero To One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future: Peter Theil

"Brilliant thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius"-Peter Theil.

Billionaire-venture capitalist-legendary investor-and author Peter Theil is the epitome of success in generating passive income and is worth over $5 billion as per this article.

In his best selling book Zero To One-this German-born American challenges entrepreneurs to ask themselves the tough questions covering topics found in this review like:

Engineering-Will Your Product Be A Breakthrough & Is It Better Than Your Competitors? (First Mover Advantage)

Is Now The Time To Launch Your Business?

Do You Have The Right People? And How To Find Them

Can Your Business Sustain Itself In The Long Term? (The Last Mover)

Peter focuses on 'secrets.'

Finding something unique that hasn't been picked up by mainstream competitors.

'Uncharted frontiers to explore-new inventions to create.'

It all comes down to being anomalous.

Leading partner at the venture capital firm Founder's Fund, Peter shares information via podcasts, videos, stories, and a Q&A on his website.

He also does numerous media appearances and has a YouTube channel.

Awarded a 4.17/5 star review, readers report enjoying-but at times becoming confused-by MJ's contrarian thinking.

If nothing else-this book will get you thinking and digging a little deeper at the endless possibilities that have yet to be explored to generate a passive income.

This book review dated 2018 offers a more comprehensive analysis of Zero To One, which is worth reading.

For those interested in seeing for yourself what Peter has to say-you can purchase his book here.

18. The Side Hustle: From Idea To Income In 27 Days: Chris Gullibeau

"It's not that hard to start a side hustle. You can do so in less than a month by following the lessons in this book"-Chris Guillebeau.

There's a reason Chris Guillebeau is listed twice in this article.

In a 'side hustle economy,' no one gets it better than Chris.

Providing a step-by-step guide to building and launching a profitable project-in his bestseller-Side Hustle: From Idea To Income In 27 Days-he understands the need for speed.

It's all about having multiple income sources.

Learn the way to get on the path and fast track financial freedom.

In this book, Chris shares tips found in this book review like:

Next Level Ideas-Look For $$$ Under Rocks

Your Ideal Customer & What To Offer

Pricing & Getting Paid

Test & Track

With a 4.6/5 star review, readers report being impressed by his motivational and straight forward message as per these comments.

Using case studies and examples-Chris takes readers by the hand and teaches them how to start-and be successful with side hustles-and fast.

Ideal for people looking for ideas on what and how to start a side hustle.

Available in hard or softcover and Kindle, you can purchase a copy for yourself here.

19. PASSIVE INCOME : FROM BROKE TO 7 FIGURES IN 12 MONTHS: A 2020 aggressive step by step guide on how to create Multiple Passive Income Streams and to Financial ... (Passive Income & Financial Freedom Book 1): Fab Bale

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"-Fab Bale.

Investor-serial entrepreneur and business consultant-Fab Bale is no beginner to founding-funding and managing numerous successful businesses.

His book Passive Income: From Broke to 7 Figures In 12 Months is the next hot seller if you're looking to invest in one of the best passive income books.

Fab shares a clear message through his writing.

To leverage your finances, you need at least 4-7 sources of income.

Most-if not all-should be passive-according to Fab.

So what's he talking about in this bestseller?

Things outlined here like:


  • How To Create A Fortune

  • Money Management (Tips & Tools)

  • Types of Passive Incomes

  • Financial Freedom

He also shares information on YouTube and offers strategy consulting and blueprints for specific business suggestions that can be found on his website.

4.1/5 star review-readers rave about the unique methods to generate a passive income Fab outlines in his book. 

From online business ventures like dropshipping to real estate investing.

Fab shares a plethora of insight into generating a passive income in an easy-to-read style that makes a lot of sense.

Want to get your hands on a copy for yourself?

Check out this link to buy one now.

IMO The Best Way To Earn A Passive Income

Lead Generation

When I really got serious about figuring out how to generate a passive income I read quite a few of the books on this list.

Not all of them.

But a lot of them.

And I noted continuity in these authors' approach.

Habits-mindset-and niche.

Other significant takeaways:

Finding a mentor.

Success leaves clues.

And that's exactly what I uncovered when I found this online training course.

A comprehensive approach to earning a passive income through lead generation.

Building and ranking websites. 

Getting them to the top of Google's search engines.

All just by following the training.

Generating organic traffic for local businesses.

Traffic that translates into high-quality leads.

Leads that equal more paying customers.

Sell those leads for a cut of the profits.

And voila-passive income.

Like this tree site.

I built this lead gen property in 2015 and have been making $2000/month ever since.

And to sweeten the deal.

This is only one of over 80 sites I own that are currently bringing in money every month.

It goes like this.

You need to do your due diligence.

Get the hard work out of the way at the beginning.

Set up your lead gen sites just like it's laid out in the training.

And with over 400 niches in any city anywhere in the world, you have more than your share of choices.

Your websites act like digital billboards.

Virtual real estate that you own.

The sites and the leads belong to you.

All you need to do is connect with the right business owner.

Someone looking to grow their business and sell them those leads.

Flat fee-commission-arbitrage-doesn't matter.

The result is a passive income.

Money comes in every month because you trusted the process and followed the training.

The best part?

You don't need to have a background in SEO.

You don't need to be a coding master.

To be successful with this business model.

All you need to do is commit to the training.

Follow the detailed steps.

The course is so well laid out that even a kid could pull this off.

You can build your sites wherever you want.

You can build as many lead gen properties as you like.

There is no cap on how much money you can make with lead generation.

But you need to put in the effort up front.

Set your sites up to generate a passive income from the beginning.

It takes work.

It takes dedication.

You need to be willing to invest the time and energy-no free rides here.

And this isn't a get rich quick scheme either.

But if you're looking for a way to generate a passive income, then there is nothing that can compare to this business model.

And it doesn't stop there.

To be successful at harnessing a passive income-a lot of these authors talk about having a mentor.

And that's what you get when you purchase this elitist training program.

Dan is the mastermind of this one of a kind business model.

And he is still in elbow-deep.

Fine tuning.

Adding updates and sharing strategies to scale your lead generation business.

He's on live streams twice a week.

Dedicating his personal time to the members of this group.

People that invested in themselves.

Committed to the training.

And with over 6500 members-Dan remains uber-focused on coaching and mentoring everyone willing to put in the time.

A 'no man left behind' mentality if you're willing to trust the process.

Do the work.

And commit to the program.

Mentorship isn't the only thing you're getting with this exclusive training program.

You also get access to a private Facebook group just for members.

A place where like-minded people can come together.

Ask questions.

Share wins.

Discuss strategies when things don't go according to plan.

A group of people who invested in themselves.

Committed to getting the work done.

People all on a quest to secure a passive income and be successful with lead generation.

Individuals who understand that success leaves clues.

It's not a free ride.

It's not a get rich quick scheme.

But what you get with this online training is an opportunity.

A chance to generate a passive income and become financially independent.

Ditch your 9-5 grind.

Be your own boss.

But you need to do the work.

Follow the training.

And trust the process.

There is nothing else like this program on the internet.

This training stands alone.


Want to learn more?

Have questions about lead generation?

Click the link below and book a call today.

Wealthy people make it a habit to read.

Numerous authors in this article have said so.

If you're serious about learning how to make a passive income.

Genuinely want to invest in yourself and a process to attain your financial aspirations.

Reading any of the 19 best passive income books on this list is a great place to start.

Of course, there are other books.

Recommendations that didn't make the list.

If you have a suggestion for a passive income book worth reading that hasn't been included here, please don't hesitate to leave it in the comment section below.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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