25 Data Entry Side Hustles (FAQs For Clerical Sige Gigs)

June 5, 2024

The best data entry side hustles are:

  1. Local lead gen biz
  2. Ecommerce data entry
  3. Transcription service
  4. Micro-tasking and clickworking
  5. Legal data entry
  6. Real estate data entry
  7. Accounting data entry
  8. Social media data entry
  9. Market research data entry
  10. Data verification specialist

Data entry side hustles have become increasingly popular, with a significant number of Americans engaging in this field to supplement their income. As per Zippia, there are currently over 130,894 data entry specialists employed in the United States. Notably, 75.2% of these specialists are women, while the remaining 24.8% are men. In terms of financial aspect, data from Indeed reveals that the average salary for a data entry clerk in the United States is $18.28 per hour. This indicates a viable opportunity to earn supplemental income through data entry work. However, entering data entry side hustle comes with some danger, like human error. It seems simple, but it can be expensive. The Globe and Mail highlighted instances of such errors that have garnered attention for years. These include a costly cut-and-paste error in an Excel sheet in 2003 that led to a $24 million loss for TransAlta Corp.

FlexJobs shared stories of people who made extra money doing data entry. Abbie A. from Milwaukee, WI, got a job as a data collector. It allows her to be a stay-at-home mom and still help with bills. Stephanie B. in Austin, TX, found work as a data entry specialist. Stephanie is a part-time job seeker, and she appreciates the convenience and flexibility that data entry offers. These stories show how data entry can be a straightforward way for folks to make some extra cash and have more flexibility in their work.

This article will present 25 data entry side hustles to help you generate extra funds alongside your main job. We'll provide statistics about the opportunities, income potential, and drawbacks of each side hustle. Additionally, we'll address frequently asked questions related to data entry side hustles. Towards the end, we'll introduce you to a business model capable of generating a monthly income ranging from $500 to $2,500.

25 Data Entry Side Hustles

1. Ecommerce Data Entry

Ecommerce data entry involves managing and inputting information related to online stores. This includes tasks such as updating product listings, handling inventory, and ensuring a smooth checkout process. The opportunity lies in addressing the issue of shopping cart abandonment, which affects over 70% of online transactions as per Dynamic Yield. By offering efficient data management, you can enhance the overall shopping experience and potentially lead to increased sales. To begin, explore platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces that make it easier for anyone to start data entry for e-commerce.

You can really make good money by working in an ecommerce data entry role in the United States. According to ZipRecruiter, the average weekly pay is $809. This showcases the potential for a decent income for you. To boost earnings, specialize in specific niches, such as fashion or electronics, and enhance your skills in using tools like Excel or Google Sheets for efficient data management. However, one significant drawback is the high risk of human error. It can lead to inaccuracies in product listings, inventory management, and order processing. Such errors may cause customer dissatisfaction and increased operational costs. 

2. Transcription Services

Transcription services involve converting spoken words from audio or video files into written text. This task is essential for various purposes, such as creating written records of meetings, interviews, or content for marketing efforts. The opportunity lies in the crucial role transcription services play in enhancing SEO for marketing efforts. According to Transcribe Anywhere, platforms like Google and YouTube lack accurate automated transcription technology that makes manually transcribed audio content vital for SEO value. This creates a huge opportunity to leverage your data entry skill by offering transcription services. To begin, explore reputable platforms like Rev.com, SpeechGear, Speechpad, 3Play Media, One Hour Translation, and Type Studio. These platforms offer opportunities to start your transcription journey.

For those entering the field, the average hourly pay for a transcriptionist in the United States is $20.19, as per ZipRecruiter. This indicates a potential source of income for you. To increase your earnings, focus on enhancing your typing speed and accuracy. Additionally, familiarize yourself with industry-standard tools like Express Scribe or InqScribe. However, you may face competition in this field. According to IBISWorld, there are 92,089 people employed in the Transcription Services sector in the US as of 2023.

3. Micro-tasking And Clickworking

Micro-tasking and clickworking involve completing small online tasks for pay. Various platforms like Appen, or Remotasks connect you with tasks that range from simple data entry to more specialized jobs.

ThisOnlineWorld features some of the best platforms to find some micro-tasking side gigs.

  • Appen is a recognized platform offering crowdsource-based work, providing opportunities for tasks such as rating jobs and language-based work, with pay rates reaching up to $14/hour
  • Lionbridge offers micro-tasks like search engine evaluation and quality rating that present another avenue for earning in this field.
  • Remotasks is a newer player in the micro job market. It offers tasks with pay rates that might be comparatively lower than larger platforms like Appen or Lionbridge.
  • iSoftStone offers global opportunities in areas like ad evaluation and linguistics, with pay ranging from $8-$11 per hour.
  • Microworkers, as reported by Vital Dollar, have a vast number of micro-tasks. It includes surveys and data entry, with over 42 million jobs completed and 1.4 million workers.

 In this field, basic tasks like data entry or survey participation typically offer pay ranging from $1 to $4.50 per hour, as per Humanatic. According to ThisOnlineWorld, specialized tasks on platforms like Appen and Lionbridge can provide higher rates, usually between $8 to $14 per hour. To increase your profit, pick a platform that offers high potential income. However, pay rates across platforms may vary. Some offer lower compensation for tasks. Additionally, the nature of micro-tasking means that consistent, high-paying opportunities may not always be readily available. 

4. Legal Data Entry

Legal data entry involves accurately transcribing information from legal documents, such as contracts and invoices, into a law firm's database. This process is crucial for efficient case management that affects billing and team productivity within law firms. According to RunSensible, accurate data entry is vital for effective case management in law firms. It improves billing processes and team efficiency. Offering your data entry services in legal firms can contribute to their competitiveness, especially considering the 425,285 law firms in the US as of 2023, as per IBISWorld. To start in legal data entry, reach out to local law firms or explore online platforms like Upwork and Freelancer.

You can make money by entering legal data entries. According to ZipRecruiter, the average weekly pay is $19 for home-based law firm data entry jobs in the United States. To boost your earnings, focus on honing your legal knowledge and transcription skills. Moreover, familiarize yourself with legal databases and software, such as Clio or MyCase. It helps you streamline the data entry process and improve overall efficiency. However, the complexity and specificity of legal terminology and documentation demand a high level of expertise. Additionally, errors due to a lack of legal understanding can lead to misinterpretations of critical legal information.

5. Real Estate Data Entry

Real estate data entry involves organizing and inputting information related to property listings, such as square footage and zoning details. Accurate data entry is crucial for maintaining reliable property records in the real estate industry. The Latest Big Data In Real Estate Statistics reveal that in 2017, 95% of real estate businesses acknowledged the challenge of managing unstructured data. This presents you with a significant opportunity to provide data entry services in the real estate sector and address the need for organized and accurate property information. To start, explore online platforms like Zillow or Realtor.com. These websites allow you to contribute and update property information.

Assisting a real estate firm is a great way to earn extra cash. According to ZipRecruiter, the average hourly pay for a real estate data entry in the United States is $19.47 an hour. This hourly rate offers a decent potential income for you. To boost earnings, utilize real estate software like MLS (Multiple Listing Service) platforms or Realtors Property Resource (RPR) for more efficient data entry. However, there is potential for inaccuracies in property listings, including details like square footage or zoning information. Such inaccuracies can lead to mispricing and legal complications for both realtors and clients. 

6. Accounting Data Entry

Accounting data entry involves the manual input of financial information into accounting systems. You ensure accurate and up-to-date records of transactions, expenses, and revenues. Sage reports that despite the trend towards automating accounting tasks, 55% of businesses still prefer manual data entry execution. This indicates a significant opportunity for you to offer accounting data entry services. To start, explore freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Familiarizing yourself with accounting software such as QuickBooks or Xero can enhance your capabilities in this field.

For income potential, ZipRecruiter reveals that the average hourly pay for an accounting data entry in the United States is $20.32 an hour. This hourly rate presents you with a potential income source. To increase your income potential, specialize in tasks that require a deeper understanding of accounting principles, such as reconciling accounts or preparing financial statements. Utilizing advanced features in accounting software like QuickBooks Online, FreshBooks and Xero can bring you leverage to the field.

However, you should know that there is a potential decline in demand due to the popularity and effectiveness of automation technology. According to Cathrine Andersen, CEO of Roger.ai, automating routine tasks not only saves time but also frees up teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. As businesses increasingly adopt automated solutions, the need for manual data entry may decrease.

7. Social Media Data Entry

Social media data entry involves managing and inputting information into social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and assisting businesses in maintaining an active and engaging online presence. Score.org reveals that 77% of small businesses use social media to connect with customers, with 41% depending on social media as a revenue driver. This widespread reliance on social media for business operations creates an enormous opportunity for you to offer social media data entry services. To start, explore freelance platforms like Upwork or PeoplePerHour. Additionally, familiarize yourself with social media scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to streamline your tasks.

This data entry side hustle is an effective way to earn additional funds. According to ZipRecruiter, the average hourly pay for a social media data entry in the United States is $16-$25/hr an hour. To boost your income, develop skills in creating engaging content, understanding analytics, and utilizing paid advertising features to offer comprehensive social media data entry services. However, consider the evolving nature of social media algorithms and features. Additionally, managing multiple accounts and ensuring consistent engagement may pose challenges for you.

8. Market Research Data Entry

Market research data entry involves organizing and inputting data collected during market research activities. This may include survey responses, consumer feedback, and other information gathered to analyze market trends. According to Hanover, companies that conduct frequent market research are significantly more likely to report an increase in revenue (76%) compared to those who infrequently engage in market research (65%). This indicates a substantial demand for you to assist businesses by leveraging data for their strategic decision-making. To initiate, explore opportunities on platforms like Indeed or Research Now.

Assisting businesses in conducting market research is a practical way to generate income. According to ZipRecruiter, the average hourly pay for the market research data entry jobs category in the United States is $19.47 an hour. To increase earnings, familiarize yourself with survey tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms. Developing proficiency in data analysis tools like Microsoft Excel or SPSS can also enhance your skills.

However, an insight from Watch My Competitor shows that conducting market research includes its time-consuming and expensive nature compared to secondary research. Additionally, a potential limitation is the reliance on a limited sample size, which may not fully represent the entire target market.

9. Data Verification Specialist

A data verification specialist is an individual responsible for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data by cross-referencing and validating information. As per Zippia, the projected job growth rate for verification specialists is 7% from 2018 to 2028, with an estimated creation of about 6,600 new jobs within the next decade. This creates a substantial opportunity for you seeking to leverage your skills in data verification and contribute to the growing demand in this field. To embark, explore job listings on platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn.

In terms of income potential, ZipRecruiter reports an average hourly pay of $18.87 for data verification specialist roles in the United States. This hourly rate signifies modest profit for you. To enhance your earnings, consider acquiring additional certifications related to data security and privacy. Moreover, familiarize yourself with industry-standard verification tools like Trulioo or Melissa to increase your income potential. However, be ready for the competition. According to Zippia, there are currently over 6,539 verification specialists employed in the United States. 

10. Typist

A typist is an individual skilled in entering data accurately and efficiently using keyboards or typewriters. In today's digital age, this role involves inputting information into systems or documents, supporting businesses in managing their data effectively. According to McKinsey Global Institute, organizations driven by data are significantly more likely to acquire and keep customers. It makes them 19 times as likely to be profitable. The increasing data-centric nature of businesses creates a growing demand for you. To begin your career, explore job listings on Indeed, Fiverr, or LInkedIn.

ZipRecruiter reports that the average annual pay for a typist in the United States is $38,936. This figure signifies the potential income you can earn by providing valuable data entry services.
To increase your earnings, consider taking typing speed improvement courses to boost efficiency. Additionally, explore commonly used software such as Microsoft Word and Excel, as well as data entry tools like QuickData Entry. However, according to Zippia, the projected job growth rate for typists is -5% from 2018 to 2028, with a projected decrease of about -130,800 jobs over the next decade. You should be aware of this decline in job opportunities and may need to explore additional skills.

11. Medical Billing And Coding

Medical billing and coding involve the systematic process of translating healthcare services into standardized codes for billing and record-keeping. It plays a crucial role in the healthcare industry to ensure accurate reimbursement and maintain organized patient records. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 9% growth in jobs for medical billers and coders from2020 to 2030, creating approximately 37,000 new positions. This growth rate aligns with the average job growth across industries that shows a steady demand for you. To commence, consider accredited online courses or community college programs like American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). It offers certifications that enhance your credibility.

For financial prospects, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that the median annual compensation for medical billing and coding professionals is $46,660. It is equivalent to an hourly rate of $22.43. This highlights the earning potential for you pursuing roles in this sector. To boost earnings, specialize in specific areas like cardiology or orthopedics, where specialized knowledge is valued. Also, study coding systems such as CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS, and explore entry-level positions in healthcare facilities or coding outsourcing companies. However, Zippia reports that there are over 134,966 medical biller coders currently employed in the United States. While this suggests a substantial workforce, it also means growing competition. 

12. Survey Data Analyst

A survey data analyst is an individual responsible for analyzing data collected through various surveys. One prominent example is the U.S. Census Bureau's extensive survey programs, which is the American Community Survey. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts over 130 surveys annually. This provides a rich source of data for you. The American Community Survey, the largest household survey, opens up opportunities for professionals in this field. To begin in this die gig, explore online courses or certifications in statistical analysis and data interpretation. You can check websites like Coursera or LinkedIn.

In terms of how much money you can make, Glassdoor reports that the average salary for a survey data analyst is $69,460 per year. This highlights the earning potential for you aside from your main job. To boost your earnings, focus on honing your statistical skills, especially in addressing biases like response bias and sampling bias. However, you may face a challenge in managing biases present in survey data. It includes response bias and sampling bias. These biases can impact the accuracy of your analysis. 

13. Database Management Services

Database management services involve organizing, storing, and managing data efficiently. The career outlook in this data entry side hustle is highly promising. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the employment of data scientists, which encompasses roles like clinical data managers, is expected to grow by an impressive 35% from 2022 to 2032. This growth creates a vast space for you. To embark, gaining proficiency in database tools and technologies is essential. Also, explore online platforms like Udacity and Coursera that offer courses in database management.

Regarding financial outlook, ZipRecruiter reports that the average annual pay for a data manager in the United States is $97,145. This figure reflects the significant earning potential you can make. To enhance your earnings, specialize in high-demand areas such as healthcare or finance databases. Moreover, acquiring certifications in popular database management systems like Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server can also make you more marketable. However, take note there is competition in this field. Zippia notes that there are over 13,985 data managers currently employed in the United States. 

14. CRM Data Entry

RM data entry involves managing and inputting information into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. You ensure organized and efficient handling of customer-related data. The usage of CRM systems has seen a substantial increase, rising from 56% in 2018 to 74% in 2019, according to Stellaxxius. It shows that leveraging CRM systems can increase profit margins by over 2%, and it has the potential to increase revenue per salesperson significantly. These numbers offer a substantial opportunity for you.To start, explore platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho CRM, which are widely used in various industries. Moreover, online courses on platforms such as LinkedIn Learning and Trailhead may offer relevant training. 

Becoming a CRM data specialist is a decent way to generate more income. Glassdoor reports an estimated total pay for this job is $76,649 per year in the United States, with an average annual salary of $71,818. This indicates a competitive income potential you can make. To maximize your profit, getting certifications from CRM providers like Salesforce Certified Administrator or HubSpot CRM Certification can make you stand out. However, maintaining data accuracy is crucial. The complexity of integrating CRM systems with other business applications can pose difficulties. 

15. Educational Data Entry

Educational data entry involves supporting teachers by efficiently managing and inputting data related to student records, assessments, and other educational metrics to ease their workload. The Teacher Workload Advisory Group's report emphasizes that teachers find tasks related to recording, monitoring, and analyzing data to be excessively time-consuming. Notably, data entry is identified as a significant challenge. This offers you an opportunity to offer data entry services to teachers and address a critical need in the educational sector. To begin, browse job postings on Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn. Also, learning tools like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are essential for efficiently handling educational data.

To give you an idea in terms of profit, ZipRecruiter reports an estimated annual pay for educational data entry is ranging from $19 to $25.37 in the United States. It shows that you can make enough side income to boost your total earnings. To improve your earnings, gaining proficiency in platforms like Google Classroom or Learning Management Systems (LMS) used by educational institutions can make you more valuable. However, the meticulous nature of maintaining accurate records is demanding. Additionally, managing a large volume of student records may pose you an organizational challenge. 

16. Human Resources Data Entry

Human resources data entry involves handling and inputting essential employee information into HR systems. It contributes to the effective management of workforce data for organizational decision-making. A Deloitte report highlights that organizations utilizing people analytics report an impressive 82% higher three-year average profit compared to those not leveraging such analytics. It means that engaging in data-driven practices within HR enhances decision-making quality in crucial areas, such as recruitment, retention, and performance management. This provides you with an enormous space to offer your data entry skills in the HR aspect. Begin your journey by exploring job opportunities on platforms like Indeed and Glassdoor. Familiarize yourself with HR software systems such as Workday or BambooHR, which are commonly used by businesses. Online courses, such as those on LinkedIn Learning, can provide valuable insights and practical skills for effective HR data entry.

For income potential, Glassdoor reports an average annual salary for human resources data entry is $50,345 in the United States. It proves that you can make additional money in this side gig. To boost your earnings, specialize in specific HR software tools like SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite or Oracle Human Capital Management HCM Cloud. It helps you enhance your credibility. However, it involves the responsibility of maintaining data accuracy and confidentiality because employee information is highly sensitive. The need for precision and adherence to privacy regulations can also be demanding. 

17. Inventory Management

Inventory management involves overseeing and recording the flow of goods and products within a business. You simply ensure efficient tracking and organization of stock levels. Upkeep reports that 75% of supply chain management professionals express the desire to enhance their inventory management practices. This signals a significant demand for you to contribute your data entry skills in optimizing inventory processes. To initiate your career, explore platforms like LinkedIn for relevant job openings.

If you’re considering this data entry side gig, Indeed indicates an average annual salary of $59,579 in the United States. It means you can make a decent income in this job. To level up your profit, specialize in specific inventory software tools such as QuickBooks Commerce, Cin7, Zoho Inventory and TradeGecko. However, it involves the need for meticulous accuracy, as errors can affect stock levels and supply chain efficiency. Additionally, adapting to different inventory management software interfaces may require you to learn continuously.

18. Proofreader

A proofreader is an individual responsible for conducting final reviews of written content before it is published in print or goes live on a website. You play a vital role in various industries, including newspapers, magazines, websites, and publishing companies. Career Explorer projects a 1.4% growth in the proofreader job market from 2016 to 2026. This indicates a steady and positive outlook for you. To commence, consider platforms like Upwork, Indeed and Fiverr.

In terms of income you can make, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a median hourly wage of $23.45 for proofreaders. This reflects a respectable income potential for you. To boost your earnings, specialize in specific niches such as legal or technical proofreading because these often command higher rates. You can also leverage proofreading tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAid. It enhances your efficiency in spotting errors. However, the competition is real in this field. Zippia stated that there are over 5,327 copy editor/proofreaders currently employed in the United States. 

19. Online Content Management

Online content management involves overseeing and organizing digital content, ensuring its effectiveness in reaching a target audience. You work with websites, blogs, and other online platforms to enhance visibility and engagement. As per Paddle, companies implementing a content strategy witness approximately 30% higher growth rates than those neglecting content marketing. This substantial growth differential creates a significant opportunity for you. To start, explore platforms like WordPress and HubSpot.

For potential income, Indeed reports an average salary of $68,016 per year for content managers in the United States. It emphasizes the viability of this to earn additional income. To boost your earnings, specialize in niche areas like SEO content optimization or social media management. Additionally, building a strong online presence through LinkedIn and creating content samples can attract potential clients. However, as businesses recognize the value of content, there is an increasing number of freelancers entering the field that create competition.

20. Travel And Booking Data Management

Travel and booking data management involves handling reservations, schedules, and property details for property owners and rental businesses. You help manage bookings, ensuring smooth travel experiences for property owners and their renters. As revealed by a survey conducted by Business Wire, approximately 51% of rental property owners commonly enlist property managers for tasks such as travel and booking management. This statistic underscores the substantial demand for you. To initiate, consider platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com. Additionally, browse online courses on platforms like Udemy and Teachable to get some insights into effective data management for travel and bookings.

With regards to the money you can earn, ZipRecruiter stated booking managers in the United States earn an average annual pay of $127,453. To maximize your earnings, utilize social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase your successful bookings and satisfied clients. However, you may face a hard time in managing multiple bookings simultaneously. This can lead to challenges in maintaining accuracy and avoiding scheduling conflicts. 

21. Social Media Management For A Small Business

Social media management for a small business involves overseeing the online presence of a business on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It includes creating and scheduling posts, engaging with the audience, and analyzing performance metrics. According to Gitnux, 63% of small business owners find social media marketing effective for their businesses. This statistic highlights the significant impact of social media on small businesses. It showcases the potential demand for you. To start your career, explore platforms like Hootsuite and Buffer. It offers user-friendly interfaces for scheduling posts across multiple platforms.

As of August 2022, Payscale reports an average salary of $53,060 for social media managers in the US. It shows that you can make a nice income by assisting business owners to navigate their space in social media. To add your earnings, stay updated on social media trends and algorithm changes, and consider obtaining certification in social media marketing from Udemy or LInkedIn. However, there is increasing competition in the field. According to Revelio Labswith, there are over 64,000 social media managers in the United States as of April 2022. 

22. Amazon FBA Business

An Amazon FBA business involves selling products on Amazon and utilizing the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service to handle storage, packaging, and shipping. According to TrueProfit, 46% of Amazon sellers experience an average success rate of 11-25%, and 64% achieve profitability within 12 months. These statistics highlight the favorable chances for success you can achieve in running an Amazon FBA business. To begin, create an Amazon seller account and choose the FBA option. Research profitable product niches and use tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 to analyze market trends. Then, list your products on Amazon and ensure they meet FBA requirements, and let Amazon handle the logistics.

About the income potential, Gitnux reports that approximately 30% of Amazon FBA sellers earned an annual income exceeding $100,000. This showcases the substantial income potential available for you in Amazon FBA space. To boost your earnings, focus on product selection and differentiation. Conduct thorough market research to identify products with high demand and low competition. Moreover, optimize your product listings with relevant keywords, high-quality images, and compelling descriptions. Despite its opportunity, the competition is fierce. According to Seller App, there are 9.5 million Amazon sellers globally and 73% of Amazon Sellers use FBA to sell.

23. Start Affiliate Marketing

Starting affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link. As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of advertising, promotions, and marketing, including affiliate marketing, is expected to see a 10% employment increase from 2020 to 2030. With 11,400 affiliate programs in the United States, the opportunity for you to tap into this growing market is significant. You may begin by joining reputable affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale. You can also utilize platforms like social media, blogs, or websites to share your affiliate links. 

Becoming an affiliate is a straightforward way to make side income. According to Indeed, the average annual salary for an affiliate marketer or affiliate marketing manager in US is $69,180. This highlights the substantial income potential you can make. To enhance your earnings, focus on promoting products relevant to your audience. Also, create compelling and authentic content to build trust. However, one drawback lies in the variable affiliate rates. Typically, you can receive ranging from 5% to 25% commission. It's important to note that earnings may fluctuate based on the specific terms of each affiliate partnership. 

24. Become An Amazon Influencer

Becoming an Amazon Influencer involves partnering with Amazon to promote products and earn commissions through your unique influencer link. According to Seller Mobile, teaming up with Amazon offers numerous benefits, such as increased sales, better visibility in PPC ads, reduced Amazon ads ACoS, positive reviews from satisfied customers, and the advantage of appearing ahead of competitors in product searches. Additionally, a survey by JWT Intelligence reveals that a significant 88% of individuals aged 18 to 34 in the U.S. prefer shopping on Amazon over other online retailers. 

For potential income, successful Amazon Influencers, like Jeremy Sciarappa, can earn around $16,000 monthly, as reported by Amanda Perelli in her 2022 Business Insider article. However, it's important to note that earnings may vary, and Sell Saas suggests a potential range of $4-500 per month. This shows that by leveraging the platform, you can earn extra income. To maximize your earnings, regularly update your Amazon storefront with new recommendations to keep your audience engaged. However, Amazon's commission structure can be a drawback, with commissions ranging from 1 to 10%. According to JungleScout, while certain categories like Luxury Beauty and Luxury Stores Beauty offer a 10% commission, others like Video Game Consoles, Grocery, Health & Personal Care provide only a 1% commission. It's essential to be aware of these varying commission rates when you are considering Amazon influencing.

25. Start Social Media Marketing Agency

Starting a social media marketing agency involves providing businesses with social media marketing services to enhance their online presence. According to Search Engine Journal, 68% of marketing agencies acquire new clients through social media. Additionally, SproutSocial reports that a substantial 80% of business executives express a keen interest in increasing their investment in social media marketing. This led to a robust demand for you to start your own agency. To start, use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. These sites offer you tools for creating and managing ads that make them ideal starting points. 

Even though it is a non-data entry side hustle, starting a social media marketing agency is a lucrative venture. According to Agency Analytics, social media marketing agencies can earn between $1,500 and $25,000 per month for a single client. To improve your income, focus on building a solid portfolio and getting positive client testimonials. Despite the promising outlook, Hootsuite's study revealed that 50% of social media marketing agencies face closure within the first year, and only 10% sustain beyond five years. 


If you're a mother looking for additional income source to cover some bills, check my ultimate list of side hustles for moms.

FAQs For Data Entry Side Hustles

Can Data Entry Be A Side Hustle?

Yes, data entry can be a side hustle. As per Zippia, there are currently more than 130,894 data entry specialists employed in the United States. It indicates a demand for such skills. As per information from Exploding Topics, small businesses can enhance their efficiency through outsourcing routine tasks, such as coding or data entry. A survey conducted by Clutch revealed that 24% of small businesses cited increased efficiency as their primary motivation for outsourcing. Moreover, platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect you with clients seeking data entry assistance.

Are Data Entry Side Jobs Profitable?

Yes, data entry side jobs are profitable, especially when you secure a reliable client. In fact, various sources indicate that you can earn approximately $18.28 per hour or $38,118 per year in this field. However, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with common data entry tools such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and software like Formstack and Typeform, along with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. This knowledge gives you a competitive advantage.

Here are some specific statistics on earnings in data entry side jobs:

  • According to Indeed, the average salary for a Data Entry Clerk is $18.28 per hour in the United States.
  • ZipRecruiter reports an average hourly pay of $19.47 for the Data Entry jobs category in the United States.
  • Glassdoor states that the average annual salary for a Data Entry Clerk is $38,118 in the US.
  • Talent.com mentions an average data entry operator salary in the USA of $32,214 per year or $15.49 per hour.
  • Salary.com notes that the base salary for Data Entry Clerk I ranges from $33,806 to $42,606, with an average base salary of $37,740.

Where Can You Find Data Entry Work From Home Opportunity?

You can find data entry work from home opportunities with companies like Axion Data Services, DataPlus+, DionData Solutions, SigTrack, and TDEC (The Data Entry Company). If you're interested in microtask jobs, platforms like Clickworker and Microworkers are worth exploring. For transcription gigs, consider AccuTran Global, Kendall Creek Communications, GoTranscript, Quicktate, and Scribie.

Here are some freelancing platforms where you can also get data entry side gigs:

  • FlexJobs: With over 50 job categories and listings from 50,000 companies, FlexJobs provides a diverse range of data entry opportunities. It caters to entry-level and executive roles, as well as part-time and freelance positions.
  • Fiverr: As a global freelancing marketplace spanning 160 countries, Fiverr is a lucrative platform for data entry gigs.
  • Upwork: It boasts 145.4 thousand core clients. Upwork is an excellent choice for data entry work, especially considering its remarkable 90.06% core client base growth since 2016. It resulted in an addition of 68.9 thousand new clients.
  • Mechanical Turk (Amazon): According to CloudResearch, there are 250,810 MTurk workers globally where over 226,500 are based in the US. TurkPrime platform offers you a substantial pool of workers for data entry tasks that ensure a broad talent base.
  • Virtual Vocations: According to Virtual Vocations, throughout 2022, they added a whopping 250,000 remote job postings to its fully remote job board. It averages over 20,000 fully remote job postings per month. 

What Skills Are Required To Get Data Entry Remote Jobs?

Some of the required skills to get data entry remote jobs are typing skills, typing accuracy, computer literacy, communication skill, basic literacy and numeracy. You may also need reliable internet connection, equipment, organization skill, and attention to detail.

  • Typing Skills: Upwork suggests a minimum typing speed of 40 words per minute (WPM) for standard efficiency in data entry. Some higher-paying jobs may require speeds of 70 to 90 WPM.
  • Typing Accuracy: Guru Insights stress the importance of accuracy. It recommends a rate of 95% or higher in data entry to avoid significant consequences from mistakes.
  • Computer Literacy: It's crucial to be familiar with basic computer functions, Microsoft Office (especially Excel), and data entry software.
  • Communication Skills: Good written and verbal communication skills are vital for understanding instructions and providing updates or asking questions, as highlighted by Guru Insights.
  • Organizational Skills: Being organized, especially when managing large datasets or working with complex information, is important for effective data entry.
  •  Focusing and paying close attention to details in data entry is important because it is crucial when handling large volumes of information.

Conclusion: Create Passive Income From Digital Real Estate With Local Lead Generation

Local lead generation allows you to create passive income through digital real estate. With just a $500 investment, you can create lead generation websites, turning them into digital assets. By optimizing them for search engines like Google, you can then lease these sites to local businesses for $500 - $2,500 per month. This beats the average monthly pay for full-time data entry jobs in the U.S., which is $3,375 according to ZipRecruiter. Additionally, local lead gen biz allows you to take control of your income without the risk of being fired. It means you enjoy a business that demands little maintenance at a cost as low as $30 per month.


Unlike data entry gigs where you're up against over 130,000 specialists in the US alone, local lead gen involves local competition—just 10-20 companies in your area. The key advantage? A staggering 80%-90% profit margin because you are dealing with leads, not physical goods.

If you seek a side hustle with the potential to become a full-time gig, look no further than local lead generation. It is a business model that offers low upfront costs, minimal competition, and significant ROI. 

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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