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E5 C.A.M.P. Masterclass Review – Todd Brown (High-Conversion Marketing Course)

December 1, 2021

Todd Brown is a living legend, the marketing guru that marketing gurus turn to when they need a campaign to succeed 100%, no questions asked.

Todd has helped his students gain more six and seven-figure funnels than any other expert online today, and a list of his clients contains a veritable who's who in the marketing business today:

A couple of names? Clickfunnels creator Russell Brunson, AskMethod founder Ryan Levesque, and Jeff Walker, inventor of the Product Launch Formula. That enough?  

Having successfully launched more that 20 different products which have netted him an 8 figure revenue, from funnel-tracking systems to online courses, Todd now has created the perfect course to help any marketer improve sales.

His E5 C.A.M.P. Masterclass promises to take you from the very beginning of your campaign to the scaling phase, using new and revolutionary methods that have already made his students millions of dollars.

By signing up to this course, you will be learning the E5 method, Brown's own way of creating a winning campaign structured in 5 distinct steps:

Examining, Engineering, Evaluating, Enhancing and Expanding: the 5 Es!

It is a six-week course that promises to get your first campaign off the ground in 45 days, and provides you with what Todd describes as an 'evergreen marketing asset' that you are going to have with you for the rest of your life.

Enough of all the praise for Todd, though, I'm going to tell you what you really want to know from this review:

  • Is this course better than other Digital Marketing Courses out there? 
  • Does the course deliver what it promises?
  • Is Todd Brown a scam?
  • Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

But before we move to a more in-depth review of the course, just a couple of words about me. After all, you if you don't know who I am, how can I expect you to take my reviews seriously?

A lil bit about me... My name is Ippei...

Right until 2014, I was working in a 9 to 5 job, that was giving me nothing and was sucking the life out of me.

My life changed when I discovered a method to build and organically rank websites for free, generating leads for my clients.

I created that website you see above, for the tree care company, in 2015, and since then, without having to touch it in 5 years, it has brought me a passive income of $2000 a month.

That's more than $100 k up to now, guys! and it ain't stopping!

The Lead Generation business model is clearly the best way to generate passive income and escape the 9 to 5 rat-race. If you're interested, learn more about lead gen here!

Now let's get back to today's review!

E5 CAMP Masterclass is designed to work with any product you desire to sell online, be that a course, a physical book, or an object which promises to revolutionize your day-to-day life.

It claims to be a good fit for all levels of businesses provided that you have (or plan to have) something to sell. 

So even if you don't have something to sell right now, the course will help you find something!

E5 C.A.M.P. Masterclass

The course promises to educate you educate the buyer in a six-week intensive, making pitching the sale almost useless.

The buyer will feel like he needs your product, not that he is being sold one.

Here are some preliminary infos on the E5 course right off the bat:

Preliminary Info

  • It is beginner friendly, and proposes to make you fully operational in 6 weeks. 
  • There are coaching sessions where you will be able to ask Todd Brown your questions.
  • There is a 30 day money-back guarantee, in case you don't like the course.
  • There are 30 videos going into detail of what to do and when to do it.

Module 1: Examine - Part 1

Differently that all other courses, this module takes you right at the beginning of the E5 process, skipping the often useless introductory videos on mindset etc. 

Here you will learn to analyze the situation in front of you before taking action, the first of the 5 Es: Examine!

  • Lesson 1: Conducting the Prospect Analysis.
  • Lesson 2: Conducting the Product Analysis.
  • Lesson 3: Conducting the Competitive Analysis.

Takeaway from Module 1:

The videos really dig into the meat and potatoes of the course: the tips and tricks given by Todd about scouting the competition and securing an edge at this early stage are enough to get anyone pumped for more!

Module 2: Examine - Part 2

The Examine section of the course continues with the second module, where you will be introduced to various kinds of analytics and profiling systems to find the basis to build your campaign on.

There are no words minced and the videos go straight to the point. Do be scared about the long titles though! Todd does a great job at explaining it all really well!

  • Lesson 1: Conducting the Promise Exposure Spectrum Analysis.
  • Lesson 2: Conducting the Prospect Awareness Pyramid Analysis.
  • Lesson 3: Conducting the Three Dimensional Prospect Profile.

Takeaway from Module 2:

Prospect Awareness analysis like you've never been taught before! Analyzing the 5 kinds of clients (unaware, problem aware, solution aware, product aware, most aware) really helps you know where you are standing before starting the campaign. Wow.

Module 3: Engineer - Part 1

Here is where you'll be starting to craft your ideas on what you want your marketing campaign to look like.

You are given all the tools by Todd, who has been through this process countless times for his personal multi-million campaign, and the students before him.

  • Lesson 1: Your Engineering Tools.
  • Lesson 2: Engineering the Perfect Customer-Generating Product.
  • Lesson 3: Engineering the Perfect Offer.
  • Lesson 4: Engineering the Perfect Marketing Funnel Thesis.
  • Lesson 5: Engineering the Perfect Big Idea.

Takeaway from Module 3:

During both the webinar and the course, Todd stresses how everything in his life changed when hearing from his mentor Mark Ford about creating campaigns based on the 'Big Idea': without a big marketing idea, all campaigns are destined to fail!

Module 4: Engineer - Part 2

Ever think that you'd be a good marketer if you just had that copy section down to perfection?

This is the module for you: here you'll undergo a copy boot camp and learn how to write things Todd Brown style: informative and creating desire without sounding like a used care salesman.

  • Lesson 1: Flawless Funnel Copywriting.
  • Lesson 2: Engineering the Perfect Headline and Lead.
  • Lesson 3: Engineering the Perfect Marketing Message.

Takeaway from Module 4:

Todd goes through 8 emotion-leading hooks to help you catch that buyer and never let him go until he has bought your product. This whole module is short of genius, but these hooks are something I will forever carry with me in any marketing practice. 

Module 5: Engineer - Part 3

This module is all about your online presence. You have to look good online in order to sell:

How does that funnel look? Is that landing page not converting as much as it should? Is the sales page leaking? What about the order form?

No worries, Todd has got you covered.

  • Lesson 1: Engineering the Perfect Minimum Viable Funnel.
  • Lesson 2: Engineering the Perfect Lead Capture Page.
  • Lesson 3: Engineering the Perfect Marketing/Sales Page.
  • Lesson 4: Engineering the Perfect Order Form.

Takeaway from Module 5:

Throughout the course, Todd repeats over and over again that having a funnel doesn't make you different from others: everybody has one. Here, he teaches you how to make the process slick, functional and effective, so that your big idea can turn into big money!

Module 6: Evaluate 

“You’ve got to taste your marketing along the way,” Todd says during the course. “Don’t wait until the marketing campaign is done… served… and on the plate in front of your guests before you sample it.”

That's why he's introduced the concept of Minimum Viable Funnel, to make sure that your big idea and the way it is marketed are air-tight.

  • Lesson 1: Testing your Minimum Viable Funnel.
  • Lesson 2: Understanding your MVF response.

Takeaway from Module 6:

Once you have your big marketing idea, your perfect copy and an offer that even Don Corleone couldn't refuse, the minimum viable funnel (ie a funnel stripped down to its bare essentials) is the best way to test your campaign. If it doesn't work it's back to module 1. Your big idea wasn't so big after all!

Module 7: Enhance

At this point, you've got your product, you're converting and ready to go all in, right? Wrong. This is the most overlooked aspect of campaign building.

Fine-tuning upsells, follow-ups and conversion rates is not optional: you don't go 7 figures by just skipping steps like this one. Testing is an art.

  • Lesson 1: Enhancing with the Perfect Upsell Sequence.
  • Lesson 2: Enhancing with the Perfect Follow-Up Sequence.
  • Lesson 3: Enhance Overall Conversion.
  • Lesson 4: Setting-up the Perfect Testing.

Takeaway from Module 7:

Pause and have patience. Testing and tweaking take time, but are ultimately fundamental to increase your conversion rate, it would be foolish to skip this step. You might have a winning campaign there, don't waste the benefits because you're in a rush!

Module 8: Expand

If you've followed all the advise given in the previous modules, and especially in module 7, you'll be raking it in by now, and it's time to expand your business! But how?

There are so many ways to do so, and Todd seems to know them all. Quite convenient, huh?

  • Lesson 1: Expanding your Level of Acquisition Aggression.
  • Lesson 2: Expanding with Competitive Analysis.
  • Lesson 3: Expanding with the Perfect Tracking Set-Up.
  • Lesson 4: Expanding Your Acquisition with B.A.C.O.
  • Lesson 5: Expanding with the Perfect Metrics Reporting.
  • Lesson 6: Expanding Through Your Backend.

Takeaway from Module 8:

What a great way to finish the course: reading metrics and having the perfect pixel tracking set up are fine methods, but competitive analysis is where it's at. You want to know what others in your niche are doing and how they are doing it. There is always room for improvement.

Verdict: the Good and the Bad

Before I go on and look at the pros and cons of Todd's course, I want to reply to those early questions I'd set down, and that anyone reading a review wants to know immediately. 

  • Are these courses better than other Facebook Marketing Courses out there? 
  • Do the courses deliver what they promise?
  • Is Todd Brown a scam?
  • Most importantly, how much do the courses cost? And are they worth the money?

In the past decade, Todd Brown has consistently been one of the most sought after marketers in the world. If you have listened to his podcasts even once, you know we're talking about a no-nonsense guy who delivers.

Ask any of his millionaire clients: having said this, if you're looking for a marketing course that will take you by the hand, not conforming to the usual content of the tens of other courses online, DO IT.

The course really does deliver what it promises, and more! There are extra bonuses, swipe files, product evaluations and private zoom chats between Todd and his team that are added on top. You're going to love it!

Todd Brown is definitely NOT a scam. Everyone who is anyone in the online marketing business listens to his every word and buys every course or book he publishes. 

Todd is as close as it gets to being a real guru, an O.G. genius who thinks out of the box, and for this I really respect him.

The course is $1997, and, considering what other online marketers make you pay for theirs, it's a steal. This is real knowledge packed into a solid 6 weeks experience.


  • Your learning from the man himself.
  • Multiple students of Todd's make 7 or 8 figures constantly.
  • Easy to follow, but quality content.
  • You willhave your first campaign ready to launch after only 45 days!


  • Campaigns still work on paid ads.
  • $1997 is in my opinion a great price, but can be too much for some.
  • Even if great overall, it's not the best online business model in 2020.

My Favorite Option and #1 Online Business Model 

That Earns Me $50k+ Per Month.. Passively.

Why Lead Generation is Better Than Doing SEO

Now don't get me wrong: I am not knocking Todd's course down. If you are looking for a marketing course for your product, I think this is the best one there is out there.

I just happen to think they are not the most cost-effective way of making money online in 2020.

Starting your own agency, going through the E5 process, creating funnels for the content in order to make it in a saturated market, man, it's not easy to do in 2020.

I run a $50K per month lead generation business but all of my leads are generating through free traffic or SEO. So it's pretty much passive income, I don’t have to worry about the performance of my ads or anything.

The websites I create rank on the first page of Google, in the so-called map pack, and the leads just start pouring in.

So it's pretty much passive income, I don’t have to worry about the performance of my ads or anything. Once my site ranks it generally stays ranks with very little to no maintenance.

Don’t get me wrong you can still make money creating a campaign through E% C.A.M.P. Masterclass, and if you choose to buy a course for that, I'd go for Todd Brown too.

The problem with marketing your own product is that you are constantly looking at your at your stats and how your funnel is doing, dreading the next Google update that will mess it all up. How many people are clicking on your content, and out of those people, how many actually end up buying what you are advertising?

Lead Generation is much more chilled and stress free, and once the money starts rolling in, it won't stop. Trust me, I make more than $ 50k a month with it.


If you know how to generate leads with free traffic, you can virtually go into any niche and create amazing level results for you and your clients.

That’s how 90% of my multiple 6 figure income is generated. And I should add that it's passive income, see free traffic never stops.

 In 2020, even during Covid-19, I continue to build more lead gen sites and I write at least 1 blog post for this site, because I’ve come to realize that these are the high-income producing activities because it directly increases my free traffic every month.

If you want to know how I went from a corporate job to six figures a year through lead gen, click the button below!

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. What do you suggest to generate leads for a home business in network marketing sales also known as affiliate marketing to get customers and or be apart of home business affiliate team.
    Im thinking to do a sales letter to present it all and click optin to get more info/ presentation of company, products and business
    What do you think? What would you do?
    Thank you

    1. You’re going to have to create some sort of sales funnel on ClickFunnels. Leverage Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.

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