David Knight’s First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp Review–How To Succeed?

July 7, 2024

The First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp is by David Knight. It teaches first responders to make money through real estate investing. His advice is to find property at a discount, finance it, and build passive income. Also, he teaches how to manage tenants and portfolios seamlessly. Dave combines video lessons, practical exercises, live sessions, coaching, and community support. He also provides action plans and blueprints. This helps students gain practical skills to succeed in the real estate market.

Reviews about the Real Estate Investing Bootcamp outside its platform are scarce. Especially on popular discussion forums and review platforms like Reddit, Quora, and Trustpilot. This limited online feedback makes it challenging to see the program's effectiveness. As a result, it is advisable to seek more sources of information before deciding. However, Dave Knight's podcast has a rating of 4.9 stars from Apple Music and 5 stars from Spotify. It is called the First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Podcast.

The Real estate industry comes with its setbacks because of how many things are not in your control. Real estate investors can't control when you're going to close a deal. Deal can fall through because of many things. This includes a failed inspection, buyers failing to get mortgage approval, and more. GCG Real Estate said that market volatility and liability make investing challenging. Redditor, deelowe, said that vacancies and bankruptcy can wipe out your profits quickly. Ultramega4300 answered that a smart strategy is to plan around those risks. Don't invest if one bad tenant or one major repair will bankrupt you.

This First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp review covers its pros and cons. We also talk about its content and success stories. Lastly, we check an alternative to investing in physical real estate. This is investing in digital real estate. Your income is more predictable, residual, and passive. You also don't need to invest thousands of dollars on property or get creative with financing. 

First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp Review: Pros and Cons


David trains you about what active and passive real estate investing is.

You add to your real estate skills by learning how to make money with short-term rental Airbnb.

David goes over conventional banking rules and mortgages, so you're ready for the next investment opportunity.

You learn how to build a team to help you scale your real estate investing business.


Earning a passive income with residential and commercial real estate is a long, expensive process with no guarantees of an ROI.

You cannot predict when you're going to close a real estate deal with a residential or commercial property.

There are far too many variables that are out of your control when running a real estate business.

A physical real estate investment is more demanding than investing in digital real estate. This holds you back from creating a good cash flow.


The First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp costs $497.


There are 13 video training modules.


First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp private Facebook group.


David Knight started the First Responder Wealth System in 2018.


David Knight's reputation is good. Especially among the first responder community. He is a full-time police officer. David has built a multi-million dollar rental income portfolio.

July 17, 2024

David Knight is a genuine person. His bootcamp helped me a lot. I was able to purchase my first real estate investment. God Bless David and his team!

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

How To Succeed With Real Estate Investing?

  1. Get a comprehensive education: Learn both active and passive real estate investment strategies. The bootcamp provides in-depth training on various aspects of real estate investing. This includes residential and commercial opportunities, flipping properties, short-term rentals, and many more. 
  2. Have a mindset shift: Embrace a new mindset of trading time for money. Real estate can be a powerful vehicle for generating wealth and long-term success.
  3. Set strategic goals: Set clear, achievable targets for your real estate investments. The program emphasizes the importance of actionable plans to achieve them.
  4. Build a strong foundation: Learn the basics of real estate investing. This includes understanding market analysis, property valuation, and financing options. Use investment strategies tailored to your financial situation and risk tolerance.
  5. Use professional networks: Build a network of industry professionals. This can include real estate agents, lenders, contractors, and other investors. Networking provides access to valuable resources, advice, and opportunities.
  6. Use proper tools and resources: Use the tools and resources provided by the bootcamp. These are things such as deal analyzers, financial calculators, and investment checklists. These tools help streamline the investment process and improve decision-making.
  7. Take consistent action: Take consistent action based on the knowledge and strategies learned. The bootcamp emphasizes the importance of not just learning, but also implementing.
  8. Diversify your investments: Explore different real estate investments. Each type comes with its own set of benefits and challenges. 
  9. Stay informed about market trends: Keep updated with new opportunities and regulatory changes. It is essential to stay ahead in the real estate market.
  10. Be part of a community: Engage with the support and accountability groups. The bootcamp already provided this. Being part of a community helps maintain motivation, share experiences, and receive guidance.
  11. Focus on long-term success: The bootcamp encourages investors to think about generational wealth.

What is the First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp?

The First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp is an online training. This program teaches the skills and knowledge necessary to build generational wealth. Especially through real estate investing.

This covers both active and passive investment strategies. It offers a variety of learning modules. It includes residential and commercial real estate opportunities. Also, it shares the Buy-Renovate-Rent-Refinance-Repeat blueprint. Other topics are flipping properties and using short-term rentals like Airbnb. They also cover topics on creative financing methods.

Participants also learn how to analyze and underwrite income properties. They also cover how to work with conventional and private lenders, and use joint ventures. Moreover, the program emphasizes the importance of mindset shifts and strategic goal setting. It also provides access to a support and accountability group.

What Can You Learn From First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp’s Modules?

  • Module 1- Building Your New Paradigm: This module is all about mindset training. David helps you set goals for your business.
  • Module 2 - Building Your Foundation: David breaks down what residential and commercial real estate are. He also reveals 9 ways to create value and income in a deal.
  • Module 3 - Understanding The Numbers: In module 3, David teaches you how to calculate your return on investment.
  • Module 4 - Mortgages: David breaks down what American and Canadian mortgages are. He also shares how conventional lending works.
  • Module 5 - Creative Financing: This module covers the different financing options. This includes private lending, joint venture partnerships, vendor take backs, and more.
  • Module 6 - Wholesaling and Finding Off-Market Deals: In Module 6, you learn what the wholesaling strategy is and how to find off-market deals.
  • Module 7 - Buy Reno-Rent-Refi (BRRR) Strategy to Scale: Here, you learn what the BRRR Method is and how to make it work for you.
  • Module 8 - Dominating Airbnb and Short-Term Rentals: Module 8 shows you how to make money with an Airbnb short-term rental property.
  • Module 9 - Choosing the Path For You: In module 9, David breaks down the difference between active and passive investing.
  • Module 10 - Apartment Syndication: David explains what apartment syndications are.
  • Module 11 - (CPA Advice) Accounting & Structuring: In this module, you get CPA advice that is specific to if you're in the United States or Canada.
  • Module 12 - Building Your Power Team: Module 12 teaches you how to put a team together so you can scale your business faster.
  • Module 13 - Choosing Your Perfect Market: Module 13 contains 2 videos that help you make an educated decision on where your perfect market is.
  • Bonus Module - How to Find & Screen Tenants Blueprint: David's tenant screening blueprint will help you make better decisions about who will qualify as your tenants.

First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp Success Stories

Chris is a police officer. He thought his only path toward building money for retirement was to work overtime. After investing in David's program, Chris bought his first rental property. This led to him investing in more properties. He has 3 rental properties, paying him a passive income each month. He is thankful for what he learned in David's course.

Pete was another police officer who knew nothing about real estate. All he thought was that his future was safe because he was a first responder and had a pension for retirement. He implemented David's strategies. Then, become financially free and retire by age 32. 

Who is David Knight?

David Knight is a successful real estate investor who worked in law enforcement for 10 years. He worked long night shifts and worked overtime. After learning about real estate wholesaling, he deciding to begin his REI career. He grew his business to over 7-figures while still working his 9-5 job as a first responder. David has sold and purchased many properties without using his own money.

Today, as an entrepreneur, David Knight coaches first responders. He helps them earn a passive income through real estate. The goal is to protect their retirement. He also hosts his podcast. It is called First Responders Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Podcast. This podcast educates on the possibilities of making money with wholesale real estate. David has hosted real estate experts like Grant Cardone, Bobby Castro, and more. 

What are First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp Alternatives?

BiggerPockets is a real estate course that teaches real estate investing. There are 4 Bootcamps that teach you different real estate investing strategies. It include things like creative financing, short-term rentals, multi-families, and training for beginners. Each bootcamp lasts 10 weeks. There are accountability groups and live Q&As sessions. This platform has an in-depth bootcamp no matter the real estate strategy you'd like to get into.

Price: Each BiggerPockets bootcamp costs $515.

More Info: BiggerPockets Review

The Virtual Group by Tiffany and Josh High is a live 4-week training program. It teaches students how to improve their real estate investing processes. They help you improve your marketing, systems, acquisitions and dispositions. Tiffany and Josh also teach you how to hire a team. This is so you can automate certain parts of your business and spend more time growing it.

Price: The Virtual Group costs $997.

More Info: The Virtual Group Review

REI Education Academy by Jamel Gibbs helps students make money with real estate investing. This is by learning how to perform market research, evaluate properties, and get funding. Jamel offers paid access to his private Patreon community.

Price: The REI Education Academy discloses the cost over the phone depending on what you want and need.

More Info: REI Education Academy Review

Read my article on the top real estate wholesaling courses.

Is the First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Investing Bootcamp Legit?

The First Responder Wealth Network Real Estate Bootcamp is legit. David Knight really put together an in-depth course. It shows you every step you need to take to run a real estate investing business that is profitable. The mindset training is always a necessary training. You also learn about creative financing options and ways to get a property.

David teaches you about making money with Airbnb and the BRRR method. He even touches on how to choose your perfect market and how to put a team together to help you scale faster. Few courses explain how to screen tenants. This training contains a bonus module that covers how to do so. The private Facebook group is also a great resource. 

Is Real Estate Investing Worth It in 2024?

Real estate investing is worth it in 2024 for several reasons. According to Trading Economics, home ownership in the US increased by 66% in 2022. Real estate professionals and investors are still buying properties. Even with properties having a high interest rate. 

You need to have patience in waiting for your ROI and until you close a deal, will you see the fruits of your labor. Flipping houses or commercial properties can be challenging. You don't know when to close a deal. This makes it hard to live off of your REI. Also, your profit margins are between 15% and 20% only. You can make money with physical real estate business. But it doesn't offer you the benefits that digital real estate does.

Why Investing in Digital Real Estate is More Lucrative Than Physical Real Estate?

Investing in digital real estate is more lucrative than physical real estate. This is because of its lower investment and higher profit margin. It can be worth investing in physical real estate. It is undeniable that there is potential to earn thousands of dollars on each closed deal. Even with the potential to earn a profit margin of between 15% and 20%. However, there are too many moving parts and variables that can get in the way. Even if you run a property management team. Getting an ROI takes too longer than digital real estate. The upkeep for digital properties is cheaper. There are no physical repairs or property taxes. Just hosting fees and occasional updates.

Local lead generation real estate

Local lead generation is one of the best method for making money in 2024. It is a business model that is proven to pay a residual income each month. You simply use your digital asset to generate high-quality leads to local businesses. You can earn $500-$3000 per digital asset. This business can surely help you achieve financial freedom. It is easy to learn and implement too. The initial investment is low while the profit margins are up to 95%. The best part is that you have full control over your business.

Interested building your digital real estate empire and create generational wealth? Check out the local lead generation training program.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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