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Residual Payments Review – Can You Really Make Money With Credit Card Processing?

May 22, 2024

The Residual Payments course by Patricia Carlin and David Carlin teaches you how to become a Digital Payments expert and earn a residual income by helping businesses save money in their payment processing systems. This business model allows you to get paid every time a business accepts a credit card for a purchase. You can get paid each month on autopilot for the life of the entire account. Patricia and David claim that as a Digital Payments expert, you always make money.

Residual Payments reviews are mixed. Students mostly praise the comprehensive and step-by-step content of the course. Criticism points to the aggressive sales tactics and expensive upsells. Students also point out the scalability issues of the business model without significant investment. The payment processing system business is difficult and not for most people.

In this Residual Payments review, we're going to find out how true that is, what exactly is inside the Residual Payments program, how much you can really make with this business model, who potential customers are and if it's all a scam or not. I'll then compare residual payments to the local lead generation business model that allows you to earn a more lucrative passive income each month.

Residual Payments Pros and Cons


After the COVID-19, almost every company is moving towards digital payments

The Carlins have a combined 30 years of experience with digital payments. Their company, Deposyt, is very successful.

You can make a lot of residual income each month if you can land hundreds of small clients, or large franchises

24-hour live chat support after joining the program


They use scarcity marketing to hook you to buy into their courses

You don't get to find out what their main course is until after you have bought the two mini-courses

No refund for any of their main courses

Very expensive course


Residual Payments costs $9,997. Various courses are available on the platform. The Digital Payments Revolution mini-course (first course) costs $17. The Becoming a Highly Paid Agent (second course) costs $197. (Currently closed for enrollment)

Refund Policy:

30 Day money-back guarantee for the Digital Payments Revolution; no refunds for the rest of their courses


60+ training videos across all courses. They provide PDF guidelines and transcripts (each module is in a testing format so you can see how you're doing)


This course came about because everyone who saw Patricia and David's success wanted to learn how to make money residually with digital payments.


Private Facebook groups


Patricia and David Carlin have processed billions of dollars in revenue while making 10s of millions in commission. They are the #1 Power Couple in the merchant payment processing industry.

Residual Payments Student Reviews

Review by Jay - "Members are closing deals each week"

  • Verified Student

"Hey, my name is Jay and I joined residual payments in 2022. After about three or four months, I was able to close my first deal, a local restaurant. We switched them over to our credit card processing system, and now they're saving money. My commissions each month are just over a thousand dollars, all residual.

What I love is that all the work you do with this business is front loaded. So all you do is prospects, set up deal calls with David and Patricia Carlin, or all the other mentors on the team. And after a business owner applies and is accepted into the program, you set them up with their point of sale system, a new terminal. You start getting paid as soon as they start accepting credit cards.

The private Facebook group has been a great resource. The mentors, the Carlins everyone else is helpful. If you ask a question in the Facebook group, within minutes, you're being answered, which is something you don't see in other Facebook groups. 

The coaching calls are fantastic and there's a lot of support as well.

No question is a stupid question. Even if it's been asked before. There's a great feeling of support and positivity, and it's always great to hear that members are closing deals each week, which proves that this business model actually works. David and Patricia aren't a scam, because of the partnerships that they've been able to make.

Those partnerships allow us to provide lower fees than companies like Square, Stripe, Clover, or Toast. The Carlins have built these partnerships over 30 years and now we get to take advantage of that. A difficult aspect of the payments business is that you're competing with thousands of companies and salespeople who offer the same service. Business owners are being contacted every day with the promise that they can save money on credit card processing fees.

Although our team can beat out anyone's pricing, you still have to get better at sales if you want to convince a business owner to switch their processing over to you. It takes time to build trust with a local business, to the point where you can then have the conversation about switching. Also, there's nothing stopping a business owner from going to work with the next payments expert who offers a better fee.

Another downside is that you can't just work with any business. If a business is processing under $10,000 per month, you won't be making much money. To see a good return each month, you need at the very least a dozen clients who are all doing over $10,000 per month. The introductory courses that they offer initially, which cost $49 and $297, won't teach you the business model in its entirety.

They just open your mind to what the business model is and how much money you can actually make. The high ticket course costs $10,000. But I think it's totally worth it because you have access to the partnerships through David and Patricia."

Review by Marcus - "You're going to get a lot of "No's"...I do believe in the business model "

  • Verified Student

"Hey, my name is Marcus. I joined the residual payments program in January, 2022. I've got to say it was exciting and intimidating all at the same time. The business model makes so much sense to me and realizing the potential income I could make, if I started my own digital payments business, was exciting, mainly because of how you make your money. You do all the work in the beginning, setting up your clients and you're done, which is nice. Once in a while, it's good to check in on your clients to make sure everything is running smooth. But other than that, it's all passive income. 

After joining, I was intimidated by the scope of the work you have to put in. You don't know everything when you first get in and you've got to look through all the educational material to know how to express yourself like you know what you're talking about when you go talk to business owners.

You are going to get a lot of "No's" when you're talking to business owners about how you can help them save money. But that's expected because I mean, after all they're being contacted every day and offered the same thing. Landing a client is challenging with this business model. And one of the obstacles you might have to deal with are potential clients who agree to work but who don't want to proceed after they see the application they need to fill out. 

A business owner who isn't tech savvy may think it's too complicated of an application, even though I don't think it is. After all, they're applying for a real merchant account, which is just a business bank account with one of the banks David and Patricia Carlin have partnerships with. Many business owners tend to go with companies like Square because the process is easy to sign up, they give you a free credit card swiper, depending on your industry. You've really got to do some convincing and keep business owners focused on the fact that they're going to get the best processing rates, best customer service, and the best point of sale solutions with us. And it's because of the partnerships that Patricia and David Carlin have.

To date, I have four clients and I'm getting paid just over $1,300 in residual income each month. I did have to talk to hundreds of business owners and deal with a handful who gave up during the application process. So I could be making more if they didn't quit on me, but I do believe in the business model either way and the fact that we're actually helping business owners save money.

It's just a long road to only make a few hundred dollars or a thousand dollars. All in all, I'm still grateful for the residual payments program. And I know at some point I land the client who is processing somewhere over $50,000 per month, and then I'll make some more money."

Review by Darren - "I wish I had done a bit more research"

  • Verified Student

Hey, my name's Darren and I took the Residual Payments course, kind of jumping out of my comfort zone, right? I was looking for a way to make money online post COVID, and ame across David and Patricia and this business model of getting a cut every time a business uses a credit card. 

Their ads and sales funnel pages definitely hooked me. In hindsight, I wish I would have done more research into the kind of personality that you need to have to make this successful. But all of their marketing for Residual Payments just made me feel like I have much time and I wasn't-  I was going to miss something if I didn't act now, all of that stuff. And once I paid the $10,000 to get this course, I realized that you really have to network a lot. And one of the reasons I was looking for something online, that I didn't have to go out into the world and do business elsewhere was I don't like networking. I'm an introvert. I don't like building those business relationships. I know they're important, but I also know that there's other businesses out there that can do it a little better. And so, once I realized that I was going to have to build these relationships to make these sales, I kind of threw on the brakes like, whoa, what am I getting into here? 

And I looked in to get a refund. Turns out that I had not bought the version that came with the 30 day money back guarantee. So, I could not get a refund and I know that I'm not going to be successful doing this. Which is a huge bummer.  

Review by Alice - "Harder than I thought it would be" 

  • Verified Student

"My name is Alice. I joined Patricia and David Carlin's Residual Payments Introductory Course in May, 2022. I was super excited to find this because I didn't even stop to think that you could make money with digital payment processing. But essentially it's creating a passive income while you sleep. 

What I hadn't banked on was how tough it would be to connect with business owners. First of all, not every businesses, a great fit. They need to be doing at least a about $10,000 a month in debit credit or ACH processing. And then a lot of them are already using a processing system that they like. Most prefer square because it's a household name and it's easy to set up. 

So you have to build some real relationships to convince them to switch. And then if you know people, you definitely have a leg up, but if you don't have connections or aren't good at sales, it's definitely an uphill battle. I would say that Patricia and David offer a lot of value. They have live streams every week and there's a Facebook group with a lot of people that are willing to help and answer questions. 

And the real value is in their full course, which I believe is about $10,000. But that gives you access directly to the Carlin's and their networking connections. But I haven't landed any clients yet. And so I don't think I'm willing to drop that kind of cash until I at least get a couple of paying clients. It's definitely a lot harder than I thought it would be But I’m going to give it till the end of the year. But if I haven't made any money by then I might have to cut my losses and just look for something that's a little less sales forward."

Who Are Patricia Carlin and David Carlin?

Patricia Carlin, a seasoned entrepreneur with over 20 years in the global payments industry, has generated substantial revenues both domestically and internationally. During her high school years, Patricia struggled with concentration, which significantly impacted her academic performance. College wasn't for her either, and she ended dropping out.

Her first job in 1998 while living in Florida was customer support for the Internet Billing Company, whose biggest clients at the time were in the adult industry. Eventually, she was able to help companies like Star launch their subscription website, NASCAR to implement their subscription billing, Time Magazine to digitize their archives, and more. She was part of the very first online merchant account in history and is today one of the most influential people in payments. 

As a consultant, her skills continue to help companies easily navigate the world of internet billing. Her clients range from mom-and-pop shops, eCommerce businesses, publically traded companies, and more.

David Carlin is from Park City, Utah and married Patricia over 10 years ago. He got into the payment processing business when he met Patricia, but was previously finding his business success in the world of eCommerce.

In 2010, the Carlins established Deposyt Payments, an innovative online payment service provider that caters to a broad range of businesses. Together, they've generated over $20 billion of dollars in sales while earning millions of dollars in residual income. Now, they share their knowledge with others in their course, Residual Payments. Actively engaging with their audience, David and Patricia promote their courses on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. They have over 165K followers on Instagram and are growing their Meetthecarlins TikTok page with over 28.5K followers.

What Is Residual Payments?

Residual Payments is a training platform by Patricia and David Carlin that teaches you how to make a residual income each month as a Digital Payments expert. According to what The Carlins say, they make, on average, $500 for each of their clients who use their credit card processing service.

How To Create Residual Income According To David and Patricia Carlin? 

  • Credit Card Processing Business: David and Patricia earn residual income by helping businesses set-up a credit card payment facility. They earn a commission from every transaction they make. 
  • Switching Merchant Accounts for Business Owners: They help business owners set up merchant accounts and cut out middlemen to save on transaction fees and increase their profits.
  • Diversified Income: The couple also invest in different businesses like nightclubs, restaurants, and technology companies. Diversification helps mitigate business risks and open multiple income streams. 
  • Bootstrap Your Ventures: Rather than relying heavily on external funding or support, David suggests bootstrapping ventures to maintain control and minimize reliance on third-party financing. 
  • Related Financial Services: Aside from credit card processing, David's team also trains individuals to make residual income from services like payroll processing, funding, buy now pay later schemes, and various SaaS (Software as a Service) products.

What Is a Digital Payments Expert?

A Digital Payments expert facilitates businesses in accepting credit card or bank debit card transactions online or through a POS. With David and Patricia, you'll learn all about the different terminals and fee structures available for merchants, all while you receive a monthly payment. There are many online business models, but this is not one many people realize they can get into.

What’s Inside Residual Payments?

Residual Payments offers 3 courses and several services/tools that help you get started earning a passive income as a Digital Payments expert. You will need to pay for each course that David and Patricia upsell.

1) Digital Payments Revolution (Course 1)

Digital Payments Revolution costs $17. It includes 9 videos that give more details about who they are, what credit card processing is, and how much you can make in this business model. You also learn how to identify potential clients, which ones aren't worth working with, and how to land your first client.

This mini-course won't teach you exactly how to succeed with digital payments, but it will open your eyes to what's possible.

They also invite you to join a live welcome call on Zoom with one of their team members, and others who have bought the first course. You get a formal welcome and they give you an overview of what you can expect with the business model. After you finish this course, they give you the option to pay for the Becoming a Highly Paid Agent course at a discounted price of $197. 

If you don't pay for it when they offer it to you, later on you'll pay $297.

2) Becoming a Highly Paid Agent (Course 2)

Becoming a Highly Paid Agent costs $197 and is their main training program. Before starting this course, they want you to set up a Discovery call with another one of their agents. They divided this course into 7 sections. Each section has various modules within.

Section 1 - Setting up your business  (6 videos)

In this section, Patricia and David mention the right steps to keep in mind when setting up your business profile. They also talk about the best practices for using social media and how to not fall into the trap of being dishonest or greedy in this business.

Section 2 - Identifying Opportunities (4 videos)

The Carlins touch on what industries to target, how you can identify which ones provide high margins, and how you can take advantage of working with eCom business owners.

Section 3 - Prospecting (7 videos)

In this section, you learn...

  • how to generate leads
  • how to get past the gatekeeper (Ex. secretary)
  • how many businesses you should contact each day
  • how to make businesses want to do business with you

Section 4 - Getting the Business (11 videos)

The goal of this module is to help you get business. They explain the sales cycle, share scripts you can use with business owners through email and phone, as well as how to close deals. 

Section 5 - Fulfilling/Setting up a Client (2 videos)

This module gives you an overview of how to onboard clients.

Section 6 - Scaling the Business (5 videos)

In this module, David and Patricia talk about how you can avoid common mistakes many agents make, how to make sure your clients never leave you, and why chargebacks aren't good for the relationship you have with your client or merchant bank.

Section 7 - Best Practices/Mindset (6 videos)

In the final module, they prepare you mentally for this business. Many people waste time when getting started. David and Patricia teach you how to avoid wasting time and also what industries to stay away from.

3) Residual Payments Private Facebook Group

As of June 2022, the Residual Payments private Facebook group has over 7.7K members. There are over 30 hours of extra video content for you to learn how to be successful in the payments industry and you'll be able to have any of your questions answered within.

4) Digital Payments Playbook

The Digital Payments Playbook costs $47 and is a digital book created by the Carlins that contains sales and marketing material. Its goal is to help you save time in your payments business. It contains a glossary, merchant service information, a list of industries you can serve, social media marketing material, FAQs, and more.

5) Digital Payments Agency Program (High-Ticket Course)

This is the high-ticket course Patricia and David offer. It costs $9,997 and payment plans are available. If you sign on, you get access to their High-Risk Mastery course, bi-monthly training calls, weekly classes where top performers teach methods and strategies working for them, 1 year worth of pre-made graphics you can use for social media and your website. 

You also get...

  1. Unlimited deal calls and application submissions for 90 days
  2. A dedicated account manager
  3. Access to the Inner Circle Facebook group
  4. Bi-monthly sales calls
  5. Social media and filming course
  6. Virtual assistant masterclass

6) Residual Payments Inner Circle Private Facebook Group

The Residual Payments Inner Circle is the exclusive Facebook group where they hold live Zoom meetings every Tuesday. The group has over 1.1K members and has 10 more hours of video content. You'll also get access to content that has never been released. The cost of joining this exclusive group costs $299 per month. There is no contract and you can pay month by month.

When you join, you'll get access to the newest tools, training, and newsletter that covers things like changes in POS systems, and banking rules and regulations. Patrica and David also do live deal analysis and pricing training so that everyone in the group can get the best pricing on their accounts. According to David, everyone in this group is making money.

7) Centz CRM

This CRM is a tool that was created by Patricia and David to help you and your clients manage all payments. CentzCRM costs $49 per month. It will help you generate leads and sales online through email and text message marketing. This tool helps you automate your entire business. 

Who Is a Potential Customer for Residual Payments?

A potential customer for residual payments is a business who accepts payments online, which can include a startup or existing businesses. David and Patricia encourage you to only go after accounts that do at least $10,000 per month or more in credit, debit, or ACH processing.

How Much Money Could You Make From Payment Processing Residual Income?

You can make hundreds to thousands of dollars in residual monthly income from payment processing. According to GlobeNewswire, the global payments market is expected to grow from $511 billion in 2021 to more than $572 billion in 2022. As long as people are using credit and debit cards, there is an opportunity to make a real residual income in your digital payments business by helping merchants save money with their payment processing.

If that's not enough for you, in 2021, there were 5.4 million new business applications that were submitted. That shows how there are more businesses that need proper guidance with digital payments. There is plenty of money to be made as a Digital Payment expert.

Residual Payments Testimonials

On the Residual Payments sales page, you'll come across a few testimonials from some of their successful students. Two of the testimonials are from Erica and Eric.

Erica owns New England's top event planning company. She joined the Residual Payments course and took the leap to work directly with Patricia and David. With everything she's learned within this program, she's been able to help all of her business connections save money on merchant fees while she earns a comfortable residual income of thousands of dollars each month.

Eric knew nothing about payment processing when he first came across this course. After joining and implementing everything Patricia and David teach, he has closed over 80 accounts. This monthly passive income stream pays Eric $8K+. He's looking to continue increasing this monthly income two or three times that amount after taking the high-risk mastery training. He now lives a life of personal and financial freedom.

Residual Payments Alternative

The 28 Day Merchant Sales Mastery course by Joe Wagner is a cheaper alternative to Residual Payments. The difference is that Joe only teaches you how to sell the cash discount program to retail merchants. When you join, you get Joe's sales training to learn how to sell this program. You also get access to a CRM to you can track your cash discount sales. Three times per week, Joe and his team hosts coaching calls to provide support to their students. You can also get 1-on-1 support from Joe to help you take your business to the next level. 

Price: 28 Day Merchant Sales Mastery Review costs $1,999.

More Info: 28 Day Merchant Sales Mastery Review

The Overages Blueprint is another alternative for Residual Payments. It’s a unique business opportunity that teaches how to make money by helping owners of foreclosed properties recover overage funds. With this business, you can earn 30% to 40% of the overage amount per transaction. 

Price: 1,497 onetime payment or 3 installments of 597 

More Info: Overage Blueprint Review

atm together review

ATM Together is a one-stop shop that creates a done-for-you ATM business. The company also offers a course for those who want to start their own business. They also offer a premium mentorship for those who want the best support for their ATM business.

Price: Masterclass course costs $397. Done-for-you service costs $6,500-$10,000

More Info: ATM Together Review

Is Residual Payments a scam?

Residual Payments isn't a scam, but this business model isn't as easy as it might seem.

Their main course is good, but it isn't enough if you want to be successful. If you already have connections to business owners, you're a step ahead. To actually make money if you don't have any connections, being a part of the Residual Payments Inner Circle and investing in their high-ticket course with more direct access to Patricia and David is the way to go.

Not everyone is going to invest $10K that easily, though.

If you're the type of person who is good at sales or interested in getting good at sales, and who has the money to invest, you may find success with this program.

For you to succeed, you need to look for any opportunity to network with other businesses. Think sales calls, networking events and even visiting local businesses in person. The Carlins love referrals and say that is one of the best ways to close more accounts.

I'm a firm believer in providing leads in advance to close deals. I've found massive success doing so in my local lead generation business that I started in 2014. Let me explain why I prefer my residual income with local lead gen over making money with digital payments processing.

My #1 Choice for Making Money Online

Local lead generation is my #1 choice for making money online because of the control you have in your business. You build and own your digital properties and you choose exactly how much money you're going to make each month. One business owner can pay you anywhere from $500 to $3,000 per month depending on the niche and market you're in. I have one client that has been paying me $2000 per month ever since 2014.


The digital payments industry is legit, but your profit margins per account can be much higher with local lead generation. Remember Eric's testimonial? He was making $8,000 per month, but had to close 80 accounts! With lead gen, you can make $8K with only a few clients, depending on the niche you're in.

If you were to close 80 lead gen deals at an extremely low fee of just $100 per month each, you'd be making almost $100K per year. If you closed 80 lead gen deal at $500 per month, you'd be making $480K per year.

Being a digital payments expert requires too much work. Unless your clients are in retail and have franchises, you're looking at a business model that will not pay you enough to live on unless you close hundreds of accounts, and that can take years to accomplish. Also, there's no guarantee that a merchant will stay working with you. Another agent can come along and offer a lower price than you do. At that point, you lose the account and make no money. 

With local lead generation, all you need to earn a solid residual income is just one client and you earn your money each month as long as you keep your properties ranked. This is a rinse and repeat business model that doesn't require much work or sales skills. Your skills are in building and ranking your lead generation sites. Scaling is as simple as repeating the rank and rent process. This makes local lead generation the best passive income business to create financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. After working with these guys for a little over 2 years I found out that my affiliate agreement had not been signed. On top of everything else that had happened this drew a lot of concern for me. I confronted them with legitimate concerns and complaints and they did absolutely ZERO to resolve or explain any of it. Their checkout sheet says you get the following:
    1 year of support
    1 year of deal calls
    1 year of live training
    1 year of 1-on-1 coaching
    Instant sales support
    Helping you every step of the way to build a successful payments business.

    -They told me I only paid for 3 months of support. Prior to that they told me it was for life.
    – My deal calls expired after 3 months and they charged my another $949 to purchase more.
    – The live training only works if you can attend. And you don't know if you can until it's too late. On top of this they reschedule constantly making it extremely difficult to keep up.
    – I received ZERO one on one coaching
    – They use Facebook posts and email for sales support and it is NOT instant.
    – I got left hanging on many, many occasions to include being made to go back on my word with a merchant, ruining any relationship I had established with the guy.
    – I have proof of purchase to verify all of this.

    This has probably been the worst experience of my life with any business. They offered me a refund with the deal calls, but tried to get me to sign an agreement just to access the funds. After filing complaints and reviews they threatened me with a defamation lawsuit. Under the Fair Consumer Review Act, this is illegal. This is a very shady organization. They are either intentionally manipulative or they don't understand what professionalism means. I'll never work with an organization like this again. They are not to be trusted.

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