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Simple Wifi Profits Review – Chris Eon & Andrew Wright Course, is it Legit?

December 1, 2021

In the past months, two affiliate marketers by the name of Chris Eon and Andrew Wright have been taking the online marketing scene by storm

The course they offer is called Simple Wifi Profits, and it seems like a lot of new students have been following in the footsteps of Chris and Andrew.

 Once the two had started hustling in 2019, they made  $960,824 Within 31 Days of perfecting their program!

I have reviewed the best Affiliate Marketing Courses in 2020 so far, but let me give you a little anticipation, Simple Wifi Profits really knocks the ball out of the park.

Chris, a Korean immigrant, and Andrew, a college dropout, have perfected this new affiliate marketing course and have followed previous online entrepreneurs in becoming millionaires in a very short amount of time.

I won't waste any of your time, so let's get digging right into the details of this course! Like with all my reviews I will want to focus on specific questions and come back with them after describing the course with a definitive answer.

  • Is this course better than other Affiliate Marketing Courses out there? 
  • Does the course deliver what it promises?
  • Are Chris and Andrew a scam?
  • Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

Before getting into the nitty-gritty details about the course, a quick introduction about myself. After all, you have to know what experience I have in the industry if you want to take my word for the review, right?

A lil bit about me... My name is Ippei...

Until 2014, like the majority of people, I was working a corporate job that was taking me nowhere and was slowly killing me. 

Then I found a method to build and organically rank websites, generating leads for my clients.

I created the website you see above, for the tree care company, in 2015, and since then, without having to touch it in 5 years, it has brought me a passive income of $2000 a month. That's more than $100,000 dollars in total and counting!

The Lead Generation business model is clearly the best way to generate passive income and escape the 9 to 5 rat-race. If you're interested, learn more about lead gen here!

Now let's go the the review of Simple Wifi Profits!

Simple Wifi Profits is based on the premise of optimizing any spare time you may have during the day, in order to make some additional income.

It is a step-by-step program for training you to start a  business in affiliate marketing in a few simple passages. 

Judging by the many enthusiastic reviews it has received in April and May, it is considered the easiest way to start making money online by many of the most respected and unbiased reviewers of these courses and has steadily been gaining more and more active members.

Simple Wifi Profits

This course promises to introduce you step-by-step into the world of affiliate marketing, using Clickbank as its main platform and Facebook Ads as the main source of revenue.

It caters to total beginners, with no prior experience in online marketing, and promises to get you quickly to $10,000 a month, working in niches with unlimited potential. 

Here is more preliminary info on the course, before diving in a module by module description.

  •  Helps you in starting a new online business based on affiliate marketing in a stepwise manner.
  • Adds you to the private student community, with over 500 active students who have joined in the past 2 months.
  • It offers 24 x 7 x 365 support to their students and one individual call twice a month by Chris, Andrew, or one of the seniors making more than $20,000.
  • 45 day money back guarantee from Clickbank, a colossus in its field, which is not likely to create refund issues.
  • Templates and previous million dollar earning campaigns are put at your disposal to use.
  • Chris and Andrew will pay for your first few campaign ads.

Introduction: Welcome to Simple Wifi Products

From the very beginning of the course, even in the introductory videos, Chris and Andrew make the nature of the course very clear: they seem committed to guide you 100% in the step-by-step approach to affiliate marketing.

On top of that, they seem to pile up a series of bonuses that can hardly be ignored, making you feel like you've made the right choice from the get go.

Though brief, the intro sets the scene for the rest of the course, and is good enough to fire you up for the chapters to come!

  • Lesson 1: Introduction.
  • Lesson 2: About the Wifi Bosses.
  • Lesson 3: The Facebook Group.

Takeaway from the Introduction:

Chris and Andrew's description of the bonuses, templates, winning campaigns, Facebook Ad tricks, profitable niches, make it easy for the student to get in the right mind-frame to want to start the course on the right foot.

Chapter 1: The World of Affiliate Marketing

In Chapter 1, Chris and Andrew introduce the student to the world of affiliate marketing and how it compares to the other business models in the internet. 

Not only is this a great selection of videos for the newbie in this field, but it also gifts the more senior students with nuggets of wisdom through experience stories of Chris and Andrew, who after all thrived with this model.

Students get to hear some honest PROS and CONS of affiliate marketing and few of the affiliate networks and programs that are currently helping newbies who never experienced in affiliate marketing.

This is a refreshing feature that you rarely see in video courses, where everything is usually made out to be easy, quick and a no brainer.

The good thing about this Affiliate Marketing 101, is that the training is being constantly revised and updated to give the student the fastest result possible.

  • Lesson 1: What is Affiliate Marketing?.
  • Lesson 2: How Clickbank Works.
  • Lesson 3: Know your Clickbank Numbers.
  • Lesson 4: How to Get Paid.
  • Lesson 5: Top 3 Evergreen Niches.
  • Lesson 6: Identifying the Best Offers.
  • Lesson 7: Digital vs. Supplements.
  • Lesson 8: Exclusive Commission Bost for SWP Family.

Takeaway from Chapter 1:

Chris and Andrew really hold your hand throughout the chapter. As daunting as an introduction to affiliate marketing can be for a newb, they both lay out the truth, the pros and the cons, making their honesty a refreshing novelty in the world of online courses.

Chapter 2: A Museum of a Million Dollar Success

Here, the student is introduced to the 4 step system: it's a pretty easy concept to wrap your head around, and it is explained pretty plainly.

  • Find a big problem that needs solving online. 
  • Find a product: a solution to the problem.
  • Share the product via affiliate marketing.
  • Make sales and money.

The big problem that has made Chris and Andrew big bucks is.. Weight Loss. You got it: all the millions that they have been making have been earned selling weight loss products via Clickbank, using Facebook Ads. 

All this can be accomplished by the tried and tested system of 3 Step Funnels. You publish a Facebook Ad, that will redirect you to a Landing Page, that then sell the product you are advertizing: a classic conversion optimization system.

According to Chris and Andrew, this funnel system is so effective that you will earn some cash in very short amount of time. You’ll be given the chance to use Clickfunnels

All you need really is funnels & web pages to set up and promote, and even these will be given to you during the course.

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Chapter 2.
  • Lesson 2: Simple 3 Step Funnel.
  • Lesson 3: What Makes a Good VSL.
  • Lesson 4: What Makes a Good Facebook Ad.
  • Lesson 5: What Makes a Goood Lander.
  • Lesson 6:Bonus: You Ready for Action?

Takeaway from Chapter 2:

What makes a great video sales letter? How do you know if your Facebook Ad is good? Is that landing page a bit too empty or will it work fine? Andrew and Chris will be able to answer all these questions. Major score!

Chapter 3: The Invincible Bridge to Profits

In this chapter you will be setting up your own personal sales funnel using either Clickfunnels or HostGator.

The biggest benefit of marketing funnels is their measurability. Your funnel shows you where you’re losing customers, to help you pivot your strategy.

You’ll then be able to use previously provided swipe files that you simply insert into done-for-you landing pages and will add your affiliate link.

A swipe file is a digital or physical folder where you keep all the marketing ideas you’ve encountered over the years, and in this case you'll be able to use Chris' and Andrew's ideas, pre-made and ready for you!

Chris and Andrew make it clear that this process doesn't include any SEO optimization and no submitting of your webpage in search engines like Google.

You are completely bypassing the longer optimization strategies of SEO and aiming straight for your target audience through paid advertizement.

The simplicity of the game is kept to its historical highs!

  • Lesson 1: Introduction: Landing Page.
  • Lesson 2: Choosing the Right Hosting Service for You.
  • Lesson 3: Landing Page Set-Up.
  • Lesson 4: How to Add Hoplink.
  • Lesson 5: Facebook Compliant Hoplinks.
  • Lesson 6:Bonus: ODAAT Mentality.

Takeaway from Chapter 3:

Having two experts help you out with the creation of your ads and your first landing page is priceless and really easy when you are told what to do at every step.

Chapter 4: Build your Empire

This is where the fun begins: things get more practical and you will learn how to create a Facebook ad and direct buyers to your landing page.

In this section, Chris and Andrew will teach you how to drive traffic from Facebook to high-end weight loss offers. They will teach and support you in a value-driven, unique and legal way which is quite new and different in approach from other Facebook Ad courses.

You will be getting complete knowledge and training from the Pros. They will provide you step-by-step training, the products they are selling, show you how to use ads, how to target and everything related to it.

  • Lesson 1: Facebook Business Overview.
  • Lesson 2: Facebook Business Manager Set-Up.
  • Lesson 3: Facebook Page Set-Up.
  • Lesson 4: Pixel Set-Up.
  • Lesson 5: Advertisment Guidelines.
  • Lesson 6:Market Reaserch and Detailed Targeting.
  • Lesson 7:Million Dollar Ad Swipe Files.
  • Lesson 8:Change Your Habits - Change Your Life.
  • Lesson 9: Let Us Pay for Your First Ad.

Takeaway from Chapter 4:

Very few courses have such a hands-on approach to Fcebook Ads. This is such a beginner friendly approach that anyone could learn from Chris and Andrew.

Chapter 5: The Invictus SWP Empire Begins

Chris and Andrew now get strategic about your advertising: they will teach you the importance of a well executed ad, with videos dedicated to launching your first ad and customizing your columns.

You will also learn specific Facebook Ad techniques such as how to interpret the breakdown report and how to use split testing to your advantage.

Between the help of the coaches and your input, you'll be able to understand what ad is going to work and what ad isn't: templates, texts and images of hugely successful campaigns will be provided to you!

Chris and Andrew will also pay for your first campaign, to ensure that you have done everything right and maximize your chances of making money right off the bat!

  • Lesson 1: Launching Your First Ad.
  • Lesson 2: Facebook Business Manager Set-Up.
  • Lesson 3: Customizing Columns.
  • Lesson 4: Bullseye Targets - Scale or Kill?
  • Lesson 5: Breakdown Report.
  • Lesson 6:Split Testing.
  • Lesson 7:Ad Account Immunity.
  • Lesson 8:Become an Ad Account Digger.
  • Lesson 9: Change Your Habits -Change Your Life.

Takeaway from Chapter 5:

Facebook Ads guidelines and Facebook immunity for your profile is really important to Chris and Andrew, and more than one video is dedicated to this topic, so that your ads won't contain misguiding pictures or text, and get your account banned. Thanks, guys!

Chapter 6: The Secrets of Scaling to Mars

This final chapter is all about scaling your success, growing the number of sales through the validity of your ads.

When you start, after the first few ads that are paid for you by the coaches, you are advised to start with a budget as low as $5 and keep the ad going spending $5 more everyday. 

The trick, according to Chris and Andrew, is to reinvest your early earnings into even more expensive and outreaching ad campaigns.

Since results start to come pretty soon, it won't be long before you will need to start scaling your operations. Some group members have made even $50,000 a day by scaling their operations up. What are you waiting for?

  • Lesson 1: Scaling Myths and Facts.
  • Lesson 2: Double Down Principle Method.
  • Lesson 3: The Clone Method.
  • Lesson 4: The Lookalike Method.
  • Lesson 5: Zero Targeting Method.
  • Lesson 6: $400 Ad Trick.
  • Lesson 7:Retargeting Ad for Extra Profits.

Takeaway from Chapter 6:

As a newbie in this environment, you will probably feel nervous about scaling up: this is where the FB group and Chris and Andrew come in, with the bimonthly calls and the quick replies on the private FB group.

Chapter 7: Super Affiliate Hacks

As promised by the free webinar, once the course comes to an end you will be showered with bonus material and content:

Ready-made templates for your ads and landing sites, ready-chosen list of fast-selling products, ready-tested strategies for niches which are still pretty much untapped and are only waiting for some investors to come and reap the benefits!

There are also some techniques explained that will boost your ROI, and make scaling up even faster. All in all, an offer you simply cannot refuse!

  • Lesson 1: The 1:1 Alpha Ad.
  • Lesson 2: Luna Pic Colour Variation.
  • Lesson 3: Hiring a VA.
  • Lesson 4: Travel the World for Free.
  • Lesson 5: How to Create Your Own Image.
  • Lesson 6: Blocking Out the Negativity.

Takeaway from Chapter 7:

This chapter is chock full of small hacks that will make your life easier, but what will make it even easier is a comprehensive Affiliate Marketing glossary, that you can turn to when you don't exactly remember what a technical term means...

The Verdict: The Good and the Bad

Before I go on and evaluate the pros and cons of Chris' and Andrew's course, I want to reply to those early questions I'd set down, and that anyone reading a review wants to know immediately. 

  • Is this course better than other Affiliate Marketing Courses out there? 
  • Does the course deliver what it promises?
  • Are Chris and Andrew a scam?
  • Most importantly, how much does the course cost? And is it worth the money?

Let's do it! So yes, this course is really better than the other affiliate marketing courses I have reviewed so far. It is new, it works, it is newbie-proof. Absolutely the best course of its kind around.

The course delivers on what it promises and more: just look at all those extras in the pic above, and you will get what I'm saying. It's sometimes hard to start a business in a field you know nothing about. 

Chris and Andrew make it easy with the best step by step approach I have seen so far. They are definitely legit, and have been in and out of the top ten affiliates for Clickbank.

The Simple Wifi Profits course has been the top converting webinar offer of 2020 so far, and if I am right, we will be hearing more about these two guys in the future!

As for the price, at $1497 or three monthly installments of $577, the course is priced competitively, considering the first batch of students paid $20,000 for entry (if we are to believe the webinar). For this price, I think it is absolutely worth it.


  • A unique and simple training program for affiliates to make money online.
  • The information provided by the creators of this program is accurate.
  • Chris and Andrew are clear in explaining.
  • You can follow this training program even with limited technical skills and experience.


  • It can be difficult to understand affiliate marketing for newbie.
  • The cost might not be suited to everybody's pockets
  • Only FB Ads covered
  • Not the best online business model in 2020

My Experience with Running Paid Advertising 

Now don't get me wrong: I am not knocking Simple Wifi Profits down. I really like the way the course is made, actually! I just  think it is  not the most cost-effective way of making money online in 2020.

I run a $50K per month lead generation business, but all of my leads are generating through free traffic or SEO. So it's pretty much passive income, I don’t have to worry about the performance of my ads or anything.

I don't know even where to start when talking about the use of Facebook Ads:

Reasons why I don't like Facebooks Ads.

  • Firstly, they can fail spectacularly: you can follow all the templates you want, but sometimes FB Ads just don't work, and you're left pumping more money trying to resurrect a dead ad. That money slowly bites a chunk in your finances.
  • Secondly, after a while, your ad will exhaust its lifespan. Those who were supposed to click on it, already have, and no matter how much cash you throw at it, it just ain't worth the hassle.
  • Lastly, banking all your chips on Facebook Ads is very risky business: your money is going to be spent without any guarantee. Sometimes you'll get returns, other times you won't and you'll need to be monitoring the ad constantly: chances are that, with a low return of investment,  you are potentially going to lose money.

Like I just said, I run a $50K per month lead generation business, but all of my leads are generated through free traffic or SEO. The website I create ranks on the first page of Google, in the so-called map pack, and the leads just start rolling in.

We're talking passive income: I don’t have to worry about the performance of my ads or anything. Once my site ranks it generally stays ranks with very little to no maintenance.

Don’t get me wrong you can still make money running FaceBook Ads but its very challenging to keep over the long term.

The problem with Facebook ads is that you are constantly looking at your CTR and conversion rate. How many people are clicking on your ad, and out of those people, how many actually end up buying what you are advertising?

If things go wrong, it's back to tweaking, spending more money, trying a different approach. Facebook Ads are unreliable at best: believe me, I spent a lot of cash into them before moving into free traffic lead generation.

For all these reasons, I still recommend people look into doing lead generation with free traffic, because then you have full control over the lead gen properties so clients have to keep paying you, and not have to pay FB’s expensive ad fees.


Chris' and Andrew's Simple Wifi Profits is solid, everything is there to learn affiliate marketing through Facebook Ads. However, from my experience, Facebook marketing really depends on the niche & the product & service you’re offering.

Sure there are niches that work with Facebook ads, but the problem is there are many niches that really struggle with Facebook ads.

Unlike Facebook Ads, if you know how to generate leads with free traffic, you can virtually go into any niche and create amazing results for yourself.

That’s how 90% of my multiple 6 figure income is generated. And I should add that it's passive income: see free traffic never stops.

 In 2020, even during Covid-19, I continue to build more lead gen sites and I write at least 1 blog post for this site, because I’ve come to realize that these are the high-income producing activities, because it directly increases my free traffic every month.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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