Marcus Barney Him500 Review: Legit Financial Literacy Coach or Scam?

July 28, 2024

Marcus Barney, aka Him500, is a prominent coach in the financial literacy movement of the African American community. He is the creator of the Recession Proof Xtreme program that aimed to teach African Americans how to fix their credit and generate capital to finance investments. In this Marcus Barney review, you'll learn who Marcus is, what his programs are, his partnership with EYL University, and if he's teachings are legit.

Besides his popular credit repair courses, Marcus teaches a variety of business models that you can invest in. Before you can invest in the business models that he teaches, you need to fix your credit and be able to finance your investments. My top business recommendation, local lead generation, is a low-cost passive income business model that you can do regardless of your credit score.

Marcus Barney Him500 Review: Pros and Cons


Marcus has a lot of experience in various business models.

Him500 is a recognizable name in the growing movement for African American financial literacy.


Marcus has given some dubious financial advice on several interviews.

There are no refund policies for any of programs coming from Marcus.

Many of the strategy and methods that Marcus teaches are highly risky.


Recession Proof Xtreme cost $997 for the Financial Literacy Class. Previously at $3,497 for a course bundle, the other courses in Recession Proof Xtreme were transferred to EYL University for a yearly subscription of $997.

Refund Policy

Marcus Barney does not have any refund policy for any of his programs. His programs under EYL University are subscription based and therefore not refundable.


Mixed reviews due to several viral issues.

July 28, 2024

This guy says some ridiculous stuff! I would not take financial advice from him.


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Him500 Exposed: Is Marcus Barney A Scam?

Marcus Barney, aka Him500, is not a scam. Although he has given several questionable advice in podcast interviews. In a video by certified financial advisor and YouTuber Pocket Watching with JT, Him500 was scrutinized for a financial advice he gave during a live group podcast with thousands of viewers. Marcus is seen giving what appears to be advice to commit bank fraud. A second viral video also came up where Marcus appears to give bad advice on how to turn credit into cash, with could lead to legal consequences. While Marcus addressed the issue in an apology video, the dangers of viewers taking what this public figure says as legit advice can create legal and financial problems for these people.

Him500 Bank Fraud Advice

In the interview Marcus advised his viewers with bad credit score that they can go to a bank such as Navy Federal Credit Union and apply for an auto loan instead of a business loan. You then pull a VIN number from CarGurus, which is a car listing site. After you get the loan, keep the money and after 90 days without giving the title, the auto loan should then revert into a personal loan. You can then use this money to invest.

There are several problems with this. First, since you had no intention of buying a car and lied to the bank, you are in danger of committing fraud. Second, JT contacted Navy Federal Credit Union and found out that they are not obligated to convert auto loans into personal loans. Third, personal loans have high interest rates. It is unlikely that you’ll be able to find an investment which will match the investment rates to pay back the loan on time. Last, investing this high interest loan in any business where you have no prior experience or expertise is a high-risk move and can lead you to financial ruin.

Him500 Credit to Cash Scheme

In another online interview, Marcus explained a way to get credit above your limit and even turn it into cash. Him500 advises to list your income at 150K in order to secure credit cards with 2 different banks. Again, lying to a bank is fraud. He then advises that you max out the credit card to finance a business. Basically, you can recycle the debt indefinitely between the 2 credit cards. Cash out the 1st card to pay the 2nd when it's due, repeat the process when then the 1st card's due date arrives. To cash out your card, you can create a merchant account and use a 3rd party payment processor such as square or PayPal. Create a fake invoice to yourself from a fictitious business, pay it with your card, then cash out the money using your fake business.

JT explains that this is bad advice as there are many problems with it. First, there is a fee for cashing out credit cards via cash advance or balance transfers. Second, you can only move your due date once a year. Third, if you do the fake merchant scheme, 3rd party payment processors charge about 2.75%. They also report to the IRS, so it will even create new tax obligations. Last, just like the first advice, it is very unlikely you will find success in investing in a business field where you have no experience or skills in that will allow you to pay your debt plus all the additional fees.

Him500's Response to the Issues

After the issue went viral, Him500 posted a video in where he apologized for the dubious advice that he gave. He stated that he only said those as to give examples of alternative ways of finding funding and that it is only for informational purposes. While he understands that people may take everything he says as practical solutions, he gives a guarantee that the things he says on podcasts for "informational purposes" are not what he teaches in his programs.

Marcus Barney Him500 Reddit Reviews

The reviews of Him500 on Reddit are because of his connections with Earn Your Leisure (EYL). Marcus was a frequent guest in their podcasts and live interviews and currently is partnered with them for their EYL University platform. EYL has been a subject of several controversies and has also been called out by JT.

marcus barney review
marcus barney review

Who Is Macrus Barney Him500?

marcus barney review

Marcus Barney, popularly known as Him500, is a serial entrepreneur and financial literacy coach from Atlanta, Georgia. He is regarded as one leader of financial literacy within the African American community. Marcus is the creator of the Recession Proof brand and co-owns Recession Proof Tax & Co with his wife Turquoise Barney aka Her500. He also had a jet rental business, Barney Aviation, which is no longer active as of 2023.

Despite the scandals, he continues to be an active financial literacy educator and leader in the African American community. Marcus has an 8 Figure Club Award from Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels, which is a proof that his programs are very popular throughout the United States. While not famous enough to have a Marcus Barney Wikipedia entry, he has a big following on social media with over 448K followers on Instagram.

Macrus Barney Him500 Net Worth

Marcus Barney’s (Him500) net worth is estimated at $8 million. His income mainly comes from selling financial literacy programs. Marcus also makes money through several businesses in multiple industries.

Macrus Barney Him500 Weight Loss Journey

Marcus Barney Him500 lost weight through surgery and proper dieting. Previously at 360 pounds, he was afflicted with many health problems, such as sleep apnea and diabetes, that were affecting his businesses. He had to be pulled off from business conferences for months because of health issues and had to be sent to hospital. His declining health led to a gastric bypass surgery. After recovering and following a healthier lifestyle with an Alkaline diet, regular cardio exercises, and proper dieting, Marcus lost 190 pounds of fat.

Macrus Barney Him500 Criminal Record

Marcus Barney has a criminal record from when he was 23 years old. Marcus was working at a sprint store when he was accused of stealing 6 shipments, totaling 150 iPhones, worth more than $100,000 in 3 days. Police reported that the orders were made using a fake corporate account number. The phones were believed to have been delivered to a residence in southwest Atlanta, but no links were found to the residents and Barney. The sentence was not disclosed to the public.

What Is Marcus Barney Him500 Recession Proof Xtreme?

marcus barney review

Recession Proof Xtreme is Marcus Barney’s financial literacy brand. It was previously the platform for his courses. Currently, the platform only offers 1 course and a free mini video series. Marcus also frequently holds a 2-day live masterclass, called Build Your Business Bootcamp, every month in Atlanta, Georgia. The live masterclass is the same price as the Financial Literacy Class.

Previous courses included:

  • Tradeline Business
  • Personal And Business Funding
  • Strategies And Luxury Car Hacks
Recession Proof Xtreme has since migrated to the EYL University platform.

What Does Recession Proof Teach?

Recession Proof Xtreme teaches you how to repair your credit score in 90 days and how to cash out capital from your credit card to invest at 0% interest rate. You can access the first module for free. You can also watch a 5-part video mini series featuring Marcus Barney's wife where you can learn how to adopt a business mindset and more.

Financial Literacy Class

  • Module 1: Recession Proof DIY Credit Repair
  • Module 2: Recession Proof Credit Report Structuring
  • Module 3: Recession Proof Funding
  • Module 4: Recession Proof Utilization Hiding

Her500 Mini Video Series

  • Part 1: Mindset! Separate Business & Personal
  • Part 2: How To Stay Motivated
  • Part 3: Life, Household and Business Systems
  • Part 4: Inner Circle & Setting Boundaries
  • Part 5: Him500 Bonus Video

What Is Earn Your Leisure (EYL) University Powered by Recession Proof?

marcus barney review

Earn You Leisure University Powered by Recession Proof (EYL University) is the educational platform of the Earn Your Leisure brand that has a collection of 20+ online courses. The courses are created by Marcus Barney and Recession Proof, and other African American entrepreneurs. EYL University currently offers 36 courses and programs and is planning to expand this list to over 100. The goal is to give students the essential tools to learn financial literacy and achieve financial independence by investing in a variety of online business models.

What Do You Learn in Earn Your Leisure (EYL) University?

  • Automobile Monetization
  • Break Bread with MG The Mortgage Guy
  • Business Mastermind
  • CEO Conversations
  • Coaching Calls
  • Content Mastery
  • Controlling The Market
  • The Insider Secrets Of A 7-Figure ECommerce Earner
  • Conventions & Festivals
  • Corporate Credit Course
  • The Corporate Credit Course with Herman Dolce
  • Course Creation
  • Credit
  • Credit Repair with Dominique Brown
  • Education
  • Facebook Advertising
  • Freight Broker
  • Her500 Mini Video Series
  • Infinite Banking Blueprint
  • Insurance
  • International Business & Investing
  • Investing
  • Mental Health
  • Personal Branding with Dan Fleyshman
  • How You Can Leverage Your Personal Brand To Become More Influential, Create More Impact and Generate
    Personal Finances
  • Real Estate
  • Retirement
  • Stock Options Trading
  • Taxes
  • The Homebuyers Blueprint Vol. 1
  • The Homebuyers Blueprint Vol. 2
  • The Rehab Pack
  • Webinar Cash Flow

EYL University plans to keep expanding their program list. Courses coming soon include the following:

  • How to Start a Credit Repair Business
  • Dispute Mastery
  • Wholesale Real Estate Course
  • Vitamin IV Hydration

How To Get $250,000 with Him500 Through Financial Polygamy

What is Marcus Barney's Financial Polygamy Concept?

Financial Polygamy is a concept that teaches students how to diversify their finances. Instead of focusing on one income stream, Marcus tells his students to try different money strategies, like investing and earning interest from banks. The goal is to get rich through various money-making methods. It's about learning to change when needed and making financial relationships work for you. 

How to Leverage the Financial Polygamy Concept in Business

Marcus recommends creating strong connections with banks and credit unions. You should be a good bank customer by maintaining an excellent credit score. He suggests you should work with both big banks and smaller credit unions. Credit unions can sometimes give you more credit at better interest rates. The key is to work smartly and take advantage of the flexibility offered by different financial partners. 

What's not mentioned in the video: Smaller credit unions may not have the same level of financial stability as larger banks. It is riskier to invest in credit unions, especially in the event of economic downturn. 

Can You Really Learn Financial Literacy From Marcus Barney Him500?

You can really learn financial literacy from Marcus Barney, although you just have to be careful in determining which advice is good or bad. Amidst the controversy, his programs continue to be popular, especially among members of the African American community. He has also been featured in interviews with reputable entrepreneurs like Ryan Pineda, where he has given some credible advice on building your financial resources. Marcus claims that he has helped 30+ people become millionaires. There isn't any evidence of this and he hasn't given out any details, so take it with a grain of salt. Marcus seems more legitimate than other entrepreneurs like Wesley Virgin. You can also check out Jack McColl whose Credit Stacking course teaches you how to get approved for multiple high-limit business credit cards with 0% interest.

Related Articles on Online Business

Why Local Lead Generation Can Be Your Ticket Out of Debt

Local lead generation is a low-cost business with high earning potential that can take you out of debt, repair your credit score, and more. For an initial investment as low as $500 to pay for the tools, hosting, etc., you can start your local lead generation business. You create a website and optimize it to rank on local Google search. This website will generate leads which local businesses will be happy to pay for. Renting out a single website to local business can immediately earn you up to $2,000 of completely passive income.


Not only can a local lead generation business take you out of debt, it can even replace your main source of income. To scale this business, you simply need to repeat the process. There are hundred of niches and thousands of local areas to choose from, which makes the earning potential limitless. The local lead generation business model may just be your ticket to financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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