What is Entrepreneur? Characteristics, Skills, and Strategies

July 20, 2023

What is Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is an individual who develops a new business or businesses and then runs it, taking a greater financial risk. However, someone can call himself an entrepreneur if they do not own a company, but a leader and innovate in their own space. A simple definition of entrepreneur is a person who creates a business.

What is entrepreneur example? An example of an entrepreneur is someone working to make money in local lead generation, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, or another innovative idea unique to themselves.

How to pronounce entrepreneur: on-truh-preh-noor

Entrepreneur vs businessman: the difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman is that a businessman simply works in business. An entrepreneur also works in business, but typically is their own boss and pushes the boundaries of what is possible.

What is entrepreneurship? The definition of entrepreneurship is the act or condition of finding a hole in a market and working to fill that hole with a new idea, product, service, or business.

Some entrepreneurship examples are:

  • Buyer entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur purchases and invests in other businesses.
  • Small business entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur creates and manages their own company with little to no employees.
  • Researcher entrepreneurship - any entrepreneur who relies on deeper analysis of the market to support business actions.
  • Large company entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur is already higher-up in a company and leads by innovation, often producing rapid growth.
  • Imitator entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur takes another company’s or individual’s ideas and turns them into a business or improves an existing business.
  • Scalable startup entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur has a vision that can change a large market.
  • Hustler entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur who works the hardest.
  • Social entrepreneurship - social entrepreneurs are inspired to use their business skills towards social change and betterment.
  • Innovative entrepreneurship - the entrepreneur is a fountain of ideas, constantly creating and building off new ideas for business.

There are many types of entrepreneur, beyond small business, large company, hustler, and others. The best type of entrepreneur completely depends on who you are. As long as the passion and drive are there, you have a good chance at being successful. In my own words, the importance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs is the freedom it provides to the individual along with economic development. Entrepreneurship can lead to some income equality and higher economic growth. But the main effect of entrepreneurship in China was a declining poverty rate. Moreover, a social entrepreneur can make some real positive change through their business opportunity.

10 Definitions of Entrepreneurship and Related Terms

  • What is entrepreneurship in marketing? Entrepreneurship in marketing is when an individual builds a stream of income from a marketing business, like a digital marketing agency.
  • What is entrepreneur mindset? The entrepreneur mindset is the way any individual who wants to be a serial entrepreneur must think. They must cultivate a go-getting, resilient, persuasive, and determined mindset to succeed. For example, freelance writers who leverage writing sites that pay daily to expedite their earnings can scale their business faster.
  • What is entrepreneurship development? Entrepreneurship development is the ongoing act of learning and growing in various aspects of entrepreneurship, from market research to finance to scaling.
  • What is entrepreneurial skills? Entrepreneurial skills are abilities that are necessary to build and manage businesses. Some entrepreneurial skills are leadership, accounting, technical skills, communication, and more.
  • What is the entrepreneurial process? The entrepreneurial process is a set of steps in which most people looking to start a business follow. The process typically includes generating an idea, developing a business plan, evaluating for an opportunity, resourcing and planning, company formation, company launch, managing the company, harvesting, discovery, and growth. Entrepreneurs often hire an individual who wants to become a remote closer, allowing the owner to focus on scaling their company.
  • What is entrepreneur in residence? An entrepreneur in residence, or EIR, is a usually temporary job position at a venture capital firm. A venture capitalist pays capital for equity in another company.
  • What is entrepreneurship course? An entrepreneurship course is a class that teaches individuals how to hone their business mindsets and ideas. Some entrepreneurship courses are online, like Jeff Lerner and his ENTRE Institute.
  • What is entrepreneur personality? An entrepreneur's personality is a combination of characteristics typical of an individual who would want to start and manage their own business. These traits are disciplined, resourceful, creative, problem-solving, and more.
  • What is entrepreneur relief? Entrepreneurs’ relief is a capital gains tax break for the small business owner. It was renamed Business Asset Disposal Relief in 2020.
  • What is entrepreneurship characteristics? Entrepreneurship characteristics are qualities and features of a person that complement the entrepreneurial aesthetic: curious, disciplined, and driven.


To define what is entrepreneur is difficult because anyone can be an entrepreneur. There is no single set list of characteristics or actions that makes someone an entrepreneur. You don't have to be Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs to be successful. Ultimately, an entrepreneur is anyone with any personality that creates and manages their own business based on their own ideas and vision.

What are the Characteristics and Key Skills of an Entrepreneur?

Some characteristics of aspiring entrepreneurship are:

  • Inventive

  • Creative

  • Disciplined 

  • Passionate

  • Curious

  • Motivated

  • Open

  • Experienced

  • Knowledgeable

  • Honest

  • Confident

  • Intuitive

  • Optimistic

  • Risk-taking

  • Persuasive

  • Persistent

  • Adaptive

  • Aggressive

Entrepreneurs are aggressive because often, when building your own business, you need to rely on your own conviction to make things happen. There is no one else to rely on but yourself in your business venture, and so you may push harder to make a sale, sign a deal, or sell a new product.

What is entrepreneur skills? Entrepreneur skills are certain abilities that help individuals become successful entrepreneur. Some skills of an entrepreneur include:

  • Communication
  • Accounting skills
  • Foresight
  • Work Ethic
  • Market research skills
  • Sales
  • Analysis
  • Negotiation skills

The most challenging thing to an entrepreneur is stress and managing it. This is because much of being an entrepreneur causes stress- from the unpredictability of your market to lack of income guarantee. So, self-care is another important skill that successful entrepreneurs must have.

Entrepreneurs can be born or made when it comes to the nature of entrepreneurship. Characteristics like creativity, knowledge, and passion paired with skills like sales and a strong work ethic make someone an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur mindset is curious and persistent, always seeking to find new solutions. You can adopt the entrepreneurial mindset by cultivating the skills through educating yourself with online courses and encouraging the best of your natural characteristics to come through. Anybody can be an entrepreneur.

My personal history prepared me for the challenges of being an entrepreneur by putting a desire in my heart to do more. I started at a typical office cubicle making about $2200 a month. I worked so much that I wasn’t able to do what I loved or see the people that were most important to me. But now, with local lead generation, I have the freedom to travel and provide a best life for myself that I could imagine.

What Exactly Do Entrepreneurs Do?

Entrepreneurs do a variety of tasks in their businesses, including:

  • Coming up with new ideas or solutions
  • Testing those ideas through market research
  • Strategic planning
  • Forming a new entity
  • Understand legal requirements surrounding starting and running their business
  • Networking
  • Outsourcing or creating their own marketing campaigns
  • Researching and using appropriate technology that may allow them to automate
  • Accounting and financial management along with possible fundraising
  • Monitoring and ordering inventory
  • Hire or become content creators themselves 
  • Hiring, training, and retaining employees
  • Constantly learn and adapt that entrepreneurial spirit, either through life experiences or continuing education

Daily, entrepreneur work on their business by: 

  1. Creating a plan and establishing a routine

  2. Making calls to clients, investors, or suppliers

  3. Network with other companies or professionals

  4. Perform self-care

  5. Tracks the progress of their business

  6. Create online marketing and social media marketing campaigns

  7. Negotiate prices, cost of rental spaces, and more.

Food service, construction, finance and insurance, retail, wholesale, real estate, rental, hospitality, leasing, health care, auto repair, social assistance, freight trucking, small business administration, transportation, alcohol sales, gas stations, nutrition, warehousing, arts, landscaping, entertainment, recreation, manufacturing, agriculture, and website design are the industries that small business entrepreneurs work in. Many entrepreneurs make money online with businesses like:

  • Local lead generation

  • Amazon FBA

  • Affiliate marketing

  • YouTube 

  • Digital marketing and more.

Being an entrepreneur is a good job, as long as you can handle the uncertainty, hard work, and continue your drive to success. The highest paid entrepreneur job is a management analyst at $82,854 / year, according to Indeed. But really, a business owner can make almost any business much more profitable than that. For instance, I make $52,000/month with local lead generation.

Do Entrepreneurs Make Money?

Yes, entrepreneurs make money. Entrepreneurs make money by building a successful business and then scaling that business or creating other income streams. Some entrepreneurs become millionaires. All entrepreneurs pay taxes, and typically end up paying more than the amount taken from a typical paycheck. However, there are loopholes, like write offs, that you can use as an entrepreneur in order to lower the amount of taxes you owe.

How Long Does it Take to Start a Career in Entrepreneurship?

It takes 3 or more years to start a career in entrepreneurship. But, it depends on the business you want to start. For instance, it takes much less time to start a local lead generation business than opening up a new restaurant.

To start a career in entrepreneurship:

  • Entrepreneurs need money, especially at the start of their business. Many entrepreneurs use bootstrap financing. If an entrepreneur says they are using “bootstrap financing” what are they referring to? Bootstrap financing is a term for when the entrepreneur uses their own money to start and run their business.
  • Find a gap in the market that you want to fill. Then, you need to conduct market research. Market research is important for new business ideas because you may find out that no one wants to buy your product or service before you spend money on the startup. For this step, you can use tools like Opportunity Canvas Analysis.
  • Decide what kind of business you want to run. For example, the difference between a startup and a small business is that startups expand faster and grow into large corporations, while small businesses remain localized or smaller.
  • Prepare your new business. To gather the necessary resources to get a given business idea off the ground, you may need to find suppliers, create marketing campaigns, and hire workers, depending on the business you chose.
  • Make sure your entrepreneurial activity is set up legally. To make sure your entrepreneurial venture meets local regulation and laws, you can reach out to your states’ small business help organization. At the very least, register as an LLC.


An entrepreneur is a creative, passionate, driven, and knowledgeable individual who uses their analysis, sales, and other skills to start and manage their own business. I have done this with local lead generation. With this business model, I build digital assets that promote local services and rent these assets out to different local companies, bringing in monthly revenue. We help small businesses get the leads that they need, while also bringing in income and scaling to build more sites.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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