Hands Free Automation Review | From Selling T-Shirts and Cannabis to Multiple Income Streams

March 25, 2024

Hands Free Automation is a company that provides a variety of automated businesses for their clients, like Airbnb automation, trucking automation, and Amazon private label automation. The company has managed over 400 clients since it started. In this Hands Free Automation Review, we will look into their services, the people behind it, and what their services can give you.

Founded by Anthony Agyeman and his partner Megan Shears in 2020, Hands Free Automation currently offers done-for-you Airbnb, Amazon, Shopify, and Trucking automation services. They previously provided Walmart automation and have a YouTube automation service on the way.

Investing in a done-for-you online business is a good way to earn passive income. The thing is, you only get a share of the profits, and your success depends on their performance. Local lead generation is a passive income model by design. You don't need anyone to run things for you in exchange for a share of the profits. By creating a site and ranking it on Google to rent it out to local businesses, you earn a predictable passive income.

Multiple Automated Income Stream

Anthony Agyeman believes in multiple streams of income. This led him to invest in multiple ventures, including 4 8-figure businesses. Having multiple income streams is a safety net that creates financial security. Even if one venture fails, you still have other businesses to keep money coming in.

Take note that Anthony refers to multiple income streams similar to Jack Gibson, not what is taught in Multiple Income Funnel

The idea of providing a way for his clients to have the chance to have multiple automated income streams led to the creation of Hands Free Automation services. This is for those who do not have time to manage a business but are eager to invest and make money online.

Pros and Cons of Hands Free Automation

By signing up for Hands Free Automation services, you basically become a passive investor. On the sales funnel landing pages for their services, the videos will be presented by a guy named "Josh," who explains how the specific service you chose works. You will then be directed to book a 75-minute Zoom call to discuss the offer further.


Anthony and Megan are both highly successful entrepreneurs.

The programs are done-for-you.

Your business is handled by a team experienced in their respective services.


No price transparency

Your income and success are tied to the performance of their teams.

You only take a share of the profits.


Prices will be discussed during the 75-minute zoom call and will depend on what service and how much you will invest.

Refund Policy

No known refund policies.


Sources show that the company started in 2020.


Both Anthony and Megan are reputable entrepreneurs and it reflects on their businesses.

Who Is Anthony Agyeman?

Anthony Agyeman is an entrepreneur based in Miami, Florida. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and grew up in Houston, Texas. At 16 years old, he traveled around the United States, joining competitive Esports tournaments. He also ran a community cinema YouTube channel. In 2016, he created a t-shirt brand named "Murderous Clothing." Anthony went the influencer route for marketing and sent his shirts to iconic artists.

Troubles with the law and venture into ecommerce

While selling t-shirts, he also sold cannabis on the side and got caught; he ended up paying $40K in lawyer and court fees. Finding it hard to find work because of his criminal record, Anthony looked to ecommerce. He tried dropshipping in 2017 for 6 months but didn't do well. After losing thousands of dollars, he signed up for a mentorship and started researching sales psychology. He started doing better and eventually sold high-ticket products.

Anthony's marketing strategy was to use Facebook ads, dynamic retargeting ads, and SEO tactics to rank on Google. He prioritized taking care of his customers in order to encourage repeat business. By building a community, he created organic traffic that's actively participating. He mentioned he did ecommerce to build capital to invest in real estate. He currently has 3 successful automated dropshipping stores.

Automation and other businesses

hands free automation review

In 2020, Anthony co-founded Hands Free Automation. The company's goal was to offer clients a done-for-you automated business. They would earn money by splitting the profits with the client. He also co-founded Vegan Gummies, which sells vegan vitamin gummies, CBD gummies, and candy gummies. He is also the co-founder of Marketing Wizards, which offers marketing services to businesses. Anthony is also an active real estate investor.

Social media

hands free automation review

Anthony is featured in dozens of publications and podcasts and is a Fobes council member. He is known as "onlinemoney" on his verified Instagram account, which has 79K followers. In 2022, he and his partner Megan Shears received the Two Comma Club Award from ClickFunnels.

Anthony Agyeman's Alleged Fake Meeting with Airbnb Executive 

Background of the Story

HFA claimed to use proprietary software to automate the Airbnb arbitrage process, especially in finding properties to re-list and markup. However, this seems to have violated Airbnb's terms of service, leading to risk of shutdown. Hands-Free Automation also refused to honor their 100% refund promise. 

Anthony Agyeman and Megan Shear's Claims 

  • High income with no risk and returns exceeding those of the stock market.
  • They claimed proprietary relationships with Airbnb and VRBO and said they had over 200,000 properties. 
  • Make money in 19 to 36 days 

Fake Meeting with Airbnb Exec

  • HFA allegedly created a fake video showing a meeting between Anthony Agyeman and an Airbnb executive, David LaVine. The video was manipulated to make it appear as though Airbnb endorsed their business model.
  • A victim mentioned that the video used an Airbnb employee’s face to mislead investors into believing HFA had a legitimate connection with Airbnb. 
  • Anthony and Megan claimed they had an exclusive contract with thousands of resorts and hotels.

Legal and Financial Implication

  • Numerous investors filed a lawsuit against HFA for their alleged fraud and deceptive practices.
  • HFA refused to honor its 100% money-back guarantee, with several investors losing thousands of dollars.
  • The video also mentions Anthony's potential financial struggles, which were evident in the lawsuits filed against him by credit card companies.

Who Is Megan Shears?

Megan Shears is an entrepreneur based in Miami, Florida. She is in a relationship with Anthony Agyeman and is the co-founder of Hands Free Automation and Vegan Gummies. She is the social media marketing specialist at the 6-figure agency, Marketing Wizards.

Originally from Houston, Texas, Megan dropped out of college when her dad had a stroke. She moved back home to take care of her dad and took a job at a check cashing place. Around this time, she started researching ecommerce and started her dropshipping business. She created a hair and beauty brand called Bizarre Beauty Bar.

Megan now owns a couple of successful dropshipping businesses. She also does modeling on the side and has 26K followers on Instagram.

Who Is Hands Free Automation For?

Hands Free Automation services are for people who have more money than time who want to have their own automated online business. The services are completely hands off, so these are for those who are okay with having no personalization with their business.

Airbnb Hands Free Automation

airbnb hands free automation review

Signing up for this service will essentially make you an investor. They claim to have built a network of 200K properties around the world that are ready to list on Airbnb.You'll get some of these properties for your own listing, the quality and how many will depend on the amount you're willing to invest. A team will then handle all the processes necessary to get your company up and running in 19-36 days.

Basically, you'll be taking on the role of a passive investor. The team will run every aspect of your business for you in exchange for a split of the profits. The return on investment is estimated to take 3-6 months.

Amazon Hands Free Automation

amazon hands free automation review

Previously known as AMZ Handsfree, which also offered dropshipping and wholesaling, the team has been building ecommerce stores since 2015. The team will create an LLC for you under your name. They will then find a performing product and create a private label brand for you to sell on your Amazon FBA store. The products are taken to the company headquarters in Houston, Texas, to have photographs taken for the listing.

Your store will be up and running within 19-36 days and will be run and managed by the team, requiring no input from you at all in exchange for a profit split.

Trucking Hands Free Automation

trucking hands free automation

The trucking automation service is handled by a team that has experience in trucking and automation since 2015. You will act as a financial partner when investing in this service. Upon investing, the team will purchase a semi-truck and put it under your name. They will handle the hiring of the driver, processes from inspections to ownership transfer, finding contracts, and everyday operations.

The entire setup process will take between 32 and 94 days. Once set up, the team will use the proprietary software that allows them to scan contracts and find the most desirable ones to secure. You will receive a 50% split of the profits, which averages $6,500 a month.

Shopify Hands Free Automation

shopify hands free automation review

In 19-36 days, the team will create an optimized Shopify dropshipping store for you. The services include branding, optimized listings with professional photography, and management of suppliers and manufacturers. They will also take care of day-to-day tasks such as orders, tracking, inventory management, customer support, etc. You don't have to worry about marketing, as the team will create and run ads and marketing campaigns for you.

Are Clients of Hands Free Automation Successful?

There aren't many client reviews around for Hands Free Automation services, although they do post photos and videos showing some of their client's successes on the company Instagram page. Here are some of the Amazon, Trucking, and Airbnb automation client success:

Online Business Models in 2024

Having multiple streams of income is definitely a good thing. All online businesses come with risks and spreading your investment out in different models will ensure long-term cash flow.

With ecommerce models, dropshipping is highly risky and may not be a sustainable business as you constantly need to keep on top of the trends and worry about longer shipping times. Selling private label products on Amazon FBA or other marketplaces takes a lot of work, from creating brands to competing with other listings in saturated markets.

Then there's affiliate marketing, which I wouldn't recommend as your bread and butter, but is good as a side hustle, especially if you have an already successful business that allows you to promote other products or services. You can even start your own social media marketing business.

Real estate investment yields the highest returns and is frequently the ultimate goal of investors. The problem is, you need a lot of capital, especially as property prices continue to increase. There is also a significant risk associated with real estate investment, including legal risks. You can try the less risky way of investing in digital real estate.

Why Local Lead Generation is the Best Passive Income Business Model in 2024

Airbnb arbitrage, private label, and trucking automation can be good sources of online income. However, these businesses aren't passive and you need to invest substantial time and effort to make a decent profit. 

I've done many online business models, but local lead generation remains to be my number one passive income source. Other online business models can give you passive income through automation, but that would mean you have to create and pay a team to do the work for you. The responsibility of handling a remote team might overwhelm you. The success of your business relies on how well they do their job. 

Real estate investing through Airbnb arbitrage is a big investment with no guaranteed returns. Aside from the huge upfront capital, the property also incurs recurring expenses on property maintenance. With Airbnb arbitrage, you don't have full control of the business. 

A better way to do this is through digital real estate investing through local lead generation. This business model builds digital assets, like websites, and ranks them on Google. The goal is to build many digital assets and generate a lucrative passive income from them. Unlike traditional real estate, digital assets only need very minimal maintenance work. You don't have to hire someone else to work on the business for you, so you have full control of your income. 

Income with local lead generation is much more predictable. The sites generate monthly rental fees from rentals and they also generate leads you can sell at 85% margins. Local business owners will be more than willing to pay you for leads because this keeps their business going. It's an evergreen market with lots of income potential. 

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses

Ippei.com is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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  1. Not sure who a lot of these as I call them "TROLLS" are on here who are complaining on a service they bought. I have had no issues with HFA and am making money in my e-commerce store, it is making a good passive income. In beginning it was slow, and this is due to my market spend, you have to "spend money to make money". Once I increased it to what was recommended ($5) I am now making a good customer base.

  2. HFA and anything Anthony and his cohorts are in will lead to loss of money. They stole 32k plus and were complete frauds.

  3. HFA is the worst! Anthony and his team are a joke. They take your money and do not support as stated. DO NOT do business with them unless you want to lose lose lose!

  4. HFA is a scam. I’m one of the fortunate ones who lost just $3k as opposed to the multiple who lost over $30k. Unbelievable these folks are still operating at all.

  5. Anthony's company HFA consulting (Hands Free Automation) has been scamming people left and right. There are posts all over the internet about it. They stole $35,000 from me personally. Once signed up with their program, they go dark.

  6. Signed up been 5 months, Airbnb has deactivated the account every time it goes live. They don't have a phone number to call, only use slack to communicate. Now they are ignoring me. DO NOT JOIN

  7. I onboarded with HFA – AirBnB 4 months ago and my business has been scaling up super fast!

    Super strange to read all these comments here. A friend who was interested with Hands Free Automation told me to look at the comments here.

    1. Youre lucky, they cost my my former STR business and clients on top of the money and lost revenue that HFA cost my company.

    2. That’s awesome!! No one will reply to me and I got kicked out of slack channel.. do you have a contact number

  8. I signed up for their Airnbn HFA. It is pretty much a scam. For over 8 months I didn’t make a penny out of this investment. They won’t respond to my inquiries.

    1. I did as well. I actually tried to cancel within my cancelation period and all I got was the run around in Slack from his many team members. He even personally called me with promises. I sent an official cancelation notice and request for refund. Total silence ever since. I will be filing a complaint with the FTC and other authorities.

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