Marcus Campbell’s Affiliate Marketing Dude Review: Generate Leads Using ChatGPT?

August 14, 2024

Affiliate Marketing Dude is a collection of affiliate marketing programs by Marcus Campbell. You can learn how to create and rank websites to promote your affiliate offers and earn passively from commissions. The programs focus on CPA affiliate marketing using free lead generation methods. There are also done-for-you services and products available.

CPA in affiliate marketing stands for cost per action, meaning you get a commission every time a certain action is performed using your affiliate link. Examples of actions are verified purchases, newsletter subscriptions, trial subscriptions, digital downloads, etc. There are two ways of marketing your CPA offers, paid method and free methods. Example of paid methods are paid ads like Google and Facebook ads. Example of free marketing methods are blogging, social media posting, email marketing, etc. Ranking websites on Google search to attract motivated leads to your market affiliate offer is the focus of Affiliate Marketing Dude. You can rank websites on Google search using SEO.

Local lead generation is a type of digital real estate business model that uses SEO to rank websites on Google search, then renting it out to local businesses. Instead of relying on commission from CPA offers, this rank and rent method creates predictable monthly income. Check out local lead generation for a more stable method of creating passive income.

Affiliate Marketing Dude Pros and Cons


Marcus has over 20 year's experience in affiliate marketing.

Different offers depending on your need.

Lifetime weekly coachings.


Marcus's website design is outdated and disorganized.

His videos offer some value but have a lot of fillers and he keeps getting sidetracked.

Overpriced and under-delivered.


Affiliate Marketing Dude Simple Sites Bootcamp 3.0 costs $2,497. $1,277 for High Ticket Niches. $297 for Simple Sites Big Profits. $127 + $37/month. Done-For-You Premium Domains prices vary per site depending on ranking.

Refund Policy

Affiliate Marketing Dude has a no refund policy.


Reviews are mostly positive for the value of his training but are mostly negative for the quality of done-for-you services.

October 3, 2024

He gives out good info but do not get his simple site course I got it the some months ago I was super open and followed all the necessary instructions but as I moved through the course I realized most of the videos on different topics don’t work he’s provides great information but for as long as I was in the course I’ve never seen any students results and he never shows it I upgraded to HTN and for the trainings he just try to sell more of his stuff I’m not being bias I’m giving an honest review , I truly understand why he says his results are not typical parts of the course does not work. Please fix your site or step telling people to buy a half working product and update it with current videos its 2024 and you have videos that are showing things from 10 years ago tech has evolved it seems you are keeping all the good stuff to yourself alll in all I do like his methods had to go outside the course to search the topics where the video didn’t work but the title flow did help looking at it optimistically but a lot of the websites needs updated videos. If anyone wants to know if its worth it I would say if your just tying to get an understanding as to how things fit together yes but the price should be downgraded, No, if you your looking to understand it from a more modern perspective your better off just watching his YouTube videos I wish I would had a resource other then google to gauge these courses but he did make me better because I had to go figure it out I say thanks Marcus!

August 6, 2024

this guy is a hack


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)

How Can You Drive Leads to Your Affiliate Link Using AI Chatbots?

Affiliate marketing is all about promoting the affiliate product in order to get commission. Marcus has done Facebook and Google ads but mostly focuses on SEO for lead generation. He claims that using AI chatbots such as ChatGPT or Google Bard are effective ways of free marketing. He explains that there are 2 ways in which you can use AI chatbots to generate leads.

1. Ranking Web Pages

In theory, AI writing tools such as ChatGPT can help with your SEO by generating quality content and optimizing the featured snippets. However, Google will most likely have means of detecting AI generated content. Google constantly updates its SEO algorithm with old effective methods such as keyword stuffing no longer working. AI writing technology is also still fairly new, so it still developing to work out its kinks.

One big problem with AI generated writing is that AI chatbots pull out information from what's available on the web. For example, if I were to write a blog post about a new product in an obscure niche using AI, it would have limited resources from which to pull data from. If a competitor would write a blog post based on manually researched data, that post will have more valuable content and will be ranked over yours.

To summarize it all, using AI generated content may not help your search engine rankings and can even damage it. In the future, the Google algorithm can even outright down rank pages with flagged AI generated content in order to promote high-quality researched and expert written content.

2. Answering Questions on Forums

The second method for using AI to generate leads is more plausible. It works by visiting forums that are based on your niche and answering questions with valuable information and promoting your affiliate link. This is the marketing strategy of giving free valuable information in order to promote an offer.

Using AI chatbots to create detailed answers to questions based on your affiliate products niche can save you a significant time and effort. The poster and other readers would appreciate your valuable answer, creating trust and curiosity, and may click your affiliate link.

Who Is Marcus Campbell’s Affiliate Marketing Dude For?

  • Beginners who want to learn how to create an affiliate marketing business using free marketing.
  • Beginners who want a done-for-you affiliate marketing domain.
  • Affiliate marketers who want to learn lead generation from blog posting.
  • Affiliate marketers looking for high converting ranked domains.

What Do You Get With Marcus Campbell’s Affiliate Marketing Dude?

Simple Sites Bootcamp 3.0

The Simple Sites Bootcamp 3.0 is a 16-week hands on affiliate marketing course and live training 3 times a week, including a traffic and sales class. You'll also be given your own top auction domain, complete with content and access to copywriting lessons. In addition, you'll have access to other Affiliate Marketing Dude programs, learn how to flip domains, and lifetime weekly coaching calls with Marcus.

affiliate marketing dude review

High Ticket Niches

High Ticket Niches is the most popular program of Affiliate Marketing Dude. With this program, Marcus hand picks a profitable niche with low competition, finds the best domain name, and sets up the site for you. You get access to WordPress plugins, marketing tools, weekly zoom calls with Marcus, and the Simple Sites Big Profits course. Your custom website comes with content, but it would be better to edit or create your own content as reviews have not been great in this aspect. Marcus claims that you get over $5,000 in value from this program.

affiliate marketing dude review

Simple Sites Big Profits

With Simple Sites Big Profits, you get the detailed affiliate marketing course for beginners with weekly live coaching calls. You will also gain access to WordPress plugins, marketing tools, and 90 days access to the Blog Profit Network program. This is the do it yourself Affiliate Marketing Dude program where you can get all you need to create simple and effective sites by copying Marcus's methods and examples.

affiliate marketing dude review

The hosting sites I recommend are Bluehost, DreamHost, and GoDaddy. These hosting sites are great for beginners creating new sites.

Blog Profit Network

Blog Profit Network is for beginners and current affiliate marketers. This is a blog support forum where you'll be able to find help and support for your websites. You will have access to WordPress plugins, marketing tools, weekly coaching calls, and affiliate marketing video training for beginners. All the tools you need to create and rank your blog are provided.

affiliate marketing dude review

“Done-For-You” Premium Domains

You can purchase done-for-you ranked websites from Affiliate Marketing Dude. These are currently active ranked affiliate marketing sites with price varying depending on the rank and performance.

affiliate marketing dude review

Are Students of Marcus Campbell’s Affiliate Marketing Dude Successful?

There are a handful of video testimonials on the Affiliate Marketing Dude official website. The videos come with the disclaimer that these people are compensated affiliates of Marcus. Reviews outside the website have been more negative. Most complaints come with the quality and timing of their services. Take all reviews, both positive and negative, with a grain of salt.

Who Is Marcus Campbell?

marcus campbell

Marcus Campbell is an affiliate marketer and entrepreneur from Central Florida. In 2000, he started his affiliate marketing business,, after learning about affiliate marketing from his brother. He made a living promoting affiliate offers, such as earning an average of $21 a day for a cigar offer, $157 a day for a tattoo offer, $124 a day for an abs workout offer. He got his big break when he earned about $2 million in commission for a Myspace glitter offer, which paid $2.5 in commission per download.

Originally from Vacaville, California, Marcus moved to Florida after recovering from alcoholism. He started an online program for people suffering from alcoholism. Marcus has over 183,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel that has over 1,100 videos and live recordings.

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It in 2024?

Affiliate marketing is still profitable in 2024 if you know how to effectively market offers in a highly profitable niche. You need good skills, the proper tools, and an effective strategy to make good profits. Most affiliate marketers make as much as $0-$80,000 a year, while 15% make over $80,000 yearly. Only 1% of affiliate marketers make six figures a year. Pat Flynn is the highest paid affiliate marketer earning anywhere between $600,000 and $700,000 a year. His success allowed him to expand his business into the online education industry with programs and courses under Smart Passive Income.

Affiliate marketing programs are mostly legit. But be careful of less legitimate affiliate programs and scams. Beware of affiliate programs that ask you to pay a fee to join or those that have dubious reputation or product as it could damage your reputation, especially if you have an established brand.

Affiliate marketing is good for long-term income, with the right offer and strategy. The most successful affiliate marketers take years for them to build a following, earn credibility, and to scale.

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

Affiliate marketing is easy for beginners. However, depending on the methods and strategies you use, it could be a low-cost, low-risk business or a high-cost, high-risk business. You can be successful in affiliate marketing by investing time and money into your business. Learning the right skills and finding the most effective strategy that works with your niche and style takes time and money.

You can start affiliate marketing with no money. All you need is a laptop and internet connection and you can start promoting and earning from affiliate offers. Affiliate marketing programs often pay weekly or monthly. There are some affiliate programs that pay daily, but these are often restricted to trusted affiliates.

How To Do Affiliate Marketing

  • Choose a niche - The first step of creating an affiliate marketing business is to find a profitable niche. Try to choose a niche that has high search volume and low competition. Technology is currently the best niche for affiliate marketing. This is followed closely by the wealth and health fitness niches.
  • Join an affiliate program - Apply to an affiliate program that has a valuable offer with good commission rates. Make sure the company does not have a bad reputation.
  • Pick a marketing strategy - Choose a marketing strategy on which to specialize. There are paid and free methods of marketing, each with their pros and cons. Make sure you do your research to avoid common costly mistakes.
  • Market your affiliate offer - Create quality content or run effective marketing campaigns in order to maximize lead generation. Collect your commission.

Conclusion: Is Affiliate Marketing Dude Worth It?

In my opinion, Affiliate Marketing Dude is not actually worth it. The programs focus on creating your own website to market your affiliate offers and yet if you look at the Affiliate Marketing Dude website, it could indicate what you can expect. Their sales page is confusing and disorganized, has typos, and has this outdated design that reminds you of sales pages in the 90s. The site appears to have not been updated since 2020. Customer reviews of their done-for-you services have not been positive.

Marcus’s style appears to be geared towards marketing to an older demographic. He also does not teach other digital marketing methods that have proven highly successful, such as social media marketing. Overall, I would not recommend Affiliate Marketing Dude for these reasons as there are more updated and complete affiliate marketing courses out there.

Related Articles on Affiliate Marketing

  • Kyle Loudoun's Wealthy Affiliate - One of the most popular affiliate marketing courses. Wealthy Affiliate itself has an affiliate program where you can earn recurring monthly and yearly commission.
  • John Crestani's Super Affiliate System - An affiliate marketing course great for beginners that teaches how to use paid marketing to promote offers. You will also have access to tools, funnels, affiliate networks and more.
  • Gael Breton's Authority Hacker - An affiliate marketing course that teaches you how to drive traffic to your offers by being a trusted source of authority. This means writing blog posts, hosting podcasts, creating training videos, etc.
  • Paul Murphy’s Affiliate Tube Success Academy - This is a YouTube affiliate marketing course that teaches you how to make money by creating videos promoting a product and ranking it on Google search using SEO.
  • OfferVault - One of the largest and most popular platform for affiliate marketers to find affiliate programs and for businesses to post their offers. Founded by affiliate marketers, you will have access to over 70,000 affiliate offers for free. This platform is also favored by Marcus Campbell.

My Number 1 Passive Income Business Recommendation for 2024?

Local lead generation is my number 1 passive income business recommendation for 2024. With this business model, you rank a site on Google, using free SEO tactics, which generate organic leads which you then rent out to local businesses. The great thing about this is that it creates predictable and stable income. Compared to affiliate marketing, you don't have to compete with many other affiliate marketers who promote the same offers. With local lead generation, there are hundreds of niches in thousands of areas that you can choose from.

Scaling is easy in this business model. To scale, you just need to repeat the process of ranking and renting. There is no limit to how many times you can do this. You can earn as much as $2,000 from a single site, making the earning potential limitless. This makes local lead generation the best business model to create time and financial freedom.

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Ippei Kanehara

$52K per month providing lead generation services to small businesses is for digital hustlers, industry leaders and online business owners.

His #1 online business recommendation in 2024, is to build your own lead generation business.

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